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Invitation to attend 2024 LUX European Audience Film Award Ceremony on 16 April | News

Invitation to attend 2024 LUX European Audience Film Award Ceremony on 16 April | News

The upcoming ceremony in the European Parliament will bring together MEPs, filmmakers, and citizens to celebrate the winning film selected by both MEPs and the audience.

If you wish to attend the ceremony, please register here before 8 April.

Around 1200 visitors registered for the 2023 award ceremony in the Brussels Hemicycle.

Watch and rate

The winner of the award is selected jointly by MEPs and the public through ratings, each accounting for 50% of the final result. European citizens are invited to rate the films out of five stars until 14 April 2024. To rate the films, visit the LUX Award website.


The five films nominated for the 2024 award are “20 000 Species of Bees” by Spanish director Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, “Fallen Leaves” by Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki, “On the Adamant” by French director Nicolas Philibert, “Smoke Sauna Sisterhood” by Estonian director Anna Hints, “The Teachers’ Lounge”, directed by Ilker Çatak and produced in Germany. Free photos and videos from the film screenings in Brussels are available here.

The LUX European Audience Film Award has been awarded by the European Parliament and the European Film Academy, in partnership with the European Commission and the Europa Cinemas network, since 2020. The award helps to promote and distribute European films with high artistic quality that reflect cultural diversity and touch upon topics of common concern, such as democracy, human dignity, equality, non-discrimination, inclusion, tolerance, justice and solidarity.

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First green light to new bill on firms’ impact on human rights and environment

selective photography of green leaf plant
Photo by Matthew Smith on Unsplash

MEPs on the Legal Affairs Committee adopted with 20 votes for, 4 against and no abstentions new, so-called “due diligence” rules, obliging firms to alleviate the adverse impact their activities have on human rights and the environment, including slavery, child labour, labour exploitation, biodiversity loss, pollution and destruction of natural heritage. The requirement to prevent, end or mitigate their negative effects also concerns companies’ upstream partners working in design, manufacture, transport and supply, and downstream partners, including those dealing with distribution, transport and storage.

Scope and transition plan

The rules will apply to EU and non-EU companies and parent companies with over 1000 employees and with a turnover of more than 450 million euro and to franchises with a turnover of more than 80 million euro if at least 22.5 million was generated by royalties.

Companies will also have to integrate due diligence into their policies and risk management systems, and adopt and put into effect a transition plan making their business model compatible with the global warming limit of 1.5°C under the Paris Agreement. The transition plan should include the company’s time-bound climate change targets, key actions on how to reach them and an explanation, including figures, of what investments are necessary to implement the plan.

Civil liability and fines

Firms will be liable if they do not comply with their due diligence obligations and will have to fully compensate their victims. They will also have to adopt complaints mechanisms and engage with individuals and communities adversely affected by their actions.

Member states will designate a supervisory authority in charge of monitoring, investigating and imposing penalties on companies that do not comply. These can include fines of up to 5% of companies’ net worldwide turnover. Foreign companies will be required to designate their authorised representative based in the member state in which they operate, who will communicate with supervisory authorities about due diligence compliance on their behalf. The Commission will establish the European Network of Supervisory Authorities to support cooperation among supervisory bodies.


Following the committee vote, lead MEP Lara Wolters (S&D, NL) said:“I’m delighted that a clear majority of Legal Affairs Committee members backed the Due Diligence Directive today. It is high time that this legislation is adopted, to stop corporate abuse and to give companies clarity in what is expected of them. I’m looking forward to the plenary vote and confident that it will be adopted swiftly.”

Next steps

Once formally approved by the European Parliament and the member states, the directive will enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the EU Official Journal.


The Commission proposal introduced on 23 February 2022 is consistent with the European Parliament’s 2021 call for mandatory due diligence legislation. It complements other existing and upcoming legislative acts in the area, such as the deforestation regulation, conflict minerals regulation and the draft regulation prohibiting products made with forced labour.

