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International Mother Earth Day 22 April

International Mother Earth Day 22 April

Mother Earth is clearly urging a call to action. Nature is suffering. Oceans filling with plastic and turning more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires and floods, have affected millions of people.

Climate change, man-made changes to nature as well as crimes that disrupt biodiversity, such as deforestation, land-use change, intensified agriculture and livestock production or the growing illegal wildlife trade, can accelerate the speed of destruction of the planet.

This is the third Mother Earth Day celebrated within the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Ecosystems support all life on Earth. The healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier the planet – and its people. Restoring our damaged ecosystems will help to end poverty, combat climate change and prevent mass extinction. But we will only succeed if everyone plays a part.

For this International Mother Earth Day, let’s remimd ourselves – more than ever – that we need a shift to a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet. Let’s promote harmony with nature and the Earth. Join the global movement to restore our world!

Let’s act now

There are multiple, feasible and effective options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to human-caused climate change, and they are available now, according to the last UN Climate Change report backed by science. IPCC Report

World Environment Situation Room

UN Environment offers a web gallery where you can access data classified by theme and geographical area that has been transformed into attractive multimedia material to make it more understandable for all users.

Did you know?

The planet is losing 10 million hectares of forests every year – an area larger than Iceland.

A healthy ecosystem helps to protect us from these diseases. Biological diversity makes it difficult for pathogens to spread rapidly.

It is estimated that around one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

Dialogues with Nature

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International Mother Earth Day 22 April 3

To commemorate this day, interactive dialogues are held annually at the United Nations. Unfortunately, they will not take place this year, but we invite you to read the Dialogue between the Philosopher Voltaire and Nature in the 18th century.

A strategy for the Ecosystem Restoration

 Mangroves are a natural barrier to extreme weather and are rich in biodiversity.

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration provides a great opportunity to revive our natural world amidst the ongoing environmental crisis. While a decade may seem lengthy, scientists emphasize that these next ten years are pivotal in combating climate change and preventing the loss of countless species. Read the ten strategic actions within the UN Decade that can contribute to building a #GenerationRestoration.

Le pavillon bulgare à la 60e Biennale de Venise : horreur subtile, nostalgie et tension

Illustration: Official press photo of the organizers

By Biserka Gramatikova

On April 20, the official opening of the Bulgarian pavilion at the Venice Biennale took place. “Memory is what keeps us safe,” said the Bulgarian Acting Minister of Culture during the opening. In the Biennale on the theme “Foreigners Everywhere”, Bulgaria participated with the art installation “Neighbors”, which according to the foreign media is a must-see at the 60th edition of the Biennale.

The “Neighbors” project is a multimedia and interactive installation – the work of Krasimira Butseva, Julian Shehiryan and Lilia Topuzova. The work is the result of 20 years of research and artistic work by the authors. The curator is Vasil Vladimirov. The Bulgarian pavilion recreates a hidden, intimate and somewhat solemn aspect of Bulgaria’s socialist past. The installation recreates three rooms – a reconstruction of the homes of Bulgarians repressed by the communist authorities.

In the first room, visitors encounter sounds and pictures from the camps in Bleene and Lovech. The archival materials are real testimonies of former prisoners in these camps. The second room is dedicated to people who have learned to speak with non-verbal communication and for whom real communication is an abstraction. In the third white room is the space of the “white spots” in consciousness – a memory of the silent, deprived of memory or life. The overall feeling the installation leaves with the viewer is one of subtle horror, nostalgia and tension.

Curator Vasil Vladimirov told the New Delhi-based publication “Stir World” that this is the story of some outsiders not recognized by society, whose hopes for alleged retribution, for validation of the suffering they experienced, remain unheard.

The Venice Biennale can be seen until November 24. The Golden Lion awards have already been presented, with the Australia and New Zealand pavilions honoured.

Krasimira Butseva teaches at the University of the Arts in London. In his creative and research practice he works with topics such as political violence, traumatic memory, official and unofficial history of Eastern Europe. As a photographer and artist, she has been part of international group exhibitions.

