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AmericaItaly worships Dante on the day of his death

Italy worships Dante on the day of his death

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Gaston de Persigny
Gaston de Persigny
Gaston de Persigny - Reporter at The European Times News

Celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the poet’s death (1265-1321) began in Italy in March. Italy worships today Dante, who died on the night of September 13-14, 700 years ago, AFP reported.

The celebrations of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) began in Italy in March. They last all year. Literary readings, exhibitions, new editions of his works, routes in his footsteps are planned.

Dante Alighieri was born in 1265 in Florence. He is called the “Father of the Italian language” because he writes his verses in plain language, choosing the Tuscan dialect at a time when poetry is in Latin and is intended only for the most educated.

His bold approach made literature accessible and paved the way for important Italian writers such as Petrarch and Boccaccio.

He is best known for the “Divine Comedy” trilogy, which leaves a lasting mark not only in literature but also in theology. He had a strong influence on Renaissance art with descriptions of Hell, Purgatory and Heaven, which shaped the imagination of many artists – from his contemporary Giotto to Michelangelo.

Among them are the Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, the Spanish artist Salvador Dali, the Russian composer Tchaikovsky, the creators of the saga “X-Men”, the American writer Dan Brown.

Auguste Rodin’s sculpture “The Kiss” depicts Paolo and Francesca – adulterous lovers, whom Dante includes in the second round of Hell.

Dante died in 1321 at the age of 56 in Ravenna. There is also his tomb in the basilica of St. Francis. Dante has at least three children by his wife Gemma Donati, but his muse is another woman – Beatrice, who is shown in “Divine Comedy” as his guide.

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