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Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite

assorted flavor donuts
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

People who find themselves rummaging around in the refrigerator for a snack not long after they’ve eaten a filling meal might have overactive food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite.

UCLA psychologists have discovered a circuit in the brain of mice that makes them crave food and seek it out, even when they are not hungry. When stimulated, this cluster of cells propels mice to forage vigorously and to prefer fatty and pleasurable foods like chocolate over healthier foods like carrots.

People possess the same kinds of cells, and if confirmed in humans, the finding could offer new ways of understanding eating disorders.

The report, published in the journal Nature Communications, is the first to find cells dedicated to food-seeking in a part of the mouse brainstem usually associated with panic, but not with feeding.

“This region we’re studying is called the periaqueductal gray (PAG), and it is in the brainstem, which is very old in evolutionary history and because of that, it is functionally similar between humans and mice,” said corresponding author Avishek Adhikari, a UCLA associate professor of psychology. “Although our findings were a surprise, it makes sense that food-seeking would be rooted in such an ancient part of the brain, since foraging is something all animals need to do.”

Adhikari studies how fear and anxiety help animals assess risks and minimize exposure to threats, and his group made the discovery while trying to learn how this particular spot was involved in fear.

“Activation of the entire PAG region causes a dramatic panic response in both mice and humans. But when we selectively stimulated only this specific cluster of PAG neurons called vgat PAG cells, they did not alter fear, and instead caused foraging and feeding,” Adhikari said.

The researchers injected into mouse brains a virus genetically engineered to make the brain cells produce a light-sensitive protein. When a laser shines on the cells via a fiber-optic implant, the new protein translates that light to electrical neural activity in the cells. A miniature microscope, developed at UCLA and affixed to the mouse’s head, recorded the neural activity of cells.

When stimulated with laser light, the vgat PAG cells fired and kicked the mouse into hot pursuit of live crickets and non-prey food, even if it had just eaten a large meal. The stimulation also induced the mouse to follow moving objects that were not food — like ping pong balls, although it did not try to eat them — and it also prompted the mouse to confidently explore everything in its enclosure.

“The results suggest the following behavior is related more to wanting than to hunger,” Adhikari said. “Hunger is aversive, meaning that mice usually avoid feeling hungry if they can. But they seek out activation of these cells, suggesting that the circuit is not causing hunger. Instead, we think this circuit causes the craving of highly rewarding, high-caloric food. These cells can cause the mouse to eat more high-calorie foods even in the absence of hunger.”

Satiated mice with activated vgat PAG cells craved fatty foods so much, they were willing to endure foot shocks to get them, something full mice normally would not do. Conversely, when the researchers injected a virus engineered to produce a protein that dampens the cells’ activity under exposure to light, the mice foraged less, even if they were very hungry.

“Mice show compulsive eating in the presence of aversive direct consequences when this circuit is active, and don’t search for food even if they’re hungry when it’s not active. This circuit can circumvent the normal hunger pressures of how, what and when to eat,” said Fernando Reis, a UCLA postdoctoral researcher who did most of the experiments in the paper and came up with the idea to study compulsive eating. “We’re doing new experiments based on these findings and learning that these cells induce eating of fatty and sugary foods, but not of vegetables in mice, suggesting this circuit may increase eating of junk food.”

Like mice, humans also possess vgat PAG cells in the brainstem. It could be that if this circuit is overactive in a person, they might feel more rewarded by eating or crave food when not hungry. Conversely, if this circuit is not active enough, they could have less pleasure associated with eating, potentially contributing to anorexia. If found in humans, the food-seeking circuit could become the treatment target for some kinds of eating disorders.

The research was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and the National Science Foundation.

Source: UCLA

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Cape Coast. Laments from the Global Christian Forum


By Martin Hoegger

Accra, April 19, 2024. The guide warned us: the history of Cape Coast – 150 km from Accra – is sad and revolting; we must be strong to bear it psychologically! This fortress built in the 17th century by the English received a visit from some 250 delegates to the Global Christian Forum (GFM)

We visit the underground passages, some without skylights, where slaves in transit to the Americas were crowded. What a contrast with the governor’s large room with nine windows and his bright bedroom with five windows! Above these dark places, an Anglican church built by the “Society for the Propagation of the Gospel”. “Where hallelujah was sung, while the slaves shouted their suffering below,” explains our guide!

Most troubling is the religious justification for slavery. In addition to the fortress church and the Methodist cathedral a few hundred meters away, here is this inscription in Dutch at the top of a door, in another fortress located not far from ours, shown to me by a participant who visited it: “The Lord chose Zion, he desired to make it his habitation” What did the person who wrote this quote from Psalm 132, verse 12 meant? Another door has the inscription “door of no return”: taken to the colonies, the slaves lost everything: their identity, their culture, their dignity!

