The light shines in the dark, John 1:5.
In the season of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, European churches carry a message of hope to the world, one that shines brightly as the child born in a manger. A hope deeply rooted in Christ’s nativity, in which God came to dwell among us as our source of life. A hope beyond a mere dream or an act of wishful thinking.
While Europe continues to face impact of the pandemic, and communities struggle to cope with sickness, grief and separation, Christ’s birth enlightens our courage and hope. As we celebrate God’s infinite, unconditional and healing love, we nourish ourselves, our faith and our neighbours.
As churches and communities, let us share our experience of God’s glory beyond the boundaries of our diverse communities, proclaiming together the birth of our saviour.
May you enjoy all the blessings of this Christmas, recalling the good news: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours! (Luke 2:4).
Rev. Christian Krieger | CEC President     Â
Dr Jørgen Skov Sørensen | CEC General Secretary