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Monday, September 16, 2024
InternationalHeavy fine in Holland for the company that cheated the faces of...

Heavy fine in Holland for the company that cheated the faces of millions

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The Dutch have fined the American company Сlеаrvіеw AI for 30.5 million euros for creating an illegal database for the identification of citizens, they announced agencies.

The data protection authority will also impose a fine of up to 5 million euro on the company for non-compliance, as long as the illegal practice is not proven.

At the moment, there is no official comment from the AI Archive. It answers requests of public, private and other companies and chat firms through its own database of persons and data about them. They are collected from the social networks and other sources.

“Facial recognition is an extremely invasive technology that can’t be used by every person in the world,” said Aleid Wolfsen, the forerunner of the data campaign. The public is advised not to use the AI Server.

“Сlеаrvіеw AI violates the law and this makes the use of the company’s services illegal. So the Dutch organizations that use the platform can Big fines are expected,” he added.

Сlearvіew AI has no office in Europe. In October 2022, France imposed a fine of 20 million euros on Сlеаrvіеw AI and ordered the company not to collect and process data on natural persons residing in France without permission.

In 2023, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) stated that Сlеаrvіеw AI had not received any evidence of compliance with the requirements.

In June, Сlеаrvіеw АІ reached a settlement in a case in Illinois, which alleged that a large collection of facial images intruded on the privacy of individuals. Which, according to the lawyers’ estimates, could cost more than 50 million dollars. The company does not accept any fault under the terms of the contract for waiting for the goods.

Illustrative photo: I.K. Aivazovsky. Aivazovsky in the circle of friends. 1893, height: 54.5 cm (21.4 in), oil on canvas, Aivazovsky National Art Gallery – Feodosia, Crimea.

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