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MEPs approve reforms for a more sustainable and resilient EU gas market


On Thursday, MEPs adopted plans to facilitate the uptake of renewable and low-carbon gases, including hydrogen, into the EU gas market.

The new directive and regulation on the gas and hydrogen markets aim to decarbonise the EU’s energy sector, enhancing the production and integration of renewable gases and hydrogen.

These measures are designed to secure energy supplies disrupted by geopolitical tensions, particularly the Russian war against Ukraine, and address climate change. In negotiations with Council on the directive, MEPs focused on securing provisions around transparency, consumer rights, and support for people at risk of energy poverty. Plenary adopted the directive with 425 votes in favour, 64 against and 100 abstentions.

The new regulation, adopted with 447 votes in favour, 90 against and 54 abstentions, will beef up mechanisms for fair pricing and stable energy supply, and will allow member states to limit gas imports from Russia and Belarus. The legislation will introduce a joint gas purchasing system to avoid competition among member states and a pilot project to bolster the EU’s hydrogen market for five years.

The regulation also focuses on increasing investments in hydrogen infrastructure, especially in coal regions, promoting a transition to sustainable energy sources like biomethane and low-carbon hydrogen.


“Europe’s steel and chemical industries, which are hard to decarbonise, will be placed at the centre of the development of a European hydrogen market,” lead MEP on the directive Jens Geier (S&D, DE) said. “This will enable fossil fuels to be phased out of industry, secure European competitiveness, and preserve jobs in a sustainable economy. Unbundling rules for hydrogen network operators will correspond to existing best practices in the gas and electricity market.”

Lead MEP on the regulation Jerzy Buzek (EPP, PL) said: “The new regulation will transform the current energy market into one based primarily on two sources – green electricity and green gases. This is a huge step towards meeting the EU’s ambitious climate goals and making the EU more competitive on global markets. We have introduced a legal option for EU countries to stop importing gas from Russia if there is a security threat, which gives them a tool to phase out our dependence on a dangerous monopolist.”

Next steps

Both texts will now have to be formally adopted by Council before publication on the Official Journal.


The legislative package reflects the EU’s growing climate ambitions, as set out in the European Green Deal and its ‘Fit for 55’ package. The updated directive aims to decarbonise the energy sector and includes provisions on consumer rights, transmission and distribution system operators, third-party access and integrated network planning, and independent regulatory authorities. The updated regulation will push existing natural gas infrastructure to integrate a higher share of hydrogen and renewable gases, by means of high tariff discounts. It includes provisions to facilitate blending hydrogen with natural gas and renewable gases, and greater EU cooperation on gas quality and storage.

Women must have full control of their sexual and reproductive health and rights

© European Parliament - - EP Plenary session - The situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU, in the frame of women s health

MEPs urge the Council to add sexual and reproductive healthcare and the right to a safe and legal abortion to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

In a resolution adopted on Thursday with 336 votes in favour, 163 against and 39 abstentions, MEPs want to enshrine the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – a demand they have made several times. MEPs condemn the backsliding on women’s rights and all attempts to restrict or remove existing protections for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender equality taking place globally, including in the EU member states.

They want Article 3 of the Charter to be amended to state that “everyone has the right to bodily autonomy, to free, informed, full and universal access to SRHR, and to all related healthcare services without discrimination, including access to safe and legal abortion”.

The text urges member states to fully decriminalise abortion in line with the 2022 WHO guidelines, and to remove and combat obstacles to abortion, calling on Poland and Malta to repeal their laws and other measures that ban and restrict it. MEPs condemn the fact that, in some member states, abortion is being denied by medical practitioners, and in some cases by entire medical institutions, on the basis of a ‘conscience’ clause, often in situations where any delay will endanger the patient’s life or health.

