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Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Premature deaths due to air pollution continue to fall in the EU, more efforts needed to deliver a toxic-free environment

News ItemPublished 24 Nov 2022ImageImage copyright: Marc Wieland on UnsplashEurope’s air quality keeps improving and the number of people dying early or suffering...

Premature deaths due to air pollution continue to fall in the EU, more efforts needed to deliver a toxic-free environment

News ItemPublished 24 Nov 2022ImageImage copyright: Marc Wieland on UnsplashEurope’s air quality keeps improving and the number of people dying early or suffering...

Heatwaves, spread of infectious diseases due to climate change growing health threats to Europeans

News ItemPublished 09 Nov 2022ImageImage copyright: Florian Wehde on UnsplashUnprecedented heatwaves — as seen this year — are the greatest direct climate-related health...

Some Dope* on Drugs… and European Youth

Over the last two decades the demand and supply for illicit drugs have dramatically increased as evidenced by the huge quantities seized in 2020 according to the European Drug Report: 739tons of cannabis, 213 tons of cocaine, 21.2 tons of amphetamines, 5.1 tons of heroin, 2.2 tons of methamphetamine, 1 ton of MDMA (ecstasy). Among the illicit drugs are not only found the traditional ones but also mixtures of illicit drugs, adulteration with other chemicals, newly synthetized drugs (as the NPS: New Psychoactive Substances: 5.1 tons seized) developed in clandestine laboratories, and finally the misuse and abuse of prescriptions drugs. 

Religion on Fire: Russia is destroying primarily its own Churches in Ukraine

Few days ago, the Ukrainian scholarly project “Religion on Fire” launched their interim report on the damages caused to religious buildings and facilities as...

Sexual violence and rape as abuses of power in Russia’s war on Ukraine

Presentation at the hearing “Sexual violence and rape as abuses of power” held by the FEMM Committee of the European Parliament on 13 October

Czech Presidency outlines priorities to EP committees

Czechia holds the Presidency of the Council until the end of 2022. A first series of hearings took place from 11 to 13 July. A second set of hearings to presents outlines priorities to EP committees will happen during the first week of September.

In India, youth is key to integrity, peace, health and sustainable development

New Delhi (India), 31 August 2022 - Youth, children and adolescents comprise the core of India’s 1.3 billion strong population. Over 27 percent of...

Orange has amazing benefits that we don’t even know about

In a time of ocean voyages and rare medical advances, sailors feared scurvy, a disease that affected them most. Today we know that scurvy...

New propaganda ploy to incriminate the Baha’is in Iran

The Baha’i International Community has received news of a shocking and outrageous new propaganda ploy to incriminate the Baha’is in Iran
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