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NewsFifth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism

Fifth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism

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CEC Executive Secretary for Theological Dialogue Katerina Pekridou reflected on “Reforming the vision of Christian unity” a topic in focus at the Fifth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism, held at the Sigtuna Foundation, Sweden, from 27 to 30 June.

“The abiding ecumenical goal of full structural and sacramental unity will be assisted, if each tradition focuses on what it is that it has to learn and needs to learn from the other traditions,” said Pekridou. “This reflects a move away from ideal theorized, purely doctrinally driven ecclesiological constructs in ecumenical dialogue and a significant progress.”

The Conference was hosted by the Christian Council of Sweden, University College Stockholm and the Sigtuna Foundation. The event explored fresh ecumenical methodology of receptive ecumenism under the theme “Transforming Ecumenism – listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches”.

Rev. Dr Olle Kristenson, member of CEC thematic group on ecclesiology and mission, from the Christian Council of Sweden, coordinated organisation of the conference.

Learn more and download poster from the conference

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