Education and high-quality care

Abortion methods and procedures should be an obligatory part of the curriculum for doctors and medical students, Parliament says. Member states should ensure access to the full range of SRHR services including comprehensive and age-appropriate sexuality and relationship education. Accessible, safe and free contraceptive methods and supplies, and family planning counselling, should be made available, with special attention paid to reaching vulnerable groups. Women in poverty are disproportionately affected by legal, financial, social and practical barriers and restrictions to abortion, MEPs say, calling on member states to remove these barriers.

Stop EU funding to anti-choice groups

MEPs are concerned about the significant surge in funding for anti-gender and anti-choice groups around the world, including in the EU. They call on the Commission to ensure that organisations working against gender equality and women’s rights, including reproductive rights, do not receive EU funding. Member states and local governments must increase their spending on programmes and subsidies to healthcare and family planning services.


France became the first country to enshrine the right to abortion in its constitution on 4 March 2024. Healthcare, including sexual and reproductive health, falls under national powers. Changing the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to include abortion would require unanimous agreement from all member states.

Parliament adopts reform of the EU electricity market

gray GE volt meter at 414
Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

The measures, composed of a regulation and a directive already agreed upon with the Council, were adopted with 433 in favour, 140 against and 15 abstentions, and 473 votes to 80, with 27 abstentions, respectively.

The law will protect consumers against volatile prices. MEPs ensured that they will have the right to access fixed-price contracts or dynamic price contracts, and receive important information on the options they sign up to. Suppliers will not be allowed to unilaterally change the terms of a contract.

MEPs also secured that EU countries can prohibit suppliers from cutting the electricity supply of vulnerable customers, including during disputes between suppliers and customers.

Contracts for Difference

The legislation provides for so-called “Contracts for Difference” (CfDs), or equivalent schemes with the same effects, to encourage energy investment. In a CfD, a public authority compensates the energy producer if market prices fall too steeply, but it collects payments from them if prices are too high. The use of CfDs will be allowed in all investments in new electricity production, whether from renewable or nuclear energy.

Electricity price crisis

The text sets out a mechanism to declare an electricity price crisis. In a situation of very high prices and under certain conditions, the EU may declare a regional or EU-wide electricity price crisis, allowing member states to take temporary measures to set electricity prices for SMEs and energy intensive industrial consumers.


“This reform puts citizens at the forefront of electricity market design. The text includes measures to protect citizens, especially the most vulnerable and to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources. The Parliament has taken a step forward in democratising energy, creating a market design that responds to the failures exposed by the energy crisis. All consumers, including micro, small, and medium-size enterprises will have access to long-term, affordable and stable prices.” lead MEP Nicolás González Casares (S&D, ES) said.

Next steps

After Parliament’s approval, Council also needs to formally adopt the legislation to become law.


Energy prices have been rising since mid-2021, initially in the context of the post-COVID-19 economic recovery. However, energy prices rose steeply due to gas supply problems following Russia’s war against Ukraine in February 2022. High gas prices had an immediate effect on electricity prices, as they are linked together under the merit order system, where the most expensive (usually fossil fuel-based) energy source sets the overall electricity price.

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UN underscores commitment to stay and deliver in Myanmar

UN underscores commitment to stay and deliver in Myanmar

The expansion of fighting throughout the country has deprived communities of basic needs and access to essential services and has had a devastating impact on human rights and fundamental freedoms, said Khalid Khiari, a UN Assistant Secretary-General whose portfolio straddles political and peacebuilding affairs as well as peace operations.

The open briefing marked the first time the Council has met on Myanmar since the military seized power from the democratically elected government on 1 February 2021, although members adopted a resolution on the crisis in December 2022. 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has consistently called for the release of President Win Myint, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and others who remain in detention. 

Concern for the Rohingya community

Mr. Khiari said that amid reports of indiscriminate aerial bombardments by the Myanmar Armed Forces and artillery shelling by various parties, the civilian toll keeps rising.

