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Tages-Anzeiger: Switzerland refused to treat the wounded in Ukraine


Switzerland wants to remain a neutral state, media say

Switzerland refused to accept military and civilian victims of Ukraine for treatment. This was reported by the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger.

“In mid-June, the [Switzerland] Foreign Ministry wrote in an appeal to other departments that it refused admission [for treatment] for legal and practical reasons,” the publication reported. According to the newspaper, the country received a request from the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center with a request to accept military and civilian victims of hostilities in Ukraine for treatment back in May. Later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dealt with the implementation of this request for three weeks, after which the department refused to fulfill the request.

As an argument, the Swiss Foreign Ministry stated its unwillingness to violate the status of a neutral state in accordance with international law, the newspaper reports. Thus, one of the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Convention of 1907 require guarantees from neutral countries that the military will not be able to take part in hostilities after recovery, the authors explained.

In addition, Switzerland refused to accept civilians for treatment. Deputy Foreign Minister Johannes Matiassy explained: “Currently, many civilians in Ukraine are also taking up arms.”

Since February 24, 2022, a special operation of the Russian Federation has been carried out on the territory of Ukraine to demilitarize the country. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that its main goal is the liberation of the territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the priority of the RF Armed Forces is to exclude unnecessary victims among the civilian population of Ukraine.

Photo: Vadim Akhmetov © URA.RU

Collapse of the Etna volcano could trigger a tsunami in the Ionian Sea


The largest active volcano in Europe – Etna is sliding eastward into the sea, and scientists fear that it could cause a catastrophic tsunami, the “Greek Reporter” reported.

Scientists are concerned that the slow movements that have been measured on Etna’s southeast slope could increase and cause it to partially collapse into the water.

Such an event would put Sicily and the Ionian Sea at risk as debris would enter the water, possibly causing devastating waves.

Researchers have announced that all they can do for now is to “keep an eye” on the active volcano, as there is no way to tell if this acceleration of Etna’s movements will come in years or centuries.

In February 2022, Mount Etna spewed a massive twelve kilometer tall column of volcanic ash into the sky above the Italian island of Sicily.

“You can think of a slow landslide at the moment – 4 cm in 15 months, so it is moving very slowly, but there is a danger that it will accelerate and form a landslide that is moving very quickly towards the sea,” said Dr. Morelia Urlaub.

Putin on a visit to Iran because of the Syrian conflict

Vladimir Putin 19-01-2021
Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

He will meet his Iranian and Turkish counterpart

Vladimir Putin arrived on a visit to Iran. The Russian president will participate in a summit with his Iranian and Turkish counterpart on the Syrian conflict. The three countries are cooperating to reduce violence in Syria, despite being on different sides of the conflict. Russia and Iran are the biggest backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey backs the rebels.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to launch a new operation in northern Syria, but Tehran and Moscow have spoken out against it. In Tehran, Putin and Erdogan will have a bilateral meeting, where they will discuss the export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, writes Reuters.

It is the Russian leader’s first visit outside the former Soviet Union since Moscow invaded Ukraine.

Putin’s visit to Tehran is being watched closely as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed the situation in international oil markets, but also in view of Washington’s warning to Iran to abandon its intention to supply Russia with several hundred drones. Tehran has denied selling drones to Moscow for use in Ukraine.

Buoyed by high oil prices because of the conflict in Ukraine, Tehran is also betting that, with Russia’s support, it will be able to force the United States to make concessions on the issue of resuming the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Jeddah Summit Declaration, a new tool for Peace and Development

Jeddah Security and Development Summit Declaration meeting
Jeddah Security and Development Summit Declaration meeting

The final declaration of the Jeddah Security and Development Summit (Jeddah Summit) was issued last July 16th, to the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and the United States. It reads as follows:

Jeddah Summit Declaration

1. At the invitation of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Republic of Iraq, and the United States of America held a joint summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on July 16, 2022, to underscore the historic partnership among their countries and to deepen their countries’ joint cooperation in all fields.

