Scientology spoke at the United Nations Human Rights Council about Religious Discrimination in Hungary, and highlights letter with concerns from UN Special Rapporteurs on FORB, Privacy and Minority Issues
On the occasion of the 48th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Scientology’s foundation MEJORA presented two written reports and delivered two oral statements to the diplomats of the 47 countries.
The European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, through its representative, informed the Council of the existing persecution and harassment in Hungary. They asked, “for the assistance of the HRC and the EU delegation on dealing with the religious persecution orchestrated by the Hungarian government against Scientology and Scientologists.”
On March 1st, 2019, the Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN in New York, stated at a conference that there are documented cases of targeted discrimination and persecution against Scientologists. The statement was made having a representative of the Hungarian government sitting side by side with the Nuncio; however, the authorities’ persecution of the Church of Scientology has continued to exist.
Because of the abovementioned, Scientology’s representative Ivan Arjona called on the HRC to investigate these abusive practices against a peaceful and indispensable religious minority and its parishioners.
In a joint written statement filed by Fundacion Mejora and CAP Freedom of Conscience (A/HRC/48/NGO/95), it was reported that “On August 30th, 2018 Mr. Fernand de Varennes (Special Rapporteur on minority issues), Mr. Joseph Cannataci (Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy) and Mr. Ahmed Shaheed (Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief) addressed the Hungarian Government in a letter1 “concerning discriminatory measures against the Church of Scientology on the basis of religious belief.”
The letter of the three honorable Special Rapporteurs concluded:
“[…] we would like to express our concern about the repeated denial and unjustified delay on the permission for the Church of Scientology to maintain its headquarters and place of worship in Budapest. We also express serious concern that the criminal investigations carried out against the Church of Scientology, which led to the seizure of several documents, including of a private nature and to restrictions on places of worship, may be incompatible with international human rights standards. Such acts constitute serious impediments to religious freedom and to the fulfillment of the rights and freedoms of religious minorities as enshrined in the applicable international human rights standards that Hungary has committed to.”
“Such acts constitute serious impediments to religious freedom and to the fulfillment of the rights and freedoms of religious minorities as enshrined in the applicable international human rights standards that Hungary has committed to.”
UN Special Rapporeturs on forb, minorities and privacy
According to reports, the questions articulated in the letter by the United Nation’s officials remain unanswered until today. The Scientology religion, founded by humanitarian and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, continues to provide indispensable help to society while fighting human rights violations worldwide. Despite the attempts from specific people in some governments, the Church of Scientology has continued to earn the respect of scholars, governments, and international organizations as a bonafide religion with social programs that contribute to healing the eternal pandemic of our society: human rights violations, drugs, criminality, corruption, and illiteracy.
Reference to this article appears here.