He reported on the situation in Rakhine state, the poorest region in mainly Buddhist Myanmar and home to the Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim ethnic community who are stateless. More than one million members have escaped to Bangladesh following waves of persecution. 

In Rakhine, fighting between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army, a separatist group, has reached an unprecedented level of violence, compounding pre-existing vulnerabilities, he said. 

The Arakan Army has reportedly gained territorial control over most of the centre and seeks to expand to the north, where many Rohingya remain.  

Address root causes  

“Addressing the root causes of the Rohingya crisis will be essential to establish a sustainable pathway out of the current crisis. The failure to do so and continued impunity will only keep fuelling Myanmar’s vicious cycle of violence,” he said. 

Mr. Khiari also highlighted the alarming surge in Rohingya refugees who are dying or going missing while taking risky boat journeys in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. 

He said any solution to the current crisis requires conditions that permit the people of Myanmar to exercise their human rights freely and peacefully, and an end to the military’s campaign of violence and political repression is a vital step. 

“In this respect, the Secretary-General has highlighted concern about the military’s intention to move ahead with elections amid intensifying conflict and human rights violations across the country,” he added. 

Regional impacts 

Turning to the region, Mr. Khiari said Myanmar’s crisis continues to spillover as conflicts in key border areas have weakened transnational security and the breakdown in the rule of law has allowed illicit economies to thrive.

Myanmar is now an epicentre of methamphetamine and opium production alongside a rapid expansion of global cyberscam operations, particularly in border areas.  

“With scarce livelihood opportunities, criminal networks continue to prey on the increasingly vulnerable population,” he said. “What began as a regional crime threat in Southeast Asia is now a rampant human trafficking and illicit trade crisis with global implications.” 

Step up support 

Mr. Khiari upheld the UN’s commitment to staying and delivering in solidarity with the people of Myanmar.   

Stressing the need for greater international unity and support, he said the UN will continue to work in complement with the regional bloc, ASEAN, and actively engage with all stakeholders. 

“As the prolonged crisis deepens, the Secretary-General continues to call for a unified international response and encourages Member States, particularly neighbouring countries, to leverage their influence to open up humanitarian channels in line with international principles, end the violence and seek a comprehensive political solution that leads to an inclusive and peaceful future for Myanmar,” he said. 

Displacement and fear 

The humanitarian impacts of the crisis are significant and deeply concerning, Council members heard.

Lise Doughten of the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said some 2.8 million people in Myanmar are now displaced, 90 per cent since the military takeover.

People “are living in daily fear for their lives”, especially since a national law on mandatory conscription became effective earlier this year. Their ability to access essential goods and services and to cope is stretched to its limit. 

Millions going hungry 

Nearly 12.9 million people, roughly a quarter of the population, are facing food insecurity. Basic medicines are running out, the health system is in turmoil and education has been severely interrupted. Around one third of all school-aged children are currently out of the classroom. 

The crisis is disproportionately impacting women and girls, almost 9.7 million of whom are in need of humanitarian assistance, with the escalating violence increasing their vulnerability and exposure to trafficking and gender-based violence. 

No time to wait 

Humanitarians estimate that some 18.6 million people across Myanmar will need assistance this year, a nearly 20-fold increase since February 2021.

Ms. Doughten called for increased funding to support their operations, safe and unimpeded access to people in need and safe conditions for aid workers.

“Intensified armed conflict, administrative restrictions and violence against aid workers all remain key barriers that are limiting humanitarian assistance from reaching vulnerable people,” she said. 

She warned that as the conflict continues to escalate, humanitarian needs intensify, and with the monsoon season approaching, time is of the essence for the people of Myanmar. 

“They cannot afford for us to forget; they cannot afford to wait,” she said. “They need the support of the international community now to help them survive in this time of fear and turmoil.” 