2. The leaders welcomed President Biden reiterating the importance the United States places on its decades-long strategic partnerships in the Middle East, affirming the United States’ enduring commitment to the security and territorial defense of U.S. partners, and recognizing the region’s central role in connecting the Indo-Pacific to Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

3. The leaders affirmed their joint vision towards a peaceful and prosperous region, stressing the importance of taking all necessary measures to preserve the region’s security and stability, developing joint areas of cooperation and integration, collectively confronting common threats, and abiding by the principles of good neighborliness, mutual respect, and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

4. President Biden reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive Middle East peace. The leaders emphasized the need to bring about a just resolution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict on the basis of two-state solution, noting the importance of the Arab Initiative. They stressed the need to stop all unilateral measures that undermine the two-state solution, to preserve the historical status quo in Jerusalem and its holy sites, emphasizing the crucial role of the Hashemite Custodianship in that regard. The leaders also stressed the importance of supporting the Palestinian economy and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).  President Biden commended the important roles played by Jordan and Egypt, and the members of the GCC, and their support for the Palestinian people and institutions.

5. The leaders renewed their commitment to enhance regional cooperation and integration, and build joint projects between their countries to achieve sustainable development and collectively address the climate challenge through accelerating climate ambition, supporting innovation and partnerships, including the Circular Carbon Economy Framework, and developing renewable sources of energy. In this context, the leaders commended the finalization of the agreements to connect electrical grids between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, between the Gulf Cooperation Council and Iraq, and between Saudi Arabia and Jordan and Egypt, as well as connecting the electrical grids between Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq.

6. The leaders commended the Saudi Green Initiative and the Middle East Green Initiative announced by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The leaders expressed their hope for positive contributions by all countries towards a successful COP 27 hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt, COP28 which will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates, and the International Horticultural Expo 2023 to be hosted by the State of Qatar titled “Green Desert, Better Environment 2023-2024.”  

7. The leaders affirmed the importance of achieving energy security and stabilizing energy markets, while working on increasing investments in technologies and projects that aim to lower emissions and remove carbon, consistent with their national commitments.  The leaders also noted the efforts by OPEC + that aim to stabilize oil markets in a manner that serves the interests of consumers and producers and supports economic growth, welcomed the decision by OPEC+ to increase production for the months of July and August, and commended Saudi Arabia for its leading role in achieving consensus among the members of OPEC+.  

8. The leaders renewed their support to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the objective of preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region.  The leaders also renewed their call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to fully cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and with countries in the region to keep the Arab Gulf region free from weapons of mass destruction, and to preserve security and stability regionally and globally.

9. The leaders renewed their condemnation in the strongest terms of terrorism in all its forms and affirmed their commitment to strengthening regional and international efforts aimed at confronting terrorism and violent extremism, preventing the financing, arming, and recruitment of terrorist groups by all individuals and entities, and to confronting all activities that threaten regional security and stability.

10. The leaders condemned, in the strongest terms, the terrorist acts impacting civilians, civilian infrastructure, and energy installations in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and commercial ships navigating critical international trade routes, in the Strait of Hormuz and Bab al Mandab, and affirmed the need to adhere to relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, including UNSCR 2624.

11. The leaders expressed their full support for Iraq’s sovereignty, security, and stability, its development and prosperity, and all of its efforts to combat terrorism. The leaders also welcomed Iraq’s positive role in facilitating diplomacy and confidence-building among countries in the region.

12. The leaders welcomed the truce in Yemen, as well as the establishment of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) in Yemen, expressing their hope to achieve a political solution in line with the references of the GCC initiative, its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the Yemeni comprehensive national dialogue, and UN Security Council resolutions, including UNSCR 2216.  The leaders called on the Yemeni parties to seize this opportunity and engage immediately in direct negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations.  The leaders also affirmed the importance of continuing to support the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people, as well as provide economic and developmental support, while ensuring it reaches all areas of Yemen.

13. The leaders stressed the need to intensify efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis, in a manner that preserves Syria’s unity and sovereignty, and meets the aspirations of its people, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254. The leaders stressed the importance of providing the necessary support to Syrian refugees and to the countries hosting them, and for humanitarian aid to reach all regions of Syria.