Lilia Topuzova is a professor of history at the University of Toronto. Historian and filmmaker who explores in his work the scars of political violence and silence as a protective reaction against trauma. He is the writer and co-director of the documentaries The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories (2007) and Saturnia (2012).

Julian Shehiryan is a multimedia artist, researcher and writer who lives in Sofia and New York. Shehiryan creates site-specific and spatial multimedia installations that use architectural spaces, objects and objects through artistic interventions, video, sound and experimental technologies. In his scientific practice, he deals with the history of psychotherapy, post-war art and transnational history

Should You Use a Cleaning App for Your iPhone?

An iPhone – illustrative photo. Image credit: Thom Bradley via Unsplash, free license

If you find yourself constantly tapping away on your iPhone, trying to free up space and achieve that much-desired speed boost, you may start to consider purchasing a cleaner app. But what do these apps truly offer, and is investing your time and money into one a wise choice?

Why Do You Need a Cleaner App for iPhone?

1 iOS Optimization

With iPhone sales soaring to $65.8 billion , it’s clear that the market for these devices is expanding rapidly. Given how much we lean on our smartphones daily, paying attention to the hidden apps running behind the scenes becomes super important. You might not have thought about it, but those apps you love? They’re hogging valuable RAM that your device desperately needs to keep all its cool features running smoothly. If you’re experiencing sluggish phone performance, it could be due to insufficient memory. Luckily, by installing a cleaning app from the App Store, you can ensure that unnecessary programs aren’t hogging space. Clearing up RAM on your iPhone is a simple move that kicks its most important functions into high gear.

2 Free space

If you find your iPhone slowing down because it’s packed with cached data, it’s not just your imagination. The more you load up your device without cleaning out the clutter, the harder it is for your iPhone to keep up, especially with demanding apps and games. With iPhone cleanup you can free up more resources on your smartphone. First of all, you will clean up more memory on your device, and secondly, you will free up more RAM and processor resources. The now popular CleanUp App – Phone Cleaner can find duplicate photos, videos and contacts. CleanUp app also allows you to compress videos and organize your contact book. In addition to smart cleaning, the application can create a secret section in the device memory to store valuable data.

3 Fighting Viruses

In this era, downloading files from the web is something you probably do frequently. Think twice before you do it because that one step could invite trouble—malware—that risks not only the seamless operation of your iPhone but also jeopardizes the security of personal data tucked away inside it. Imagine this – an app for your iPhone that’s not only free but also patrols around looking for nasty bugs or unwanted guests hiding in its corners. Don’t allow pesky viruses and malware to compromise your data privacy – arm yourself with a robust cleaning tool for maximum protection. Scanning through feedback on different cleanup apps can really pay off in picking the safest bet against online threats.

4 Increases the Service Life of the Device

If you’ve had your iPhone for some time, you might notice it doesn’t run as swiftly as it used to. Often, the culprit behind your device’s sluggishness is all those unneeded files and leftovers hogging precious space. This clutter can cause overheating and make your battery run out way faster. If removing unneeded apps manually is your game plan, prepare for it to eat into your day—it’s far from a quick fix. Luckily, with a storage CleanUp app, keeping your phone running smoothly and enhancing its speed becomes a walk in the park. Imagine keeping your iPhone zippy and extending its shelf-life just by clearing out the digital junk pile now and then – sounds pretty good, right?

5 Removal Solutions

In the digital age where the number of apps at your fingertips is endless, it’s common to fill up your iPhone with downloaded applications that you seldom use. These dormant apps don’t just sit idly; they consume precious storage and can bog down your device’s performance with unnecessary background activities. However, there’s a silver lining in the form of cleaning tools specifically designed for iPhones. These handy tools empower you to swiftly identify and clear out the clutter of unused apps, ensuring your device operates efficiently and keeps its resources optimized. If you’re aiming to tidy up your iPhone and enhance its functionality, turning to a cleaning tool could be the key to eliminating any redundant software cluttering your space.

