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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HealthThe Valley of Toilets - You've never seen so many booths in...

The Valley of Toilets – You’ve never seen so many booths in one place

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

There is a place with such an abundance of outdoor toilets that you will not see anywhere else. It can be said that this is the main toilet valley on the planet.

It is located in the Caucasus, in the Russian Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Jili-Soo is a unique place in many ways. This is a spa resort with Narzan mineral water. It has a rather chaotic appearance. There are no sanatoriums and infrastructure. The mineral water springs from the ground in different places and only one of them has a swimming pool.

Above all of them rises the giant Elbrus, and there is a good asphalt road. It offers views that attract bloggers and Instagram users from all over.

There are also two beautiful waterfalls. You can also walk on the mountain routes.

Most bloggers, however, go there because of the narcissistic sources. These are mostly residents of the Caucasus itself – from Kabardino-Balkaria and the surrounding areas.

Many people come with their families, camp and can stay here for days and even weeks. They drink from the spring they prefer. Each source is marked – one is good for the eyes, another for the liver, etc. In general, they have healing properties.

Everyone claims that water helps them a lot.

And so it seems that the question of how so many toilets have emerged in recent years has been clarified. But the booths in question are randomly scattered everywhere, there is one literally next to almost every spring, and on the approaches to them you can even see several toilets made of wood.

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