14. The leaders expressed their support for Lebanon’s sovereignty, security, and stability, as well as all the reforms necessary to achieve its economic recovery. They noted recently-conducted parliamentary elections, enabled by the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Internal Security Forces (ISF).  With a view to upcoming presidential elections, they called on all Lebanese parties to respect the constitution and carry out the process in a timely manner. The leaders praised the efforts made by friends and partners of Lebanon that have renewed and strengthened the confidence and cooperation between Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and that have supported the LAF and ISF in their efforts to maintain security in the country.  The leaders took particular note of Kuwait’s initiatives aimed at building joint action between Lebanon and the GCC countries, and commended the State of Qatar’s recent announcement of direct support for LAF salaries. The United States confirmed its intention to develop a similar program for the LAF and ISF. The leaders also welcomed the support of the Republic of Iraq to the people and government of Lebanon in the fields of energy and humanitarian relief. The leaders welcomed all friends of Lebanon to join this effort to ensure the safety and stability of Lebanon.  The leaders emphasized the importance of the control of the government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory, including with reference to fulfilling the provisions of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Taif Accord, and for it to exercise full sovereignty, so there will be no weapons without the consent of the government of Lebanon or authority other than that of the government of Lebanon. 

15. The leaders renewed their support for efforts to resolve the Libyan crisis in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions, including Resolutions 2570 and 2571, the need to hold presidential and parliamentary elections, in tandem, as soon as possible, and the departure of all foreign forces and mercenaries without delay. They continue to support Libyan efforts to unify the country’s military institutions under the auspices of the UN process. The leaders expressed their appreciation for the Arab Republic of Egypt’s hosting of the Libyan constitutional dialogue in support of the UN-facilitated political process.

16. The leaders affirmed their support for efforts to achieve stability in Sudan, resume a successful transitional phase, encourage consensus between the Sudanese parties, maintain the cohesion of the state and its institutions, and support Sudan in facing economic challenges.

17. Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD),  the leaders reiterated their support for Egypt’s water security and to forging a diplomatic resolution that would achieve the interests of all parties and contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous region. The leaders reiterated the imperative of concluding an agreement on the filling and operation of the GERD within a reasonable timeframe as stipulated in the Statement of the President of the United Nations Security Council dated September 15, 2021, and consistent with international law.

18. With regard to the war in Ukraine, the leaders reaffirmed the importance of respecting the principles of international law, including the UN Charter, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and the obligation to refrain from the use of force and the threats of using force. The leaders urged all countries and the international community to intensify their efforts aimed at achieving a peaceful solution, ending the humanitarian crisis, and supporting refugees, displaced persons and those affected by the war in Ukraine, as well as facilitating the export of grain and other food supplies, and supporting food security in affected countries.

19. ​With regard to Afghanistan, the leaders stressed the importance of continuing and intensifying efforts to support humanitarian access to Afghanistan, to address the threat posed by Afghanistan-based terrorists, and striving for the ability of all Afghans to be able to enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including their right to education and enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and, particularly for women, the right to work.   The leaders expressed appreciation for Qatar’s role in promoting security and stability for the Afghan people.

20. The leaders welcomed the preparations by the state of Qatar for hosting the 2022 World Cup, and reiterated their support for all efforts to ensure its success.

21. The participating countries affirmed their commitment to convening again in the future. ​​

Source: Saudi Arabia government site.

Metropolitan John (Popov) of Belgorod: It is time to turn swords into plowshares


In a statement on July 3, Metropolitan John of Belgorod became the first Russian hierarch to say that Ukraine is at war and called for the bloodshed there to stop and “swords to be turned into plowshares.” He did so after debris from a Ukrainian missile intercepted by Russian forces fell on an apartment block in Belgorod, killing three people.

And more specifically, Metropolitan John stated:

“Tonight, rockets of the Ukrainian armed forces hit sleeping residents of Belgorod in residential areas. Among the dead are residents of Kharkiv region, who came to take refuge from the war in peaceful Belgorod. However, no one knows the day or the hour when our earthly life will end, no one knows how it will happen (Matt. 24:36-39). We call for increased prayer for the repose of the dead and for the healing of the wounded, as well as for an end to the bloodshed that is happening on Ukrainian soil, but which today has reached our homes. It is time, in the words of Holy Scripture, “to beat swords into plowshares” (Is. 2:4). May God save all the living and grant peace on earth.”

