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Stories from the UN Archive: Greatest of All Time fights for peace

Stories from the UN Archive: Greatest of All Time fights for peace

“Here’s a little Black boy from Louisville, Kentucky, sitting in the United Nations talking to presidents of the world, why? Because I’m a good boxer,” he said at a press conference at UN Headquarters in 1979. “I needed boxing to get here. So, my purpose is to use boxing to get to people.”

Devoting most of his time outside the boxing ring to the pursuit of peace, Mr. Ali had earlier delivered a statement at the UN the year before to address the UN Special Committee against Apartheid in South Africa.

From the 1970s until his death in 2016, the United States Olympic gold medallist floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee, as he often aptly described himself, both inside and outside the boxing ring.

Listen to our Podcast Classic episode below.

God, boxing and fame

Over his career, Mr. Ali supported relief and development initiatives. He hand-delivered food and medical supplies to hospitals, street children and orphanages in Africa and Asia.

In a press conference at UN Headquarters in 1979, Mr. Ali spoke about God, boxing and using his fame for a good cause. The son of a sign painter, he also talked about painting for peace.

Listen to the full press conference here.

Muhammad Ali (centre) attends a 2004 ceremony to mark the International Day of Peace at UN Headquarters. (file)

Giving back to fight African drought

Mr. Ali also visited UN Headquarters in 1975, ahead of his title fight against Chuck Wepner, announcing that the promoters would give 50 cents from the proceeds of each ticket sold to African drought relief.

At the time, promoter Don King said he expected an audience of 500,000 to a million via closed-circuit TV. The money was divided equally between the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Africare, a Black aid organization, to help dig wells in Senegal and Niger.

UN Messenger of Peace

Known worldwide as “the Greatest”, three-time World Heavyweight Champion boxer Muhammad Ali was designated UN Messenger of Peace in 1998.

Bringing people together by preaching “healing” to everyone irrespective of race, religion or age, over the years Mr. Ali was a relentless advocate for people in need and a significant humanitarian actor in the developing world.

Upon his death in 2016, then Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the UN was grateful “to have benefitted from the life and work of one of the past century’s great humanitarians and advocates for understanding and peace”.

On #ThrowbackThursday, UN News is showcasing pivotal moments across the UN’s past. From the infamous and nearly-forgotten to world leaders and global superstars, stay tuned for a taste of the UN Audiovisual Library’s 49,400 hours of video recordings and 18,000 hours of audio chronicling.

Visit UN Video’s Stories from the UN Archive playlist here and our accompanying series here. Join us next Thursday for another dive into history.

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International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, 6 April

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, 6 April

The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP), which takes place annually on 6 April, presents an opportunity to recognize the positive role sport and physical activity play in communities and in people’s lives across the globe.

The global theme for 2024 is “Sport for the Promotion of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies”.

Sport has the power to align our passion, energy and enthusiasm around a collective cause. And that is precisely when hope can be nurtured and trust can be regained. It is in our collective interest to harness the tremendous power of sport to help build a better and more sustainable future for all.”

– UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed

In observance of the International Day, on April 4 an event at UN Headquarters in New York will focus on how prominent sporting bodies engage in partnerships to make positive impacts for people and the environments in which they operate. It will bring together members of the international sporting community – including members of the United Nations Football for the Goals initiative – to share best practices, discuss challenges, and explore collaborative opportunities to drive positive social change and contribute to global efforts towards sustainable development and peace.

The United Nations has long recognized the power and universality of sport, using it to unite individuals and groups through supporting sport for development efforts, participating in events from the global to the grassroots level, and developing its own sports-related campaigns and initiatives.


Due to its vast reach, unparalleled popularity and foundation of positive values, sport is ideally positioned to contribute towards the United Nations’ objectives for development and peace.

To raise awareness of this potential, 6 April was declared as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP) by the UN General Assembly. The adoption of this Day signifies the increasing recognition by the UN of the positive influence that sport can have on the advancement of human rights, and social and economic development.

In its Resolution (A/RES/67/296) establishing the Day, the General Assembly

invites States, the United Nations system and, in particular, the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace, relevant international organizations, and international, regional and national sport organisations, civil society including, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, and all other relevant stakeholders to cooperate, observe and raise awareness of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace.”