To mark 300 years since the construction of this fortress, the African Genesis Institute placed a commemorative plaque with this quote from a passage from the book of Genesis: “(God) said to Abram: Know that your descendants will sojourn as immigrants in a country that is not theirs; they will be slaves there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. But I will judge the nation whose slaves they have been, and then they will come out with great possessions.” (15.13-14)

In the Cape Coast Methodist Cathedral

The question that was on my mind when entering this contemporary cathedral of the slave trade was asked by Casely Essamuah, the general secretary of the GFM: “where do these horrors continue today? »

A “prayer of lament and reconciliation” is then led in the presence of the local Methodist bishop. This verse from Psalm 130 sets the tone for the celebration: “From the depths we cry out to you. Lord, hear my voice” (v.1). The preaching is delivered by Rev. Merlyn Hyde Riley of the Jamaica Baptist Union and vice moderator of the World Council of Churches central committee. She identifies as a “descendant of slave parents.” Based on the book of Job, she shows that Job protests against slavery, with the defense of human dignity as a fundamental principle, against all odds. The inexcusable cannot be excused, nor the unjustifiable justified. “We have to recognize our failures and lament like Job, and reaffirm our common humanity, created in the image of God,” she said.

Next, Setri Nyomi, acting general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, with two other delegates from Reformed churches, recalled the Accra Confession published in 2004, which denounced Christian complicity in injustice. “This complicity continues and calls us to repentance today.”

As for Rosemarie Wenner, German Methodist bishop, she recalls that Wesley took a position against slavery. However, the Methodists compromised and justified it. Forgiveness, repentance and restoration are necessary: “The Holy Spirit leads us not only to repentance but also to reparation,” she specifies.

The celebration was punctuated by songs, including the very moving “Oh freedom”, composed by a slave from the cotton plantations in America:

Oh Oh Freedom / Oh Oh Freedom over me
But before I’d be a slave / I’ll be buried in my grave
And go home to my Lord and be free

Echoes from the visit to Cape Coast

This visit marked the meeting of the GCF. Several speakers subsequently expressed the impression it made on them. Mons Flávio Pace, secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (Vatican), relates that during Holy Week he prayed in the place where Jesus was locked up, under the church of S. Peter in Gallicante, in Jerusalem, with Psalm 88: “You have put me in the lowest pit, in the darkest depths”. (v. 6). He thought of this psalm in the slave fortress. “We must work together against all forms of slavery, bear witness to the reality of God and bring the reconciling power of the Gospel,” he said.

Meditating on the “voice of the good shepherd” (John 10), Lawrence Kochendorfer, Lutheran bishop in Canada, said: “We have witnessed the horrors of Cape Coast. We heard the cries of the slaves. Today, there are new forms of slavery where other voices cry out. In Canada, tens of thousands of Indians were taken from their families to religious residential schools.

The day after this unforgettable visit, Esmé Bowers of the World Evangelical Alliance woke up with a heartfelt song on her lips, written by a slave ship captain: “Amazing Grace.” He became an ardent fighter against slavery.

What most touched Michel Chamoun, Syriac Orthodox bishop in Lebanon, during these days of the Forum, was this question: “How was it possible to justify this great sin of slavery? » Every slave is a human being with the right to live with dignity and destined for eternal life through faith in Jesus. God’s will is that we all be saved. But there is also another form of slavery: being a prisoner of your own sin. “Refusing to seek forgiveness from Jesus puts you in a terrible situation because it has eternal consequences,” he says.

Daniel Okoh, of the organization of established African Churches, sees in the love of money the root of slavery, as of all iniquity. If we can understand this, we can ask for forgiveness and reconcile.

For Indian evangelical theologian Richard Howell, the enduring caste system in India leads us to forcefully reaffirm the truth of human beings created in the image of God, according to the first chapter of Genesis. No discrimination is then possible. This is what he thought about when visiting Cape Coast.

Dear readers, as we have been urged to recount what we saw in this horrible place and then experienced in the Cape Cost Cathedral, I have delivered to you this significant moment of the fourth global meeting of the Christian Forum, with the reflections that he aroused.

Geneva conference pledges $630 million in life-saving help for Ethiopia

Geneva conference pledges $630 million in life-saving help for Ethiopia

The UN-backed $3.24 billion humanitarian response plan for 2024 is only five per cent funded. 

Organised by the UN along with the Governments of Ethiopia and the United Kingdom, the conference aims to hear commitments that will enhance life-saving aid to approximately 15.5 million people in 2024. An immediate funding of $1 billion is required to sustain aid delivery for the next five months.

The crisis has escalated due to recurring cycles of droughts, floods, and conflict. Food insecurity and malnutrition are anticipated to affect 10.8 million people during the lean season from July to September.

A multi-factor crisis

Around 4.5 million people have been displaced from their homes, raising concerns about public health and protection services. The El Niño phenomenon has worsened drought conditions in the northern highlands, leading to decreased water availability, parched pastures, and reduced harvests. 

Malnutrition rates in many areas including Afar, Amhara, and Tigray continue to worsen, highlighting the critical need for funding.

“Conflicts have destroyed thousands of schools, health facilities, water systems and other community infrastructure. And that adds to the difficulty,” said Ramiz Alakbarov, UN’s Assistant Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia, adding that security and safety of humanitarian workers is still an issue in “many parts of Ethiopia”. 

The Ethiopian government has recently endorsed a new national policy for disaster risk management and committed $250 million for food support in the coming months. Additionally, regional governments and the country’s private sector have allocated further domestic resources for emergency response.

Strength in numbers

UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Joyce Msuya, closed the event with an Amharic proverb that translates as “when spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion”.

“It suggests that when people come together, as we have done this afternoon, we can accomplish formidable tasks and overcome great challenges”, she added. 