The more you engage with your iPhone, the more likely you are to amass a collection of inactive files and apps that not only take up valuable space but also slow down your device. This is when the magic of cleaning apps comes to the rescue. Specifically designed for iPhones, apps like Storage CleanUp tirelessly work to locate and eradicate those pesky, unnecessary files, thereby boosting your phone’s performance and making room for what truly matters. By installing a dedicated phone cleaner app, you can dodge those annoying alerts about running out of space or dealing with inactive apps, making your mobile experience sleeker and more streamlined.

Final Thoughts

If you have a huge amount of free time, then iPhone optimizing can be done manually. You can log into each application and clear cache, cookies where available, and sort through photos, videos and contacts. It’s unlikely that any of us have that much time and the desire to do all this manually if there are apps for cleaning our smartphones.

Multilateral Development Banks deepen collaboration to deliver as a system


The leaders of 10 multilateral development banks (MDBs) today announced joint steps to work more effectively as a system and increase the impact and scale of their work to tackle urgent development challenges.

In a Viewpoint Note, the leaders outlined key deliverables for joint and coordinated action in 2024 and beyond building on the progress since their Marrakesh statement in 2023, as their institutions work to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to better support clients in addressing regional and global challenges.

Published at the conclusion of a retreat hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which holds the rotating chair of the MDB Heads Group, the actions represent the strengthened collaboration amongst MDBs. The Note will also serve as a valuable contribution for the forthcoming G20 Roadmap to evolve MDBs into a “better, bigger and more effective” system and in other fora.

The MDB Heads committed to concrete and actionable deliverables in five critical areas:  

1.     Scaling up MDB financing capacity. MDBs expect to generate additional lending headroom in the order of $300-400 billion over the next decade, with the support of shareholders and partners. Actions include: 

  • Offering a diverse set of innovative financial instruments to shareholders, development partners and capital markets, including hybrid-capital and risk-transfer instruments, and promoting the channeling of the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) through MDBs.  
  • Providing more clarity on callable capital which would help rating agencies better assess the value of callable capital.  
  • Continuing to implement and report on the G20 Capital Adequacy Framework (CAF) Review recommendations and related reforms.  

2.     Boosting joint action on climate change. MDBs are increasing their common engagement on climate. Actions include:  

3.     Strengthening country-level collaboration and co-financing. MDBs are engaged in discussions and supporting country-owned and country-led platforms to make it easier for countries to work with the banks. Actions include:   

  • Assessing proposals on country-led and country-owned platforms, towards a common understanding and next steps, including for some MDBs to implement platforms.
  • Continue harmonizing procurement practices, including by relying on each other’s procurement policies to reduce transaction costs and increase efficiency and sustainability.   
  • Accelerating co-financing of public-sector projects through the newly launched Collaborative Co-Financing Portal

4.     Catalyzing private-sector mobilization. MDBs are committed to scaling up private-sector financing for development goals, including by pursuing innovative approaches and financial instruments. Actions include:  

  • Scaling up local-currency lending and foreign-exchange hedging solutions to boost private investment. MDBs are working to identify scalable approaches. 
  • Expanding the type and disaggregation of the statistics that MDBs and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) release through the Global Emerging Markets Risk Database (GEMs) Consortium, supporting investors to better assess investment risks and opportunities. 

5.     Enhancing development effectiveness and impact. MDBs agreed to heighten the focus on the impact of their work. Actions include:  

  • Increasing collaboration on joint impact evaluations, including by sharing approaches to monitoring and assessing impact, and pursuing harmonization initiatives where useful.  
  • Taking stock of the key performance indicators (KPIs) on nature and biodiversity that are currently in use and explore the feasibility of alignment of some indicators ahead of COP30 in 2025.

For more details see the Viewpoint Note.  

