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NewsYoung people in Malawi lead with parish contributions at an event -...

Young people in Malawi lead with parish contributions at an event – Vatican News

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Luke Bisani – Blantyre, Malawi

The young people, members of the YCW at Mthawira Christ the King parish, led with the most contributions by collectively donating US$750. The Mthawira YCW actually comprises less than thirty active members.

The parish of Mthawira organised the event to raise funds for the completion of a security fence around the Church land. The parish also has plans to purchase a minibus. In all, the parish event raised US$ 6,533 from contributions of parish groups and Small Christian Communities.

Young people inspired by YCW’s See, Judge and Act

Chairperson of the Mthawira Church Council, Gracian Tukula commended parishioners and in a special way the young people of the parish YCW. He praised the generosity and sense of responsibility demonstrated by the young people. He said they were pillars of the Catholic Church of the future.

“Last year, they invited me to attend their end of year party and I honoured the invitation where I challenged them to do more in supporting the Church; that they should not look down upon themselves. Here they are, they have carried the day,” said Tukula.

Tukula also challenged other Church groups under Mthawira Catholic Church to follow the good example set by parish YCW.

Leader of Mthawira YCW, Edgar Nyirenda, said their contribution to the fundraising drive was guided by the YCW motto that challenges them to See, Judge and Act.

“When our leaders made an appeal to everyone in the Church to contribute generously, we saw it worthy to support the Church and the purpose of the event justified the judgement to support the Church hence the act,” said Nyirenda.

A generous donation

In the context of Malawi, both the parish fundraising event and the generosity of the parish YCW are remarkable given that Malawi remains one of the poorest countries in the world. A 31 July 2020 World Bank Report noted that Malawi has recently posted significant economic and structural reforms to sustain economic growth. The economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, employing nearly 80% of the population. The country is also vulnerable to external shocks, particularly climatic disasters that range from drought, flooding and recently Cyclones. Apart from the weather, the COVID-19 pandemic has further negatively impacted economic growth.  

(Amecea News)

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