Until now, already five months after the start of the war, this is the boldest statement by a Russian hierarch, which gained strong popularity and caused various comments. Here are some of them:

Vadim Yakunin, professor of history at Samara State University and member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation:

“Belgorod Metropolitan John (Popov) called for ‘swords to be turned into plowshares.’ This is a very important signal – both for believers and non-believers, as well as for politicians. Because today the ROC is inseparable from politics and the state, unfortunately. I got personally acquainted with Mr. John in the late 90s, when he came to Togliatti. It was a different time, another patriarch ruled the church, and it was truly separated from the state, and its hierarchs were servants only of the church, but not of the state – in any way. One could easily converse with the metropolitan (then still a bishop) over a cup of tea, in the truest sense of the word. Mitr. Ioan is a lover of rock music and has even recorded his own rock songs without promoting them. From 1994 to the end of 2021, he was the head of the missionary department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Today, despite the dependence of the Russian Orthodox Church on the state, the Metropolitan stated: “… We call for intense prayer for the repose of the dead and for the healing of the wounded, for an end to the bloodshed that is happening on Ukrainian soil, but has already reached our homes. It is time, in the words of Holy Scripture, “to beat swords into plowshares” (Is. 2:4). May God save all the living and grant peace on earth.”

These are very important, symbolic words of one of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. For now, however, they sound “like the voice of one crying in the wilderness” against the background of the official statements of the representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate. For example, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church repeats in almost every sermon that “Russia has never attacked anyone”, that “all wars in our history have been defensive” and that “she has never invaded foreign territory” (but then what happened in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968?)…

It is in what Mitr did. John, his call for peace, consists the work and duty of the clergy. And it cannot be ignored by the authorities and society.”

Sergey Chapnin, theologian and publicist, former editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate:

“Many are calling Metropolitan John’s statement, published the day before yesterday on the diocese’s website, a remarkable example of anti-war speech. Alas, I cannot share the general enthusiasm. The short statement – only five sentences – was made in the fifth month of the war (before that there was silence) and only in connection with the deaths of civilians in the Belgorod region. Is the metropolitan not interested in the death of civilians in the neighboring Kharkiv region? Or had he not noticed until July 3 that a war was being waged several tens of kilometers from his home? Or does he think in the following way: this is a neighboring diocese, I will not interfere in its affairs?

Yes, in his statement, Metropolitan John spoke directly about the war and did not use the euphemism “special military operation (SVO)”, which is mandatory for officials. Was this done on purpose or due to oversight? Is it a dare or an oversight? It’s hard to say. Let’s see if the metropolitan will not be suggested to change it and if the press office will correct the text afterwards.

But note: the metropolitan is not at all calling for an end to the bloodshed. It calls for “strong prayer … for an end to the bloodshed on Ukrainian soil”, i.e. it is a most general, comprehensive and pious appeal to God. There is not even a hint of intercession for the peoples before the Russian authorities who have ignited this war and can end it. Nor is it an appeal to the Russian soldiers who went to fight and kill in a neighboring country. This complaint does not name anyone by name. I do not see much courage in condemning “bloodshed in principle” and saying that war is evil. I cannot advise you exactly what the Metropolitan should say, but what he has said is clearly not enough. Will there be a second and third statement? Will there be real steps? We will see. Alas, I do not strongly believe in this.’

A mysterious “Master of the Universe” from ancient Palmyra has finally been identified


An unknown god described in inscriptions from the ancient city of Palmyra, located in modern Syria, has long puzzled scientists. But now a researcher says she’s cracked the case, Live Science reports. Palmyra has existed for millennia, and the city flourished about 2,000 years ago as a trading center that connected the Roman Empire with trade routes in Asia, such as the Silk Road. The nameless deity is mentioned repeatedly in numerous Aramaic inscriptions at Palmyra. Many of these inscriptions are around 2000 years old. The unknown god has been called “He Whose Name is Blessed Forever,” “Lord of the Universe,” and “The Merciful,” according to the science journal Science in Poland. Alexandra Kubiak-Schneider, a researcher at the University of Wroclaw in Poland, compared the Palmyra inscriptions with inscriptions found in other Mesopotamian cities dating from the first millennium BC. She discovered that the gods worshiped in Mesopotamia were named in the same way as the unnamed god of Palmyra. For example, Bel-Marduk – the supreme god of Babylon – was also called “The Merciful”. The phrase “Lord of the World,” like “Lord of the Universe,” is sometimes used to refer to Baal-Shamin, the god of heaven. Kubiak-Schneider suggests that the unknown deity mentioned in the Palmyra inscriptions is not one god, but several deities, including Bel-Marduk and Baal-Shamin. She also claims that people did not mention the names of the deities as a sign of respect for them.

