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Saturday, June 22, 2024
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Camels, Crowns, and a Cosmic GPS… 3 wise kings

Once upon a time in a land not far from our wildest imaginations there existed an annual celebration of immense magnificence involving not just one or two but three esteemed kings. This was no...

About Abraham

By St. John Chrysostom Then, after the death of Terah, the Lord said to Abram: get out of your land, and from your family, and from your father’s house, and go to the land that...

About the words of St. Philaret of Moscow about a bad citizen of the kingdom of earth

By priest Daniil Sysoev “Finally, we were shown the famous words of St. Philaret, which supposedly portray patriotism as a Christian virtue: “Didn’t the Bible give good education to the people of God in the Old...

Scientology Celebrated 10 Years Awarding Those Defending Religious Freedom

Church of Scientology’s Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society in Spain held the 10th annual Religious Freedom Awards ceremony MADRID, SPAIN, January 5, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- On December 15th, 2023, the Church...

In Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the most persecuted religion, with 127 prisoners as of January 1, 2024

As of January 1, 2024, 127 Jehovah’s Witnesses were in prison in Russia for practising their faith in private homes, according to the last update of the database of religious prisoners of Human Rights...

“One should not be proud of either the fatherland or ancestors…”

By St. John Chrysostom “Why are you proud of your fatherland,” He says, when I command you to be a wanderer throughout the entire universe, when you can become such that the whole world will...

A unanimous commitment to freedom of belief “Respect to be respected”

Freedom of belief - The Fundación para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad (Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society) gathered once again this year in Madrid to...

Ouranopolitism and the New Year

By Saint John Chrysostom “...We must move away from this, and clearly know that there is no evil except one sin, and there is no good except one virtue and pleasing God in everything. Joy...

10th Edition of Religious Freedom Awards announces new book

December 15, 2023, witnessed the tenth edition of the Religious Freedom Awards, which are given annually by the Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society (Fundacion MEJORA), linked to the Church of...

Patriarch Bartholomew’s Christmas message is dedicated to the theology of peace

Ecumenical Patriarch and Archbishop of Constantinople Bartholomew dedicated his Christmas message to the theology of peace. He begins with the words of the 14th century hesychast, St. Nicholas Cavàsila, that through the incarnation of...

A Path to Compassion: Gustavo Guillerme’s Path to Peace and Understanding in Brussels

In an emotional meeting at the European Jewish Community Center (EJCC) in Brussels, Gustavo Guillermé, President of the "World Congress for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, A Pathway to Peace," together with the famed architect...

We honor the holy 14 thousand infant martyrs

On December 29, 2023, according to the Orthodox calendar, the Holy 14 thousand infant martyrs killed by Herod in Bethlehem are honored. These innocent Jewish babies suffered for the baby Jesus at the behest of...

A popular Turkish series fined because of a religious dispute

Turkey's radio and television regulatory body RTUK has imposed a two-week ban on the popular TV series “Scarlet pimples” (Kizil Goncalar) because it is against "national and spiritual values of society", Reuters reported. Ilhan Tascha,...

Ouranopolitism and patriotism

By priest Daniil Sysoev “Ouranopolitism is (from the Greek Ouranos - sky, polis - city) a doctrine that affirms the primacy of Divine laws over earthly ones, the primacy of love for the heavenly Father...

Social action by religious minorities in Spain, a hidden treasure

The intense and quiet work carried out in Spain by religious denominations such as Buddhists, Baha'is, Evangelicals, Mormons, members of Scientology, Jews, Sikhs and Jehovah's Witnesses has remained for decades in the shadows, out...

The contribution of communities and movements to the future of Europe

By Martin Hoegger Christian movements and communities have something to say about the future of Europe, and more broadly about peace in the world. In Timisoara, Romania, at the annual meeting of the "Together for...

RUSSIA, 6 and 4 years in prison for a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses

On 18 December 2023, the judge of the Novosibirsk District Court, Oleg Karpets, sentenced Marina Chaplykina to 4 years in prison, and Valeriy Maletskov to 6 years in prison for organizing religious meetings in...

Pope Francis calls for peace in his “urbi et orbi” blessing

Today, Pope Francis delivered his traditional urbi et orbi blessing to the faithful around the world, where traditionally took stock of world conflicts.

EU sanctions include two Orthodox television channels and a private Orthodox military company

Two Orthodox television stations and a private Orthodox military company are included in the 12th package of sanctions of the European Union

Editrice Vaticana presented a book on Mama Antula, the new Argentinean saint

Published in Italian by the prestigious Editrice Vaticana, the book illuminates the life and work of María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, known as Mama Antula, who will be canonized on February 11, 2024,...

Greek Synod anathematizes gay marriage

The clergy is also against adoption by same-sex couples The Holy Synod of the Greek Church stood categorically against the conclusion of marriages and the adoption of children by same-sex couples. The conservative government is...

Financial scandal in the Vatican: Cardinal was sentenced to prison

This is happening for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church A cardinal was sentenced to prison by a Vatican court. This is happening for the first time in the history of...

Pope Francis celebrated his 87th birthday in the presence of dozens of children

Children from the Vatican-run pediatric clinic sang several songs for the Holy Father Pope Francis turned 87 today, greeted by children who helped him blow out the candle on a celebratory white cake, Reuters reported....

Pope Francis wants to be buried outside the Vatican

Francis has revealed he is working with the Vatican's ceremonial leader to pardon the complex and proverbially long papal funeral rites Pope Francis, who eschews much of the pomp and privilege of the Vatican, has...

On the road to an ethic of peace and non-violence

By Martin Hoegger One of the highlights of the Together for Europe meeting in Timişoara (Romania, 16-19 November 2023) was a workshop on peace. It gave the floor to witnesses from countries at war, such...
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