©UNICEF/UN0156174/Martinez – Sport has been increasingly recognized and used as a low-cost and high-impact tool in humanitarian, development and peace-building efforts.

Haiti: Gangs have ‘more firepower than the police’

Haiti: Gangs have ‘more firepower than the police’

The consequences have plunged the Caribbean nation into an ongoing political and humanitarian crisis. Currently, there are “unprecedented levels of lawlessness”, UNODC’s regional representative Sylvie Bertrand told UN News.

From Russian AK-47s and United States-made AR-15s to Israeli Galil assault rifles, a spike in trafficking increasingly sophisticated weaponry has gripped Haiti since 2021, said the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in its latest report on the illegal arms trade in Haiti.

Many of these illegal weapons are behind recent news reports of random sniper attacks, mass lootings, kidnappings and attacks on prisons to free thousands of inmates, which in turn has displaced more than 362,000 Haitians who are fleeing the violence.

Displaced people shelter in a boxing arena in downtown Port-au-Prince after fleeing their homes during gang attacks in August 2023.

More firepower than the police

Some gangs are using arms trafficking to fuel efforts to expand their reach and claiming strategic locations that are stymying efforts to halt the illegal entry of even more weapons, according to independent expert and author of Haiti’s Criminal Markets Robert Muggah.

“We have a very disconcerting and unsettling situation in Haiti, probably the worst I’ve seen in over 20 years of working in the country,” Mr. Muggah said.

Trafficked predominantly from the US, these “deadly arsenals” mean that gangs have “firepower that exceeds that of the Haitian National Police”, according to the UN panel of experts charged with monitoring sanctions the Security Council imposed on Haiti in 2022 amid worsening armed gang violence.

The problem is that as more weapons get in, the more gangs expand their control over such strategic points as ports and roads, making it even more difficult for authorities to prevent arms trafficking, UNODC’s Ms. Bertrand said.

Consequences on the ground

Some of the consequences of rampant gang violence are unfolding across Haiti.

UN-backed analysis found that almost half of Haiti’s 11.7 million citizens needs food assistance, and mass displacement continues as people flee to safety. Hospitals are reporting a sharp rise in gunshot deaths and injuries.

“The increasing number of weapons in circulation as well as the upgrading of arsenals is having an impact on the lethality and severity of the wounds being inflicted,” medical staff in Haiti told the UN panel of experts.

A fire burns as Haitians protest in 2022 over the government’s inability to provide security in the capital, Port-au-Prince. (file)

© UNICEF/Roger LeMoyne and U.S. CDC

A fire burns as Haitians protest in 2022 over the government’s inability to provide security in the capital, Port-au-Prince. (file)

Mapping gang controlled areas

An estimated 150 to 200 armed groups now operate across Haiti, a country which shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, said Mr. Muggah, who is an independent expert on security and development.

Right now, around 23 gangs operate in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, have divided into two large coalitions: G-Pèp, led by Gabriel Jean Pierre, also called Ti Gabriel, and the G9 Family and Allies, led by Jimmy Chérizier, known as Barbecue.

In recent months, the two rival factions joined forces “in coordinated attacks” targeting the airport, the National Palace, the National Theatre, hospitals, schools, police stations, customs offices and ports, “effectively forcing their will and expanding their territory”, he explained.

“Gangs are in fact controlling very strategic areas of the capital and the main roads connecting Port-au-Prince to the ports and to the land borders as well as coastal towns and areas, where we see a lot of the trafficking happening,” Mr. Muggah said.

A burnt-out car serves as a barricade on a street in Port-au-Prince. With over 150 gangs operating in and around the country, all roads access in and out of Haiti's capital are now under some gang control.

A burnt-out car serves as a barricade on a street in Port-au-Prince. With over 150 gangs operating in and around the country, all roads access in and out of Haiti’s capital are now under some gang control.

The demand: Large-calibre and ‘ghost guns’

Arms trafficking is a very lucrative business, even in small quantities, as the demand for weapons is increasing and prices are high, the panel of experts found. 

For example, a 5.56mm semi-automatic rifle costing a few hundred dollars in the US is regularly sold for $5,000 to $8,000 in Haiti.