Also, when people wrote inscriptions calling for divine intervention, they were not always addressing a specific god, but rather any god who could hear their prayers. “There was no nameless god, any god who listened to prayers and showed favor to the person who turned to him deserved eternal praise,” says Kubiak-Schneider.

Live Science editors reached out to scientists who weren’t involved in the study to get their perspective. The responding researchers were cautious about this assumption. “Kubiak-Schneider presented his hypothesis to the scientific community, which will discuss it, and each scientist will decide to accept or reject it, presenting counterarguments in the latter case,” says Leonardo Gregorati, an archaeologist and author of studies on the history of Palmyra. Another researcher, who wished to remain anonymous, agreed that the unnamed deity was probably multiple deities, but expressed concern that some of the Babylonian texts cited by Kubiak-Schneider as arguments predate the Palmyra inscriptions by centuries.

Northern Macedonia boasted that a type of onion unknown in the world grows in the country


The first observations were made in August 2012

Bright colors in the range of brown and red, special characteristics and a height of up to 60 cm are the main specifics of a new type of plant, which was identified for the first time in the world at the foot of Paiko mountain in the Kukous region, the Greek agency ANA- reported specially for BTA MPA. This is another example of the richness of the flora in the region. The plant belongs to the genus Onion (Allium) and is called Allium ruikumissanum.

The announcement of the new species was made in the scientific journal “Phytotaxa” with the scientific name Allium gyumissanum Ioannidis & Tzanoud. sp. nov., the plant being included in both the Greek and international flora lists.

The first observations were made in August 2012 – the small healthy onion blooms in autumn, producing about 50-60 red-brown flowers.

The Russian Idea. Orthodoxy and Statehood


Orthodoxy and Statehood – Policy Report of the Head of the Holy International Synaxis of the True Orthodox Churches, the Head of True-Orthodox Church in Russia, His Holiness Metropolitan Seraphim

It is well known that the following paradigmatic statement has been perceived by the Russian, orthodox people, so to say genetically, since the very moment of the baptism of Rus’ and up to the present day: «Moscow is the Third Rome, and there will be no Fourth».

This claim is categoric and, essentially, very true.

During the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, the above-mentioned statement gained some transformation in understanding or, to sound more correct, acquired a new meaning in addition. It became easier in perception, yet it preserved its categorical sense: «Orthodoxy – Autocracy — Nationality». These are three statements, unified in themselves and impossible to be sustained one without the another. At least, it concerns our state.

Of course, there have been some certain attempts to substitute notions, through over the long history of our Fatherland. Moreover, even up to elimination of one or two conceptual parts away from the philosophical triad under discussion. But it did no good. Even more, all these false transformations, into which the statehood turned during the time of experiments, could exist only for a short period and broke down into pieces, like a house of cards in the wind, without completeness of the wise maxim.

History itself demonstrated that there are undeniable truths, on which the identity and self-consciousness of entire nations are being based, and which toughly fix the grounds of autocracy for centuries and thousands of years ahead.

Thereupon Russia seems to be the absolute proof of such autocracy, as it possesses an outstanding power based on antiquity of the nation and fulness of its faith. Yet, because it was precisely Great Russia that has become the Spiritual Center of our planet for real, while retaining its status of the Third Rome, which prevents the world from facing the total lawlessness.   

Our long-suffering Fatherland has gone through essential dramas for the present 120 years.

The revolutionary turmoil in 1905 was the first sign of the coming vague time. The attempt of forceful overthrow of the legal government in order to change the current political system, as well as empty slogans and unsubstantiated statements – this all twisted minds of the Russians. Basing myself on historical experience and on the practice of international relations of nowadays, I am pretty sure that these events were thoroughly planned from the outside even then. It was the first serious try to destroy a mighty stronghold of spirituality and the purity of Orthodoxy in troubled and uncertain world of vice and temptation.

