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Decisive Actions Needed in the EU to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals by 2030: ESDR Report


PARIS, FRANCE, 25 January 2024 – The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24 (ESDR), a new report released today produced by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in collaboration with SDSN Europe and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), reveals that decisive actions must be taken in the European Union (EU) to avoid environmental and social “tipping points” and to maintain the promise of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Ahead of the June European Election, a new SDSN Report Details Priority Actions to Lay the Foundation for a New European Deal for the Future

The fifth edition of the ESDR, which includes the SDG Index and Dashboards, tracks progress on the SDGs of the EU, its Member States, and partner countries in Europe. The report highlights that at the current rate, a third of the SDG targets will not be achieved by the EU by 2030, with significant differences across European countries; these range from a quarter in Northern and Western Europe to around half in Southern Europe and Central and Eastern Europe on average. In particular, the report underlines stagnation and reversal in progress in many European countries on social targets with growing issues around access to and quality of services for all, as well as poverty and material deprivation driven at least partly by multiple crises since 2020. Globally, the international financial architecture is failing to channel global savings to SDG investments at the needed pace and scale which leads to a reversal in SDG progress in many parts of the world, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries.

This year’s report provides essential contributions for the EU to strengthen its SDG leadership at home and internationally ahead of the June 2024 European elections and the Summit of the Future convened by the UN Secretary-General in September 2024.

Guillaume Lafortune, Vice President of the SDSN and a lead author of the report, emphasizes:

“Political parties campaigning for the European elections and the future leaders of the European Union have historic responsibilities. The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all UN Member States in 2015 are not being achieved in Europe and globally, yet they remain the future Europe and the world want. Decisive actions must be taken during this decade. This is not the time to backtrack or water down what has been achieved and agreed on to support the implementation of the SDGs and Paris Climate Agreement. Long-term investments and regional cooperation are required to boost skills and innovation and provide equal opportunities for all. In a multipolar and fragmented world, coalitions of European thought leaders must work together to lay the foundations for a new European Deal for the Future and play a leadership role internationally to prepare for the next decades of global sustainable development.”

Adolf Kloke-Lesch, Co-Chair of SDSN Europe and another lead author of the report underlines:

“The EU should turn its global role and broad networks into powerful tools of global transformation. By aligning its external policies to the global common good expressed in the 2030 Agenda with the SDGs, the EU can only bolster its long-term strategic autonomy. The EU should work closely with the G21 Presidencies of Brazil (2024) and South Africa (2025) and the G7 Presidencies of Italy (2024) and Canada (2025) to get the SDG agenda back on track. Within both groups, the EU, France, Germany, and Italy should form a dedicated ‘Team Europe for the SDGs’ to strive for an open and cooperative international order to advance global sustainable development. In today’s world, international cooperation must progressively become mutually transformative, giving partners a voice and means also in the European Financial Architecture as well as regarding policy measures and developments in the EU that highly affect them.”

The SDGs are not being achieved in Europe and globally; persisting and rising inequalities within and across European countries must be addressed.

Multiple and simultaneous health, security, geopolitical, climate, and financial crises led to a slowdown of SDG progress on average in the EU, driven notably by slow progress on socio-economic outcomes and environmental goals. Finland tops the SDG Index this year (for the fourth year in a row), yet even countries at the top of the SDG Index face significant challenges in achieving several SDGs. The EU faces its biggest SDG challenges in responsible consumption and production, climate and biodiversity, sustainable land­use and diets, and in promoting convergence in SDG progress across its Member States.

This year’s edition also highlights challenges related to the ‘Leave No One Behind’ principle included in the 2030 Agenda. The ‘Leave No One Behind’ Index (LNOB) included in the report measures within-country inequalities across four dimensions: extreme poverty and material deprivation; income inequality; gender inequality; and access to and quality of services. The Index highlights minimal progress and even reversal across three of the four dimensions for most European countries since 2020. The situation is particularly

alarming regarding the sub-dimension “access to and quality of services,” where 32 out of 34 European countries covered by the Index show no progress or reversal in progress. The effective functioning of European democracies and institutions, which are at the heart of the sustainable development transition, depends on the capacity of the EU leadership and Member States to provide equal opportunities, protect the most vulnerable, and boost education and skills for all.

