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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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EU Bishops to discuss the contribution of the Catholic Church to the Conference on the Future of Europe

2021 COMECE Autumn Assembly EU Bishops to discuss the contribution of the Catholic Church to the Conference on the Future of Europe Delegates of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union will participate in the COMECE Autumn Assembly to be held in a hybrid...

Freemasons: builders of freedom or destroyers of the world

They possess the secrets of antiquity, conduct mysterious rituals and, of course, rule the world. The idea of ​​a global conspiracy of Masons is one of the most popular conspiracy theories. Let's figure out...

US televangelist Pat Robertson says ‘God is not a Republican’ during TV interview

Evangelist Pat Robertson, who once ran for the Republican Party nomination for U.S. president and who has played an important role in mobilizing conservative Christians to vote in the United States, has said that "God is not a Republican."

Moscow will host the XVIII International Charity Film Festival “Radiant Angel”

From November 1 to November 7, 2021, the XVIII International Charity Film Festival "Radiant Angel" will be held in Moscow under the slogan "Good Cinema", according to Patriarchia.ru. The film forum is held annually...


DISEASES, PRAYERS AND MEDICINES - The question of suffering, sorrow and disease is as old as the world. Even the ancient Assyrians wondered why man suffers and why people suffer, for example, from an...

About diseases, prayers and medicines (1)

diseases, prayers and medicines - In everyday conversations, we often hear people say to themselves, "Blessed are you that you can believe!" What can these words mean? Aren't they an attempt at a frivolous...

Scientologist acknowledges 30th Anniversary of ODIHR while exposing religious hatred by Germany

Permanent Representative to the UN, EU, and OSCE from the Church of Scientology Human Rights Office, Ivan Arjona, participated in events (14 and 15 October) to celebrate in Warsaw the 30th Anniversary of the...

“A million children praying the Rosary” campaign for peace

The annual initiative on October 18 is organized by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), a pontifical foundation.

Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing: Artistic works mark historic occasion

Preparations for the commemoration of the centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing are giving rise to an outpouring of artistic expressions inspired by His life and work.

A spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion is now in the Catholic Church

A prominent and retired Church of England bishop who was once a potential future Archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion is now in the Catholic Church

Under what pretext do people resort to magic practitioners?

From the book of Metropolitan Hierotheus (Vlahos), "Spiritual landmarks for modern society": People who resort to spells and wizards point out as a pretext that they do so because they have special reasons. In fact,...

Why is God kind to the wicked?

Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, the wise King Solomon, speaking of the vanity of the world and the injustice in it, concluded: there is nothing new under the sun… Before that, his...


The Montenegrin-Littoral Metropolitanate of the Serbian Orthodox Church made an official statement on October 9 in Cetinje regarding the attitude of the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, to the Church. The attempts of the...

Jean-Claude Larcher on the origin, nature and meaning of the current pandemic (2)

According to the Orthodox view developed by the Fathers on the basis of the Bible, ancestral sin (which in the Western tradition is called original sin) had three physical consequences: transience (whose most acute form is suffering), decay (whose main form is disease).

Why should we love our enemies?

The Russian Orthodox priest Pavel Serzhantov is looking for an answer to this question through the views of the Venerable Elder Siluan on the website pravoslavie.ru. "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do...

Germany‘s largest mosque will call for Friday prayers over loudspeakers

Germany's largest mosque will be allowed to call on prayer on Friday afternoon through loudspeakers. This came after an agreement between the municipal authorities in Cologne and the Muslim community to ease the restrictions,...

Jean-Claude Larcher on the origin, nature and meaning of the current pandemic (1)

The author of the interview, Archpriest Zhivko Panev, is a professor of canon law and history of local churches at the Orthodox Theological Institute "St. Sergius ”in Paris and head of a Paris parish.

Weekend of Prayer and Action against Hunger

Observing a Weekend of Prayer and Action against Hunger on 16-17 October 2021, the World Council of Churches and a range of ecumenical organizations and partners invite people and churches around the globe to pray and...

The faction of the Shiite preacher Sadr is leading the elections in Iraq again

Influential Shiite preacher Muqtada al-Sadr has announced that his party's parliamentary group will be the largest in the Iraqi parliament after preliminary results were released. Initial figures showed that the al-Sadr bloc won at least...

450 years since the battle of Lepanto

The Battle of Lepanto was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic states (comprising Spain and most of Italy) arranged by Pope Pius V, inflicted a major defeat...

St. John Kukuzel – 10 facts about the great church composer

On October 1, every year the Orthodox Church celebrates a calendar-liturgical celebration, celebrating the memory of St. John Kukuzel. St. John Kukuzel is a huge figure not only for the Middle Ages, but also...


Federal Constitution of the Republic of Austria (1930 as amended) Art. 7 All citizens are equal before the law. They have exclusive privileges in origin, sex and religion. Art. 10. The Federation has legislative and administrative...


Most European governments have created measures to ensure the religious rights and freedoms of historically important churches as well as independent religious organizations. For example, the Norwegian Constitution states: "All subjects in the kingdom may...

Interfaith Declaration on Science and Religion Cooperation for Environmental Care

Environmental Ethics in Christian History Global concern It has only been in the last fifty years, with the advent of a global concern for ecology, that Christian theology has embraced environmental ethics in a substantial response. With this...

Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria – the most liberal in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria - the most liberal in Eastern Europe and Eurasia
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