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AmericaiciHaiti - Religion : The Latin American Confederation of Religious alongside Haitians

iciHaiti – Religion : The Latin American Confederation of Religious alongside Haitians

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iciHaiti – Religion : The Latin American Confederation of Religious alongside Haitians
21/03/2021 10:09:35

The “Latin American Confederation of Religious” (CLAR) together with the “Consecrated Life of Latin America and the Caribbean”, publicly denounces in a declaration the “current situation of violence, insecurity and general anarchy which has makes Haiti and especially its capital, Port-au-Prince, a place where living becomes impossible.”Faced with the situation of socio-political, legal and justice instability in Haiti, CLAR expresses its support in the face of “the despair of the population, insecurity, the death of innocent people, and especially the reality of the poorest whom dignity is torn apart from every point of view.”

The Confederation explains that “[…] general confusion is aggravated by the reality of living in a geographical territory without a real State, without law, without justice and with a failing economy and expressed in the food insecurity of the majority of the most deprived.”

In its statement, CLAR calls on the National Conferences of Religious of the Continent and the Caribbean, as well as religious congregations that are doing political advocacy at the UN to “put pressure on the governments of the continent and the world to end indifference and apathy in the face of the humanitarian, legal and political crisis that the Haitian people are going through […]”

Concluding “In addition to publicly raising our voice in favor of the Haitian people who seek their complete liberation, we also want to do so by addressing the God of life, as we walk towards Easter. May the God of justice and freedom, the God of peace, the God of Jesus, who came so that we may have life in abundance, accompany you in this passion and on today’s Calvary.

We ask all consecrated persons of the continent and the Caribbean to unite in a prayer of solidarity, paschal and committed towards the Haitian people.”

IH/ iciHaiti

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