As reflected in previous editions, the report also finds that the EU is responsible for significant negative “international spillovers”, driven partly by unsustainable consumption and international supply chains.

Towards a new European Deal for the Future

In June 2024, the citizens of the EU will elect the new European Parliament. The EU’s incoming leaders will be responsible for agreeing to the next EU seven-year budget (2028-2035) and negotiating the next global agenda for sustainable development to continue the SDGs beyond 2030. In the current fragmented and multipolar world, the EU’s leadership must adopt a more ambitious, integrated, and coherent approach to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs at home and internationally. Complementing the ESDR 2023/24 report, a group of 100+ scientists, experts, and practitioners from over 20 European countries also published today a joint Call for Action targeting political parties and the future EU leadership to lay the foundation for a new European Deal for the Future with ten priority actions:

  1. Respond to the grave danger of negative “social tipping points” by significantly reducing the risk of poverty and social exclusion of European citizens.
  2. Double down efforts to achieve net-zero emissions in the EU by 2050, with major breakthroughs by 2030.
  3. Strengthen regional and local authorities in achieving the SDGs, including regularly monitoring and reporting SDG progress at all levels.
  4. Curb negative international spillovers and support the transformation towards a sustainable trade system.
  5. Leverage Team Europe for global SDG diplomacy and strengthen diverse and universal formats, especially the United Nations.
  6. Step up Europe’s multilateral role by leading global efforts to reform the global financial architecture.
  7. Re-focus the EU’s international partnerships on the SDGs and move towards mutually transformative cooperation.
  8. Mobilize the financial means for the transformations toward a sustainable future.
  9. Institutionalize the integration of the SDGs into strategic planning, macroeconomic coordination, budget processes, research and innovation missions, and other policy instruments.
  10. Establish new permanent mechanisms for structured and meaningful engagement with civil society, including youth, and within the European Parliament on SDG pathways and policies.

The 5th edition of the Europe Sustainable Development Report is part of the larger Sustainable Development Report (SDR) series. Since 2015, the SDR provides the most up-to-date data to track and rank the performance of Europe and all UN Member States on the SDGs. This year’s ESDR covers the 27 EU Member States, four countries of the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland), the United Kingdom, and EU candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkiye).[1] The report was prepared by a group of independent experts at SDSN and SDSN Europe and is co-designed and co-created by and with civil society in Europe. This year’s edition builds on three workshops and one online public consultation organized between April and November 2023. The methodology is based on the global edition of the Sustainable Development Report, which was peer-reviewed by Cambridge University Press and Nature Geoscience, and statistically audited in 2019 by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC).

[1] Due to their very recent accession to the status of candidate country, and in light of significant data gaps and lags, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are not included in this year’s edition.

The report is accessible here (available online from 24 January 2024 at 11:59 pm CET). The websites and data visualization links are available below.

Website: https://sdgtransformationcenter.org/

Data Visualization: https://eu-dashboards.sdgindex.org/

Holocaust Remembrance Day: “Hitler did not win!” | News

Holocaust Remembrance Day: “Hitler did not win!” | News

“We pay tribute today to the victims of the Holocaust and reaffirm our unwavering commitment against antisemitism, racism and other forms of hate. Europe remembers”, stressed European Parliament President, Roberta Metsola, opening the solemn sitting. Warning that the complicit silence of many made the Nazi horrors possible, she underlined that “the European Parliament is not a place of indifference – we speak against Holocaust deniers, against disinformation and against violence”.

“We will listen to your story. We will take your lessons with us. We will remember”, she concluded, before giving the floor to Ms Shashar.

During her speech, Irene Shashar described how she survived the horrors of Nazism in Warsaw as a “Holocaust Hidden Child”, fleeing through a sewer to the Aryan side of Warsaw where her mother’s friends supported them. Living in Israel today, she said, “I was blessed with the opportunity to have children and grandchildren. I did the very thing Hitler tried so hard to prevent. Hitler did not win!”

