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The Evolution and Impact of AdTech Development Services

The Evolution and Impact of AdTech Development Services

In the ever-expanding digital landscape, advertising technology, or AdTech, has become a pivotal force shaping how businesses reach and engage their target audiences. AdTech development services play a crucial role in this ecosystem, facilitating the creation and optimization of advertising campaigns across various platforms and channels. From programmatic advertising to data-driven insights, AdTech development services have revolutionized the way brands connect with consumers. In this article, we’ll explore the evolution, significance, and impact of AdTech development services in today’s marketing landscape.

Advertising - artistic impression.

Advertising – artistic impression. Image credit: Julian Hochgesang via Unsplash, free license

Evolution of AdTech Development Services

The journey of AdTech development services traces back to the early days of digital advertising when banner ads and pop-ups dominated the online space. As technology advanced, so did the sophistication of advertising techniques. AdTech developers began harnessing data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to refine targeting, improve ad relevance, and enhance campaign performance.

The rise of programmatic advertising marked a significant milestone in AdTech development. Programmatic platforms automate the buying and selling of ad inventory in real-time, enabling advertisers to reach their desired audience with precision and efficiency. AdTech developers played a pivotal role in building the infrastructure and algorithms powering these programmatic exchanges, driving unprecedented scalability and optimization in digital advertising campaigns.

 Significance of AdTech Development Services

AdTech development services are instrumental in addressing the complexities of modern advertising. From ad serving and targeting to measurement and attribution, these services provide the technical expertise needed to navigate the intricacies of digital marketing channels effectively. Here are some key aspects highlighting the significance of AdTech development services:

  1. Targeted Advertising: AdTech developers leverage data analysis and machine learning algorithms to identify and target specific audience segments based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This targeted approach ensures that ads are delivered to the most relevant users, maximizing engagement and ROI.
  2. Real-Time Bidding (RTB): Real-time bidding platforms allow advertisers to bid on ad impressions in milliseconds, enabling dynamic pricing based on supply and demand. AdTech developers design and optimize RTB systems to handle massive volumes of transactions efficiently, ensuring seamless ad delivery and optimal campaign performance.
  3. Ad Fraud Detection: AdTech development services incorporate robust fraud detection mechanisms to combat fraudulent activities such as click fraud, bot traffic, and ad stacking. By implementing advanced algorithms and machine learning models, developers can detect and mitigate fraudulent behavior in real-time, safeguarding advertisers’ investments and maintaining the integrity of digital advertising ecosystems.
  4. Cross-Channel Integration: AdTech developers work on integrating advertising campaigns across multiple channels, including display, social media, search, video, and mobile. This omnichannel approach ensures consistent messaging and maximizes reach across diverse audience touchpoints, driving higher brand visibility and engagement.
  5. Data Analytics and Insights: AdTech development services enable advertisers to gain valuable insights into campaign performance through comprehensive data analytics. By analyzing metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and customer journeys, advertisers can optimize their strategies in real-time, improving targeting, creative messaging, and media allocation for better results.

Impact of AdTech Development Services

The impact of AdTech development services extends beyond just advertising effectiveness; it influences the entire marketing ecosystem, driving innovation, and reshaping industry dynamics. Here are some key ways AdTech development services have made a profound impact:

  1. Personalized Experiences: AdTech development services empower brands to deliver personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. By leveraging data-driven insights, advertisers can create hyper-targeted campaigns that resonate with consumers on a personal level, fostering deeper connections and driving brand loyalty.
  2. Efficiency and Scalability: Automation and optimization capabilities provided by AdTech development services streamline the advertising process, making it more efficient and scalable. Advertisers can reach global audiences with minimal manual intervention, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives and creative innovation.
  3. Revenue Growth: AdTech development services enable publishers to monetize their digital properties more effectively through targeted advertising and yield optimization strategies. By maximizing the value of ad inventory, publishers can generate higher revenues and reinvest in content creation and audience engagement initiatives.
  4. Market Transparency: AdTech development services promote transparency and accountability in the advertising ecosystem by providing advertisers with granular insights into campaign performance and ad placements. This transparency fosters trust between advertisers, publishers, and consumers, leading to a more sustainable and equitable marketplace.
  5. Innovation and Adaptation: AdTech development services drive continuous innovation in response to evolving consumer behaviors, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. Developers are constantly exploring new technologies such as augmented reality, voice search, and connected TV advertising to stay ahead of the curve and deliver cutting-edge solutions to advertisers and publishers alike.


AdTech development services represent the engine powering the modern advertising ecosystem, enabling advertisers and publishers to navigate the complexities of digital marketing with precision and efficiency. From targeting and optimization to fraud detection and analytics, these services play a vital role in shaping the future of advertising. As technology continues to evolve, AdTech developers will remain at the forefront of innovation, driving transformative change and unlocking new opportunities for brands to connect with consumers in meaningful ways.

