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Monday, September 16, 2024
NewsFaster, more economical, more ecological: e-invoicing is a fantastic tool for which...

Faster, more economical, more ecological: e-invoicing is a fantastic tool for which Mathieu Michel is launching the deployment strategy

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The Secretary of State for Digitalization, Mathieu Michel, is advancing the digitalization of the kingdom by accelerating the deployment of e-invoicing. This tool makes it possible to automate the invoicing process from end to end: once the product or service is delivered, the invoice is created and sent without human intervention. It is received and processed at the other end, automatically. In order to support the deployment of this technology, a support unit has been created for businesses. The federal government will use this technology for any invoice over €3,000, from March 1, 2024.

This press moment will take place within the BDO company itself; it supports SMEs in moving to e-invoicing. The address of this place is: Rue de Stassart 35, 1050 Brussels. To get there, here are some instructions:

• From the Toison d’Or car park (not Deux Portes or Entre Deux Portes) use the central elevator or the one on the left, enter the access code 4738 and select the 1st floor;

• From the Toison d’Or gallery opposite the Fnac entrance, turn right, use the central elevator or the middle elevator, enter the access code 4738 and select the 1st floor.

• Another solution is to access via rue de Stassart 35 (less practical) take one of the two elevators, enter the access code 4738 and select the 1st floor.

Below you will find the unrolled of this pressing moment:

  • 11:00: welcome journalists and partners.
  • 11:15 a.m.: brief speech by Secretary of State, Mathieu Michel, and the FEB
  • 11:20 a.m.: presentation of the e-invoicing video by BOSA
  • 11:23 a.m.: demonstration of sending an e-invoice VS traditional invoice by Ann MagnusCEO of Magnus Business gifts, winner of the e-invoicing award .
  • 11:26 a.m.: demonstration of receiving an e-invoice vs traditional invoice, by Vincent Van den Bulck, Partner at BDO.
  • 11:30 a.m.: free questions to the FEB, Ann Magnus, Vincent Van den Bulck and the Secretary of State.
  • 11:40 a.m.: end of press time.

In summary and practically:

  • What ? Press moment concerning e-invoicing, launch of the deployment of Mathieu Michel’s strategy;
  • Pictures ? Demonstration of sending an e-invoice VS traditional invoice and demonstration of receiving an e-invoice VS traditional invoice;
  • Or ? At BDO – Rue de Stassart 351050 Brussels;
  • When ? Monday September 11 at 11:00 a.m.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

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