Findings further documented the presence of “ghost guns”, which are privately manufactured with relative ease by purchasing parts online, thus avoiding the control processes that apply to factory-made firearms. These weapons are not serialized and are therefore untraceable.

Firearms confiscated during border checks.

Firearms confiscated during border checks.

The supply: US sources and routes

A small number of Haitian gangs are highly specialised in the acquisition, storage and distribution of weapons and ammunition, according to the UNODC report.

Most of the firearms and ammunition trafficked into Haiti, whether directly or via another country, originate in the United States, said UNODC’s Ms. Bertrand, adding that the weapons and bullets are typically purchased from licensed retail outlets, gun shows or pawn shops and shipped by sea.

Suspicions have also emerged of illegal operations involving unregistered flights and small airports along the south Florida coast and the presence of clandestine airstrips in Haiti, she added.

Trafficking crackdowns

UNODC has identified four trafficking routes using Haiti’s porous borders, two from Florida via cargo ships to Port-au-Prince and to the north and west coasts through Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas and others via container ships, fishing vessels, barges or small aircrafts arriving at the northern city of Cap Haitien and by land crossings from the Dominican Republic.

Most seizures made by US authorities have been conducted in Miami, and even though control agencies doubled the number of searches in 2023, authorities sometimes do not find illicit arms and ammunition, often hidden among tightly stacked packages of all shapes and sizes, according to UNODC.

To make “a significant dent in in the flow of arms in the country”, the UN agency is training “control units” in ports and airports comprising police and customs officers and the Coast Guard to identify and inspect high-risk containers and cargo and is working to facilitate their use of radar and other critical tools, Ms. Bertrand said.

People who fled their homes due to violence are now living in a school hosted in a school in Port-au-Prince.

People who fled their homes due to violence are now living in a school hosted in a school in Port-au-Prince.

International community must ‘step up’

But, security needs to be stabilised to improve Haiti’s ability to monitor and control all its borders, she said, adding that “law enforcement officers are very busy trying to contain the crisis in the streets of Port-au-Prince.”

Regarding the forthcoming UN Security Council-mandated multinational security support mission, Ms. Bertrand said it will be essential to “support the very courageous work that is already been being done by the police”.

Mr. Muggah agreed, saying that strengthening the Haitian National Police is “an absolute priority”.

“In a geopolitical environment where many of the actors are in some cases paralysed to respond”, he warned, the international community has an “incredibly important responsibility” to support Haiti in this time of critical need “because a bad situation could get dramatically worse if we don’t step up”.

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4 reasons why a dog takes your place as soon as you stand up


Whether you find it adorable or annoying, it’s happened to every pet owner at one point or another: the dog has stolen your spot. Before you smile condescendingly, we hasten to tell you that there are various reasons for this behavior of your furry companion.

In most cases, your dog’s tendency to take your place the second you get up is due to affection. Yes, your pet is probably looking for your proximity, but not only that. Let’s take a closer look at why dogs do this.

4 reasons why your dog sits in your seat after you get up

As mentioned, there are specific reasons why a dog rushes to take your place when you get off the couch. Some of them are mildly alarming, while others are not. These are:

• Demonstration of affection

Your dog loves you very much, and one of the ways he shows this is by taking your place the moment you get up. Yes, for us this gesture does not hide much meaning. But for our pets, it’s a way of saying, “I think you’re great!”. We’re quick to reassure you – if you’re on the fence about finding this annoying or endearing, you’re not alone – we all are!

• Security and safety consideration

It is possible that the dog steals your place because it feels insecure. Whether he’s nervous or anxious, your scent means comfort and safety. If your pet is looking for security that it lacks for some reason, it will look for it in your place. This is often coupled with other indicators of stress, such as a lack of eye contact or whining.

• Saves your seat

Again, sounds slightly comical! But the truth is, your pet takes its role as your personal bodyguard (regardless of how effective it is!) very seriously. When you get up, the animal feels obligated to protect your place from potential intruders and other pets until you return. Although it is not necessary, your dog does not know this. You may also notice other signs of defensive behavior such as a serious expression or casual posture.

• Dominant behavior

If you have other pets, your dog may be driven by his instinct to show himself as alpha in front of them. And since you are the leader at home, it tries to steal your place as a sign that it is behind you in the hierarchy. In this case, you may also notice other behaviors such as growling.