Can the Orthodox Church help with the exchange of prisoners of war between Ukraine and Russia


On the eve of the greatest Orthodox holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, wives and mothers of prisoners of war from Russia and Ukraine are asking the superiors, clergy and all believers in Orthodox countries to cooperate with the authorities for the release of their sons, brothers and husbands on the principle of “all for all”.

The initiative is the organization “Our way out” – a public movement for the return home of the military personnel of the army of the Russian Federation, created by three women: Irina Krinina, Olga Rakova and Victoria Ivleva. The first two left their homeland and settled in Ukraine to be closer to their husbands, who are in Ukrainian captivity, and the third is a journalist and human rights activist. They do not want to return to Russia because they do not agree with the government’s policy there. Now they are helping Russian mothers and women to find their husbands, working to accelerate the exchange of prisoners. “In times of war, people are measured by battalions and behind the numbers the person is not visible, and we call to raise a voice that in the eyes of God every person’s soul is important and everyone has the right to salvation and forgiveness,” it says in the appeal of “Our way out.”

Their appeal is joined by women from Ukraine, whose sons, husbands and relatives are in the terrible conditions of Russian POW camps. “This war is suffering for the mothers and women both here in Ukraine, whose sons and men die in defense of their country, it is also suffering for the women and mothers in Russia, who for some unknown reason send their sons to this terrible war,” says Olga Rakova at the presentation of their project at the end of December 2023 (here). “We can achieve a lot if we ordinary women come together,” she adds.

The last exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine took place on February 8, and for now such actions have ceased. The initiators emphasize that, in general, the release of prisoners of war is a complicated and very slow process. For the various groups of prisoners, not only Ukraine and Russia, but also third countries and international organizations participate in it. As a rule, political, economic, and military motives come to the fore in these negotiations. With priority from Ukrainian captives, the Russian side releases military specialists, highly qualified officers, pilots. Russia is also making extra efforts to release soldiers recruited from prisons (so-called “prisoners”). These are criminals recruited by the Russian army straight from prison with the promise that after the contract is over they will be released without serving their sentences. They are of interest to the negotiators from Russia, because after their release from captivity they are returned to the front again. Thus, the Russian mobilized military and contract workers are left with no prospect of returning to their homeland soon.

All this creates the possibility for the existence of a huge number of fraudulent schemes with which the already stressed relatives of the captives are manipulated. The “all for all” exchange will put an end to such practices, according to “Our Exit”.

During the course of the war, the number of prisoners of war increased. Exact numbers are not reported by either side, but it is in the tens of thousands. And if Ukraine, according to “Our Way Out” and other humanitarian organizations, complies with the Geneva Convention and provides the necessary requirements for life in the camps, then Ukrainian prisoners of war are kept in appalling conditions.

Several prisoner of war exchanges have taken place at the initiative of the Roman Catholic Church, but the Orthodox Church has so far not initiated such a process.

In July 2023, Hungary launched an initiative to release Ukrainian prisoners of war of Transcarpathian Hungarian origin, in which the Order of Malta of the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church participated as mediators. Prisoners of war were released from Russian camps and handed over to Hungary, and the patriarchate described its involvement as “motivated by Christian philanthropy.”

According to the women of the organization “Our Way Out”, “only the Church can bring the issue of the exchange of prisoners from the plane of statistics to a moral humanitarian discourse, when the soul of each person is important. It can also show a willingness to negotiate and overcome acrimony.”

Pope Francis heeded the plea of the “Our Way Out” movement and included in his Easter message a call for an “all for all” prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine.

“Our way out” believes that the Orthodox Church can and should be an important factor in the implementation of such an act. The priests, the shepherds, dedicated to the care of the human soul, know that Christian charity is above justice and can see in the captive the suffering man. On the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, they call on the local Orthodox churches to make appeals to organize an Easter general exchange of prisoners – all from one side for all from the other.

There are only two weeks left until the Orthodox Easter, in which mothers, wives and relatives of the captives on both sides hope for the compassion of people of faith who can support the appeal for their common liberation on the principle of “all for all”.