Speaking about the ongoing war and the terrorist attacks of 7 October, she said that she left her country “in the wake of violence, murder, rape, and terror” and asked MEPs for their solidarity and support to see the hostages be reunited with their families.

After 7 October “the resurgence of antisemitism means that the hate of the past is still with us”, Ms Shashar warned. “Jews are again not feeling safe living in Europe. After the Holocaust, this should be unacceptable. “Never Again” should truly mean never again.”

Referring to Europe, which was able to set aside old hatred and come together, she declared that her dream was that “my children, all children, live in a peaceful Middle East, one that is free of hate, especially towards us, the Jews. In my dream, Jews find safety and security anywhere they choose to call home. And antisemitism is finally a thing of the past.”

Ending her speech, Ms Shashar concluded that while she had won against Hitler, her grandchildren must now fight for their survival. “I call upon you, the Parliament of Europe, to help make my dream come true. Together with you we can end antisemitism and achieve a lasting peace.”

After Ms Shashar’s speech, MEPs observed a minute’s silence. The ceremony closed with a musical performance by Sheva Tehoval, soprano, and Marcelo Nisinman of “Kaddish” by Maurice Ravel.

Watch the ceremony here.

Irene Shashar

Born on 12 December 1937 as Ruth Lewkowicz, Irene Shashar survived the Warsaw ghetto. After her father was killed by the Nazis, she escaped the ghetto with her mother and was in hiding for the rest of war. She and her mother then moved to Paris. After her mother’s death, she moved to Peru where she was adopted by relatives. After studying in the US, she moved to Israel at the age 25 and became the youngest faculty member to hold a post at the Hebrew University. Today she lives in Modiin, Israel. In 2023, she published her biography “I won against Hitler”.

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Transforming Tragedy into Hope: Rwandan Educator Champions Human Rights for Lasting Peace


Brussels, Pressrelease through BXL-Media – Rwanda, once known for its history of ethnic violence is currently undergoing a remarkable transformation towards a peaceful future. This positive change is being led by Ladislas Yassin Nkundabanyanga, an educator and human rights activist who is deeply committed to creating a better world for future generations. Nkundabanyanga has joined forces with Youth for Human Rights an initiative supported by the Church of Scientology to champion this cause.

The story of Nkundabanyanga is intertwined with the events of the past. He was born in 1974 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Later moved to Rwanda in 1980. During his time in school, he witnessed firsthand the ethnic violence that erupted. The devastating loss of his friends during the genocide against Tutsis motivated him to dedicate his life to educating people about their rights.

In 2004 while working as a teacher Nkundabanyanga established a nonprofit organization called Rwanda Youth Clubs for Peace. This organization focuses on promoting peacebuilding, tolerance and conflict resolution. One notable initiative they undertake is the Football for Peace Tournament. However, Nkundabanyanga understands that education plays a role, in preventing future genocides.

Working in collaboration with Youth for Human Rights Nkundabanyanga had access to a range of educational resources such as booklets, audiovisual materials, banners, posters, clothing items like shirts and caps as well as a comprehensive package for educators. During his training sessions with children, he witnessed changes in their attitudes and behaviours. He emphasized the importance of not only teaching young people to think independently and differentiate right from wrong but also encouraging them to actively apply these principles.

Working to create a legacy of Empowerment, a beacon of change, this initiative has had an impact on schools. According to Nkundabanyanga students and teachers have reported improvements in discipline and school attendance following their visits. Moreover, they have extended their efforts beyond the classroom by advocating for children’s right to education in alignment with Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Encouragingly their progress is evident as several disadvantaged children have successfully returned to school.

Above all else Nkundabanyanga believes that instilling a comprehension of human rights, in children will be his enduring legacy. By empowering people to understand and uphold these rights he envisions a future where the social madness that fuels ethnic violence and genocide becomes obsolete.

Promoting Human Rights Education

United for Human Rights with support from the Church of Scientology is driven by the perspective of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology: “Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream.” Operating as one of the world’s comprehensive initiatives focused on educating people about human rights this program offers educational resources in 17 languages. It includes an online course that delves into the background, history and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and its 30 articles.