In conclusion, your dog’s habit of taking your seat immediately after getting up is most often because he wants to show you affection, protect you, or seek safety where he smells you. Sometimes spot stealing can be a sign of dominant behavior, which is something you need to identify and address as quickly as possible to ensure your safety as well as that of your other pets.

Stealing your place often seems like a mild annoyance to humans, but it’s actually a biological instinct for most dogs.

Understanding and correctly interpreting this behavior can help you delve deeper into the psyche of your four-legged companion.

Illustrative Photo by Viktoria B.: https://www.pexels.com/photo/short-coated-tan-and-white-dog-1078142/

Gaza: Less than 1 in 2 UN aid missions allowed into northern zones this month

Gaza: Less than 1 in 2 UN aid missions allowed into northern zones this month

In its latest update, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said that the first two weeks of March saw just 11 out of 24 missions “facilitated” by Israeli authorities. “The rest were either denied or postponed,” OCHA continued, noting that five convoys were refused entry and eight were postponed.

“Facilitated missions primarily involved food distributions, nutrition and health assessments, and the delivery of supplies to hospitals,” OCHA said, repeating warnings that “humanitarian access constraints” continue to “severely affect the timely delivery of life-saving assistance, particularly to hundreds of thousands of people in northern Gaza”.

Echoing those calls on Wednesday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres urged the Israeli authorities “to ensure complete and unfettered access for humanitarian goods throughout Gaza and for the international community to fully support our humanitarian efforts”. 

Speaking from Brussels where he is holding meetings with European Union representatives, the UN chief also repeated his call to “keep doing everything to stop the killing, reach an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and secure the unconditional release of the hostages”.

Wadi Gaza gateway

Dispatching aid to the north of Gaza requires “day-to-day approvals” from the Israeli authorities, OCHA explained, but despite all efforts to coordinate the process, “truck convoys are frequently turned back, even after long waits at the Wadi Gaza checkpoint”, which is the gateway to the north of the enclave. 

Aid convoys have also become the focus of “desperate people”, OCHA continued, “either at the checkpoint or along the difficult route north when they do get through. The only way to prevent this is to ensure that enough aid can be delivered on a reliable basis.”

During the same two-week period in March, Israeli authorities granted access to three in four relief missions to areas south of Wadi Gaza (78 out of 103), with 15 denied and 10 “postponed or withdrawn”, according to OCHA.

Famine closing in

All the while “famine is imminent” in parts of the enclave, warned the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNWRA, amid reports overnight that 24 people died in an aid convoy attack in the north of Gaza City.

“(On) average, 159 aid trucks per day crossed into the Gaza Strip so far in March. This is well below the needs,” UNRWA said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

A ceasefire and the release of all remaining hostages remains the only way to ensure that sufficient aid reaches Gaza by land – and far more effective than airdrops or shipments by sea – aid officials have long insisted.

To that end, talks entered a third day in Qatar on Wednesday between delegations including Israel, the U.S. and Egypt, media reports indicated. 

Latest information from the enclave’s health authority indicates that the death toll since 7 October has risen to 31,923 with 74,096 people wounded.

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‘Shocking’ increase in children denied aid in conflicts

‘Shocking’ increase in children denied aid in conflicts

Painting a grim landscape of the world’s war zones, Virginia Gamba, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, briefed ambassadors, citing grave concerns, from war-torn Gaza to gang-ravaged Haiti, where famine looms amid rampant violence and displacement.

Denying aid access has long-lasting effects on children’s wellbeing and development, she said.

Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, briefs members of the UN Security Council.

Grave violations of international law

“Let me be very clear,” she said. “The Geneva Conventions and the Convention on the Rights of the Child contain key provisions requiring the facilitation of humanitarian relief to children in need. 

“The denial of humanitarian access to children and attacks against humanitarian workers assisting children are also prohibited under international humanitarian law.”

The UN’s engagement with combatants to end and prevent violations against children is critical, she said.

Unfortunately, data gathered for her forthcoming 2024 report shows “we are on target to witness a shocking increase of the incidents of the denial of humanitarian access globally,” she said, adding that “the blatant disregard for international humanitarian law continues to increase.”