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World News in Brief: Rights violations in Iran, Haiti chaos grows, prison reform in face of pandemic threat

World News in Brief: Rights violations in Iran, Haiti chaos grows, prison reform in face of pandemic threat

The report to the Human Rights Council said violations and crimes under international law committed in the protests sparked by the death of Jina Mahsa Amini in September 2022 include extra-judicial and unlawful killings and murder, unnecessary and disproportionate use of force, arbitrary deprivation of liberty, torture, rape, enforced disappearances and gender persecution.

“These acts form part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against the civilian population in Iran, namely against women, girls, boys and men, who have demanded freedom, equality, dignity and accountability,” said Sara Hossain, chair of the Fact-Finding Mission.

“We urge the government to immediately halt the repression of those who have engaged in peaceful protests, in particular women and girls.”

Unlawful death

The protests in Iran were triggered by Ms. Amini’s death at the hands of the so-called morality police. She was arrested for alleged non-observance of Iran’s laws on mandatory hijab.

The mission found that physical violence in custody led to her unlawful death and that the government actively obfuscated the truth and denied justice.

Credible figures suggest that as many as 551 protesters were killed by the security forces, among them at least 49 women and 68 children. Most deaths were caused by firearms, including assault rifles.

The mission found that security forces used unnecessary and disproportionate force which resulted in the unlawful killing and injuries of protestors. They confirmed that a pattern of extensive injuries to protesters’ eyes had caused the blinding of scores of women, men and children, branding them for life.

The UN Human Rights Council-appointed experts also found evidence of extrajudicial killings.

Concern grows as chaos continues in Haiti

The UN remains deeply concerned by the rapidly deteriorating security situation amid ongoing gang violence and police clashes in some parts of the capital Port-au-Prince, the UN Spokesperson said on Friday.

Stéphane Dujarric said Haitian National Police had been able to push back coordinated gang attacks on key infrastructure, including the national airport.

“We are, however, very worried about reports of gangs having breached and looted Port-au-Prince’s seaport”, where operations have been at a standstill for days.

UN chief António Guterres reiterated his call on the Government and all national stakeholders to agree immediate steps to advance the political process that will lead to elections.

International force

He also reiterated the need for urgent international action, including immediate financial support for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, which is desperately needed to tackle insecurity in Haiti.

Mr. Dujarric said the UN Chef de Cabinet had been invited to attend a meeting organized by regional body CARICOM on Monday in Kingston, Jamaica, aimed at bolstering support “for the restoration of democratic institutions in Haiti in the shortest possible amount of time.”

In a statement issued on Friday the UN Country Team said that gender-based violence protection and services have been reduced or suspended for security and access reasons. They reported that if violence continues around the capital area 3,000 pregnant women could be denied access to essential healthcare. 

On Thursday the World Food Programme (WFP) and its partners managed to deliver food to over 7,000 people. 

UN torture expert issues calls to pandemic-proof prisons

A UN independent expert on Friday called on States to review prison management practices and policies to ensure compliance with human rights standards, as countries grapple with the need to adapt to environmental challenges and the looming threat of future pandemics.

Far too many people are imprisoned, for too long, in severely overcrowded facilities. The link between poverty and incarceration is clear – people from disadvantaged or marginalised communities are far more likely to be imprisoned than other socio-economic groups,” said Alice Jill Edwards, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.

In a wide-reaching report to the Human Rights Council, Ms. Edwards examined persistent challenges in prison management, as well as emerging issues that demand strategic planning such as climate change and future health pandemics.

Under pressure

“Significant challenges facing prisons are found in some form in almost every country,” the expert said. “Prisons are under pressure from too many demands, insufficient resources and inadequate staffing, and as a result conditions are often unsafe and inhumane.”

The UN Human Rights Council-appointed expert found that many prisoners serve long sentences in deplorable conditions, with limited access to education or vocational skills.

“The widespread neglect of prisons and prisoners in countries around the world has a significant social impact, exacerbating poverty and the likelihood of recidivism, and ultimately failing to keep the public safe,” she said.

Special Rapporteurs and other independent rights experts are not UN staff, do not receive a salary for their work and are independent of any government or organisation.

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The Romanian Church creates a structure “Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine”


The Romanian Church, at the recent session of the Holy Synod decided to establish its jurisdiction on the territory of Ukraine, intended for the Romanian minority there.