She praised the 21 cash pledges led by the United States which promised $253 million, and the UK with $125 million, saying it showed “the power of unity and collective effort in achieving shared goals” on behalf of the Ethiopian people.

WHO ‘cannot continue’ work without cash injection

Speaking for the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. Mike Ryan told the conference a cholera outbreak was now in its 20th month with over 41,000 cases, and malaria cases are already over 1.1 million for the year.

These outbreaks are occurring where millions of people lack access to essential health services with drought and flooding make the situation even worse.

“WHO and our health partners are on the ground, providing life-saving health services”, he said, adding that “without urgent funding we cannot continue

“So far this year, we have received only four per cent of the $187 million needed to keep operations going.”

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UN report details climate of fear in Russian occupied areas of Ukraine

UN report details climate of fear in Russian occupied areas of Ukraine

Russia has instilled a pervasive climat of fear in the occupied areas of Ukraine, perpetrating egregious violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws in an attempt to cement its control, according to a new report from the UN human rights office, OHCHR, released on Wednesday.

Based on over 2,300 testimonies from victims and witnesses, the report details measures taken by Russia to impose Russian language, citizenship, laws, court system and education curricula in the occupied areas, while at the same time suppressing expressions of Ukrainian culture and identity, and dismantling its governance and administrative systems.

“The actions of the Russian Federation have ruptured the social fabric of communities and left individuals isolated, with profound and long-lasting consequences for Ukrainian society as a whole,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

Although the Russian Federation initiated its annexation of Ukrainian territory in Crimea in 2014, the report concentrates on the aftermath of the full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Widespread violations

Russian armed forces, operating with “generalized impunity”, committed widespread violations, including arbitrary detentions often accompanied by torture and ill-treatment, sometimes culminating in enforced disappearances.

“While Russian armed forces initially targeted individuals perceived as posing a security threat, over time a wider net was cast broadly to include any person perceived to oppose the occupation,” OHCHR said in a news release accompanying the report.

Peaceful protests were suppressed, free expression curtailed and residents’ movements severely restricted, it added, noting also that homes and businesses were pillaged and Ukrainian internet and communication networks were shut down, severing ties with independent news sources and isolating the population.

“People were encouraged to inform on one another, leaving them afraid even of their own friends and neighbours.”

Children worst affected

According to the report, children bore the brunt of the impact, with Ukrainian curricula replaced by Russian curriculum in many schools and introduced textbooks with narratives seeking to justify the armed attack on Ukraine.

Russia also enlisted children into youth groups to inculcate Russian expression of patriotism.

The report added that residents of occupied areas were coerced into taking Russian passports. Those who refused were singled out, facing harsher restrictions on their movement, and were progressively denied employment in the public sector, access to healthcare and social security benefits.

A landmine warning sign behind a fence of a destroyed house in Posad-Pokrovske in the Kherson region of Ukraine. (file)

Collapsed local economy

The report also detailed the situation in areas recaptured by Ukrainian forces in late 2022, including Mykolaiv and parts of Kharkiv and Kherson regions.

“The invasion, occupation and subsequent recapture by Ukraine of these areas left behind damaged homes and infrastructure, land contaminated by mines and explosive remnants of war, pillaged resources, a collapsed local economy and a traumatized, mistrustful community,” the report said.

It added that the Ukrainian Government faced the challenge of rebuilding and restoring services in these areas, while having to contend with legacies of violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law during the occupation.

‘Overly broad’ Ukrainian legal provision

The report also expressed concern that an “overly broad and imprecise provision” of the Ukrainian Criminal Code led to people being prosecuted under charges of collaboration with the occupying authorities for actions that can be lawfully compelled by the occupying authorities under international humanitarian law, such as work to ensure essential services.

“Such prosecutions have tragically led to some people being victimized twice – first under the Russian occupation and then again when they are prosecuted for collaboration,” High Commissioner Türk cautioned, urging Ukraine to revise its approach to such prosecutions.

He further reiterated his call on Russia to immediately cease its armed attack against Ukraine and withdraw to internationally recognized borders, in line with the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions and international law.

Faith and Freedom Summit III, “Making of this one, a better world”


The Faith and Freedom Summit III NGO coalition, concluded its conferences showing the impact and challenges of Faith-Based Organizations on serving the European community

In a welcoming and promising environment, within the walls of the European Parliament, a meeting was held last April 18th where nearly 40 participants with dignitaries from various religious movements, journalists, politicians and activists actively present on the social scene, were present.

The conference, the third one in a series that will number four in Panama next September, was organized by the Faith and Freedom Summit NGO coalition, and was hosted at the European Parliament by French MEP Maxette Pirbakas, who in addition to welcoming the participants, emphasized the attention that the European Parliament is giving to the role of religion in society, even if it has often been manipulated for speculative purposes.

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Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The summit aimed to explore the social action of Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) within Europe and their crucial role in building a more resilient society. After all, FBO’s play a significant role in addressing societal challenges, promoting social cohesion, and advocating for the values of faith and freedom in the European Union (EU). The participants had the opportunity to use it as a platform to discuss the challenges they have, but also the opportunities and impact needed to make a more inclusive and sustainable society inside the old continent.