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World News in Brief: Sex trafficking and child recruitment in Sudan, new mass grave in Libya, children at risk in DR Congo

World News in Brief: Sex trafficking and child recruitment in Sudan, new mass grave in Libya, children at risk in DR Congo

This is being compounded by an increase in child and forced marriage, and the recruitment of boys by combatants in the continuing war between rival generals that erupted nearly a year ago.

All this is happening against the backdrop of the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in the country that has caused an unprecedented mass displacement of over nine million people.

Access to support for victims and survivors has reportedly deteriorated since December, eight months after the outbreak of conflict between Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the Human Rights Council-appointed experts said.

Girls sold at ‘slave markets’

Young women and girls, including internally displaced persons, are reportedly being trafficked, they said.

“We are appalled by reports of women and girls being sold at slave markets in areas controlled by RSF forces and other armed groups, including in North Darfur,” the experts said.

Some of the cases of child and forced marriage are occurring due to family separation and gender-based violence, including rape and unwanted pregnancies. 

“Despite previous warnings to both Sudanese authorities and RSF representatives, we continue to receive reports of recruitment of children to actively participate in hostilities, including from a neighbouring country,” the experts said. 

“The recruitment of children by armed groups for any form of exploitation – including in combat roles – is a gross violation of human rights, a serious crime and a violation of international humanitarian law,” they said. 

Special Rapporteurs and other independent experts are not UN staff and are independent of any government or organization. They serve in their individual capacity and receive no salary for their work.

Mass grave found in Libya highlights migrant horrors

A mass grave has been found in southwest Libya containing at least 65 migrants who are believed to have died while being smuggled through the desert.

According to the UN migration agency (IOM), which sounded the alarm on Friday, increasing numbers of people are dying on dangerous routes to northern Africa and beyond.

Without legal pathways for migrants, “such tragedies will continue to be a feature along this route,” the agency warned.

Questions remain

The circumstances are not clear surrounding the deaths of those found in the mass grave and their nationalities are also unknown. 

Libyan authorities had launched an inquiry, IOM said, urging the “dignified recovery, identification and transfer of the remains of the deceased migrants” and for their families to be notified.

According to the UN agency’s Missing Migrants Project, at least 3,129 people died or disappeared in 2023 along the so-called “Mediterranean route”. 

Even before the discovery of the mass grave, it was already the deadliest migratory route in the world.

Massive rise in displacement in DR Congo poses dire threat to children

A major upsurge in violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo that has displaced at least 400,000 people in North Kivu since the beginning of the year is exposing children to unacceptable levels of violence, said the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Friday.

© WFP/Benjamin Anguandia

People displaced by conflict are living in a temporary camp near Goma in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

At-risk children must receive further protection to avoid more deaths, the agency added.

In the latest incident on Wednesday highlighting the spillover of the conflict into South Kivu province, an explosion in the town of Minova seriously injured four children who required hospital treatment.

Schoolchildren bombed

“It is tragic that at a busy time of day when many children were returning home from school, this explosion from a bomb maimed four innocent children,” said Katya Marino, UNICEF Deputy Representative to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “The town is already under incredible strain with massive numbers of new arrivals of internally displaced people.”

More than 95,000 newly displaced people, half of whom are children, arrived in Minova in February as the conflict in North Kivu expanded.

Over the past week, UNICEF and local partners distributed essential household supplies in Minova to more than 8,300 newly displaced families. The area is now increasingly difficult to access with assistance, either by road or boat.

UNICEF has been assisting children affected by the conflict there with a package of basic but essential services since 2023 while supporting community-based networks to refer and protect children caught up in the fighting between numerous rebel groups and government forces.

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New iteration of AI chip introduced by Meta Platforms

Meta logo – 3D artistic version. Image credit: Mariia Shalabaieva via Unsplash, free license

Meta Platforms has unveiled details about its latest custom artificial intelligence accelerator chip.

Meta’s plans to launch a new iteration of a proprietary data center chip to tackle the increasing computational demands for running AI applications across Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp were reported earlier this year. Internally dubbed as “Artemis,” this chip is aimed at reducing Meta’s dependence on Nvidia’s AI chips and cutting down overall energy costs.