The February 29 decision said: “to bless, encourage and support the initiatives of the Romanian Orthodox communities in Ukraine to restore communion with the Mother Church, the Romanian Patriarchate, through their legal organization in a religious structure called the Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine.”

In Ukraine live approx. 150,000 ethnic Romanians, according to the 2001 census, mostly concentrated in the Chernivtsi and Transcarpathian region, which borders Romania to the south. In ecclesiastical terms, they are part of the Chernivtsi-Bukovinsk diocese. The most famous cleric of this community in the public space is Banchensky miter. Longin (Zhar), an ethnic Romanian who has made many video appeals to Romanian authorities over the past year, asking for “protection for Romanian priests” in the area.

In addition, the Romanian Synod addressed the situation in the Moldavian Metropolitanate of Chisinau, which is under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, saying that it considers canonical those clerics who joined the Bessarabian Metropolitanate of the Romanian Orthodox Church there and were therefore placed under interdicted or overthrown by Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau.

And more specifically, the decision of the Romanian Synod on Moldova states: “affirms that all Romanian Orthodox clerics and their passoms from the Republic of Moldova who return to the Bessarabian Metropolis are canonical clergy and blessed believers and that any disciplinary sanction against them of on the grounds that their affiliation to the Romanian Orthodox Church is considered invalid, according to Synodal Decision No. 8090 of December 19, 1992.”

Already at the end of 2023, the Romanian Patriarchate issued a statement on the occasion of the deposition of six local priests by the Metropolitan of Chisinau: “Historically and canonically, the Romanian Orthodox Church, through the Metropolis of Bessarabia, is the only ecclesiastical institution that has had and continues to have a canonical jurisdiction over the current territory of the Republic of Moldova. Therefore, the actions of the Synod of the self-styled “Moldovan Orthodox Church” or “Chisinau and All Moldova Metropolis” contradict the very canons of the Church and the history of ecclesiastical jurisdiction to which they hastily refer. a structure in Chişinău becomes absurd and ridiculous with its name, assuming that it will have authority in a region with an Orthodox history, culture and identity deeply anchored in Romanian spirituality. This unfair claim creates an image of disobedience to church canons and laws that govern The Orthodox Church The Metropolis of Bessarabia never allows Romanian priests from Bessarabia to be threatened or coerced just because they live their faith and love for their brothers. Any attempt at coercion or intimidation is unacceptable and the Bessarabian Metropolis will continue to fight to protect the religious freedom and cultural identity of its clergy and believers. Therefore, we encourage all those who feel constrained by the Russian dioceses to have the courage to come out of this slavery and return to the tradition and fellowship of the Romanian Orthodox Church.”

Elon Musk Involved In Building Spy Satellite Network?


Media sources reveal that SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, is engaged in the construction of a network comprising hundreds of spy satellites for a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency.

The network project is being executed by SpaceX’s Starshield business unit, operating under a $1.8 billion contract inked in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), responsible for managing spy satellites.

This initiative points at SpaceX’s expanding role in U.S. intelligence and military initiatives, reflecting the Pentagon’s increased investment in extensive satellite systems in low-Earth orbits, aimed at bolstering military ground forces.

According to sources, the program holds the potential to significantly enhance the U.S. government and military’s capacity to swiftly identify potential targets across the globe.

In February, The Wall Street Journal disclosed the existence of a classified Starshield contract valued at $1.8 billion with an undisclosed intelligence agency, though specifics regarding the program’s objectives were not provided.

Reuters has now revealed that the SpaceX contract pertains to a robust new spy system comprising hundreds of satellites equipped with Earth-imaging capabilities, capable of operating collectively in low orbits.

Furthermore, it has been disclosed that the intelligence agency collaborating with Musk’s company is the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). However, details regarding the timeline for the deployment of the new satellite network remain undisclosed, and information regarding other companies involved in the program through their own contracts could not be ascertained.

According to the sources, the planned satellites possess the capability to track ground targets and relay the gathered data to U.S. intelligence and military authorities. This functionality theoretically allows the U.S. government to promptly obtain continuous imagery of ground activities across the globe.