They gave interesting and educational speeches in which the words “making of this one a better world” and “practicing what we preach” echoed through the room several times, and willpower was a common denominator to the point that new alliances began to be defined on a lively and collaborative scene.

The event included Catholics, Hinduists from the Shiva tradition, Christian Adventists, Muslims, Scientologists, Sikhs, Free Mason, etc, and nearly a dozen of speakers of top level within the different religions and thought movements.

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MEP Maxette Pirbakas at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

During her inaugural speech, French MEP Maxette Pirbakas aimed to promote dialogue and understanding around religious freedom in the EU. She called for finding a “middle way” between the French model of secularism and the Anglo-Saxon approach, affirming individual identities.

After the introductory and thought-provoking presentation by MEP Pirbakas, the wheel of the conference was taken by Ivan Arjona-Pelado, Scientology’s representative to the EU, OSCE and UN, who became the moderator of the session, swiftly bridging from one speaker to the next ensuring the timings would allow further discussion at the end.

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Lahcen Hammouch (CEO BXL-MEDIA) at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

MEP Pirbakas was followed by Lahcen Hammouch, co-organizer and CEO of the Bruxelles Media Group. In a moving speech, community advocate and champion of dialogue and connecting people, Hammouch stressed the importance of unity, in a divided world, by emphasizing the concept of ‘living together.’ He encouraged individuals to move past biases and negative judgments towards fostering interactions and respectful disagreements. With a background in promoting peace, Hammouch committed himself to bridging gaps between people from diverse backgrounds and amplifying the voices of those marginalized. He criticized barriers set by countries like France on religious minorities, and called for mutual acknowledgment and integration without prejudice. Hammouch’s plea, for dialogue, shared values, and collective efforts to uphold coexistence struck a chord with many, underscoring everyone’s role in progressing towards a more inclusive and accepting global community.

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Joao Martins, ADRA, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

Arjona then gave the floor to Joao Martins, Europe’s Regional Director for ADRA (Adventists Development and Relief Agency). Martins, in discussing ADRA’s mission across Europe, emphasized the role of faith in driving their pursuit of justice. ADRA, a prominent faith-based NGO rooted “in Christian values of compassion and courage, employs a unique theological approach that integrates faith with proactive engagement in addressing societal injustices through church partnerships”. The NGO actively mobilizes church volunteers in disaster relief, refugee support, and community initiatives, transforming churches into shelters during crises and advocating for causes like education access. Martins highlighted ADRA’s enduring commitment to biblical principles of justice, compassion, and love, showcasing how religious convictions can empower advocacy for the vulnerable and human rights over the course of decades, while calling for cooperation with other faiths.

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Bhairavananda Saraswati Swami, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

Moving from Christianity to Hinduism, Arjona bridged then to Bhairavananda Saraswati Swami, President and Director of Shiva Forum Europe. The Swami, a Hindu spiritual leader from Oudenaarde, Belgium, emphasized interfaith unity, youth empowerment, and gender equality in his speech, drawing comparisons between Hindu beliefs and Scientology practices. Known as Bhairav Ananda, he highlighted Shiva’s teachings on introspection and spiritual growth, advocating for personal development and collaboration across faiths during crises. Embracing joint male-female energy and inspired by other faith’s initiatives, he stated wanting to establish an inclusive community, offer meditation workshops, and promote human rights.

It was then the turn of Olivia McDuff, a representative, from the Church of Scientology International (CSI), who discussed the work carried out by faith based organizations and emphasized the importance of religious unity. McDuff, who oversees programs for Scientology, highlighted the unnoticed volunteer and charitable activities undertaken by religious groups globally, calling for an increased focus on these efforts. She showcased various initiatives led by Scientologists, such as drug prevention programs, educational campaigns, disaster response operations and moral values education programs that involve collaboration between Scientologists and non-Scientologists.

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Olivia McDuff, Church of Scientology International, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

In quoting Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, McDuff stressed the role of religion in society and advocated for supporting other faiths to make a positive impact on the world. She concluded encouraging collaboration among faiths and highlighted Scientology’s commitment, to working together for collective advancement and joint humanitarian projects.

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Ettore Botter, Scientology Volunteer Minister, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

Arjona then gave the floor to Ettore Botter, representing the Scientology Volunteer Ministers of Italy, who showed a video of rapid response and impactful relief efforts of the Volunteer Ministers in times of natural disasters. Botter emphasized the core mission of service at the heart of the Volunteer Ministers’ work, highlighting their dedicated efforts in providing essential assistance following earthquakes, floods, and other crises across Europe and beyond. Through powerful visuals and firsthand accounts, Botter detailed the Volunteer Ministers’ hands-on approach, from aiding overlooked villages in Croatia to supporting flood-affected communities in Italy and delivering humanitarian relief in Ukraine. The bright yellow shirts of the Volunteer Ministers “have become a symbol of hope and hard work”, embodying their commitment to serving communities in need.

