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BooksDianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively...

Dianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively transforming millions of lives

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KINGNEWSWIRE / FRANKFURT / Four leading book distributors in Europe chose the Frankfurt Buchmesse to deliver their recognitions to the Best-selling book Dianetics from L. Ron Hubbard at the launch of celebrations for its 75th Anniversary and wide distribution since publication in May 9th 1950.

Dianetics was awarded at the Frankfurt Buchmesse in preparation of its 75th Anniversary, by Gazelle, Heureka, LibroCo Italia and Arnoia Distribución de Libros.
Dianetics was awarded at the Frankfurt Buchmesse in preparation of its 75th Anniversary, by Gazelle, Heureka, LibroCo Italia and Arnoia Distribución de Libros.

The 2024 Frankfurt Buchmesse could not have concluded more appropriately than with L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health being acknowledged “for positively and permanently transforming millions of lives over the past three quarters of a century” said a representative.

The book has been honored with four prestigious recognitions from distributors across Europe, as if marking the four cardinal points of the continent.

From the North, the UK acknowledges its continued inspiration; from the South, Italy celebrates its profound impact; from the East, Slovakia praises its enduring legacy; and from the West, Spain highlights its perennial bestseller status.

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Mr. Marvin Blagsde, from Gazelle Book Services offering 75th Anniversary recognition for Dianetics. Received by Mr. David Hosttetler, President New Era Publications.

In this regards, Marvin Blagsden, Managing Director of Gazelle Book Services, presented a commemorative plaque recognizing “the extraordinary legacy” of L. Ron Hubbard, which “continues to inspire and guide people worldwide, making a lasting impact on personal development and well-being.” 

Going down south in EuropeDonatella Nazzi, Manager of Libro Co Italia, recognized L. Ron Hubbard’s “remarkable contribution to literature and human knowledge,” adding, “We are very pleased to distribute Dianetics. We have many interesting ideas for next year’s celebration of your anniversary, and I’m sure we can do a great job together.”

In crossing to Slovakia in eastern EuropeHeureka granted Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard the award “Finalist Product of the Year 2023 in the Category of Books” and flying to the western Europe in Spain, Arnoia Distribución de Libros S.A., a Galician business group at the forefront of book distribution in Spain and abroad for over 30 years, joined in with another award “to congratulate L. Ron Hubbard for his vast and extraordinary body of published works in honor of the 75th anniversary of his perennial bestseller Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.”

L. Ron Hubbard’s Legacy: One of the Most Enduring and Widely Read Authors in Literary History

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Book and lectures library on Dianetics & Scientology, by World Record Guiness author L. Ron Hubbard

As an author, humanitarian, and the founder of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard stands as one of the most acclaimed figures of the modern age

His writing career, which spanned more than half a century, established him as a leading light in American fiction and as the author of over 35 million words of nonfiction—the most comprehensive exploration of the human mind and spirit, providing a unique pathway to total spiritual freedom. 

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Guiness World Records of author L. Ron Hubbard

Recognized as one of the top 20 bestselling authors of all time, Hubbard’s works have been translated into 114 languages, with more than 325 million copies in circulation, including over 3,000 recorded lectures and approximately 5,000 writings. 

In testament to the magnitude of his literary legacy, he holds four Guinness World Records: for most published authormost translated author, the author with the most audiobook titles, and for the single most translated non-religious work.

Dianetics, Time-Tested Technology: Just as Relevant in 2024 as in 1950.

Published on May 9, 1950, a forerunner of Scientology, Dianetics was proclaimed by the national columnist Walter Winchell in a telling prediction, “There is something new coming up in April called Dianetics. A new science which works with the invariability of physical science in the field of the human mind. From all indications it will prove to be as revolutionary for humanity as the first caveman’s discovery and utilization of fire.”

If Winchell’s statement was bold, it was nonetheless accurate, for with Dianetics came the first definitive explanation of human thinking and behavior. Here, too, “was the first means to resolve problems of the human mind, including unreasonable fears, upsets, insecurities and psychosomatic ills of every description” said one of the fans.

At the core of such problems lay what L. Ron Hubbard termed the “reactive mind” and defined as that “portion of a person’s mind which is entirely stimulus-response, which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions.”  

“That the mind still recorded perceptions during moments of partial or full unconsciousness was dimly known. But how the engram impacted physiologically, how it acted upon thinking and behavior—this was entirely new” says one of the readers,In short, here lay a mind, as Mr. Hubbard so powerfully phrased it, “which makes a man suppress his hopes, which holds his apathies, which gives him irresolution when he should act, and kills him before he has begun to live.”

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Dianetics and L Ron Hubbard books stand at Frankfurt Buchmesse 2024

“As word of  Dianetics spread, general response was considerable: more than fifty thousand copies were acquired by the general public immediately off the press, while bookstores struggled to keep it on shelves. As its experienced workability grew, public response grew even more dramatic” said Ivan Arjona-Pelado, European representative for the Church of Scientology.

“Dianetics—Taking U.S. by Storm” and “Fastest Growing Movement in America” read newspaper headlines through the summer of 1950. “While by the end of the year, some 750 Dianetics groups had spontaneously mushroomed from coast to coast and six cities boasted research foundations to help facilitate Mr. Hubbard’s advancement of the subject” continued Arjona-Pelado.

Over the years, Dianetics has become an international phenomenon, with more than 22 million copies in circulation, translated into 50 languages, and distributed in 175 countries worldwide

“As a perennial bestseller, Dianetics is indisputably the most widely read and influential book on the human mind” concluded Arjona-Pelado.

The European Times

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