Since 2020, approximately twelve prototypes have been launched aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets, as disclosed by three sources. These prototypes, which have been deployed alongside other satellites, are confirmed by two sources to be part of the Starshield network.

It’s important to distinguish that the planned Starshield network is distinct from Starlink, SpaceX’s expanding commercial broadband constellation comprising around 5,500 satellites. While Starlink aims to provide widespread internet access to consumers, businesses, and government entities, the classified constellation of spy satellites represents a highly coveted capability for the U.S. government in space.

Written by Alius Noreika

Photo: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 14, 2022. Credits: NASA TV

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MEPs call for tougher EU rules to reduce waste from textiles and food

Textiles and food waste reduction: New EU rules to support circular economy
60 million tonnes of food waste and 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste generated annually in the EU

On Wednesday, Parliament adopted its proposals to better prevent and reduce waste from textiles and food across the EU.

MEPs adopted their first reading position on the proposed revision of the Waste Framework with 514 votes in favour, 20 against and 91 abstentions.

Tougher objectives to cut down food waste

They propose higher binding waste reduction targets to be met at national level by 31 December 2030 – at least 20% in food processing and manufacturing (instead of 10% proposed by the Commission) and 40% per capita in retail, restaurants, food services and households (instead of 30%). Parliament also wants the Commission to evaluate if higher targets for 2035 (at least 30% and 50% respectively) should be introduced, and if so, asks them to come up with a legislative proposal.

Producers to cover costs for collecting, sorting and recycling waste textiles

MEPs agree to extend producer responsibility (EPR) schemes, through which producers that sell textiles in the EU would have to cover the costs for collecting, sorting and recycling them separately. Member states would have to establish these schemes 18 months after the entry into force of the directive (compared to 30 months proposed by the Commission). The new rules would cover products such as clothing and accessories, blankets, bed linen, curtains, hats, footwear, mattresses and carpets, including products that contain textile-related materials such as leather, composition leather, rubber or plastic.


Rapporteur Anna Zalewska (ECR, PL) said: “Parliament has come up with targeted solutions to reduce food waste, such as promoting “ugly” fruits and veggies, keeping an eye on unfair market practices, clarifying date labelling and donating unsold-but-consumable food. For textiles, we also want to include non-household products, carpets and mattresses, as well as sales via online platforms.”

Next steps

The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the 6-9 June European elections.


Every year, 60 million tonnes of food waste (131 kg per person) and 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste are generated in the EU. Clothing and footwear alone account for 5.2 million tonnes of waste, equivalent to 12 kg of waste per person every year. It is estimated that less than 1% of all textiles worldwide are recycled into new products.

In adopting this report, Parliament is responding to citizens’ expectations for the EU to apply circular economy principles and promote measures against food waste, as well as to implement without delay an ambitious sustainable textile strategy and increase environmental standards, as expressed in proposals 1(3), 5(8), 5(9) and 5(11) of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The Benefits Of Owning A Cat For Mental Health


Benefits of having a furry feline friend extend beyond cuddles and purrs; owning a cat can significantly improve your mental health.

Cats are known for their independent nature, which is perfect for providing companionship without being too demanding. Studies have shown that interacting with cats can lower stress levels, reduce feelings of loneliness, and decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. The simple act of petting a cat can release calming chemicals in the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing negative emotions. Furthermore, the presence of a cat has been linked to lower blood pressure and decreased risk of heart attack and stroke. If you are looking for a natural way to boost your mood and overall well-being, owning a cat may be the purrfect solution.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Benefits Of Owning A Cat For Mental Health

The Soothing Purr of Comfort

Understanding the Calming Power of a Cat’s Purr

You may have noticed that when your feline friend curls up on your lap and starts to purr, there is an instant sense of calm that washes over you. This is because a cat’s purr has been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, reduce blood pressure, and promote relaxation. The frequency of a cat’s purr – between 25 and 150 Hertz – has a therapeutic effect on the human body, making it a natural stress reliever.