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Thierry Valle, CAP LC, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

Thierry Valle, President of the NGO CAP Freedom of Conscience, was next and enlightened the participants tracing the historical impact of faith-based organizations and religious minorities on European society. Valle highlighted the pivotal roles played by these groups from the Renaissance to the present day, emphasizing their contributions to peace, social equality, and individual rights. From the Catholic Church’s diplomatic efforts during the Renaissance to the Quakers’ advocacy for peace and justice in the 17th century, Valle illustrated how religious movements have championed human rights and social justice causes. He also noted the influence of newer religious movements in the 20th century, such as Evangelical Churches and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Later Day Saints, in shaping societal discourse and advocating for global issues like environmental stewardship and poverty alleviation. Valle’s speech underscored the enduring power of faith in promoting peace, justice, and social progress, highlighting the ongoing relevance of faith-based organizations in addressing contemporary challenges and shaping a more inclusive and compassionate future for Europe.

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Willy Fautré, HRWF, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

Willy Fautre, Founder of Human Rights Without Frontiers, introduced by Arjona-Pelado into the discussion, brought a unique perspective to the conference, focusing on the challenges faced by religious organizations when their humanitarian efforts are viewed as a guise for proselytizing or disrupting the status quo in certain regions. Fautre delved into the complexities religious groups encounter when conducting charitable work under the banner of a religious entity. He highlighted instances where humanitarian aid by religious groups was misconstrued as covert conversion tactics, leading to hostility and segregation. Fautre called for a nuanced discussion on granting religious organizations the freedom to carry out charitable activities without unwarranted suspicion or prejudice, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding religious expression in the public sphere.

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(right) Eric Roux, EU FoRB Roundtable, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

After that was the turn of Eric Roux, Member of the Executive Committee of United Religions Initiative (URI) (and Co-Chair of the EU Brussels FoRB Roundtable), who advocated for increased collaboration among faith groups through URI’s interfaith coalition.

Highlighting URI’s role as an international organization promoting interfaith cooperation and societal enhancement, Roux emphasized the importance of working together across diverse religious and spiritual traditions. Roux’s impassioned plea underscored cooperation as the key to combating religious extremism and fostering solutions to global conflicts, positioning URI as a platform to amplify the impactful work of various faith communities.

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(left) Philippe Liénard, author and attorney, at the Faith and Freedom Summit III – April 18th 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels. Photo credit: Faith and Freedom Summit NGO Coalition

As the last speaker before the discussion and the conclusion by the host of the event, the participants listened to Dr. Philippe Liénard, a lawyer, former judge, author and prominent figure in Freemasonry at the European level, who shared insights into the centuries-old organization during his speech at the conference. Liénard expressed gratitude for the event’s organization and highlighted Freemasonry as a diverse entity, with 95% adhering to theistic beliefs under the United Grand Lodge of England and 5% embracing liberal principles allowing for varying beliefs. He emphasized Freemasonry as a platform for free thought and moral improvement, promoting virtues like wisdom and tolerance to benefit humanity. Liénard underscored Freemasonry’s core values of respect for all religions and philosophies, emphasizing the importance of honesty, freedom of thought, and good character for membership. He called for the construction of bridges between diverse communities and philosophies, aligning with Freemasonry’s ethos of openness and service to others.

Others attending the summit and expressing their views were jurist and author Marianne Bruck, Khadija Chentouf from Kaizen Life ASBL, Raiza Maduro of HWPL, Prof. Dr. Liviu Olteanu, Refka Elech of Peacefully Connected, Patricia Haveman of MundoYoUnido, and others.

MEP Maxette Pirbakas expressed gratitude to attendees from various countries at the conference, emphasizing the importance of learning from each other’s religious perspectives. Pirbakas, who identifies as both Hindu and Christian, raised concerns about the politicization of religion in the European Parliament, noting a shift towards focusing on religious and immigration issues. She called for understanding and cooperation among different faiths, highlighting the need to combat stereotypes and promote unity. Pirbakas underscored the significance of sharing experiences and organizing seminars to foster dialogue and mutual respect, advocating for a more inclusive and harmonious society. Despite facing challenges as a female politician, Pirbakas remains committed to advocating for human rights, and peaceful coexistence.

The villa where Emperor Augustus died excavated


Researchers from the University of Tokyo have discovered a nearly 2,000-year-old building among ancient Roman ruins buried in volcanic ash in southern Italy. Scholars believe it may have been a villa owned by the first Roman emperor Augustus (63 BC – AD 14).

The team led by Mariko Muramatsu, a professor of Italian studies, began excavating the ruins of Somma Vesuviana on the northern side of Mount Vesuvius in the Campania region in 2002, Arkeonews writes.

According to ancient accounts, Augustus died in his villa northeast of Mount Vesuvius, and a memorial was subsequently built there to commemorate his achievements. But the exact location of this villa remained a mystery. Researchers from the University of Tokyo have discovered part of a structure that was used as a warehouse. Dozens of amphorae were lined up against one of the walls in the building. In addition, the ruins of a furnace used for heating were discovered. Part of the wall has collapsed, scattering ancient tiles across the floor.

Carbon dating of the kiln has established that most of the samples are from around the first century. According to the researchers, the furnace was no longer used after that. There is a possibility that the building was the emperor’s villa as it had its own bathroom, researchers say. The volcanic pumice covering the ruins was found to have originated from a pyroclastic flow of lava, rock and hot gases from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, according to a chemical composition analysis performed by the team. Pompeii on the southern slope of the mountain was completely destroyed by the same eruption.

“We have finally reached this stage after 20 years,” said Masanori Aoyagi, professor emeritus of Western classical archeology at the University of Tokyo, who was the first leader of the research team that began excavating the site in 2002. “This is a major development that will help us determine the damage caused to the north side of Vesuvius and get a better overall picture of the 79 CE eruption.

