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NewsPeru's Prime Minister resigns - Vatican News

Peru’s Prime Minister resigns – Vatican News

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

By James Blears

Perus Prime Minister Guido Bellido has quit.  Its been accepted, confirmed and announced by the Country`s President Pedro Castillo.

Bellidos succinct reason for his swift and premature departure is: "Instability." The President appointed him in July, and he was approved by Congress the next month. President Castillo has thanked Bellido for his work.  Bellido says hes resigned at the President`s request.

Both men are members of the Socialist Free Peru Party.  Bellido had been insisting on direct State intervention in economic spheres, arguing that key sectors must be placed in the hands of Government, coming under their remit and their control. This includes and involves the natural gas and hydroelectric sectors. But President Castillo has contradicted this, publically and vocally supporting continuing investment from the private and the international sectors. 

He significantly stated: “The balance of power is a bridge between the rule of law and democracy.”

Listen to the report by James Blears

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