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Media Freedom Act: a new bill to protect EU journalists and press freedom | News

Media Freedom Act: a new bill to protect EU journalists and press freedom | News

Under the new law, adopted by 464 votes in favour to 92 against and 65 abstentions, member states will be obliged to protect media independence and all forms of interventions in editorial decisions will be banned.

Protecting journalists’ work

Authorities will be prohibited from pressing journalists and editors to disclose their sources, including by detaining them, sanctions, office searches, or by installing intrusive surveillance software on their electronic devices.

Parliament added sizeable safeguards to allow the use of spyware, which will be possible only on a case-by-case basis and subject to authorisation by a judicial authority investigating serious crimes punishable by a custodial sentence. Even in these cases, subjects will have the right to be informed after the surveillance has occurred and will be able to challenge it in court.

Editorial independence of public media

To prevent public media outlets from being used for political purposes, their heads and board members should be selected through transparent and non-discriminatory procedures for sufficiently long terms of office. It will not be possible to dismiss them before their contract ends, unless they no longer meet the professional criteria.

Public media will have to be financed using transparent and objective procedures, and the funding should be sustainable and predictable.

Transparency of ownership

To enable the public to know who controls the media and what interests may influence reporting, all news and current affairs outlets regardless of their size will have to publish information about their owners in a national database, including if they are directly or indirectly owned by the state.

Fair allocation of state advertising

Media will also have to report on funds received from state advertising and on state financial support, including from non-EU countries.

Public funds to media or online platforms will have to be allocated via public, proportionate and non-discriminatory criteria. Information on state advertising expenditure will be public, including the total annual amount and the amount per outlet.

Protecting EU media freedom from big platforms

MEPs made sure to include a mechanism to prevent very big online platforms, such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram, from arbitrarily restricting or deleting independent media content. Platforms will first have to distinguish independent media from non-independent sources. Media would be notified when the platform intends to delete or restrict their content and have 24 hours to respond. Only after the reply (or in the absence of it) may the platform delete or restrict the content if it still does not comply with its conditions.

Media will have the option to bring the case to an out-of-court dispute settlement body and request an opinion from the European Board for Media Services (a new EU board of national regulators to be set up by the EMFA).


“The significance of media plurality for a functioning democracy cannot be stressed enough”, rapporteur from the Culture and Education Committee Sabine Verheyen (EPP, DE) said in the plenary debate. “Press freedom is threatened worldwide, including in Europe: the murder in Malta, threats to press freedom in Hungary and many other examples clearly prove that. The European Media Freedom Act is our answer to this threat and a milestone in European legislation. It values and protects the double role of media as businesses and as guardians of democracy”, she concluded.

The rapporteur from the Civil Liberties Committee Ramona Strugariu (Renew, RO) said: “Journalists now have an ally, a set of tools that protects them, boosts their independence and helps them face challenges, interference and the pressure that they are often confronted with in their job. This Regulation is a response to Orbán, Fico, Janša, Putin and those who want to transform media into their own propaganda tools or spread fake news and destabilise our democracies. No journalist should ever fear pressure of any sort when doing their job and informing citizens.”


In adopting this report, Parliament is responding to citizens’ expectations for the EU as expressed in the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe:

– to introduce legislation addressing threats to media independence and enforce EU competition rules in the media sector, in order to prevent large media monopolies, as well as to ensure media pluralism and independence from undue political, corporate and/or foreign interference (Proposals 27(1), (2));

– counter disinformation through legislation and guidelines for online platforms and social media companies (33(5));

– defend and support free, pluralistic and independent media and ensure the protection of journalists (37(4)).

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MEPs call for tougher EU rules to reduce textiles and food waste | News

MEPs call for tougher EU rules to reduce textiles and food waste | News

MEPs adopted their first reading position on the proposed revision of the Waste Framework with 514 votes in favour, 20 against and 91 abstentions.

Tougher objectives to cut down food waste

They propose higher binding waste reduction targets to be met at national level by 31 December 2030 – at least 20% in food processing and manufacturing (instead of 10% proposed by the Commission) and 40% per capita in retail, restaurants, food services and households (instead of 30%). Parliament also wants the Commission to evaluate if higher targets for 2035 (at least 30% and 50% respectively) should be introduced, and if so, asks them to come up with a legislative proposal.