Illustrative Photo: Panorama di Somma Vesuviana

Note: Somma Vesuviana near the ruins of Herculaneum is a town and comune in the Metropolitan City of Naples, Campania, southern Italy. Inserted in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site together with the ruins of Pompeii and Oplonti since 1997, this area was discovered by chance in 1709. From that moment on, excavations began and brought to light a significant part of the ancient Herculaneum, a city buried by the eruption of 79 AD. The lahars and the pyroclastic flows of material, which, with their high temperature, have carbonized all the organic materials like wood, fabrics, food, have actually allowed to reconstruct the life of that time. Among others, the Villa dei Pisoni is very famous. Better known as Villa dei Papiri, it was brought to light with the modern excavation of the 90s, during which papyri that preserve the texts of Greek philologists in Herculaneum were found. Official website: http://ercolano.beniculturali.it/

Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses banned since 20 April 2017

Vladimir Piskarev, Vladimir Melnik and Artur Putintsev in a cage during a court hearing. November 2022

World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (20.04.2024) – April 20th marks the seventh anniversary of Russia’s nationwide ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses, which has led to hundreds of peaceful believers jailed and some brutally tortured.

International human rights advocates are decrying Russia for persecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses, which is eerily reminiscent of the repression the Witnesses faced during the Soviet-era. Experts assert that the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia has been a prelude to the return of large-scale Stalinist oppression.

“It’s hard to believe this nationwide assault on Jehovah’s Witnesses has continued for seven years. For reasons passing understanding, Russia uses enormous local and national resources to hunt down harmless Witnesses—including those elderly and infirmed—often breaking into their homes in the early morning hours or middle of the night,” said Jarrod Lopes, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

“During these home raids or when being interrogated, innocent men and women are sometimes beaten or even tortured to give up the names and whereabouts of fellow believers. The Witnesses are criminalized simply for reading their Bibles, singing songs, and peacefully talking about their Christian beliefs. Russian authorities with an unfounded animus for non-Orthodox Christians continue to unconscionably trample on the Witnesses’ human rights and freedom of conscience. Fully aware that their personal faith and integrity are being attacked, the Witnesses have become determined to hold to their convictions.”

Persecution by the numbers in Russia and Crimea since the 2017 ban

  • Over 2,090 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses raided 
  • 802 men and women have been criminally charged for their Christian beliefs
  • 421 have spent some time behind bars (including 131 men and women currently in prison)
  • 8 years  * is the maximum prison sentence, up from 6 years [Dennis Christensen was the first to be convicted (2019) and sentenced to prison]
  • Over 500 men and women have been added to Russia’s federal list of extremists/terrorists since the ban

In comparison:

  • According to Article 111 Part 1 of the Russian Federation’s Criminal Code, grievous bodily harm draws a maximum of 8 years sentence
  • According to Article 126 Part 1 of the Criminal Code, kidnapping leads to up to 5 years in prison.
  • According to Article 131 Part 1 of the Criminal Code, rape is punishable with 3 to 6 years in prison.

The ban—FAQs

How did this all start?

Russia’s Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activity” (No. 114-FZ), was adopted in 2002, partly to address concerns about terrorism. However, Russia amended the law in 2006, 2007, and 2008 so that it extends “far beyond any fears of extremism linked to terrorism,” according to the article “Russia’s Extremism Law Violates Human Rights,” published in The Moscow Times.

The law “simply seizes upon the ‘terrorist’ vocabulary that has become commonplace internationally since the 9/11 assault on New York’s Twin Towers, and uses it to describe unwelcome religious groups across Russia,” explains Derek H. Davis, formerly the director of the J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies at Baylor University. Hence, “the ‘extremist’ label has been unfairly and disproportionately used against Jehovah’s Witnesses,” says Davis.

In the early 2000s, Russian authorities began banning dozens of the Witnesses’ Bible-based literature as “extremist.” Authorities then framed the Witnesses (see link1link2) by planting banned literature in the Witnesses’ houses of worship.

Soon, the Witnesses’ official website, jw.org, was banned, and shipments of Bibles were detained. This campaign escalated to the nationwide ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses in April 2017. Subsequently, tens of millions of dollars of the Witnesses’ religious properties were confiscated.

Have things escalated?

Yes. Russia is handing down some of the harshest prison sentences since the 2017 ban. For example, on Feb. 29, 2024, Aleksandr Chagan, 52, was sentenced to eight years in prison, a punishment typically reserved for those inflicting grievous bodily harm. Chagan is the sixth Witness to receive such a harsh sentence simply for the peaceful practice of his Christian beliefs. As of April 1, 2024, 128 Witnesses are imprisoned in Russia.

We’ve also seen spikes in home raids.  For example, there were 183 homes of Witnesses raided in 2023, with an average of 15.25 homes per month. There was a rise in February 2024, with 21 raids reported.