How Kitty Cuddles Can Lower Stress and Anxiety

When a cat snuggles up to you, it triggers the release of oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,” which helps reduce stress and anxiety levels. The act of petting a cat has been shown to decrease cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. Additionally, the rhythmic motion of a cat’s purr can have a meditative effect, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

Understanding the profound impact that a cat’s purr and cuddles can have on your mental health can be a game-changer in managing daily stress and anxiety. Taking the time to bond with your feline companion not only strengthens your relationship but also provides you with a natural and effective way to unwind and relax.

Cats as Companions: Beyond the Myths

Any Effects of the characteristic temperament of cats on mental health have shown that the companionship of a cat can have numerous mental health benefits. Cats are often misunderstood as solitary animals, but they can form deep bonds with their human companions and provide emotional support in times of need.

Debunking the ‘Lone Wolf’ Cat Stereotypes

Many believe that cats are lone wolves who prefer to be independent and aloof. However, research shows that cats are social animals that enjoy companionship and can thrive in a loving relationship with their owners. Cats may have a reputation for being aloof, but they are capable of forming deep bonds with their human companions. The stereotype of the lone wolf cat is simply not accurate.

Lone WolvesSocial and Bonding
StereotypeDeep Bonds
Lone WolfCompanions

Building a Bond: How Relationships with Cats Enrich Our Lives

With Cats by our side, we experience unconditional love, comfort, and companionship that can significantly improve our mental well-being. Cats have a unique way of understanding their owners’ emotions and providing support when needed most. The relationships we build with our Cats are meaningful and rewarding, contributing to our overall happiness and well-being.

The Healing Whiskers: Therapeutic Benefits Unveiled

Despite the misconceptions surrounding cats as distant and aloof pets, research has shown that they offer a plethora of mental health benefits. According to 10 Mental Health Benefits of Owning a Cat, these feline friends have a remarkable impact on our well-being.

Feline Assistance in Coping with Depression and Loneliness

Therapeutic purrs and comforting cuddles from cats can be incredibly soothing for individuals struggling with depression and loneliness. Cats provide unconditional love and companionship, helping to reduce feelings of isolation and offering a sense of purpose to their owners.

The Role of Cats in Enhancing Mindfulness and Emotional Stability

With their calming presence and gentle demeanor, cats play a crucial role in enhancing mindfulness and emotional stability in their owners. Spending time with a cat can help individuals reduce stress, lower anxiety levels, and increase feelings of relaxation. Their playful antics and quiet purrs create a sense of peace and inner tranquility.

Paws for Thought: Practical Tips for Cat Ownership

After learning about the psychological benefits of owning a cat, you may be considering bringing one into your home. Here are some practical tips to help you make the most of your feline companion:

  • Ensure you have the right supplies: litter box, food, water bowls, scratching posts, and toys.
  • Regularly schedule veterinary check-ups to keep your cat healthy.
  • Provide a safe and comfortable environment for your cat to feel at home.
  • Spending quality time with your cat through play and cuddles can strengthen your bond.

The Psychological Benefits of Owning a Cat can be maximized when you incorporate these tips into your daily life with your furry friend.

Choosing the Right Cat for Your Lifestyle

Right from the start, it’s important to consider your lifestyle and living situation when choosing a cat. Whether you prefer a laid-back lap cat or an energetic playmate, selecting a cat whose personality matches yours can lead to a harmonious relationship.

Integrating a Cat into Your Daily Routine for Maximum Mental Health Benefits

For optimal mental health benefits, it’s crucial to integrate your cat into your daily routine. Plus, establishing a regular feeding schedule, interactive playtime, and designated cuddle sessions can create a sense of stability and companionship in your life.


With these considerations in mind, it’s clear that owning a cat can have numerous benefits for our mental health. From reducing stress and anxiety to providing companionship and boosting mood, the presence of a feline friend can truly make a positive impact on our well-being. So, if you’re looking for a furry companion to improve your mental health, consider adopting a cat and experience the love and support they can bring into your life.

