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Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Bible, Philippoi or Philippopolis, Nicopolis Epirus or Nicopolis ad Nestum

In the science of the Bible, including New Testament research, assumptions and hypotheses are often expressed, and great efforts are made to defend opinions...

Asylum and migration in the EU: facts and figures

Migration in the EU has been affected by crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic and Russian hostilities.

How does Switzerland keep inflation low?

In the Alpine country it is just over 3%, and in the Eurozone - 9% High inflation is the most serious problem in a number...

Notes on the Council of Florence, 1438-39

From Anonimous Byzantine Chronicle #104: The translation is based on the edition of P. Schreiner - "Short Byzantine Chronicles" (Peter Schreiner. Die byzantinischen Kleinchroniken. Teil...

The icon – an image of the prototype

Written by Yuriy Pushtaev for Foma.ru The word "icon" has a primarily sacred meaning for us today. This is what we call a pictorial representation...

The agreement with the Serbian Church overthrew the Montenegrin government

The Serbian Orthodox Church has proven to be an unavoidable factor in the political and social processes of the last nearly three years in...

The Meaning of the Arian Controversy

Author: protopresbiter Alexander Schmemann In the Arian controversy, as in a knot, many threads are gathered, many questions are joined. This is the beginning of...

Soul-beneficial teachings of St. Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev [2]

51. Beware of signing contracts that bind them, especially if there are any benefits and lures on the fishing line. This can involve you...

Christianity in the Balkans from the 1st to the 4th century

The Balkan Peninsula, as a crossroads between the Middle East and Europe, as well as a center of cultural interaction between the peoples of...

The Church and the State in the contemporary social teaching of the Orthodox Church

Author: Associate Professor Dr. Kostadin Nushev, Faculty of Theology, SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" When building its attitude towards the state in the modern world, the...
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