4 reasons why red wine is no longer healthy


Scientists and doctors have considered red wine to be healthy for years. A study linked moderate alcohol consumption – defined as one drink or less per day for women and two or less per day for men – to a 30-40% lower death rate from heart disease in drinkers compared to non-drinkers, Forbes reports.

Red wine has become healthy because it contains not only alcohol, but also the health-enhancing antioxidants from the grape skins. One powerful antioxidant is resveratrol, which repairs damaged blood vessels, prevents blood clots and reduces inflammation. This has led experts to recommend red wine in moderation for health benefits. Wine sales have grown tremendously since the 1990s.

Now we think differently. Moderate drinkers live longer on average, but not because they drink alcohol. This is because they tend to be healthier – more active, more educated, eat better food. Early research led us to believe that moderate consumption was healthy. But here are four reasons why you shouldn’t think of red wine as healthy, even if you drink less than a glass a day.

1. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with worse, not better, cardiovascular health A 2022 study in JAMA Network Open looked at 371,463 people in the UK and found that moderate drinking was associated with 1.3 times higher risk of high blood pressure and 1.4 times higher risk of coronary heart disease. The study took into account a person’s genetic predisposition to alcohol use, which helped overcome some limitations of earlier research.

2. Alcohol Use Increases Cancer Risk Even with Moderate Drinking Alcohol is a known carcinogen, accounting for 6% of all cancers and 4% of cancer deaths, accounting for 75,000 cancer cases and 19,000 deaths annually in the US. Alcohol increases oxidative stress and the metabolic products of alcohol, namely acetaldehyde, damage liver DNA. It also directly damages the DNA of mouth and throat cells, significantly increasing the risk of breast cancer even with moderate consumption. Women who drink three alcoholic drinks a week have a 15% higher risk of breast cancer than those who don’t drink at all.

3. Sleep quality is worsened by alcohol Alcohol is a sedative. It helps you fall asleep faster. But this negatively affects the quality of your sleep. This is often noticeable even after a few drinks. A study of 4,098 Finns found that alcohol increased stress responses and impaired recovery during the first three hours of sleep. Along with hangovers, poor sleep makes you less alert the next day.

4. It Will Take a Deadly Amount of Red Wine to Benefit from Its Antioxidants Red wine contains resveratrol. But it doesn’t contain enough of it to significantly affect your health. A study measured how much resveratrol is absorbed into the body from a glass of alcohol, as well as two other polyphenols (catechin and quercetin) that have positive effects on health. Blood concentrations of all three were found to be too low to be beneficial. To get high enough, you need to drink a large amount – gallons, in fact.

Photo by Ion Ceban  @ionelceban: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-brown-labeled-bottles-2580989/

Maritime Security: EU to become an observer of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment


The EU will soon become a ‘Friend’ (i.e., observer) of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, a regional cooperation framework to tackle piracy, armed robbery, human trafficking and other illegal maritime activities in the North-Western Indian Ocean, including the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

The Council today formally decided to accept the invitation from the Secretariat of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment. By becoming ‘Friend’ of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, the EU signals its strong support for an effective regional maritime security architecture, while strengthening its presence and engagement as a global maritime security provider in the fight against illegal activities at sea. 

The North-Western Indian Ocean is one of the most dynamic centres of economic growth in the world. With 80% of the world’s trade passing through the Indian Ocean, it is crucial to ensure freedom of navigation and protect the EU’s and its partners’ security and interests.


The Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment was signed in 2017 by 17 signatory states in the North West Indian Ocean to promote regional cooperation and to boost signatory states’ capacity to counter the growing threats to maritime security in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. The EU has been a long-standing maritime security partner in the region.

Since 2008, operation EUNAVFOR Atalanta has been fighting against piracy. More recently, with the launch of EUNAVFOR Aspides, the EU is protecting merchant vessels crossing the Red Sea.

