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Sunday, June 16, 2024
NewsRoyal landmarks: Elizabeth II lost $ 50 million

Royal landmarks: Elizabeth II lost $ 50 million

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Elizabeth II suffered impressive losses, losing $ 50 million due to the pandemic. The fact is that the Royal Collection Trust, which is responsible for the collection of works of art and tours of Buckingham and Windsor Castles, received very few tourists.

Typically, royal palaces are visited by more than three million people a year. Last year, this figure was only 155 thousand, since most of the time the buildings were closed. It is reported by Newsweek.

Elizabeth II is preparing for summer vacation. For the first time in 73 years, she will host them without her husband, Prince Philip. Let us remind you that he died in April of this year at the hundredth year of his life, only two months before the anniversary.

According to Newsweek, the queen will travel to Balmoral Castle. She visits her Scottish estate annually in August. Previously, the rest took place according to the usual scenario: picnics, fishing, pheasant hunting and barbecues, for which Prince Philip was always responsible. It seems that this year Elizabeth II will be resting alone.

Recall that in April the Queen celebrated her 95th birthday, and next year she will celebrate the 70th anniversary of her coronation.

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