“Without compliance by parties to conflict to allow safe, full and unhindered access for the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance, children’s survival, wellbeing and development are in jeopardy, and our calls are mere echoes in this Chamber,” she told the Council. 

“We cannot prevent denial of humanitarian access to children unless we understand it and reinforce our capacity to monitor and prevent its occurrence. We must get on with the job.”

A destroyed UN vehicle in Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

A destroyed UN vehicle in Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

Gaza: Children facing ‘staggering’ conditions

Also briefing the Council, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban, said that as conflicts proliferate around the world, grave violations against children continue, including in Gaza, Sudan and Myanmar.

“The denial of humanitarian access is a particularly pervasive, multifaceted and complex grave violation,” he said. “These actions have devastating humanitarian consequences for children.”

Recalling his visit to Gaza in January, he said he witnessed a “staggering decline in conditions of children” amid widespread destruction, a “quasi blockage on the north of Gaza” and repeated denials for or delays in granted access of humanitarian convoys.

Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, briefs the UN Security Council meeting on children and armed conflict.

Ted Chaiban, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director for Humanitarian Action and Supply Operations, briefs the UN Security Council meeting on children and armed conflict.

Killing aid workers ‘trying to feed starving people’

“Attacks on humanitarian workers have also gravely affected humanitarian access with the highest UN staff death toll in our history, our UNRWA colleagues in particular, and new attacks this week with the death of our World Central Kitchen colleagues, killing humanitarian workers trying to feed starving people,” Mr. Chaiban said.

As a result of these constraints, children cannot access age-appropriate nutritious food or medical services and have less than two to three litres of water per day, he said. 

“The consequences have been clear,” he warned. “In March, we reported that one in three children under two years of age in the northern Gaza Strip suffer from acute malnutrition, a figure that has more than doubled in the last two months.”

Dozens of children in the northern Gaza Strip have reportedly died from malnutrition and dehydration in recent weeks and half the population is facing catastrophic food insecurity, he stressed.

Every month, thousands of people in Sudan still migrate to nearby countries like South Sudan and Chad.

Every month, thousands of people in Sudan still migrate to nearby countries like South Sudan and Chad.

Sudan: ‘World’s worst child displacement crisis’

In Sudan, the world’s worst child displacement crisis, the violence and blatant disregard for permission to allow the delivery of humanitarian assistance essential to protect children from the impact of conflict in Darfur, in Kordofan, in Khartoum and beyond has greatly intensified their suffering, he said.

“We are seeing record levels of admissions for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) – the deadliest form of malnutrition,” the UN deputy chief explained, “but insecurity is preventing patients and health workers from reaching hospitals and other health facilities.”

Assets and staff attacked

Assets and staff are still being attacked, and the health system remains overwhelmed resulting in severe shortage of medicines and supplies, including lifesaving items, due to the severe interruption of the supply management system.

“Our inability to consistently access vulnerable children means protection by presence is simply not possible and that risks of other grave violations may escalate without an attendant rise in our ability to monitor or respond,” he said.

He called on the Security Council to use its influence to prevent and end the denial of humanitarian access to children, protect humanitarian workers and allow aid agencies to safely reach those in most need, across frontlines and across borders.

Watch the Security Council President for April, Vanessa Frazier of Malta, speak to reporters after the briefing on children and armed conflict.

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Conflict and harassment in the workplace: towards mandatory training for MEPs


The report endorsed on Wednesday (15 votes for, nine against, no abstentions) aims to strengthen Parliament’s rules on preventing conflict and harassment in the workplace and promoting good office management by introducing mandatory specialised training for MEPs.

Parliamentarians who do not complete this training within the first six months of their term of office (except in exceptional cases or unless they have previously done so) would face penalties and would not be able to be elected as parliamentary office-holders (e.g. to the European Parliament Bureau or as committee chair), be appointed as rapporteur, or participate in an official delegation or interinstitutional negotiations.

The Conference of Presidents (i.e. the President and political group leaders) may, by a three fifths majority comprising at least three groups, table a proposal in plenary to remove any elected office-holder (e.g. a member of the EP Bureau or a committee chair) if they fail to complete the training. A double majority threshold would apply in such a vote: two-thirds of votes cast and a majority of all MEPs. The same procedure will also be applicable for rapporteurs, with the final decision in this case taken by the relevant committee.


