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Monday, September 16, 2024
ENTERTAINMENTYou can rent this property of king Charles III

You can rent this property of king Charles III

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In 2006, he bought a property in Romania that includes a house, a forest, a meadow as far as the eye can see and a craft workshop

Most likely, until now you only associated Transylvania with Count Dracula.

It’s time to add to your imagination and include in the picture the new king of Great Britain – Charles III. It turns out that in 2006 he bought a property in Romania that includes a house, a forest, a meadow as far as the eye can see and a craft workshop, reports Time Out.

The British King’s property is located in the Zalán Valley and is known as the Zalán Guest House or the Prince of Wales Guest House. It is believed to have once been owned by Charles’ Transylvanian ancestors.

The exciting thing about the Zalán Guest House is that you can rent it and make your excursion to Dracula’s Castle even more memorable. As you can imagine, it is magnificently furnished and will bring you as close to a royal’s idea of a country house as possible. You will also be left with a good impression of its surroundings.

The place impresses with a huge flower meadow, a small forest and a training center for local artisans. While walking in nature, you may come across rare species of orchids, but also bears.

Staying at the Transylvanian house of King Charles III is a treat that won’t cost you a fortune. Prices start at €157 per night, with all proceeds going to the Prince’s foundation in Romania.

While enjoying the nature in our northern neighbor, don’t miss the opportunity to try the local cuisine. Here, all ingredients are grown with care and attention. Many will rate székely köményes (local brandy) highly.

The guesthouse also offers day trips and tours to caves, horseback riding, flower picking and wood carving. In other words, it looks like a pretty great place to get to know Transylvanian culture and nature.

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