Through programming on the Scientology Network, viewers can access documentaries exploring human rights history as well as public service announcements highlighting each of the 30 articles in UDHR. The original series “Voices for Humanity” further emphasizes our dedication to fostering change through human rights education.

As we witness Nkundabanyanga’s work and collaboration with Youth for Human Rights the Scientology Network echoes its call for a comprehensive implementation of UDHR worldwide. We aim to transform rights into an attainable reality, on a global scale.

Code: BXL202401251159

How Tech Is Fueling Small Business Growth


It’s no secret that technology is now one of the biggest factors in determining a business’ success. Since it first appeared on the market to make life easier for companies, tech has taken the reins as one of the most important parts of a business, in some cases even making or breaking a company as a whole. Many businesses have fallen at the tech hurdle so to speak, refusing to make an investment into the pieces that they need to take their company further.

This mistake has cost them greatly, leaving them struggling on the market, or leaving the company to go under.

It makes sense then that small companies should be focusing their efforts on getting the right pieces of tech to help them grow their business. Down below, we’re going to be discussing some of the ways in which tech is fueling small business growth, and why it’s so important to have. If we’ve piqued your interest, read on to find out more.

Becoming More Competitive

Being a competitor on the market is essential if you want to grow your small business. There is absolutely no chance that you are going to be able to grow your business if there is no demand for this, and businesses will not see demand if they are not a key player. Instead, people looking for the services or products that you provide will choose one of the main players on the market, overlooking your business completely.

In order to be competitive, businesses need to provide top tier services and products, while also making sure people know about them. Marketing is massively important here, and tech can help with this too. If you don’t have the right tech, you won’t be able to create the right marketing resources to target an online audience, and that causes massive problems for your business.

Boosting Efficiency

Have you ever heard of the saying ‘anything you can do, I can do better?’ We’re sure that you have at some point, but in business, you will find that the saying is going to be ‘anything a person can do, tech can do better’ in a lot of cases. Of course this is not always true, especially in customer service jobs that require a human touch to them. However, there are a lot of tasks that tech can do far better and more efficiently than humans can, reducing the risk of error and getting the job done faster. This leads to an overall more efficient business, while also keeping you competitive with the other companies on the market.

Efficiency is a key part of keeping your business in the game, and this is not something that you’re going to be able to do without technology. The other companies that you are competing with are going to be far more efficient, taking your customers when you cannot provide at the same rate that they are. As such, getting technology will fuel your business growth by allowing you to provide for more customers in an efficient way.

Cloud Computing

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How Tech Is Fueling Small Business Growth 3

Pexels Image – CC0 License

Some businesses think that cloud computing is only a good solution for companies that are larger in size, but this is not the case at all. In fact, small businesses are actually the ones who are benefiting most from this solution, with over 82% of small and medium businesses reporting that they have experienced reduced costs since they started using cloud computing tools.

Cloud computing offers a scalable solution for businesses when it comes to software access such as hvac software and so much more, as well as data storage and other collaboration efforts. The cloud computing tools mean that there is less need for on-site infrastructure, reducing maintenance costs and allowing for more flexibility.

Using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for a while now, but only in the last few years have businesses seen how much potential it really has. Chatbots for example are massively helpful when it comes to basic customer service, and are still being developed to provide a more detailed solution for customers. The use of chatbots means that some companies are able to provide 24/7 support for their customers, making that business more appealing to the people using it.

AI also allows businesses the chance to gain actionable insights from large amounts of data. Something that would generally take a person hours, days, or even weeks to comb through can be done in minutes, giving businesses the information that they need to make the best possible choices moving forward. As such, it improves decision making, and reduces costs for business, allowing them to put more money into other areas where it is needed.

Mobile Applications

There’s an app for pretty much everything these days, and if you don’t have one for small business then you are missing a trick. Businesses everywhere seem to understand that the best way to ensure their business is accessible to the most people is to have a mobile application that is easy to use, and to understand. Those who create complex apps are going to put users off using them completely, driving a wedge between customers and your company. Don’t forget that people are not going to spend ages trying to work something out that seems impossible, they will just move onto another app that is easier.