Producers to cover costs for collecting, sorting and recycling waste textiles

MEPs agree to extend producer responsibility (EPR) schemes, through which producers that sell textiles in the EU would have to cover the costs for collecting, sorting and recycling them separately. Member states would have to establish these schemes 18 months after the entry into force of the directive (compared to 30 months proposed by the Commission). The new rules would cover products such as clothing and accessories, blankets, bed linen, curtains, hats, footwear, mattresses and carpets, including products that contain textile-related materials such as leather, composition leather, rubber or plastic.


Rapporteur Anna Zalewska (ECR, PL) said: “Parliament has come up with targeted solutions to reduce food waste, such as promoting “ugly” fruits and veggies, keeping an eye on unfair market practices, clarifying date labelling and donating unsold-but-consumable food. For textiles, we also want to include non-household products, carpets and mattresses, as well as sales via online platforms.”

Next steps

The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the 6-9 June European elections.


Every year, 60 million tonnes of food waste (131 kg per person) and 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste are generated in the EU. Clothing and footwear alone account for 5.2 million tonnes of waste, equivalent to 12 kg of waste per person every year. It is estimated that less than 1% of all textiles worldwide are recycled into new products.

In adopting this report, Parliament is responding to citizens’ expectations for the EU to apply circular economy principles and promote measures against food waste, as well as to implement without delay an ambitious sustainable textile strategy and increase environmental standards, as expressed in proposals 1(3), 5(8), 5(9) and 5(11) of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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Parliament adopts its position on major reform of EU Customs Code | News

Parliament adopts its position on major reform of EU Customs Code | News

The EU Customs Code needs a thorough revamp due to the exponential growth of e-commerce and many new product standards, bans, obligations and sanctions the EU has put in place in recent years. The reform introduces new tools and puts in place simpler processes to help customs authorities to work more efficiently and focus on checking the riskiest goods, shipments and traders.

New approach to e-commerce

Consumers order more and more goods from third countries online. These goods do not necessarily meet the EU’s safety or environmental standards and legal norms. Additionally, approximately 65% of parcels entering the EU are deliberately undervalued, which leads to a significant loss in revenue.

The new regulation places a bigger responsibility on web platforms, which would be obliged to submit information to EU customs authorities within one day about purchased goods to be shipped to the EU. This leads to a better overview of incoming shipments and enables customs authorities to target their checks, focusing on goods and traders that might not comply with EU norms.

Simpler procedures for trusted partners

Companies and traders who agree to go through rigorous preliminary checks and controls would gain more freedoms in their dealings with customs authorities later. The most trustworthy companies would get a trusted trader status and could then operate with minimal checks and paperwork. This in turn would enable customs agents to focus on riskier businesses and shipments instead.

New digital solutions

The reform establishes a new IT platform called EU DataHub as the main working tool for all European customs authorities. Businesses would find it easier to communicate with and submit information to authorities. Customs authorities would be able to analyse data more accurately, including with the help of AI, to help them check suspicious inconsistencies, potential tax fraud and risks related to certain companies or goods, for example.


Rapporteur, Deirdre Clune (EPP, IE), said: “There is a critical need for a revised EU customs system. Not only must it guarantee the safety and compliance of goods entering the EU, but it must also function with utmost efficiency for businesses operating within the single market. The proposed Customs Data Hub is a vital step forward, but its swift implementation, alongside other key reforms, is essential to meet growing challenges.”

Next steps

Parliament’s first reading position was adopted with 486 votes in favour to 19 against and 97 abstentions. The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the 6-9 June European elections.


The Commission presented the proposal to reform the EU Customs Code in May 2023. The package contains three separate legal acts: the main regulation that establishes the EU Customs Code and the EU Customs Authority, a Council regulation on simplified tariff treatment for the distance sales and elimination of the customs duty relief threshold and a Council directive on a special scheme for distance sales of goods imported from third countries and import VAT. Parliament is a co-legislator on the first one.

In adopting its position, Parliament is responding to citizens’ expectations for the EU to reduce bureaucracy, combat counterfeiting and unfair competition and consolidate the Single Market, as expressed in proposals 12(17), 12(18) and 12(20) of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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Legal migration: MEPs endorse beefed-up single residence and work permit rules | News

Parliament adopts its position on major reform of EU Customs Code | News

The update of the Single permit directive, adopted in 2011, which established a single administrative procedure for delivering a permit to third-country nationals wishing to live and work in an EU country, and a common set of rights for third-country workers, was adopted today with 465 votes in favour, 122 against and 27x abstentions.

Faster decisions on applications

In negotiations, MEPs succeeded in setting a 90-day limit for a decision to be taken on applications for a single permit, compared to the current four months. Procedures on especially complex files might get a 30-day extension and the time to deliver a visa, if necessary, is not included. New rules will introduce the possibility for a holder of a valid residence permit to apply for a Single Permit also from within the territory, so a person who is legally residing in the EU could request to change their legal status without having to return to their home country.

