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Friday, September 20, 2024
InternationalUn nouveau quartier de Grozny portera le nom de Vladimir Poutine

Un nouveau quartier de Grozny portera le nom de Vladimir Poutine

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A new neighborhood in Grozny will be named after Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was announced by the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. On February 15, he got acquainted with the progress of the work in the central part of the city.

“Large-scale construction works are underway here, after the completion of which a new neighborhood will appear. It will bear the name of our national leader, the most prominent political figure of our time – Russian President Vladimir Putin,” Mr. Kadyrov wrote in Telegram.

According to him, the neighborhood will be located on an area of over 200 hectares. It will have 130 residential blocks, as well as mosques, kindergartens and other objects of the social infrastructure. The Chechen leader claims that there are already buyers for 40% of the homes under construction.

In 2008, Grozny’s central boulevard was renamed Putin boulevard. In addition, there are four districts in Grozny, which in 2020, by order of Ramzan Kadyrov, were renamed in honor of Chechen national heroes – these are Akhmatovsky, Baysangurovsky, Sheikh-Mansurovsky and Vyzatovsky districts.

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