With the use of mobile applications, businesses will make things more convenient for their customers, which is a huge bonus. People want ease, and that’s what mobile applications allow. Hire an app developer to help you with this, talk about what you want from the app, and they will work their magic, creating the perfect application for your business.

It’s also true to say that mobile applications help expand the reach of businesses, allowing them to gain more customers all over the world. As long as you don’t have your application set to a certain region, you can allow users to use the application no matter where they are.

Safeguarding Data

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CC0 License – Source Image

Safeguarding data is more important than ever, especially due to the fact that cybercrime is on the rise. This has been the case for quite some time now, and businesses now more than ever need to be careful at keeping client data, as well as the data of their business safe. It’s a difficult job, and businesses should be looking at hiring security professionals to take on this task for them, ensuring that it is done properly, rather than trying to do it themselves and risking it not working.

There are pieces of tech and software that have been designed specifically to help businesses keep this data safe, so making use of them is going to be paramount to success here. You might be wondering how this fuels business growth, and the simple answer is that it helps you gain a reputation as a company that can be trusted. People who are looking for a business to provide for them want to know that their information is going to be kept safe, and will choose a company that is known for this, or at least doesn’t have a poor reputation when it comes to it.

Overall, we’re living in a world of technology, and if you own a small business you’re not going to be able to avoid technology. Make the plunge and get what you need for your business, because you’re going to regret it if you don’t. You will meet the same fate as other small businesses that instead of growing, ran themselves into the ground trying to remain competitive without the right tools to do so.

European Parliamentarians Expose China’s Brutal Religious Persecution

red green and blue world map
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

While the Chinese Communist Party subjects European citizens and leaders to a hypocritical image-management campaign, European Parliamentarians are insisting on the truth about China’s barbaric persecution of a religious minority.

By Marco Respinti* and Aaron Rhodes**

Resolutions by international bodies can’t guarantee human rights or justice but can call in the obligations of governments, world organizations, supernational bodies, and even world political and legal powers to address egregious violations of universal standards.  On January 18, 2024, the European Parliament (EP) openly condemned “the ongoing persecution of the Falun Gong in China.” There have been, of course, precedents on the subject, but the language used and the clarity of the denunciation has no equal in previous European Union expressions.

The murder of practitioners of Falun Gong has been tirelessly perpetrated by the Chinese Communist regime since 1999, with horrific brutality. Falun Gong is a Chinese new religious movement, established in 1992. Initially, the regime tolerated and even favored it, considering its practices based on a variant of qi gong, the traditional Chinese gymnastics, as a healthy panacea for the perfect communist citizen. But, gradually failing to deny and eliminate the spiritual dimension of the movement rooted in the “Three Teachings,” (the traditional matrix of Chinese spirituality made up of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism), the regime began to ruthlessly persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Officially banned since 1999 (with other groups), the movement has since fallen prey to the vile practice of forced organ harvesting to feed a rich international black market of transplants and other lethal punishments.

The European Parliament resolution

“[c]alls for the EU and its Member States to publicly condemn organ transplant abuses in China and to use the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime and national human rights sanctions regimes against all perpetrators and entities that have contributed to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and abroad.”

The statement concretely “stresses that EU measures should include refusing visas, freezing assets, expulsion from EU territories, criminal prosecution, including on the basis of extraterritorial jurisdiction, and bringing international criminal charges” against the perpetrators of such horrors.

Since 1999, it notes, “the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has engaged in systematic persecution to eradicate the Falun Gong religious movement.” Underlining that “freedom of religious belief is deteriorating across the People’s Republic of China (PRC)” despite Article 36 of the PRC Constitution that “stipulates that its citizens must enjoy freedom of religious belief,” the resolution highlights that “technology-based censorship and surveillance are central to this repression.” The EP states that “it is documented that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of the CCP’s persecution since 1999” and that “practitioners are frequently detained and reportedly subjected to torture, psychological abuse, and organ harvesting so that they renounce their faith.”