Change of employer

Under the new rules, single permit holders will have the right to change employer, occupation and work sector. MEPs ensured in negotiations that a simple notification from the new employer would suffice. National authorities will have 45 days to oppose the change. MEPs have also limited the conditions under which this authorisation can be subject to labour market tests.

EU states will have the option to require an initial period of up to six months during which a change of employer will not be possible. However, a change during that period would still be possible if the employer seriously breaches the work contract, for example by imposing particularly exploitative working conditions.


If a single permit holder is unemployed, they will have up to three months –or six if they have had the permit for more than two years- to find another job before their permit is withdrawn, compared to two months under the current rules. EU states may choose to offer longer periods. If a worker has experienced particularly exploitative working conditions, member states shall extend by three months the period of unemployment during which the single permit remains valid. If a single permit holder is unemployed for more than three months, member states may require them to provide evidence that they have sufficient resources to support themselves without using the social assistance system.


After the vote, the rapporteur Javier Moreno Sanchez (S&D, ES) said: “Regular migration is the best instrument to combat irregular migration and human traffickers. We need to address irregular migratory flows, foster coherence between the different legal migration instruments and facilitate foreign workers’ integration. The review of the Single Permit Directive will support workers from third countries to reach Europe safely, and European companies to find the workers they need. At the same time we will avoid and prevent labour exploitation, by strengthening the rights of third countries’ workers and protecting them more effectively against abuse.”

Next steps

The new rules have to now formally be approved by the Council. Member states will have two years after the entry into force of the directive to introduce the changes to their national laws. This legislation does not apply in Denmark and Ireland.

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Parliament backs tighter EU rules for toy safety | News

Parliament backs tighter EU rules for toy safety | News

On Wednesday, Parliament approved its position on revamped EU rules on toy safety with 603 votes in favour, 5 against and 15 abstentions. The text responds to a number of new challenges, mainly stemming from digital toys and online shopping, and converts the existing directive into a directly applicable regulation.

Ban on harmful chemicals

Focusing on children’s health and development, the proposal strengthens the requirements and bans on certain chemical substances in toys. The existing prohibition on carcinogenic and mutagenic substances or substances toxic for reproduction (CRM) is extended to chemicals that are particularly harmful to children, such as endocrine disruptors or chemicals affecting the respiratory system. The rules also target chemicals that are toxic to specific organs or are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic. Toys should not contain any per- and polyfluorinated alkil substances (PFASs) either.

Strengthening checks

All toys sold in the EU will have to have a digital product passport (replacing the EU declaration of conformity), detailing compliance with the relevant safety rules. This will enhance the traceability of toys and make market surveillance and customs checks simpler and more efficient. Consumers will also have easy access to safety information and warnings, for example via a QR code. MEPs in their position urge the Commission to support and guide SME toy manufacturers in performing safety assessments and fulfilling the product passport requirements.

Safety, security and privacy by design

Toys with digital elements need to comply with safety, security and privacy by design standards. MEPs say toys using AI falling under the scope of the new Artificial Intelligence Act will have to comply with cybersecurity, personal data protection, and privacy requirements. Manufacturers of digitally connected toys need to follow the EU’s Cybersecurity rules and consider, where appropriate, the risks to mental health and the cognitive development of children using such toys.

Toys must also comply with the recently updated General Product Safety rules, for example, when it comes to online sales, accident reporting, consumer right to information and remedy.


Rapporteur Marion Walsmann (EPP, Germany) said: “Children deserve the safest toys possible. With the revised safety rules, we are giving them just that. We are protecting them against invisible dangers such as harmful chemicals and ensuring that warnings such as age restrictions are clearly visible online. The newly introduced digital product passport will ensure that consumers have access to information they need. At the same time, trade secrets will be protected – a strong signal for fair competition and that Europe is the place to do business”.

Next steps

The text constitutes Parliament’s position at first reading. The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the European elections on 6-9 June.


Before placing a toy on the market, manufacturers have to carry out safety assessments that cover all chemical, physical, mechanical, electrical flammability, hygiene and radioactivity hazards and potential exposure. Despite the EU market being among the safest in the world, dangerous toys still find their way into consumers’ hands. According to the EU Safety Gate (the EU rapid alert system for dangerous consumer products), toys were the most notified product category, accounting for 23% of all notifications in 2022 and 20% in 2021.

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Petteri Orpo: “We need a resilient, competitive and secure Europe” | News

Petteri Orpo: “We need a resilient, competitive and secure Europe” | News

In his “This is Europe” address to the European Parliament, Prime of Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo focussed on three key factors for the coming years. First, strategic competitiveness, which is important as Europe’s productivity is falling behind that of key competitors. To thrive in a global landscape, Europe needs a fully functioning internal market, investments in innovation and skills, and a more effective use of its budget, said Mr Orpo. The EU also needs to conclude new trade deals, he argued.