Typically, the home raids are conducted by officers armed for mortal combat,” says Jarrod Lopes, a spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “The Witnesses are frequently dragged out of bed and not fully dressed, while the officers arrogantly record the whole thing. Video footage ** of these ridiculous raids is all over the internet and social media. Local police and FSB officials want to make a theatrical spectacle as if they are risking their lives fighting dangerous extremists. It’s an absurd charade, with dire consequences! During the raids or while being interrogated, some Jehovah’s Witnesses have been brutally beaten or tortured. As you can imagine, that is never recorded. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are neither surprised nor intimidated by Russia’s systematic persecution. It’s well documented in the history of Russia, Nazi Germany, as well as other lands, that the Witnesses’ faith has always outlasted the persecuting regime. We expect history to repeat itself.

**see footage on official state website

Soviet repression of Jehovah’s Witnesses | Operation North

This month marks the 73rd anniversary of “Operation North”—the largest mass deportation of a religious group in the history of the USSR—in which thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses were deported to Siberia.

In April 1951, some 10,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses and their children from six Soviet republics (Belorussia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine) were essentially kidnapped when authorities deported them in crammed trains to the frozen, desolate landscape of Siberia. This mass deportation was called “Operation North.”

In just two days, the homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses were confiscated, and the peaceful adherents were banished to remote settlements in Siberia. Many of the Witnesses were required to work in dangerous and harsh conditions. They suffered malnutrition, disease, and mental and emotional trauma from being separated from their families. The forced deportation also resulted in death for some of the Witnesses.

Many Witnesses were finally released from exile in 1965, but their confiscated properties were never returned.

Despite the government’s attempt to eliminate some 10,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses from the region, “Operation North did not achieve its goal,” according to Dr. Nicolae Fustei, coordinating scientific researcher for the Institute of History in Moldova. “The organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses was not destroyed, and its members did not stop promoting their faith but instead began to do it with even more boldness.”

After the fall of the Soviet regime, the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses spiked.

Exponential growth

In June 1992, the Witnesses hosted a large scale international convention in Russia in St. Petersburg. About 29,000 from the former Soviet Union attended along with thousands of delegates from around the world.

The majority of Witnesses deported during Operation North were from Ukraine—over 8,000 from 370 settlements. Yet, on July 6-8, 2018, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ukraine welcomed thousands for another large convention held in Lviv, Ukraine. Over 3,300 delegates from nine countries traveled to Ukraine for the program, which appropriately featured the theme “Be Courageous”! Today, there are more than 109,300 Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ukraine.

Visit here for accounts about the impact of Russia’s persecution on Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Why does a glass of red wine cause a headache?


A glass of red wine causes a headache, which can be caused by a variety of factors, one of the main culprits being histamines. Histamines are natural compounds found in wine, and red wine, in particular, has higher levels than white wine. When consumed, histamines can cause allergic reactions in some people, leading to symptoms such as headaches.

Red wine gets its rich color and strong aroma from the grape skins that are in contact with the grape juice during the fermentation process. This prolonged contact results in a higher concentration of compounds, including histamines. Histamines are also found in grape skins and can be released during grape crushing and fermentation. In people sensitive to histamines, the body’s reaction to these compounds may include headaches.

In addition, red wine contains another substance known as tyramine. Tyramine is a naturally occurring amino acid that can cause blood vessels to constrict and then dilate, which can lead to headaches. Some people are more susceptible to the effects of tyramine and for them consumption of red wine can cause headaches. Another contributing factor to red wine headaches is the presence of sulfites. Sulfites are compounds commonly used as preservatives in wine. Although they occur naturally to some extent, winemakers often add additional sulfites to preserve wine freshness and prevent spoilage. Some people are sensitive to sulfites, and this sensitivity can manifest as headaches or migraines. Additionally, the alcohol content of red wine may also play a role in causing headaches. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production, leading to dehydration. Dehydration can contribute to headaches, and when combined with other factors such as histamines and tyramine, it can increase the likelihood of a wine-induced headache.

It is important to note that individual reactions to red wine may vary. Factors such as genetics, general health, and personal sensitivities play a significant role in determining how someone reacts to the compounds found in red wine. For those who consistently experience headaches after consuming red wine, it may be beneficial to explore alternatives that are lower in histamine and sulfites or consult a health professional to determine specific triggers and find ways to alleviation of symptoms. Additionally, staying hydrated and drinking wine in moderation can help minimize the risk of headaches associated with red wine consumption.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/wine-tank-room-434311/

The Estonian interior minister proposed Moscow Patriarchate to be declared a terrorist organization


Estonian Minister of the Interior and leader of the Social Democratic Party, Lauri Laanemets, intends to propose that the Moscow Patriarchate be recognized as a terrorist organization and thus banned from operating in Estonia.

The member of the government made such a statement on Thursday evening in the show “First Studio” on the TV channel ETV. According to the Minister, based on the expertise of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the assessment of the Security Police that he has just received, he has no choice but to take measures himself to sever the ties between the Estonian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarch.

“Given the available context, I, as the Minister of Internal Affairs, have no choice but to propose that the Moscow Patriarchate be declared terrorist and supporting terrorism in its activities. As a result, the Minister of the Interior will be able to go to court and propose that the activity of the church organization operating here be terminated. This will not affect the parishioners, it does not mean that the churches will be closed, but it means that the ties with Moscow will be severed,” the minister said.

“We have to realize that today the Moscow Patriarchate is subordinate to Vladimir Putin, who essentially leads terrorist activity in the world,” the politician stressed.