The resolution focuses on a particular case as illuminating the persecution of the whole Falun Gong movement, the case of Mr. Ding Yuande and his wife, Ms. Ma Ruimei, both Falun Gong practitioners in the PRC, whose sad case is known. They were arrested on May 12, 2023, without any warrant, and while Ms. Ma was later released on bail, thanks to the public effort of Ding Lebin, their son and an exiled Falun Gong practitioner as well.  The police continued to intimidate the woman after her release, but her husband remains in custody, sentenced to three years in prison with a CNY 15000 fine (almost €2,000) on December 15, 2023. His sole offense is to be a religious believer in an atheistic regime.

As the EP resolution passed, Falun Gong published its annual report on victims. The well-documented dossier shows that persecution didn’t decrease in 2023. 1,188 Falun Gong practitioners were in fact sentenced and 209 killed, bringing to over 5,000 the number of deaths since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of that religious movement in 1999.

With Chinese operatives moving to gain influence on European governments, media, educational institutions, and business enterprises, the EP resolution deserves the widest possible attention.  It can show Europeans the true nature of the regime seeking the leadership of the “Community of Common Destiny for Mankind.”

* Marco Respinti is director-in-charge of “Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights.”

**Aaron Rhodes is president of the Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe. He was Executive Director of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1993-2007.

Russians are ready for Lenin to finally be buried


What is left is only 10 percent of his body

His mummified corpse has been on public display for a century after his death, but now more than half of Russians would like Lenin’s body to be buried.

Shortly after his death on January 21, 1924, Lenin’s corpse in costume was available for viewing in Red Square. But according to a new poll by Russia’s state-run sociological center VCIOM (Russian Public Opinion Research Center), 57 percent of Russians would like to see the Bolshevik leader, whose full name is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, buried.

“The question of the fate of Vladimir Lenin’s body divided Russians into three roughly equal groups,” VCIOM notes. “33% of our fellow citizens believe he should be left in a mausoleum, 30% be reburied in a cemetery as soon as possible… 27% support him being buried when the generation of those who still care him, gone. Thus, more than half of those polled support burying Lenin’s body (57%),” the polling company said in a statement, adding that the remaining issue was time.

The debate over what to do with Lenin’s body has hovered over Moscow since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Lenin himself wished to be buried, but he remains immortalized in architect Alexei Shchusev’s red-and-black mausoleum – opposite a large luxury shopping center.

There is also debate in Russia about how much of Lenin actually remains, given the removal of organs and the numerous treatments his mummified body underwent after his death.

In 2008, then Duma deputy Vladimir Medinsky said: “What is left is only 10 percent of his body.”

Scientists associated with the Moscow Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants are responsible for preserving the body, and their methods remain shrouded in secrecy.

Surveys in authoritarian countries like Russia are not always reliable due to inaccuracies and fear. According to the latest data from the Free Russia Foundation, many pollsters reported a record high number of refusals from people willing to answer questions.

However, a Levada survey conducted a decade ago also showed that around 53% of Russians would like Lenin’s body to be buried.

Lenin’s body attracted significant crowds of tourists before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with queues in the summer often snaking out of Red Square. However, with international tourism falling in recent years, the possibility of a Lenin burial will increase.

President Putin ambiguously stated that the Russian people will decide to bury Lenin “when the time comes.”

Illustrative Photo by Maxim Titov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/historical-building-located-under-blue-sky-3848886/

Iran urged to halt ‘horrific wave of executions’

Iran urged to halt ‘horrific wave of executions’

Mohammad Ghobadlou, 23, who reportedly had a mental health condition, was arrested in September 2022 for running over a policeman and killing him during a demonstration near the capital, Tehran.

Thousands of people nationwide took to the street after the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody earlier that month. She had been detained by Iran’s morality police who accused her of wearing her headscarf improperly.

Mr. Ghobadlou was charged with “corruption on earth” and sentenced to death.

Against capital punishment

“We continue to stand against and condemn the use of the death penalty,” said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric, responding to a reporter’s question during his daily briefing from New York.

Four experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council also strongly condemned the execution of Mr. Ghobadlou, who had “a long-term psychological disability”.

They issued a statement urging Iran to respect international law and stop the “horrific execution” of protestors.