Rapporteur Gabriele Bischoff (S&D, DE) commented: “Parliament has a duty to set the gold standard in tackling harassment in the workplace, with clear rules and strong sanctions for a zero tolerance approach. Prevention is key, as it enables us to address issues proactively, and mandatory training reinforces our commitment to a workplace where the dignity of all is respected and protected. We have fulfilled the clear political mandate provided by Parliament’s Bureau and we are looking forward to the new rules being finalised in plenary, for the sake of all staff working in this House.”

Next steps

The report is expected to be submitted to the 10-11 April plenary session in Brussels.


The training on “How to create a good and well-functioning team” will consist of five different modules covering the recruitment of assistants, successful team management, including conflict prevention and early conflict resolution, administrative and financial aspects of parliamentary assistance, as well as harassment prevention.

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Conflict driving hunger crisis in Sudan, UN officials tell Security Council

Conflict driving hunger crisis in Sudan, UN officials tell Security Council

“As we approach the one-year anniversary of the conflict, we cannot make clearer the desperation that civilians are facing in Sudan,” said Edem Wosornu of the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA – one of three senior officials who briefed ambassadors.

The meeting was convened following OCHA’s submission of a white paper on food insecurity in Sudan last Friday. 

This was done in line with a 2018 Council resolution that requests the UN Secretary-General to promptly report when the risk of conflict-induced famine and widespread food insecurity occurs.

Agricultural production halted 

The war between the Sudanese army and the rival paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has left 18 million people – more than a third of the population – facing acute food insecurity.

The majority, or about 90 per cent, are in conflict hotspots in the Darfur and Kordofan region, and in Khartoum and Al Jazirah states.

Fighting has restricted agricultural production, damaged major infrastructure, caused prices to spiral and disrupted trade flows, among other devastating impacts.

Maurizio Martina, Deputy Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that hostilities are expanding across southeastern states, the country’s breadbasket, responsible for half of all wheat production.

An FAO report issued this week showed that cereal production last year dropped by nearly half, 46 per cent.

“Cereal import requirements in 2024, forecast at about 3.38 million tonnes, raise concerns about the financial and logistical capacity of the country to meet these import needs. And high production costs of cereals are likely to further inflate market prices, which are already at exceptionally high levels,” he said.

Malnutrition rates soaring 

Currently, around 730,000 people in Sudan are suffering from malnutrition, which is soaring to alarming rates and already claiming young lives.

Ms. Wosornu cited a recent report from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) which revealed that a child is dying every two hours at the Zamzam camp in El Fasher, North Darfur. 

“Our humanitarian partners estimate that in the coming weeks and months, somewhere in the region of around 222,000 children could die from malnutrition,” she said.

Obstacles to aid delivery 

Although aid should be “a lifeline” in Sudan, she said humanitarians continue to face obstacles in reaching people in need.

The Council adopted a resolution earlier this month calling for full and unhindered humanitarian access in Sudan, however “there has not been major progress on the ground.” 

Ms. Wosornu said humanitarians have welcomed Sudan’s recent announcement to again allow aid into the country through the Tine border crossing with Chad, although procedures have yet to be elaborated.

The authorities have also agreed to allow 60 trucks to enter through Adre in Chad into West Darfur, and she said a convoy carrying aid that includes food for more than 175,000 people is being prepared for deployment in the coming days. 

“These are positive steps, but they are far from enough in the face of looming famine,” she added, stressing the need for crossline aid delivery within Sudan, as well as greater protection for humanitarian staff and supplies.

Hunger stalking the region 

The Deputy Executive Director at the UN World Food Programme (WFP), Carl Skau, highlighted the wider regional context of the hunger crisis. 

Seven million people in South Sudan, and nearly three million in Chad, are also facing acute food insecurity, he said.

WFP teams have been working around the clock in Sudan to meet the massive needs, assisting some eight million people last year, but their operations are being hampered by the lack of both access and resources. 

“If we are going to prevent Sudan from becoming the world’s largest hunger crisis, coordinated efforts and joined-up diplomacy is urgent and critical. We need all parties to provide unrestricted access across borders and across conflict lines,” Mr. Skau said. 

Warning that rising hunger will only stoke instability across the region, he appealed for a rapid scale-up in financial and political support for emergency relief operations.  

