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Monthly Archives: November, 2020

Protect children and relief workers caught up in conflict, urges UN rights envoy

Indiscriminate attacks on education and health facilities during armed conflict is having a “dramatic impact” on children and humanitarian personnel, the UN envoy for Children and Armed Conflict said on Monday.

Bestselling New Zealand Duo Secures Simultaneous Worldwide Release For Latest Laugh-out-loud Picture Book

Bestselling New Zealand Duo Secures Simultaneous Worldwide Release For Latest Laugh-out-loud Picture Book

Church unearthed where Jesus said to tell Peter to establish Christianity

Archeologists have uncovered one of the earliest churches in the Holy Land at the foot of breathtaking waterfalls in the scenic Banias Nature Reserve in Israel's north.

‘If we invest in health systems, we can bring this virus under control’ – WHO chief

Health systems and global preparedness are not only an investment in the future but “the foundation of our response” to today’s COVID-19 health crisis, the head of the UN’s health agency said on Monday.  

MUSEVENI: Uganda is ready for takeoff

MUSEVENI: Uganda is ready for takeoff

EU pledges to learn lessons from coronavirus pandemic with new food security plan

EU pledges to learn lessons from coronavirus pandemic with new food security plan

Pope at All Souls Mass: Christian hope is the Lord’s free gift – Vatican News

Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass on All Souls' Day for the commemoration of the deceased faithful in the Church of the Teutonic Cemetery in the Vatican before praying on the tombs of the cemetery and in the Vatican Grottoes where deceased Pontiffs are laid to rest.

Jewish envoy to UAE gets opportunity to embrace culture, religion

Jewish envoy to UAE gets opportunity to embrace culture, religion

Philippines battered by Typhoon Goni – Vatican News

Two eastern provinces of the Philippines have been hardest hit by the most powerful cyclone this year. Brother Joseph Salando in Albay province explained to Vatican News the destruction around inthe wake of Typhoon Goni.

Innovation in religion

Innovation in religion

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