Access to lawyers denied

“We are alarmed by reports of unfair trial proceedings in the case of Mr. Ghobadlou, as well as in other cases, which fell far short of due process and fair trial standards required by international human rights law by which Iran is bound,” they said.

The rights experts also expressed serious concern over credible reports that people who were executed had been denied access to lawyers during their detention and trial.

“We are shocked that the authorities went ahead with the execution despite the fact that Mr. Ghobadlou and his lawyer had no information about the legal basis for the intended execution,” the experts said.

‘Unprecedented rise in executions’

They warned that at least four people are reportedly at imminent risk of execution in Iran, including two men in connection with the nationwide protests, while at least 15 others face the death penalty.

“We are dismayed by the unprecedented rise in executions in Iran and note that at least 834 people were executed in 2023, including eight people associated with the nationwide protests,” the experts said. “We urge the Iranian Government to stop this horrific wave of executions.”

The experts also called on the Government “to take steps to ensure the independence of the judiciary and that all due process and fair trial standards required by international human rights law are strictly and unequivocally upheld in all capital cases.”

Furthermore, they urged the authorities to review the use and implementation of the death penalty and ensure that capital punishment is used only for the most serious crimes as defined by international law.

About Special Rapporteurs

The four Special Rapporteurs who issued the statement have individual mandates that cover the situation of human rights in Iran; extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions; the independence of judges and lawyers; and the right to physical and mental health.

They were appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and are neither UN staff nor are they paid for their work.

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Holocaust Remembrance Day: Holocaust survivor Irene Shashar to address MEPs


On Thursday, Irene Shashar, a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto, will address MEPs during a plenary session in Brussels, to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola will open the solemn sitting at 11.30, followed by a musical interlude by bandoneon player Mr Marcelo Nisinman.

After Ms Shashar’s speech, MEPs will observe a minute’s silence. The ceremony will close with a musical performance by Sheva Tehoval, soprano, and Mr Marcelo Nisinman of “Kaddish” by Maurice Ravel.

Irene Shashar

Born on 12 December 1937 as Ruth Lewkowicz, Irene Shashar survived the Warsaw ghetto. After her father was killed by the Nazis she escaped the ghetto with her mother through the sewers to another part of Warsaw where she was a “hidden child” for the rest of war. She and her mother then moved to Paris. After her mother’s death, she moved to Peru where she was adopted by relatives. After studying in the US, she moved to Israel at the age 25 and became the youngest faculty member to hold a post at the Hebrew University. Today she lives in Modiin, Israel. In 2023 she published her biography “I won against Hitler”.

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No respite to Ukraine -‘No end in sight’ to war, UN political chief warns

‘No end in sight’ to Ukraine war, UN political chief warns
© UNOCHA/Oleksii Holenkov - Cities across Ukraine, including Dnipro (pictured), were heavily bombed over the festive period.

The new year has brought no respite to Ukraine, with recent weeks seeing some of the worst attacks of the nearly three-year war, the UN political affairs chief told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

Rosemary DiCarlo underscored the UN’s steadfast commitment to support all meaningful efforts towards a just, sustainable, and comprehensive peace.

The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine began on 24 February 2022 and the Council has met more than 100 times to discuss the “harrowing consequences”, she recalled. 

War must stop 

“And yet, here we are, on the brink of the third year of the gravest armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War – with no end in sight,” she warned.

“The toll of this senseless war – in death, destruction and destabilization – is already catastrophic. It is terrifying to contemplate where it could lead us. It must stop.”

Since the start of the war, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, has verified 29,579 civilian casualties -10,242 people killed, including 575 children, and more than 19,300 injured, including 1,264 children.  

Recent wave of attacks 

Ms. Dicarlo said between 29 December and 2 January, 96 people were killed and 423 injured, according to OHCHR.

Country-wide drone strikes on 29 December alone killed 58 people and injured 158 – the highest number of deaths in a single day in all of 2023.

Meanwhile, at least 25 civilians were reportedly killed, and more than 100 injured, in strikes on 30 December in the Russian city of Belgorod, which were attributed to Ukraine.  Cross-border attacks have reportedly continued, prompting some civilians to evacuate the city.