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Ukrainians suffer Russia-imposed ‘violence, intimidation, and coercion’

Ukrainians suffer Russia-imposed ‘violence, intimidation, and coercion’

UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Tuesday called for the fighting and occupation of Ukraine to end, so the country can begin “healing the deep wounds and painful divisions” caused by Russia’s invasion.

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Amid ongoing strife in Gaza and Ukraine, UN chief reiterates peace call

Amid ongoing strife in Gaza and Ukraine, UN chief reiterates peace call

“When we live in a chaotic world it’s very important to stick to principles and the principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, the territorial integrity of countries and international humanitarian law,” the UN chief said, speaking at the opening of the European Council in Brussels. 

That is the reason why we believe it is essential to have peace for Ukraine…(and) that is the reason why for the same reasons we need a ceasefire in Gaza.”

In a brief press encounter, Mr. Guterres condemned the Hamas-led terror attacks of 7 October in which some 1,200 Israeli and foreign nationals were killed, before reiterating his alarm that “we are witnessing a number of civilian casualties in Gaza that is unprecedented in my time as Secretary-General”.

Tedros starvation alert

Echoing the UN chief’s comments, the head of the UN health agency, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on Thursday highlighted the plight of “many” youngsters in northern Gaza lying seriously injured in hospitals or reportedly “starving”, after nearly six months of war. 

In a social media post accompanying Tedros’s appeal, a video clip from Al-Shifa Hospital showed a young amputee, Rafiq, who had been reportedly rescued from under the rubble of his home in Gaza City.

The video – filmed on 17 March, according to WHO – showed the boy’s doctor who maintained that nutritious food containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals was “unavailable in most of the northern Gaza Strip”.

The unnamed medic also noted that in addition to the malnourished young Gaza City patient he was treating, there were “many other children whose parents report that they have died due to malnutrition without any medical examination” at Gaza’s overwhelmed hospitals.

WHO was last able to reach the medical facility on 11 March to deliver fuel and medicines, the UN agency said. According to media reports, the Israeli military raid of Al-Shifa that began on Monday is now into its fourth day.

“History will judge us all for what these children are enduring,” WHO Director-General Tedros wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Ceasefire! Allow immediate, unfettered, scaled-up humanitarian access.”

On Monday, a UN-backed food insecurity analysis warned that 1.1 million Gazans are now enduring catastrophic hunger and starvation, with famine possible in the north “anytime between now and May”.

Latest WHO data indicates 410 attacks on health care in Gaza since 7 October. The attacks reportedly caused hundreds of casualties, damaged nearly 100 facilities and affected more than 100 ambulances. 

In the West Bank, the UN health agency documented 403 attacks on health care since 7 October.

Nearly 31,200 people in Gaza have now been killed amid intense Israeli bombardment with more than 74,000 injured, UN aid coordination office OCHA said, citing the enclave’s health authorities. According to the Israeli military, 251 soldiers have been killed in the ground operation that began on 27 October.

US calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in new draft

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said on Thursday that the latest draft of a resolution penned by Washington on Gaza before the Security Council now includes the call for “an immediate ceasefire tied to the release of hostages.”

It is unclear when the draft might be put to a vote but news reports suggest it could be as early as Friday. The US has previously blocked attempts to pass a ceasefire resolution. 

The top US diplomat was speaking in Egypt and is touring the Middle East as indirect negotiations on a possible deal continue between Israel and Hamas, brokered by the US, Egypt and Qatar. Mr. Blinken said an agreement was “very much possible”.

Weapon of war

Meanwhile, the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNWRA), Philippe Lazzarini, reiterated calls to “flood” Gaza with humanitarian aid.

Condemning a “man-made famine” in the north, Mr. Lazzarini insisted that the “easy response” was to open “all the land crossings into Gaza”. “It is easy to flood Gaza with food, it is easy to reverse this trend and I also believe it is a collective stain on our collective humanity that such a situation is artificially unfolding under our eyes,” he said.

The UNRWA Commissioner-General also repeated widespread calls for Israel and Hamas to agree on a ceasefire and the release of all remaining hostages taking during Hamas-led terror attacks in Israel on 7 October. “This should be a priority but meanwhile food should not be used as a weapon of war,” Mr. Lazzarini said.


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