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Saturday, September 21, 2024
ReligionChristianity100 million EUR in a luxury hotel on the beach invested by...

100 million EUR in a luxury hotel on the beach invested by the church in Cyprus

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Petar Gramatikov
Petar Gramatikovhttps://europeantimes.news
Dr. Petar Gramatikov is the Editor in Chief and Director of The European Times. He is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Reporters. Dr. Gramatikov has more than 20 years of Academic experience in different institutions for higher education in Bulgaria. He also examined lectures, related to theoretical problems involved in the application of international law in religious law where a special focus has been given to the legal framework of New Religious Movements, freedom of religion and self-determination, and State-Church relations for plural-ethnic states. In addition to his professional and academic experience, Dr. Gramatikov has more than 10 years Media experience where he hold a positions as Editor of a tourism quarterly periodical “Club Orpheus” magazine – “ORPHEUS CLUB Wellness” PLC, Plovdiv; Consultant and author of religious lectures for the specialized rubric for deaf people at the Bulgarian National Television and has been Accredited as a journalist from “Help the Needy” Public Newspaper at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland.

The 8-storey hotel will be located in the Paphos area, on beach plots owned by the Archdiocese

The Church of Cyprus will invest 100 million euros in a luxury 5-star hotel on the beach on the west coast of the island. The building permits were issued after heated disputes related to archaeological finds.

The developer of the Diamond Essence Hotel, the Holy Archdiocese of Cyprus, received an environmental permit from the Department of Environment for its construction. The approval from the state authority was granted 5 years after the initial application and paves the way for the final building permit to be issued.

The 8-storey hotel will be located in the Paphos area, on the west coast of the island, on beach plots owned by the Archdiocese.

The luxury complex will have nearly 500 beds, a restaurant, shops, a wellness center, a wine cellar and other premises. The construction of the facility will last two and a half years.

Along with the start of construction work for it, the construction of two 12-story residential towers will also begin on the adjacent plot, also belonging to the Archdiocese.

Giving the “green light” for the church investment project was delayed due to the discovery of a number of archaeological finds during excavations on the plot – remains of ancient facilities, buildings from the Hellenistic era, ancient water pipes. After prolonged and heated disputes between the Holy Archdiocese and the Department of Antiquities, plans for the hotel were revised.

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