Secondly, Mr Orpo emphasised the importance of security. This includes ramping up the defence industry so EU and NATO can complement each other, as well as defending the EU’s external borders against Russian hybrid attacks. The economic vitality of border regions is also crucial from a security perspective, said Mr Orpo.

Thirdly, the Prime Minister raised the clean transition as another key priority. To tackle climate change and phase out fossil fuels while creating jobs, the transition needs to leverage the bioeconomy and circular economy. Mr Orpo argued that climate goals should be reached with more innovation, not only more regulation.

Finally, Mr Orpo underlined that supporting Ukraine is a strategic necessity for Europe. Although Russia has shifted to a war economy, it is not invincible, and its military capabilities are limited. Mr Orpo encouraged Europeans to pool their resources to support Ukraine by accelerating ammunition production immediately, by allocating additional funding to the European Peace Facility, and by extending the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) capabilities beyond dual-use projects.

Reactions from MEPs

In their interventions after Prime Minister Orpo’s address, several MEPs praised Finland’s leadership on climate and digital policy as well as on gender equality. They also welcomed the country’s accession to NATO and called on the EU to rise to the challenges linked to external diplomacy and defence.

Others criticised the Finnish centre-right government’s choice of forming a coalition with the far right at home, stressing the dangers this could pose for Europe. Some MEPs also criticised the Finnish PM for policies they said undermine the Finnish labour market as well as social and worker protection.

You can watch the debate here.

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Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law | News

Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law | News

The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.

It aims to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability from high-risk AI, while boosting innovation and establishing Europe as a leader in the field. The regulation establishes obligations for AI based on its potential risks and level of impact.

Banned applications

The new rules ban certain AI applications that threaten citizens’ rights, including biometric categorisation systems based on sensitive characteristics and untargeted scraping of facial images from the internet or CCTV footage to create facial recognition databases. Emotion recognition in the workplace and schools, social scoring, predictive policing (when it is based solely on profiling a person or assessing their characteristics), and AI that manipulates human behaviour or exploits people’s vulnerabilities will also be forbidden.

Law enforcement exemptions

The use of biometric identification systems (RBI) by law enforcement is prohibited in principle, except in exhaustively listed and narrowly defined situations. “Real-time” RBI can only be deployed if strict safeguards are met, e.g. its use is limited in time and geographic scope and subject to specific prior judicial or administrative authorisation. Such uses may include, for example, a targeted search of a missing person or preventing a terrorist attack. Using such systems post-facto (“post-remote RBI”) is considered a high-risk use case, requiring judicial authorisation being linked to a criminal offence.

Obligations for high-risk systems

Clear obligations are also foreseen for other high-risk AI systems (due to their significant potential harm to health, safety, fundamental rights, environment, democracy and the rule of law). Examples of high-risk AI uses include critical infrastructure, education and vocational training, employment, essential private and public services (e.g. healthcare, banking), certain systems in law enforcement, migration and border management, justice and democratic processes (e.g. influencing elections). Such systems must assess and reduce risks, maintain use logs, be transparent and accurate, and ensure human oversight. Citizens will have a right to submit complaints about AI systems and receive explanations about decisions based on high-risk AI systems that affect their rights.

Transparency requirements

General-purpose AI (GPAI) systems, and the GPAI models they are based on, must meet certain transparency requirements, including compliance with EU copyright law and publishing detailed summaries of the content used for training. The more powerful GPAI models that could pose systemic risks will face additional requirements, including performing model evaluations, assessing and mitigating systemic risks, and reporting on incidents.

Additionally, artificial or manipulated images, audio or video content (“deepfakes”) need to be clearly labelled as such.

Measures to support innovation and SMEs

Regulatory sandboxes and real-world testing will have to be established at the national level, and made accessible to SMEs and start-ups, to develop and train innovative AI before its placement on the market.


During the plenary debate on Tuesday, the Internal Market Committee co-rapporteur Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy) said: “We finally have the world’s first binding law on artificial intelligence, to reduce risks, create opportunities, combat discrimination, and bring transparency. Thanks to Parliament, unacceptable AI practices will be banned in Europe and the rights of workers and citizens will be protected. The AI Office will now be set up to support companies to start complying with the rules before they enter into force. We ensured that human beings and European values are at the very centre of AI’s development”.

