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NewsAfter Europe, Switzeland and Emirates, Nigeria. First steps in the African country...

After Europe, Switzeland and Emirates, Nigeria. First steps in the African country for Aleo Cristopher and iSwiss.

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aleo christopher in nigeria After Europe, Switzeland and Emirates, Nigeria. First steps in the African country for Aleo Cristopher and iSwiss.

LUGANO, SWITERZLAND, August 8, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — In an evolutionary process, which now seems unstoppable, Aleo Christopher has managed to put an important further step in the growth of the iSwiss finance company. The consolidation of the Swiss headquarters, which was rewarded by insiders and the specialized press, resulted in the opening of the Dubai offices.In what seems to many the new center of the world, also from the point of view of innovative finance for companies, the entrepreneur Aleo Christopher has taken the first steps towards a further expansion of his proposal.

A possible new market is Nigeria, thanks to the first contact of absolute value. The meeting venue is the iSwiss Dubai headquarters, where iSwiss CEO Aleo Christopher had the pleasure of hosting the black gold magnate, Awwal Garba CEO of Magma Petroleum Investment Limited, the main Nigerian oil company.
The choice of this country is not accidental for iSwiss, Nigeria is, at present, among the emerging African economies certainly the most shining.

The Nigerian market is strongly interested in everything new finance, from crypto to blockchain to all the typical and exclusive services of the DeFi sector.

The numbers demonstrate this, with Nigeria among the major countries for the use of cryptocurrency, surpassed only by the United States of America.
A country therefore ready to take a step forward, guided by the experience and expertise of Christopher Aleo and iSwiss, in an interesting sector such as that of Decentralized Finance, also open to small and medium-sized enterprises and no longer the exclusive prerogative of large companies. multinationals.

Once again, the change starts from the bottom and iSwiss and its soul, Christopher Aleo, can think about directing and guiding it.


p class=”contact c1″ dir=”auto”>Aleo Christopher
iSwiss Group A.G.
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