World News in Brief: Rights chief appalled at Nigeria mass abductions, ‘pervasive’ hunger in streets of Sudan, Syria child crisis

World News in Brief: Rights chief appalled at Nigeria mass abductions, ‘pervasive’ hunger in streets of Sudan, Syria child crisis

“I am appalled by the recurrent mass abductions of men, women and children in northern Nigeria. Children have been abducted from schools and women taken while searching for firewood. Such horrors must not become normalised,” he said.

News reports indicate at least 564 people have been abducted since 7 March. More than 280 pupils were abducted that day from a school in Kuriga town in Kaduna State.

At least 200 others, mostly internally displaced women and children, were also abducted on 7 March in Gamboru Ngala in Borno state while reportedly searching for firewood.

Two days later, gunmen stormed a boarding school in Gidan Bakuso village in Sokoto state and abducted at least 15 pupils. On 12 March, about 69 people were abducted in two raids on a village in the Kajuru area of Kaduna state.

Justice must be done

“I acknowledge the Nigerian authorities’ announcement that they are taking action to safely locate the missing children and reunite them with their families,” said the UN rights chief.

“I urge them to also ensure prompt, thorough and impartial investigations into the abductions and to bring those responsible to justice.”

He called for perpetrators to be identified and brought to account – in compliance with international human rights law – “as a first step towards reining in the impunity that feeds these attacks and abductions”.

Sudan: Hunger ‘pervasive’ in Khartoum streets, warns UNICEF

Hunger across Sudan is on the rise, especially in the capital Khartoum, due to a near year-long war between rival generals that sparked a spiralling humanitarian crisis.

In a new alert, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said that hunger and unaffordable food are now the main worry for desperate civilians.

© UNICEF/Ahmed Elfatih Mohamdee

A child flees from Wad Madani, Al Jazirah state east-central Sudan following recent armed clashes there.

Jill Lawler, UNICEF’s chief of field operations and emergency in Sudan, described to journalists in Geneva on Friday what she had seen in Omdurman just outside Khartoum, where she led the first UN mission to the Sudanese capital since war erupted in April last year.

“Hunger is pervasive; it is the number one concern people expressed,” she said.

“We met one young mother at a hospital whose three-month-old little child was extremely sick because she couldn’t afford milk, so had substituted goat milk, which led to diarrheal conditions. She wasn’t the only one.”

Ms. Lawler said the numbers of acutely malnourished children are rising, and the lean season hasn’t even begun.

She cited worrying projections that nearly 3.7 million children could be acutely malnourished this year in Sudan, including 730,000 who need lifesaving treatment.

The senior UNICEF officer also described how women and girls who had been raped in the first months of war were now delivering babies. Some had been abandoned to the care of hospital staff, who had built a nursery near the delivery ward, she said.

Around 7.5 million children need aid in Syria

After thirteen years of conflict in Syria, almost 7.5 million children in the country are in need of humanitarian assistance – more than at any other time during the conflict, said UNICEF on Friday.

Repeated cycles of violence and displacement, a crushing economic crisis,  extreme deprivation, disease outbreaks and last year’s devastating earthquakes have left hundreds of thousands of children exposed to long-term health issues.

More than 650,000 under-fives are chronically malnourished, representing an increase of around 150,000 recorded four years ago.

According to a recent household survey conducted in northern Syria, 34 per cent of girls and 31 per cent of boys reported psychosocial distress, UNICEF reported.

Child deaths will continue

“The sad reality is that today, and in the days ahead, many children in Syria will mark their 13th birthdays, becoming teenagers, knowing that their entire childhood to date has been marked by conflict, displacement and deprivation,” said UNICEF regional director for the Middle East and North Africa Adele Khodr.

Marking the grim anniversary of the start of Syria’s civil war, UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen emphasized the dire situation highlighting the unprecedented humanitarian crisis with millions in need of assistance, both inside and outside Syria.

He called for an immediate end to violence, the release of those arbitrarily detained and efforts to address the plight of refugees together with the internally displaced.

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Offline AI Software For Phones Provides Answers Even When There Is No Smartphone Internet

Offline AI Software For Phones Provides Answers Even When There Is No Smartphone Internet

Lack of access to smartphones or the internet poses a challenge for visually-impaired individuals. However, a solution has emerged in the form of an Artificial Intelligence-powered mobile phone capable of functioning offline.

