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Thursday, September 19, 2024
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The Lies Told About The EU Copyright Directive’s Upload Filters May Help Get Them Thrown Out In Court

from the freedom-to-conduct-business dept Although the main fight over the EU's Copyright Directive was lost back in March 2019, there are plenty of local battles...

Is The Digital Services Act Going To Make A Huge Mess Of Website Liability In The EU?

from the sounds-like-it dept I've been so focused of late on issues related to Section 230 in the US, that I've had barely any time...

As EU Starts To Draft Its Most Important New Online Law, The Digital Services Act, MEPs Want Basic Rights High On The Agenda

from the but-massive-lobbying-and-dirty-tricks-will-soon-fix-that dept By Glyn Moody The EU is now starting to work in earnest on what is likely to be its most important new...

Parliament adopts its position on major reform of EU Customs Code | News

The EU Customs Code needs a thorough revamp due to the exponential growth of e-commerce and many new product standards, bans, obligations and...

Belgium Presidency debriefs EP committees on priorities

Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Belgium Presidency of the Council.

Toy safety: Parliament wants stronger EU rules to protect children

MEPs want to strengthen current rules and market surveillance to ensure that all toys sold on the EU market, including from non-EU countries and...

How Europe’s Wood Pellet Appetite Worsens Environmental Racism in the US South

An expanding wood pellet market in the Southeast has fallen short of climate and job goals—instead bringing air pollution, noise and reduced biodiversity in majority Black communities. In 2013, when Enviva Biomass opened a new plant near Belinda Joyner…
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