Civil Liberties Committee co-rapporteur Dragos Tudorache (Renew, Romania) said: “The EU has delivered. We have linked the concept of artificial intelligence to the fundamental values that form the basis of our societies. However, much work lies ahead that goes beyond the AI Act itself. AI will push us to rethink the social contract at the heart of our democracies, our education models, labour markets, and the way we conduct warfare. The AI Act is a starting point for a new model of governance built around technology. We must now focus on putting this law into practice”.

Next steps

The regulation is still subject to a final lawyer-linguist check and is expected to be finally adopted before the end of the legislature (through the so-called corrigendum procedure). The law also needs to be formally endorsed by the Council.

It will enter into force twenty days after its publication in the official Journal, and be fully applicable 24 months after its entry into force, except for: bans on prohibited practises, which will apply six months after the entry into force date; codes of practise (nine months after entry into force); general-purpose AI rules including governance (12 months after entry into force); and obligations for high-risk systems (36 months).


The Artificial Intelligence Act responds directly to citizens’ proposals from the Conference on the Future of Europe (COFE), most concretely to proposal 12(10) on enhancing EU’s competitiveness in strategic sectors, proposal 33(5) on a safe and trustworthy society, including countering disinformation and ensuring humans are ultimately in control, proposal 35 on promoting digital innovation, (3) while ensuring human oversight and (8) trustworthy and responsible use of AI, setting safeguards and ensuring transparency, and proposal 37 (3) on using AI and digital tools to improve citizens’ access to information, including persons with disabilities.

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EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

Parliament adopts its position on major reform of EU Customs Code | News

Vote on the EU Artificial Intelligence Act

Following yesterday’s debate, at noon MEPs are set to adopt the Artificial Intelligence Act, which aims to ensure that AI is trustworthy, safe and respects EU fundamental rights, while supporting innovation. The rapporteurs will hold a press conference at 11.00 ahead of the vote.

(+32) 470 88 10 60



(+32) 470 89 21 92


Media Freedom Act: final vote

At noon, MEPs are expected to approve the Media Freedom Act to protect EU journalists and media from political or economic interference. The debate took place yesterday. A press conference with the rapporteur is scheduled for 10.30 ahead of the vote.


(+32) 470 89 01 46


Emissions limits for cars and other road vehicles: debate and final vote

MEPs will hold a debate with Commissioner Ferreira from around 16.00 on new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions for passenger cars, vans, buses, trucks and trailers. The final vote will take place at 17.00

(+32) 470 95 17 07

Debate on Ukrainian children deported to Russia

At 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commission Vice-President Šuica and Foreign Minister Lahbib for the Belgian Council Presidency on addressing the urgent concerns surrounding Ukrainian children being forcibly deported to Russia.

(+32) 470 96 08 19


“This is Europe” debate with Finish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo

At 10.30, Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo will outline his vision on Europe’s challenges and future, followed by a debate with MEPs. A press point by EP President Metsola and the Prime Minister will take place at around 10.20.

In brief

Human Rights in Gaza, Afghanistan and Venezuela. In the evening, MEPs will debate the immediate risk of mass starvation in Gaza and the attacks on humanitarian aid deliveries; the repression in Afghanistan; and the situation of political prisoners, in Venezuela. Three separate resolutions will be put to vote in plenary on Thursday.

Trade support for Ukraine and Moldova. At 17.00, MEPs will vote on their position on extending the temporary trade liberalisation measures for Ukraine and Moldova amidst Russia’s war of aggression.

Overhaul of EU Customs Code. At noon, plenary will adopt its position on the biggest reform of the EU customs system since the Customs Union was established in 1968.

Spain: allegations of corruption and misuse of EU funds during the pandemic
In this session’s topical debate, plenary will discuss with Commissioner Hahn and Foreign Minister Lahbib for the Belgian Council Presidency from around 13.00 latest allegations of corruption and possible embezzlement of EU funds during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain.

Support to Belarusian prisoners. At 14.15, President Metsola will sign letters to Belarusian political prisoners in the presence of other MEPs. Media can attend the ceremony, which will take place in the protocol area of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.


Between 12.00 and 13.00, and between 17.00 and 18.00, MEPs will also vote, among other things, on:

  • reducing waste from food and textiles;
  • increasing the safety of toys;
  • new rules for asset recovery and confiscation;;
  • updated rules for a combined work and residence permit for the EU;
  • closer ties between the EU and Armenia and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia;
  • minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
  • European Semester for economic policy coordination 2024, and employment and social priorities for 2024;
  • Guidelines for the 2025 Budget;
  • alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, and
  • European cross-border associations.

Find here a detailed schedule of the two voting sessions.

Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

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United Nations: Press remarks by High Representative Josep Borrell after his address to the UN Security Council

Josep Borrell
Josep Borrell Fontelles - European Union, 2020 Copyright - Source: EC - Audiovisual Service

NEW YORK. — Thank you, and good afternoon. It is a great pleasure for me to be here, at the United Nations, representing the European Union and participating in the meeting of the [United Nations] Security Council to talk about the cooperation between the European Union and the United Nations. 

But I have been talking about something more than that. I started by saying that we live in a very complex, difficult and challenging world. But without the United Nations, the world will be still more challenging and more dangerous.  

The United Nations is a light in the darkness. The world is becoming darker and darker, but without the United Nations, things would be much worse. 

I wanted to stress the importance of the United Nations as a landmark in the middle of the turmoil. 

I expressed my strong support to the United Nations system and, in particular, to the Secretary-General [of the United Nations, António Guterres]. In particular to him, defending him from the unjustified attacks that he has been suffering. 

At the beginning of my speech, I focused specifically on two main problems of the world today. Both are a defining moment for the United Nations, for the respect of the values and principles of the United Nations: Ukraine and Gaza. 

In Ukraine, the Russian aggression continues with great brutality. 

I think there is no way for the Ukrainians to surrender, to raise a white flag. It is not the moment for the Ukrainians [to do this]. They have to continue resisting the invader, and we have to continue supporting them in order to make them [to be able] resist.  

I have been in Ukraine. Their cities are being bombed by Russian missiles and their culture and identity, are being threatened by annihilation. Because Russia denies Ukraine the right to exist. 

Once again, this attack is a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter, and it was quite comical that today, the Russian Ambassador [to the United Nations] accused the European Union to be an aggressive power. 

Are we an aggressive power? This is being said by Russia who has been launching the greatest aggression of this century against a neighbour?

Well, I appealed for the European Union membership for Ukraine, which will be the strongest security commitment that we can offer to Ukraine.  

I insisted that we are not against the Russian people. We are not against Russia – the Russian nation and state. We are just against an authoritarian regime who has invaded its neighbour, violating the United Nations Charter. 

The second issue is Gaza. The situation in Gaza is unbearable.  The very survival of the Palestinian population is at stake. There is a wide-scale destruction. Everything that makes a society is being destroyed, systematically: from cemeteries, to universities, to civil register, to the property register. A wide-scale destruction, looming starvation of hundreds of thousands of people, famine, and acute lack of healthcare and humanitarian assistance.  

What we know is that scores of kids [are] traumatised, orphaned and without shelter.  

At the same time, we have to remind that there are still more than 100 Israeli hostages held by terrorists. 

This situation has to be alleviated, and for that, we have to increase humanitarian aid. But keeping in mind that this humanitarian crisis is not being caused by a natural disaster. It is not a flood. It is not an earthquake. It is not something caused by the nature. It is a man-made humanitarian disaster. 

Yes, we have to support the people in need. We are quadrupling our humanitarian assistance [since 7 October.] We have to mobilise the international community. But it is urgent that the Israeli authorities stop impeding humanitarian access. [Delivering aid] from parachutes and from the sea is better than nothing, but this is not an alternative. 

We cannot substitute hundreds of tons and hundreds of trucks coming by road with an airborne operation. It is better than nothing, but it does not prevent us from showing and pointing [to] what is the real problem. And the real problem is that there is not enough access, by the normal access way which is by road. 

We are launching parachutes in a place when one hour by car, there is an airfield. So what? Why not use the airfield? Why not open the door to the cars, to the trucks? 

This is the problem today, but we have to look at the root causes of the problem, and to look [at] how to reach a lasting peace in the Middle East. 

The only way to do that – from the European Union’s point of view – is a two-state solution.  

I encourage the United Nations Security Council to take action. I encourage the Security Council to draft a new resolution, explicitly endorsing the two-state solution as “the” solution and defining the general principles that this could be made a reality.    

For us Europeans, the values of the United Nations remain at the cornerstone of the international system. 

The European Union backs financially the United Nations. We are the largest financial contributor. We finance almost one third of the United Nations’ regular budget. One third is coming from the Member States and the European Union. We fund [almost] one quarter of all United Nations agencies, including UNRWA. We fund [almost] one quarter of all programmes of the United Nations around the world. 

And at the same time, we have [over] 20 military and civilian missions and operations around the world. I explained to the members of the Security Council. Around the globe, there are 4.300 Europeans working for peace in 25 military and civilian missions [and operations]. Working in post-conflict situations, training national security forces, contributing to the overall stability in various regions. In Africa – I mentioned [them] one after the other -, in the Sea – the last one in the Red Sea (EUNAVFOR Operation Aspides)-, in the Mediterranean, in several places in Africa. Around the world, there are Europeans working to try to make peace a reality. 

We have also to focus on conflict prevention. It is clear that it would be much better to prevent the conflicts than to come quickly when the conflict has erupted. 

