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Monday, October 7, 2024
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RUSSIA, Nine Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to three to seven years in prison

On 5 March, a Russian court in Irkutsk convicted nine Jehovah’s Witness men, sentencing them from three to seven years of prison. The case began in 2021, when officers raided some 15 homes, beating and...

God gives shepherds according to the heart of the people

By St. Anastasius of Sinai, ecclesiastical writer, also known as Anastasius III, Metropolitan of Nicaea, lived in the 8th century. Question 16: When the apostle says that the authorities of this world are set up...

New Scientology Church Lights Up Mexico City’s Skyline

KingNewswire.com - Last March 1st, 2024, took place the unveiling of the Ideal Church of Scientology in Del Valle, Mexico City, a significant milestone for the Scientologists. This new facility boasts a Public Information...

Religion’s In Today’s World – Mutual Understanding Or Conflict (Following the views of Fritjof Schuon and Samuel Huntington, on the mutual understanding or clash...

By Dr. Masood Ahmadi Afzadi, Dr. Razie Moafi INTRODUCTION In the modern world, the situation related to the rapid increase in the number of beliefs is considered a major problem. This fact, in symbiosis with the peculiar...

Thailand persecutes the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. Why?

Poland has recently provided a safe haven to a family of asylum-seekers from Thailand, persecuted on religious grounds in their country of origin, which in their testimony appears to be very different from the...

She became the sky, not knowing that the Sun would rise from her

By St. Nicholas Kavasila, From "Three sermons on the Virgin" The remarkable Hesychast author of the 14th century St. Nicholas Kavasila (1332-1371) dedicates this sermon to the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God, revealing...

New Scientology Star Rises in Texas’s All-Star Capital of Austin

KingNewswire. Austin, Texas (USA) The Ideal Church of Scientology’s grand opening in Austin, Texas, last February 24th, signifies a major expansion, emphasizing spiritual freedom and community service. Located centrally on The Drag, the Church...

Pakistan’s Struggle with Religious Freedom: The Case of the Ahmadiyya Community

In recent years, Pakistan has grappled with numerous challenges concerning religious freedom, particularly regarding the Ahmadiyya community. This issue has once again come to the forefront following a recent decision by the Pakistan Supreme Court defending the right to free expression of religious beliefs.

Empowering Responses to Religious Hatred: A Call to Action next March 8th

In a world where hostility towards religious minorities persists, the need for empowering responses to religious hatred has never been more urgent. The duty of States to prevent and respond to acts of violence...

Circular of the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece on Marriage

Prot. 373 No. 204 Athens, 29 January 2024 E C Y C L I O S 3 0 8 5 To the Christians of the Church of Greece Born in the Lord, beloved, As you were informed, just a...

Interpretation of  the prayer “Our Father”

Compilation by St. Bishop Theophan, the Recluse of Vysha St. Gregory of Nyssa: "Who would give me dove's wings?" - said the psalmist David (Ps. 54:7). I dare to say the same: who would give me...

Priests to the Russian authorities: Do not be more cruel than Pilate

Russian clergy and believers have published an open appeal to the authorities in Russia calling for the body of politician Alexei Navalny to be handed over to his family. The text of the address is...

Christianity is very inconvenient

By Natalya Trauberg (interview given in the fall of 2008 given to Elena Borisova and Darja Litvak), <a href="http://expert.ru/expert/2009/19/hristianstvo_eto_neudobno/">Expert No. 19(657), May 18, 2009</a> To be a Christian means to give up oneself in favor...

Alexandrian Holy Synod deposed the new Russian exarch in Africa

On February 16, at the meeting in the ancient monastery "St. George" in Cairo the H. Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria decided to depose Bishop Constantine (Ostrovsky) of Zaraysk from the Russian Orthodox...

There is an architecture and there is a craftsmanship of interfaith dialogue

ROME - "There is an architecture and there is a craftsmanship of interfaith dialogue" that is, the major themes underlying the relationship between religions and their connection to daily living, as reported by the...

On bishops

By St. Rev. Simeon the New Theologian, From “Instruction with rebuke to all: kings, bishops, priests, monks and laity, spoken and spoken by the mouth of God” (excerpt) ...Bishops, heads of dioceses, understand: You are the imprint...

Religious Freedom and Equality in the European Union: Unclear Paths Ahead

Madrid. Santiago Cañamares Arribas, Professor of Ecclesiastical Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, delivered a thought-provoking analysis of religious freedom and equality in the European Union at the recent travelling seminar organized by...

The parable of the barren fig tree

By Prof. A.P. Lopukhin, Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament Chapter 13. 1-9. Exhortations to repentance. 10 – 17. Healing on Saturday. 18 – 21. Two parables about the kingdom of God....

What does the church candle symbolize?

The answer is given by the Fathers of the Church, to whom we always turn and in whom we find the answer, regardless of when they lived. St. Simeon of Thessalonica speaks of six things...

On the emergence of heresies

By St. Vincentius of Lerin, from his remarkable historical work "Memorial Book of the Antiquity and Universality of the Congregational Faith" Chapter 4 But in order to make what we have said clearer, it must be illustrated...

Greece became the first Orthodox country to approve same-sex marriage

The country's parliament approved a bill allowing civil marriages between people of the same sex, which was applauded by supporters of the rights of the LGBT community, Reuters reported. Representatives of both supporters and opponents...

The wonderful fishing

By Prof. A.P. Lopukhin, Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament Chapter 5. 1.-11. The Summons of Simon. 12-26. The healing of leprosy and weakness. 27-39. The feast at the tax collector Levi. Luke...

An Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate was registered in Lithuania

On February 8, the Ministry of Justice of Lithuania registered a new religious structure - an exarchate, which will be subordinated to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Thus, two Orthodox churches will be officially recognized...

EU is challenged to stand by those persecuted for changing their faith in MENA and beyond

“We don’t want you to change the culture of Yemen or the Middle East, we just ask for the right to exist. Can we accept each other?” Hassan Al-Yemeni* was imprisoned on the charges of...

A founding meeting and a round table for the unification of Ukrainian Orthodoxy held in Kyiv

By Hristianstvo.bg In "St. Sofia of Kiev" the Constituent Assembly of the public organization "Sofia Brotherhood" was held. The participants of the meeting elected the chairman of Archpriest Alexander Kolb and members of the Board...
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