According to Laanemets, over the past two years, law enforcement has had to call representatives of the Estonian Orthodox Church to the MP several times due to security concerns. However, he added that the recent statement of the World Council of the Russian People under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church and Patr. Cyril, that Russia’s war against Ukraine is “holy”, has raised the situation to a new level. “If we draw a parallel, the patriarch and the patriarchate now operating in Moscow are no different from the Islamic terrorists who claim to be waging a ‘holy war’ against the Western world and its values,” the minister noted.

The MP has already reacted to Laanemetz’s statement, saying that “the dark times of religious wars and witch-hunts have returned”. “It is obvious to any sane person that the Moscow Patriarchate does not engage in terrorist activity,” said Maria Zakharova, the Kremlin spokeswoman.

At the same time, in Russia, the accusation of terrorist activity or support for terrorism is a widely used method of political repression. Deacon Andrey Kuraev recalls that Jehovah’s Witnesses banned in Russia are accused of terrorist activity, as well as hundreds of people who publicly expressed grief over Navalny’s death. “Every day in Russia there is news of repression against people who every sane person knows are not engaged in terrorist activities. But the Moscow Patriarchate was not excited about it,” he wrote in his blog.

Global Christian Forum: Diversity of global Christianity on display in Accra


By Martin Hoegger

Accra Ghana, 16th April 2024. In this African city teeming with life, the Global Christian Forum (GCF) brings together Christians from more than 50 countries and from all families of Churches. Of Ghanaian origin, its general secretary Casely Essamuah explains that the GCF wants to give Christians the opportunity to know and receive the gifts that the Holy Spirit has placed in the various Churches. “It is a space for a deep encounter of faith. We thus learn to discover the richness of Christ,” he says.

The world needs to see Christians together

The Forum begins in the worship space of the Ridge Church, a large interdenominational church. A choir leads the congregation in songs from various traditions. The preaching is provided by Lydia Neshangwe, a young pastor, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Zimbabwe. Her ecclesial experience speaks for itself: “I was born into an independent Church. I am grateful to the Pentecostals who then gave me a good foundation for my faith, to the Catholic Church who educated me in its schools. Then I followed theological training with the Presbyterians. But my favorite Church is the Methodist, which gave me a husband!”

To show the need to consider our diversities as complementarities, she takes the example of Paul and Barnabas. She discovered thirteen differences between them; the likelihood of division between them was great, yet they were sent together. Why did the Holy Spirit bring them together when they are so different, as shown in the book of Acts of the Apostles? (13.1-2)

The same goes for our Churches. They are very different, but the Holy Spirit brings us together and sends us out so that the world will know who Christ is. “If we are united in our mission to proclaim Christ, our diversities are a blessing, not a curse. This is what the world needs,” she says.

To illustrate the extraordinary diversity of global Christianity, American theologian Gina A. Zurlo shows that it has moved south. Unlike a hundred years ago, there are 2.6 billion Christians there, whether Catholic, Protestant or independent, evangelical or Pentecostal. While the Orthodox are the majority in Eastern European countries. https://www.gordonconwell.edu/center-for-global-christianity/publications

Share our faith journey

At the heart of the Forum’s approach is the sharing of “faith journeys” in small groups of a maximum of ten people. The only thing to do is to listen to what the Spirit wants to tell us through the journey of others with Christ. In seven minutes! Rosemarie Bernard, secretary of the World Methodist Council, explains: “Seeing Christ in others is the goal of this exercise. Let the Holy Spirit guide our words and listen attentively to the stories of others. »

Jerry Pillay, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, sees this sharing of our personal stories of faith as “a very beautiful tapestry.” It is like a “road to Emmaus” where hearts burn with passion for Christ. “Listening together to the voice of the Shepherd, discerning and acting together renews our confidence in the transforming power of God. A world in crisis needs Christians standing together.”

This is the fifth time I have done this exercise. Its fruit is, each time, a great joy which will set the tone of the encounter. This sharing sparks a spiritual friendship which then allows us to bear witness to the heart of our common faith.

Relationships for the mission

Billy Wilson, president of the World Pentecostal Fellowship, says he is grateful that Pentecostals – the fastest growing church family – are welcomed around the GCF table. They thus learn to know other Churches better. He reflected a lot on chapter 17 of the gospel of John 17, where Jesus prays for unity. According to him, this unity is above all relational. Then it is realized in mission: “so that the world may know and believe”. Finally, it is spiritual, like the relationships between the persons of the Trinity.

“If our relationships do not lead to mission, our unity will disappear. Our hope springs from the empty Tomb at Easter. May this Forum unite us in a new way to bring the resurrected Jesus to this generation,” he concludes.

In the afternoon, Latin American evangelical theologian Ruth Padilla Deborst brings a meditation on John 17, where she emphasizes our responsibility to seek a unity in love, which reflects who God is in truth. “Love is not a feeling but a radical commitment to mutual submission. This is how we will be sent so that all can know the love of God.” Like the previous speaker, she insists that unity is not an end in itself but has in view witness. However, this testimony is only credible if we are together in this fractured world so that it can know the love of God.

The day ends with three times of sharing. First, on this biblical text, then between Church families, and finally between people coming from the same continent. The next day we will go to Cape Coast, the fortress from which three million slaves were brutally sent to the Americas.