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Saturday, July 27, 2024
Editor's choiceTerrorism must not be associated with any particular civilization, religion, nationality or...

Terrorism must not be associated with any particular civilization, religion, nationality or ethnic group

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

Yesterday’s terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria has once again attested to the fact that in no way could the world community afford selective approaches in the fight against international terrorism, as it is the greatest menace to mankind in our times.

No state is immune to terrorism, and I believe terrorism must not be associated with any particular civilization, religion, nationality or ethnic group.

We express our deep sympathies and condolences to the families of victims of the terrorist attacks and wish the wounded speedy recovery.

It has been more than a month that in full view of the international community Artsakh became a target of terrorism, combating aspirations and attempts of Azerbaijan and Turkey to turn the South Caucasus into a new hotbed of international terrorism.

The Republic of Artsakh faces terrorism and crimes against humanity, suffering human and tangible material loss.

We strongly condemn any attempt whereby communities are subjected to terrorism, and the civilian population is targeted deliberately on the grounds of ethnic or religious belonging.

Any attempt to justify those encouraging, sponsoring or perpetrating terrorism and extremism, as well as those inciting hate crime and violence, should be unequivocally condemned.

The Republic of Artsakh remains committed to those principles and determined to contribute to the fight against terrorism, reinforcing international and regional security, and we will struggle to the end for our right to secure life and development.

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