This past Saturday, 11 civilians were reportedly killed in a missile strike in Pokrovsk, a town in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, which the authorities attributed to Russian forces.

Ms. DiCarlo said civilians in frontline communities bear the heaviest burden of the missile, drone and artillery barrages, with nearly 70 per cent of civilian casualties recorded in the Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Concern for children 

The war’s impact on children is “particularly appalling”, she added, noting that nearly two-thirds of young Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes, while an estimated 1.5 million children are at risk of post-traumatic stress and other mental health conditions.

The missile and drone attacks are also causing severe damage to civilian infrastructure, and thousands are without electricity and water supply in frigid winter weather.

“Even as the fighting rages, Ukrainians are working to rebuilding their lives and homes, investing in areas less exposed to direct hostilities,” Ms. DiCarlo told ambassadors. 

She said the UN, in coordination with government partners, continues to support local recovery efforts, including in the energy sector.

Ms. DiCarlo also pointed to a recent positive development – the long-awaited exchange of more than 200 prisoners of war each by Russia and Ukraine that took place on 3 January, marking the largest such exchange since the start of the war.

Edem Wosornu, Director of Operations and Advocacy of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, briefs the Security Council meeting on maintenance of peace and security in Ukraine.

Humanitarians under fire 

The Council was also briefed on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, where more than 14.6 million people, roughly 40 per cent of the population, require assistance. 

Attacks and extreme weather have left millions of people in a record 1,000 villages and towns across the country without electricity or water, said Edem Wosornu, Director of the Operations and Advocacy Division with the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA.

The latest wave of attacks has further impacted aid operations and affected humanitarian workers. She reported that the number of aid workers killed has more than tripled, from four in 2022 to 15 last year, while another 35 were injured. 

“The spike in attacks on aid storage facilities over the past two months has brought the number of incidents negatively impacting aid operations in 2023 to more than 50, the majority of them bombardments that have hit warehouses,” she added.

Healthcare and education hit 

Ms. Wosornu said in December alone, five humanitarian warehouses were damaged and burned to the ground in the Kherson region.  As a result, tonnes of relief items, including food, shelter materials and medical supplies, were destroyed.

Medical facilities also have been hit relentlessly throughout the war. Some 1,435 attacks on the healthcare system have been verified since February 2022, including the killing of 112 health workers, and at least 10 facilities have been damaged in the latest wave of aerial attacks.

Additionally, more than 3,000 educational facilities have also been damaged or destroyed, and many that remain are now being used to accommodate displaced people or as aid distribution centres. As a result, nearly one million children have no safe and reliable access to continue their education.

Sexual violence and trauma

Ms. Wosornu said the war has also exposed millions of Ukrainians to heightened risk of gender-based violence, trafficking, and exploitation, with reports of people from ages four to 80  subjected to conflict-related sexual violence.

“This leads me to a deeper point about this war. Underneath the very evident physical repercussions for Ukraine and Ukrainians, there lurks a much less visible but no less damaging impact: signs of a deeply rooted psychological trauma that could affect millions of people for years to come,” she warned.

Last year, humanitarians reached nearly 11 million people across Ukraine. They had requested $3.9 billion to support their operations in 2023 and received over $2.5 billion. 

The 2024 humanitarian plan for Ukraine will be launched in Geneva next week, which seeks $3.1 billion to support 8.4 million people. 

For a full report on all the statements made by Council members, go to our UN Meetings Coverage Service here.

$400 paper clip – totally real


Prada’s silver money clip, measuring 6.25cm long and 2.25cm wide, won’t change your life or be a good luck charm, luxurylaunches.com reports. However, it can serve as a reminder that you can afford a paper clip for $400 instead of 30,000 pieces of regular paper clips. Crafted from 925 sterling silver, this elegant money clip features an engraved logo.

The Italian design house released the product in 2017 for $180. Those who got their hands on it almost seven years ago were in luck, as now that little paper clip has been affected by inflation and costs a whopping $400.

It’s hard to justify using this product. Perhaps it could be used to hold high profile divorce papers or life-changing multi-million dollar deals. Still, Prada’s paperclip received quite a bit of criticism on Twitter.