In a blog post, the company revealed that this chip’s design is primarily focused on achieving optimal balance in computing power, memory bandwidth, and memory capacity to cater to ranking and recommendation models.

The newly introduced chip is called Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA). It forms part of Meta’s extensive custom silicon initiative, which includes exploration into other hardware systems. Alongside chip development, Meta has heavily invested in software development to efficiently utilize its infrastructure’s power.

Additionally, the company is investing billions in procuring Nvidia and other AI chips, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg announcing plans to acquire approximately 350,000 flagship H100 chips from Nvidia this year. When combined with chips from other suppliers, Meta aims to accumulate the equivalent of 600,000 H100 chips by the end of the year.

The chip will be manufactured by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co using its 5nm process. Meta claims it offers three times the performance of its predecessor.

The chip has already been deployed in data centers and is already serving AI applications.

Written by Alius Noreika

Read more:

What Are 2D Materials, and Why Do They Interest Scientists?

Soil health: Parliament sets out measures to achieve healthy soils by 2050


Parliament on Wednesday adopted its position on the Commission proposal for a Soil Monitoring Law, the first-ever dedicated piece of EU legislation on soils health, with 336 votes to 242 and 33 abstentions.

MEPs support the overall aim to have healthy soils by 2050, in line with the EU Zero Pollution ambition and the need for a harmonised definition of soil health as well as a comprehensive and coherent monitoring framework to foster sustainable soil management and remediate contaminated sites.

The new law will oblige EU countries to first monitor and then assess the health of all soils on their territory. National authorities may apply the soil descriptors that best illustrate the soil characteristics of each soil type at national level.

MEPs propose a five-level classification to assess soil health (high, good, moderate ecological status, degraded, and critically degraded soils). Soils with either good or high ecological status would be considered healthy.

Contaminated soils

According to the Commission, there are an estimated 2.8 million potentially contaminated sites in the EU. MEPs support the requirement to draw up a public list of such sites in all EU countries at the latest four years after entry into force of this Directive.

EU countries will also have to investigate, assess and clean up contaminated sites to address unacceptable risks to human health and the environment due to soil contamination. Costs must be paid by polluters in line with the ‘polluter pays’ principle.


After the vote, rapporteur Martin HOJSÍK (Renew, SK) said: “We are finally close to achieving a common European framework to protect our soils from degradation. Without healthy soils, there will be no life on this planet. Farmers’ livelihoods and the food on our table depend on this non-renewable resource. That is why it is our responsibility to adopt the first piece of EU-wide legislation to monitor and improve soil health.”

Next steps

Parliament has now adopted its position at first reading. The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the European elections on 6-9 June.


Around 60-70% of European soils are estimated to be in an unhealthy state due to issues such as urban expansion, low land recycling rates, intensification of agriculture, and climate change. Degraded soils are major drivers of the climate and biodiversity crises and reduce the provision of key ecosystem services costing the EU at least €50 billion per year, according to the Commission.

This legislation responds to citizens’ expectations to protect and restore biodiversity, the landscape and oceans, and eliminate pollution as expressed in proposals 2(1), 2(3), 2(5) of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

World News in Brief: $12 million for Haiti, Ukraine airstrikes condemned, support mine action

World News in Brief: $12 million for Haiti, Ukraine airstrikes condemned, support mine action

A $12 million contribution from a UN emergency humanitarian fund will support people impacted by the violence that broke out in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, in March. 

“These funds will enable aid partners to reach the hardest hit,” UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said on Thursday in a post on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter. 

Port-au-Prince has been terrorised by armed gangs, and last month, they tightened their grip following a weekend jailbreak which allowed thousands of criminals to escape. 

The allocation from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will go towards providing food, water, protection, healthcare, sanitation and hygiene support to displaced people and host communities in the capital and in the neighbouring Artibonite province. 

The UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, reported that the situation remains tense, with attacks on healthcare facilities worsening the already dire situation for the people. 

On Wednesday, the World Food Programme (WFP) provided 17,000 hot meals to displaced people in Port-au-Prince, and UN migration agency IOM distributed more than 70,000 litres of water in six displacement sites across the metropolitan area.

Meanwhile a $674 million appeal to support overall humanitarian action in Haiti, announced in February, has received only $45 million.

Ukraine: UN condemns fresh airstrikes on Kharkhiv 

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine has condemned repeated overnight attacks on the northeastern city of Kharkhiv.

Denise Brown was on a mission to the region, the UN said on Thursday.

The strikes reportedly resulted in more than a dozen civilian casualties, including first responders. 

Civilian infrastructure was also impacted, with the electricity supply disrupted in several parts of the city.

The UN humanitarian affairs office said aid groups were at the site of the attack since early morning, complementing efforts by rescue workers and municipal services by providing hot meals, emergency shelter material and other assistance. 

A sign in Ukraine warns of landmines.

Rid the world of landmines once and for all: Guterres 

Landmines and other explosive ordnance directly threaten millions of people caught up in armed conflict across the world and can contaminate communities for decades even after the fighting stops, the UN Secretary-General said on Thursday. 

“Country by country, community by community, let’s rid the world of these weapons once and for all,” António Guterres said in his message to mark the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Highlighting the brave mine action personnel serving under the UN flag, he said they work with partners to remove these deadly weapons and ensure that people can travel safely in their communities. 

They also provide education and threat assessments to keep both civilians and humanitarian workers safe. 

Mr. Guterres called for countries to support the UN Mine Action Strategy and to ratify and fully implement international treaties to prohibit anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war. 

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Central African Republic: Said trial opens at International Criminal Court

Central African Republic: Said trial opens at International Criminal Court

Mahamat Said Abdel Kani – a top-ranking leader of the mostly-Muslim Séléka militia – pleaded not guilty to all charges, which relate to atrocities carried out in 2013, in the Central African Republic capital, Bangui.

Much of the violence stemmed for clashes between Séléka and the mostly-Christian Anti-balaka faction.


Before the crimes were committed, from late 2012 to early 2013, Séléka militia advanced towards the capital, attacking police stations, occupying military bases, capturing towns and regional capitals, and targeting suspected supporters of President François Bozizé.

They seized Bangui in March 2013 and with forces numbering up to 20,000, looted homes while searching for sympathisers of Mr. Bozize, shot those fleeing in the back or killed others in their homes.

“Women and girls were raped and gang-raped in front of their children or parents; some died as a result of their injuries,” the arrest warrant for Mr. Said stated.

Civilians targetted

“Part of the civilian population was targeted through multiple acts of murder, imprisonment, torture, rape, persecution on political, ethnic and religious grounds, and pillaging of houses belonging to non-Muslims and others perceived to be complicit with or supportive of the Bozizé government,” the warrant continued.

Mr. Kani’s charge sheet includes imprisonment, torture, persecution, enforced disappearance and other inhumane acts, committed in Bangui between approximately April and November 2013.

He saw “oversaw the day-to-day operations” of an infamous detention centre where men were taken after being arrested by Séléka members.

The Judges of Trial Chamber VI at the opening of the Mahamat Said Abdel Kani trial case at the International Criminal Court in The Hague (Netherlands).

Appalling conditions

“Prisoners were held in small, dark, crowded cells with only a bucket as a toilet and little or no food, causing detainees to drink their own urine,” the ICC statement read.

Detainees were whipped with strips of rubber, beaten with rifle butts and told: “We’re going to kill you one by one”.

It was common for prisoners to spend several hours in a specific stress position so painful that some “would ask to be killed”. The position, known as “arbatacha”, involved tying a detainee’s hands and legs are tied behind their back, with their legs touching their elbows.

