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CulturePrinceton Theological Seminary Students visit Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's Residence where...

Princeton Theological Seminary Students visit Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Residence where he wrote his book Dianetics

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KingNewsWire. Professor Afe Adogame led Princeton Theological Seminary students on a tour of L. Ron Hubbard’s former residence in Bay Head, NJ, where Hubbard wrote “Dianetics.” The visit, enriched by historical insights from Mayor William Curtis, highlighted Hubbard’s impact and the home’s significance as a historic site.

In the community of Bay Head, New Jersey, a group of students, from Princeton Theological Seminary set out on an insightful tour through history guided by Professor Afe Adogame, a renowned expert in the exploration of emerging religious movements. This excursion took place before the commemoration of the release of “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health” a significant publication, by L. Ron Hubbard, the esteemed American writer and founder of Scientology.

The famous L. Ron Hubbard Residence, where Mr. Hubbard penned his New York Times bestselling book, was the setting for this learning experience. This residence, currently recognized on the National Register of Historic Places represents a period in Mr. Hubbard’s life and the wider story of religious movements, in America.

Professor Adogame, who earned a doctorate in the history of religions from the University of Bayreuth in Germany is presently teaching Religion and Society at Princeton. Additionally as associate professor of World Christianity and religious studies, and director international at School of Divinity, New College, at The University of Edinburgh in Scotland. His scholarly path and administrative role have positioned him as a figure, in religious studies.

Throughout the tour students learned about Mr. Hubbard’s impact, on religious thinking and the historical background surrounding his endeavors. The house, where Mr. Hubbard resided between September 1949 and April 1950 stands as the sole property, in Bay Head recognized so far by the U.S. Department of the Interior for its historical importance.

The group was welcomed by Bay Head’s Mayor William Curtis, who recently honored Hubbard posthumously with the first-ever Key to the City. Mayor Curtis shared insights into the city’s seafaring heritage and its community’s warmth and friendliness, which he described as the essence of Bay Head’s uniqueness.

The visit also highlighted the longstanding ties between the town and Princeton Theological Seminary, recalling how seminary leaders helped establish the Bay Head Chapel, a local landmark.

Reflecting on the experience, Professor Adogame praised Hubbard’s exceptional qualities, noting his charisma and profound impact on addressing existential and spiritual issues. “Visiting Hubbard’s residence not only connects us with a pivotal moment in religious history but also enriches our understanding of the complex dynamics that shape spiritual movements,” said Adogame.

The L. Ron Hubbard Residence continues to offer tours, attracting visitors keen to trace Hubbard’s steps and explore the origins of Scientology. As the 74th anniversary of “Dianetics” just occurred, the residence remains a pivotal site for those interested in the intersections of religion, history, and culture.

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health is now translated into over 50 languages and with over 22 million copies in the hands of readers in 160 countries.

Born on March 13th, 1911, Mr. Hubbard originally took occupancy of the Bay Head house in the first week of September 1949 and compiled 12 years of independent research into the Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health book. It was additionally in New Jersey that he trained the first Dianetics practitioners. Then, too, plans were laid at the Bay Head house for the first Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation and thus the framework of a movement now spanning better than 150 nations. L. Ron Hubbard’s  Bay Head, New Jersey, home is where the saga of Dianetics began.

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