At the event titled "Why Words Matter," organized by the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID), European Parliament Vice President Antonella Sberna delivered a thought-provoking speech...
URI is known as the largest international grassroots interfaith cooperation organization in the world. It brings people of all faiths together in more than...
KingNewsWire – The Transcendence International Interreligious Forum (FIIT) has achieved a major milestone in its mission to foster interfaith dialogue and spiritual understanding during its first...
By Jean-François & Hisako Moulinet, and the team of the interreligious circle "Dialogue & Alliance"
The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games has provoked...
By Martin Hoegger.
One of the strengths of the Focolare Movement is to combine the theoretical aspect of the themes addressed with practical testimonies....
By Martin Hoegger.
The spirituality of the Focolare, a movement recognized by the Catholic Church, is also experienced to some degree by members of...
By Martin Hoegger.
To understand the place of interreligious dialogue in the Focolare Movement, born during the Second World War, we must return...
By Dr. Masood Ahmadi Afzadi,
Dr. Razie Moafi
In the modern world, the situation related to the rapid increase in the number of beliefs is considered...