Extracting confessions

Mr. Said allegedly referred to the technique as “the most effective to obtain confessions”, the ICC warrant explained, while also noting that he was responsible for deciding which prisoners should be transferred to an underground cell located under his office.

At another detention centre known as CEDAD, where conditions were described as “inhumane”, the court maintained that Mr. Said was the “operations commander” and “kept a list of persons to be arrested” or ordered their arrest.

The trial continues.

Said case: Trial opening, 26 September – 1st session

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Top 7 Must-Have Features In An Online Booking System

Using an online booking system on a smartphone – illustrative photo. Image credit: Daria Nepriakhina via Unsplash, free license

Who doesn’t like a well-functioning online booking system? It is a dream to get a properly functioning booking system for hassle-free bookings at any time.

However, there are many online booking systems with less user-friendly features. Thus, in this exhaustive guide, you will get an idea of all the top features that an ideal online booking system must comprise. So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive deep into the details below.

Top 7 Must-Have Features In An Online Booking System 1

7 Desirable Features of an Online Booking System

Take a sneak peek at the amazing features of the online booking system in the following section.

  1. Real-Time 24/7 Access

Customers really enjoy 24/7 access to a system through which they can manage their bookings and perform modifications to various activities under one roof. An online booking system offering real-time access round the clock will be able to retain customers in the longer run and allow them to manage everything at their preferred time. Your clients can access the booking at any time through their smart device which gives them freedom to perform the modification even at the last minute in case of any emergency.

  1. Interactive Interface

An interactive user interface is a pivotal feature of any online booking system, enhancing user experience and streamlining the reservation process. Intuitive design and user-friendly navigation allow customers to effortlessly browse available options, select preferred dates, and complete bookings with ease. 

Real-time updates and dynamic displays provide instant feedback, ensuring users stay informed throughout the booking journey. Customizable filters and search functions enable tailored results, catering to individual preferences. Moreover, interactive interfaces often incorporate multimedia elements such as images and videos, enriching the booking experience and offering a comprehensive overview of available offerings. Overall, an interactive user interface optimizes efficiency and satisfaction for both customers and service providers.

  1. Responsive On All Screen Types

Since more people prefer to book online, it is essential that the online booking system provides good access to all screen sizes. Moreover, mobiles have become a natural extension of all human beings, so it is necessary for any system to work properly on different mobile screens. So, it is necessary for any online booking system to come with a responsive interface that works properly on any screen size be it PC/laptop, mobile, or tablet. This will allow more people to instantly make their bookings in just a few clicks.

  1. Multi-Language  And Currency Support 

Multi-language and currency support is an important feature if you are running an international business to grow it further and attract customers from all over the world. With this feature, the system will be able to respond to the customer query in different languages and convert the payment to the preferred currency which will elevate their convenience level and keep them engaged for a longer time. Moreover, the complete communication process will be engaging for the customer which is a plus point for your business to retain them in the longer run.

  1. High Customization Options

With a multitude of customizable options, an online booking system must enable businesses to have custom booking pages with different branding elements. Also, it should have custom messaging options and other add-on services for improved flexibility and booking experience.

  1. Multiple Payment Method Support

Support for various payment methods is another vital feature of an online booking system. Customers have the freedom to choose any payment method and complete the transaction without any hassle. With multiple options, the customer will have the flexibility to choose any method and complete the whole payment process safely without going through any complex process.

  1. Robust Support Facility

An online booking system must offer excellent support service to cater to the needs of the customers. You have to make sure that the system is capable of responding to the queries and issues of the customers in the least possible time with the best solution available.

Some Last Words

With this, you must have learned about all the top-notch features of the online booking system. It is now time to ensure that whatever booking system you choose comprises all the above-mentioned features for quick booking. This not only helps in imparting more customer-friendly options but also saves their time from standing in long queues later.