In parallel, the EU conducts capacity building missions, such as EUCAP Somalia, EUTM Somalia and EUTM Mozambique, as well as projects for maritime security such as CRIMARIO II and EC SAFE SEAS AFRICA.

In 2022, the Council adopted conclusions on the launch of the Coordinated Maritime Presences concept in the North-Western Indian Ocean, a framework for a strengthened EU role as a maritime security provided in the region and for cooperation with coastal states and regional maritime security organisations.

PACE defined the Russian Church as an “ideological extension of Vladimir Putin’s regime”

Council of Europe from street entrance
Council of Europe in Strasbourg. (Credit: THIX Photo)

On April 17, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution related to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The adopted document said the Russian state “persecuted and ultimately killed” Navalny for joining the opposition to Vladimir Putin’s regime.

In its resolution, PACE said that under the rule of Vladimir Putin, Russia has turned into a dictatorship and the ruling regime has “dedicated itself entirely to the war against democracy“. Vladimir Putin’s regime adheres to the neo-imperialist ideology of the “Russian World”, which the Kremlin has turned into a tool for war-mongering. This ideology is used to destroy the remnants of democracy, militarize Russian society, and justify external aggression to expand the borders of the Russian Federation to include all territories that were once under Russian rule, including Ukraine.

The resolution also refers to the Russian Orthodox Church and its head, patriarch Cyril of Moscow.

The document criticizes patriarch Cyril, and the Russian Orthodox Church is defined as “… an ideological continuation of the regime of Vladimir Putin, involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the name of the Russian Federation and the ideology of the Russian world.”

The statement also said that the Moscow Patriarchate and patriarch Cyril propagate the ideology of the “Russian world”, calling the war against Ukraine “the holy war of all Russians” and calling on Orthodox believers to sacrifice themselves for Russia.

PACE is appalled by such abuse of religion and distortion of the Christian Orthodox tradition by the regime of Vladimir Putin and his proxies in the Moscow Patriarchate,” the resolution said.

Patriarch Bartholomew: It is scandalous to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ separately


In his sermon, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew sent heartfelt wishes to all non-Orthodox Christians who celebrated Easter on Sunday, March 31, after leading the Sunday Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Theodore” in the “Vlanga” quarter.

“On this day, the eternal message of the Resurrection sounds more deeply than ever, as our non-Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters commemorate the Resurrection of our Lord from the dead, celebrating the holy Easter. We have sent the greetings of the Holy Great Church of Christ to all the Christian communities here. But we also heartily greet with love all Christians around the world who are celebrating Easter today. We ask the Lord of Glory that the upcoming common celebration of Easter next year will not be a mere coincidence, but will mark the beginning of a single date for its observance by both Eastern and Western Christendom,” noted Patriarch Bartholomew.

“This aspiration is particularly significant in light of the upcoming 1700th anniversary of the convening of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 2025. Among its key discussions is the question of establishing a common time frame for the celebration of Easter. We are optimistic as there is good will and desire on both sides. Because it is truly scandalous to celebrate separately the unique event of the one Resurrection of the one Lord!”, the patriarch also stated.

“That the world may know.” The invitation from the Global Christian Forum.


By Martin Hoegger

Accra, Ghana, April 19, 2024. The central theme of the fourth Global Christian Forum (GCF) is taken from the Gospel of John: “That the world may know” (John 17:21). In many ways, the assembly delved deeper into this great text, where Jesus prays for the unity of his disciples by sending them into the world.

This forum had great logic. On the first day, we affirmed that Christ alone unites us. The second, with the visit to the Cape Coast fortress where millions of slaves passed through, we confessed our unfaithfulness to the will of God. On the third day, we recognized our need to be forgiven and healed before being sent. Sending is the theme of the fourth day.

Love is the cement of ecumenism

It is no coincidence that John 17 was chosen as the key text. Indeed, “if the Bible is a sanctuary, John 17 is the “holy of holies”: a revelation of an intimate dialogue between the Father and the Son made flesh,” says Ganoun Diop, of the Adventist Church in Senegal. It is a great mystery: Jesus loved us so that we would be reborn into a new life. GCF is a tool that God uses to bring His love. And love is the cement of ecumenism!

