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Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Global Sikh Coun­cil Cham­pi­ons Truce in Is­rael-Pales­tine Con­flict

The Global Sikh Coun­cil called for an immediate truce in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at its recent Annual General Meeting online.

Modena, Celebrating 42 years of Scientology Mission’s positive impact on the Community

MODENA, EMILIA-ROMAGNA, ITALY, November 23, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Modena, Italy, is a city that beautifully blends the allure of history, with the advancements of the era. It holds the title of being a UNESCO...

The Vatican allows the baptism of transgender people and children of same-sex marriages

A new ruling by the Vatican’s doctrine department has opened the door to Catholic baptism of transgender people and babies of same-sex couples.

Helping Neighbors Near and Far

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VMs) recently organized a cleanup operation in Rome and another of their teams provided flood relief in Florence. ROME, ROME, ITALY, November 15, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Scientologists in Italy often participate...

More and more priests in Moldova are leaving the Russian Orthodox Church and moving to the Romanian Patriarchate

A large part of the Orthodox parishes of the ROC in Moldova left this jurisdiction and joined the Romanian Orthodox Church, which also has its own jurisdiction in the country. During the past week, the...

Interfaith Harmony: Scientology attended the Hinduism Diwali at the European Parliament

The European representative of the Church of Scientology attended Diwali celebrations at the European Parliament, showcasing interfaith harmony.

INDIA – Bomb attempt against Jehovah’s Witnesses’ gathering, three dead and dozens injured

A former Jehovah’s Witness claims responsibility. After Germany (March 2023) and Italy (April 2023), Jehovah’s Witnesses are now killed in a bomb attack in another democracy, India An explosive device blew up at a convention...

Tragic Bomb Blast at Jehovah’s Witnesses Meeting in India

In a deeply disturbing event that has shocked the global religious community, a bomb explosion occurred during a Jehovah's Witnesses gathering in Kalamassery, near the port city of Kochi, India. This tragic incident resulted...

Unyielding Persecution of Baha’i Women in Iran

Discover the increasing persecution faced by Bahá'í women in Iran, from arrests to violations of human rights. Learn about their resilience and unity in the face of adversity. #OurStoryIsOne

RUSSIA, A Jehovah’s Witness deprived of his citizenship and deported to Turkmenistan

On September 17, 2023, employees of the Federal Migration Service, contrary to a court decision, deported Rustam Seidkuliev to Turkmenistan. Earlier, at the initiative of the FSB, his Russian citizenship was revoked due to...

Scientology and the Rise of New Pragmatic Religions in Europe, A Changing Spiritual Landscape

The Church set out a red carpet for Kulturnatten (Culture Night), welcoming over 1600 people in a matter of hours to their home in the heart of Copenhagen. BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, October 26, 2023 /EIN/...

An act of vandalism against the synagogue in Vienna, a 17-year-old girl took down the Israeli flag

Austrian media reported an act of vandalism committed against the main synagogue in the capital Vienna. The identity of a 17-year-old girl who took part in the night of Friday to Saturday in removing the...

Nazila Ghanea, Upholding Religious Freedom Must Be A Key Priority in Sweden

In a statement at the end of her 10-day visit to Sweden, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Nazila Ghanea, called on the country to strengthen its engagement and dialogue with...

Baha’is Advocate at the OSCE for Interreligious Collaboration and Education

At the 2023 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, the Baha'i International Community (BIC) emphasized the importance of freedom of conscience, religion, or belief, interreligious collaboration, and education in fostering a flourishing society. The conference, organized...

Media Accountability Triumph, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Spain achieve condemnation of “El Mundo”

On October 16, 2023, in a report by Massimo Introvigne for BitterWinter.org, an important legal case involving the Spanish Jehovah's Witnesses and the newspaper "El Mundo" is highlighted. The lawsuit centers on an article...

Hesychasm and Humanism: The Palaeologous Renaissance (2)

By Leonid Ouspensky The number of borrowings from antiquity greatly increased in the 13th and 14th centuries, borrowed ancient motifs entered church art no longer only as additions; they permeate the plot itself and its...

Cypriot Archbishop George: I am against the carrying of relics for commercial purposes

Interview of Archbishop George of Cyprus (elected on December 24, 2022 and enthroned on January 8, 2023) for "Phileleuteros", in which he talks about the problems of the Church of Cyprus, the role and...

A painting of Patriarch Kirill in the patriarchal residence outraged social networks

The presence of a painting featuring Patriarch Kirill in the reception hall of the Danilovsky Monastery has sparked controversy among social media users.

World Council of Churches Fails in Attempt to Hold Ukraine Round Table

The World Council of Churches released a statement admitting that its months-long efforts to organize Ukraine Round Table had failed.

Hesychasm and Humanism: The Palaeologous Renaissance (1)

By Leonid Ouspensky When the Greeks regained Constantinople in 1261, the state was in complete ruin. Destitution and epidemics are everywhere. Civil wars are raging (three in one generation). Meanwhile, Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus sought...

Unity does not shy away from controversy

On September 30, 2023, Pope Francis hosted an ecumenical prayer vigil in advance of the synod of Roman Catholic bishops that would begin on October 4. He invited church leaders from various denominations to...

Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it,...

Churches help refugees after “ethnic cleansing” in Nagorno-Karabakh

By Evert van Vlastuin (CNE.news) Really sad and really heavy. That is how pastor Craig Simonian responds to the moment that Nagorno-Karabakh is emptied of Armenians. “No one is left there.” For centuries, the...

Exploring Freedom and Help: A Glimpse into the Church of Scientology in Budapest

In an episode of "Destination; Scientology," a travel show that explores various Scientology churches worldwide, viewers were treated to an exclusive glimpse inside the Church of Scientology in Budapest. The episode, which aired on...

ODIHR will address, together with experts, Anti-Religious Hate Crimes in a side event

The OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will be organizing a side event called "Addressing Anti-Religious Hate Crime in the OSCE Area." This event is scheduled to take place on October...
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