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DefensePutin fired five generals

Putin fired five generals

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Russian President Putin has fired five generals and a colonel from the Interior Ministry

Russian President Vladimir Putin fired five generals and a police colonel on Monday (May 30th). This became known today from an excerpt from the decree, a copy of which is available to RBC. Its authenticity was confirmed by a source close to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Lenta.ru writes.

The head of state dismissed Major General Vasily Kukushkin, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Vladimir Region, Major General Alexander Laas, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Altai Krai, Major General Andrei Lipilin. Head of the Department of the Ministry of Interior of the Yaroslavl Region and Major General Alexander Udovenko, Head of the Operational Department of the Ministry of Interior and Deputy Head of the Department of Logistics and Medical Insurance of the Ministry of Interior, Major General Yuri Instrankin. In addition, the president fired Police Colonel Emil Musin from the post of First Deputy Chief of the Judicial Expert Center of the Ministry of Interior.

The interlocutor of RBC explained the dismissal of the generals and the colonel by the police with the standard rotation of the employees in the department, Lenta.ru writes.

It is noted that Putin also appointed police colonel Alexei Shkolkin, who until now was head of the department of the Interior Ministry in Odintsovo, to the post of chief of the Interior Ministry for the Yaroslavl region.

Earlier, it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin fired the Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Lieutenant General Valery Balan. He has held this position since April 1, 2019.

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