For Catherine Shirk Lukas, professor at the Catholic University of Paris, the ecumenical movement is a movement of love because Jesus prayed for divine love to be spread throughout the world (John 3.16). “That the world may know”: this promise is first and foremost for those who have been victims of violence and abuse. “We have to listen to them, see them and support them, being humble and repenting of our mistakes.”

The Ghanaian Gertrude Fefoame is involved in the network for the disabled of the World Council of Churches. She herself is blind and testifies that there are still many barriers to welcoming them into the community: “Forgiveness and healing given by Christ are a liberation. It frees from all discrimination and includes people with disabilities.”

For Coptic Orthodox Archbishop Angaelos, Jesus’ call to unity is a challenge that requires patience and kindness. “We must function as a body with Christ at our head. This means considering the other parts of this body in our decisions.” Jesus’ prayer in John 17 calls him to live the truth that the Son of God came so that we might have life in fullness. We are ministers of his reconciliation so that the world sees Him and not us.

The effective methodology of the Forum

What pleases Victor Lee, a Pentecostal from Malaysia, is the methodology of sharing paths of faith in the Forum. It allows Pentecostals to make Jesus known by collaborating with other Churches, through the power of the Spirit.

Theologian Richard Howell, from India, recognizes that these sharings transformed his life. “After my mom was miraculously healed when I was 12, I then became a Pentecostal. I thought only Pentecostals were saved. Hearing Christians from other churches share their faith at the Forum, I asked God to forgive my ignorance. I discovered brothers and sisters and that I was missing 2000 years of Christian heritage. It was a new conversion.”

Likewise, a leader of an independent African Church discovered the richness of listening to stories of faith. “I realized that we have the same faith in Christ. If we start to listen to each other, we will love each other and overcome our separations.”

The Forum’s methodology also combines presentations with times of dialogue between six and eight people around a table. This “knitting” is very effective for getting to know yourself better on a personal level. We were thus invited to share on these three questions: “What do you want the world to know? How did you know Christ? How do you make Christ known? » And, at the end of the meeting, this other question: “What inspiration have you received during these days and that you would like to pass on to your home”

A Road to Emmaus

The story of the two disciples walking towards Emmaus is at the heart of what the Global Christian Forum is looking for. For Archbishop Flávio Pace, secretary of the dicastery for promoting Christian unity, it symbolizes the Church on the move, joined by Christ. It is he who must be put at the center, and it is with him that we must open the Scriptures. Reflecting on the recent synod of the Catholic Church, he affirms that there cannot be a true synod without the ecumenical dimension. The prayer vigil at the Vatican “Together” gave a strong sign in this direction.

On two occasions, the delegates were invited to an “Emmaus Way” to get to know a person we did not yet know. As for me, I walked with Sharaz Alam, a young pastor, general secretary of the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan, in the park adjoining the conference center, then in the shade of large trees around a fresh drink. We shared the meaning of the Emmaus story. He also spoke to me about his evangelization work with the 300 young people in his parish and his doctoral project on the challenges that Islam poses to the Church in his country.

The story of Emmaus is also at the heart of Focolare spirituality, which emphasizes the importance of experiencing the presence of Christ among us. It is presented by Enno Dijkema, co-director of the Center for Unity of this great Catholic movement, open to members of other Churches. Indeed, its goal is to contribute to realizing the “testament of Jesus” in John 17. The Gospel is at its basis, in particular the new commandment of reciprocal love given by Christ.

Finally, the horizon of 2033 is like a road to Emmaus towards the jubilee of the 2000 years of the resurrection of Jesus. The Swiss Olivier Fleury, president of the JC2033 initiative, speaks with passion of the wonderful opportunity for witness in unity that this Jubilee represents… “so that the world may know” that Jesus-Christ is risen!