Using apps - illustrative photo.

Using apps – illustrative photo. Image credit: NordWood Themes via Unsplash, free license

Launched by Canada-based Viamo in Nigeria recently, this service enables individuals, even those in remote areas without internet connectivity, to leverage AI technology.

Viamo utilizes a conventional handset to connect to local mobile phone networks, allowing users to submit commands or information requests via SMS or voice calls. Similar to other AI chatbots, this system can be activated through voice prompts, making it accessible to illiterate individuals. Furthermore, it offers a cost-effective alternative, particularly beneficial for financially constrained users.

Designed to serve the world’s poorest and most remote communities, the device is now being introduced in Pakistan, India, and Tanzania following its initial launch in Zambia.

Supported by development agencies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations, Viamo has partnered with UNICEF to disseminate information on various topics including HIV, tropical diseases, nutrition, and sanitation, demonstrating its potential to address critical healthcare and educational needs in underserved regions.

Written by Alius Noreika

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European Health Data Space to support patients and research

EU Health Data Space to support patients and research

EP and Council negotiators agreed on the creation of a European Health Data Space to ease access to personal health data and to boost secure sharing for the public interest.

The provisional political agreement on a European Health Data Space (EHDS), reached early on Friday by Parliament and the Belgian Presidency of the Council, outlines that patients will be able to access their personal health data electronically across the EU’s different healthcare systems. The bill also gives health professionals access to their patients’ data, based strictly on what is necessary for a given treatment, and patients will also be able to download their health record free of charge.

Electronic health records (EHR) would include patient summaries, electronic prescriptions, medical imagery and laboratory results (so-called primary use).

Each country would establish national health data access services based on the MyHealth@EU platform. The law would also create a European electronic health record exchange format, and outline rules on data quality, security and the interoperability of EHR systems that will be monitored by national market surveillance authorities.

Data-sharing for the common good with safeguards

The EHDS would allow anonymised or pseudonymised health data, including health records, clinical trials, pathogens, health claims and reimbursements, genetic data, public health registry information, wellness data and information on healthcare resources, expenditure and financing, to be shared for public interest purposes (so-called secondary use). These reasons would include research, innovation, policy-making, education and patient safety purposes.

The sharing of data for advertising or assessing insurance requests will be prohibited. During negotiations, MEPs ensured that secondary use would not be allowed concerning decisions on labour markets (including job offers), lending conditions and other types of discrimination or profiling.

Stronger safeguards for sensitive data

The law ensures patients will have a say in how their data is used and accessed. They must be informed each time their data is accessed, and they will have the right to request or correct incorrect data. Patients will also be able to object to healthcare professionals accessing their data for primary use, except where this is necessary for protecting the vital interests of the data subject or another person. MEPs secured the right for patients to opt out of secondary use, with certain exceptions for public-interest, policy-making or statistics purposes, and protections for intellectual property rights and trade secrets when relevant data is shared for secondary use.

National data protection authorities will monitor the enforcement of health data access rights and will be empowered to issue fines in the event of shortcomings.


Tomislav Sokol (EPP, Croatia), Environment Committee co-rapporteur, said: “The European Health Data Space will put citizens in control of their health data by providing a safe framework for storing and accessing their personal health records that will be accessible anywhere in the EU – enhancing healthcare at a national and cross-border level. the EHDS will also facilitate the responsible sharing of health data to researchers – boosting research and innovation in the EU, and ensuring the development of new treatments.”

Annalisa Tardino (ID, Italy), Civil Liberties Committee co-rapporteur, said: “The EHDS will contribute to providing state-of-the-art healthcare to patients everywhere in the EU. We have succeeded in including in the text significant reinforcements regarding the protection of sensitive personal data, in particular with the possibility for patients to opt-out both for primary and secondary use of their health data. In that regard, Parliament’s mandate was stronger and provided even more safeguards, but the majority of LIBE political groups considers that the final agreement strikes a balance between exchanging health data for treatment and for life-saving research, and protecting the privacy of our citizens.”

Next steps

europeThe provisional agreement still needs to be formally adopted by both institutions before it can enter into law.