Do not forget about the “forgotten” conflicts. Do not forget about Afghanistan where there is a gender apartheid. Do not forget about what is happening in the Horn of Africa, in Sudan, in Somalia. Around the world, there are so many crises that we have to increase our capacity to prevent and to try to solve them. 

We want to be a security provider, working for sustainable development and supporting the United Nations. Because we need this House more than ever. And I want to pay tribute to everybody working in the United Nations system, especially the ones who have lost their lives trying to support people, in particular in Gaza. 

Thank you. 


Q. You have just said you want peace. What is the European union doing, or can it do, to try and promote and promote a ceasefire of even six weeks in Gaza to let humanitarian aid in and have hostages and prisoners exchanged? What is the EU’s reaction to the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Haiti and the prospect of a Presidential Transitional Council? 

Well, Haiti is one of the chronic crises that has been looming for years. This has not happened overnight. The international community has been taking too long to intervene in Haiti. Now, with this mission which is waiting to deploy their capacities on the ground, there is a possibility of trying to restore a minimum of stability in order to deploy humanitarian support. I know that this will require a lot of efforts. The only thing I can say is that we support this mission. We support the deployment of these forces. We believe that the international community has to engage in order to make the Haitian people get out of the black whole where they are. Alone, they will not succeed, that is clear. It needs a strong engagement of the international community, and I want to highlight the efforts done by the United States, Canada, and [by] the Kenyan people to engage their troops, their police, in this endeavour. 

What are we doing? Look, here at the Security Council. What are the Europeans doing? You have France, you have Slovenia, you have Malta [who are] members of the Security Council supporting a resolution which could make a difference. Pushing in order to try to make everybody agree on what is needed, which is a long-term cessation of hostilities and at the same time, the freedom of hostages. You know that there are different sensitivities among Member States of the European Union, but what unites us is the fact that hostages have to be released as a condition in order to make the hostilities to stop and to look for a political solution. And that is what the members of the Security Council belonging to the European Union are doing.  

Q. Besides the position of the Security Council taken by some of the European nations you just mentioned, is there any other leverage that the European Union can exercise to put a stop to what is happening in Gaza? Where are the actual actions? Where are the measures taken by the EU? We have not seen anything yet, besides what you just described. Is there really nothing else? We also know that some European countries are actually enabling what is happening in Gaza by sending weapons, like Germany for example. So, how do you reconcile that and what are actual measures that the EU can take? 

As I said, I am representing the European Union as a whole. Sometimes, it is difficult because there are different sensitivities and different positions. There are some Member States, who are completely reluctant to take any position that could represent the slightest criticism towards Israel, and others who are very much pushing in order to get a ceasefire. Two Member States – Ireland and Spain – have requested the European Commission and myself, as High Representative, to study how and if the Israeli government’s behaviour is in agreement, how it fits with the obligations according to the Association agreement that we have with Israel. And next Monday, at the Foreign Affairs Council, we will have an orientation debate about this important issue. 

Q. On the maritime corridor for Gaza, could you just explain to us a little how you see it working and will you roll in it. We know there is a first ship that has left Larnaka, but where is it going to dock? 

Well, this is the ship of the Spanish … This is a ship of the World Kitchen, it is not an EU ship. I don’t want to take the merits of others, no?  This is a ship that was put on board by these individuals who have an extraordinary merit because with their own resources, they are collecting food and trying to send it by ship. And as I said, look, they can go by ship – better than nothing. But the coast in Gaza is not easy because there is no harbour. The United States wants to build a kind of provisional harbour in order to make the boats ready to approach the coast. I know that this is going on. This is going on, but this is a ship that has been provided by an individual initiative. I want to give them all the merit. And at the same time, the European Commission and the European Union, [gave] their support to this initiative [of maritime corridor]. We are doing a lot from the point of view of humanitarian support. We are doing a lot. But keep in mind that before the war, every day 500 trucks were coming into Gaza and now there is – in the best cases – less than 100. Just imagine living in a village and suddenly, the number of supplies is being divided by five or by ten, and in addition to that, the distribution of the supply is being very difficult because there are military actions every day. So, we have to put all of our initiatives on maritime, on airborne capacities, but we shouldn’t forget the root causes of the problem. The root cause of the problem is that by the normal way of entering into Gaza, there are obstacles that have to be lifted. 

Q. So, you are saying you support the maritime corridor, but are you involved in executing it in any way then? Does the European Union have a role? 

Yes, we have a role. The President of the [European] Commission [Ursula von der Leyen] went to Cyprus, to express the support and the engagement of the European Union with that. But keep in mind who is doing what.  

Thank you.  

 Link to the video: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-254356