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Monday, September 23, 2024
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EU job-search aid worth €11.6 million for 3 700 dismissed workers in 4 countries | News | European Parliament

In total, 3 700 workers who lost their jobs in Belgium, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands will receive €11.6 million in EU aid, following a plenary vote.
Committee on Budgets

Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

German cardinal hopes his resignation over church abuse failings is a ‘turning point’

When Germany's most prominent Catholic leader offered his resignation to Pope Francis, citing his role in the "catastrophe of sexual abuse by church officials," he surprised many people

International Women’s Judo Champions Join Virtual Panel to Celebrating Launch of Rusty Kanokogi’s Memoir, Get Up & Fight

Get Up & Fight Cover Illustration by Robyn Makinson Mother of Women’s Judo Posthumously Tells Her Judo-Life Story in New Memoir with Celebratory Launch Event Saturday...

Ending this pandemic, preventing the next one: European perspectives at the Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly

The Seventy-fourth World Health Assembly, held on 24–31 May 2021, was once again dominated by discussions on responding to the short- and longer-term consequences...

European psychiatry in bad shape

The use of coercion and force continue to be common practice in European psychiatry despite efforts to decrease their use. Recent studies have looked at...

Mental health in crisis

Friday (28 May 2021) United Nations human rights experts called upon the Council of Europe to withdraw a possible new legal instrument that would maintain an...

Antigua: PM Browne Engages European Parliament on Regional Development Issues

Photo: OECS Wednesday, June 2, 2021 — Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister, Hon. Gaston Browne, yesterday continued his diplomatic outreach and engagement with members of...

UNGASS 2021 highlights diversity and inclusion as agents for change, and businesses as influential allies in the fight against corruption

© UN Women/Amanda Voisard While corruption is a global phenomenon, it affects men and women differently across the world. In many societies, women remain...

Refusing to be enemies; Uninformed at Google; Jews of no religion; Sheikh Jarrah ‘squatters’; etc.

Fight against illiberalism Congratulations to Karen Lehrman Bloch on the launch of her new magazine and on her courage in standing up for liberal values...

ECEN Assembly brings into focus actions on creation, climate and biodiversity.

The virtual Assembly of the European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN) concluded this week, addressing the theme “Reconciled with Creation: A Call for Urgent Action on Climate and Biodiversity”. The Assembly was held online from 31 May to 1 June 2021.
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