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Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Interfaith Youth Camp “Bridge-Inter-Cultures”

Eastern European Forum for Dialogue - BRIDGES in partnership with the Foundation "Plovdiv 2019" for the fifth year (excluding 2020) implements an initiative that aims to work with children of Bulgaria belonging to different religious communities and cultures. This is not just an initiative, but a cause.

My personal “jihad” against Gaddafi

1987, April 2, headquarters of the №36050 division of the Bulgarian People's Army, Momchilgrad. The office of the chief of artillery intelligence. I, the private, sit at his desk and write "The Doctor of My Life" - those 13 pages of handwritten explanations on plaid sheets, on which it depends whether I will go to a military court to disband the army or not. Based on these explanations, the Deputy Chief of Military Counterintelligence of the Army Headquarters decided that I was "either innocent as an angel or the worst scum he had ever met," choosing the first option and terminating the investigation. Naturally, during my studies at the Theological Academy "St. Kliment Ohridski ”- Sofia I am under constant surveillance with all the negatives of this, but at least I knew that I was being watched, that maybe against me special technical means are used, now known as special intelligence means (in the sense of today's Bulgarian Law on Special intelligence means these are the technical means and the operational means for their application), but above all to take into account the human factor. The office of the Holy Synod was buzzing with paid, operative workers and agents, as well as volunteer informers and others with the lowest spiritual temperature.

Varied impact of COVID-19 on routine immunization in the European Region

The WHO European Region saw a 1% decrease in routine immunization coverage, from 95% in 2019 to 94% in 2020 (the third dose of...

About church honors and the forgiveness of sins

The concept of the classical era "archon" (chief, leader, chief) created the last ferment among the Orthodox Bulgarian people. In Classical Greece, the service of strategists immediately referred us to the princes / archons of ancient Greece, Themistocles, Aristides, and Cimon, the earliest examples of strategists who were both political leaders and generals. Pericles was very often chosen as a strategist during his political career, 443-429. BC From 501, a new rule was introduced for the selection of strategists, who were elected annually, one from each phyla. All ten elected had equal status: at the Marathon in 490 (according to Herodotus) the leadership was decided by a vote and each presided on a daily rotation as a polemarch - supreme commander, but from 496 the polemarch, like the other archons were chosen by lot.

The Forgotten Holocaust

The great humanitarian act - the rescue of the 150,000 Bulgarian Roma from the "fascist death camps", together with the 50,000 Bulgarian citizens of Jewish origin in 1943, still needs to be further clarified and analyzed.

How Europe pays for geriatric care

Isabella Marchinek knows from personal experience: "Polish caregivers are fleeing from Germany to Switzerland."

We will enter the EU as Macedonians who speak Macedonian

This was stated by the Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov.


The Eastern bishops, supporters of the semi-Arian party, most of whom were members of the Council of Philippopolis in 343 with the subsequent supreme ecclesiastical forums, express precisely the pre-Nicene conservatism hostile to the term "omousios," an innovation included in the Creed. the Ecumenical Council. This is one of the main reasons and explanations for the high intensity of church councils in the IV century due to the many anti-Trinitarian heresies and false teachings, in particular the teachings of Arius and his derivatives. Heresies seem to be multiplying, which in turn multiplies the convening of pro and contra fairs, each of them.

Honoring the saints of the West (2)

The author of this text himself St. Archbishop John (Maximovich) of Shanghai Miracle Worker (+1966) was canonized a saint on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Orthodoxy in America in 1994 and his memory is celebrated on July 2 in all Orthodox Sisters-Churches. The text we offer here is from his report to the Council of Bishops in 1950.


It is difficult to determine the exact number of practicing (regular church) Orthodox Christians, it is only certain that the majority of self-identified as such do not know what God's commandments are or what the Orthodox Catechism teaches, because they are from the so-called "Christmas Christians" ( celebrating Christmas and Easter in a family circle) or, as similar Christians around the world are also called - "four-wheeled Christians", i.e. those who attend church for the first time in a pram to be baptized, their next entry into the temple is in a wedding limousine, when they enter into a church marriage, and finally they all leave for the last time for the temple, riding in the mourning hearse.
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