Then follows an absolutely unnecessary and useless, at least from our point of view, participation of the Russian Empire in the First World War, in which the members of Entente tried their best to destroy the Russian army, our economy and our state from inside, by means of total and unlimited sponsorship of all possible oppositional and destructive parties, terroristic organizations, criminal units and anarchic groups.   

It resulted in the February Revoluion of 1917, abdication of the sovereign, and thereafter in October putsch, which led to atheism, accompanied by attempt to destroy the spiritual pivot in the once great Orthodox Empire.

Revolutionaries encouraged by the West managed to weaken the age-old Power. However, in order to build something new they required a sacrificial victim. Yet, not just a victim but the Victim with a capital V. It was necessary to destroy the very symbol that represented itself the true sense of being of the Russian people. There was a certain need for a challenge to God, furthermore a need for trampling the soul of Russia.

The Bolsheviks, in fact, were not even atheists. They were outright theomachists! Covered by pride, they considered the true sense of their life to be a total annihilation of Orthodoxy as religion and oblivion of the very memory of God and His Commandments.

Even the words of the ancient Jews could not frighten them: «Let His blood be on us». They were not scared of the sacrilege of a considerably awful scale. They would do absolutely anything, guided by the hate of God and Orthodoxy Russia.

The choice of the sacrificial victim was pretty clear to them.

In their opinion, it was Russian Emperor. However, not only him but all his royal family, all members of the Imperial House, — any of them whom the bloody hand of the mad overthrowers could only reach.

The crime was committed.

The Empire collapse was imbued with blood of the royal martyrs, and the execution of the tsar’s family put an end to that historical period of time, what resulted in strict separation between the great past and the unclear future.

I dare not, unlike some others, compare even in my mind the Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for the atonement of our sins with the sacrificial death of the last Emperor as the anointed of the Lord. Still, I discern a few parallels between what happened two thousand years ago and that what was committed by the crime — not so long ago – in 1918.  

However, the things did not turn out as the enemies of Orthodoxy had planned.

Namely by means of the Sacrifice of the Lord, the world survived and people got a chance to witness the Kingdom of Heaven.

And by the sacrifice of the Emperor his people were saved from annihilation, as well as the hope for revival of the Great Empire in the future was also preserved. 

But I am deeply upset by the fact that in the latter case, just like in the former one, people failed to understand the whole greatness of the Sacrifice.

Just like in case when the persecutors of Jesus did not repent, the murderers of the tsar’s family have not confessed yet. And the followers of them have taken upon themselves a terrible sin of the regicide.  

Unfortunately, we still can’t find sincere repentance. Because even in church we face hypocrisy and theatricalization of mysteries.

We keep on humbly begging God to give us an Orthodoxy Sovereign, yet I am not sure if our voice will be heard within all this bacchanalia of sin and vice. Still, I have hope in my heart…

There exist a lot of prophesies of the so-called «end times». All of them tell about an inevitable bloody outcome.

But in many of them Russia plays the key role as the state which possesses a chance to save the rest of the world and the humanity.

For example, the Prophesy by monk Abel, given to Emperor Paul, openly declares that there would take place a lot of attempts to vanquish evil by means of evil. But people would understand that it was only a temporary measure and they would start to pray for Russia. With the help of the entire world, all peoples, with one mouth and one heart. And the shackles that hold the Great Empire will fall down, and Great Russia – the House of the Most Holy Mother of God – will rise up full of its spiritual beauty and strength.

I am eager to believe that there is a certain piece of this prophesy concerning our True Orthodox Church. Because who is going to be that tocsin to wake the people up from the age-old sleep, calling up for pray and showing the way from darkness to light?

Loving heart is always regained by us through good deeds. I have said about that many times before. So, I will repeat the same thing now.

The essence of the True Orthodox Church is to serve God by serving people, by caring about them, by guiding each soul from the countless Lord’s flock.

It has always been like that in Russia. And I hope it will be the same in the entire world, with the help of the Holy International Synaxis of the True Orthodox Churches which I am to head till the rest of my days and which is supposed to bring the Light of Truth and Love of God to people, what reveals the real meaning of His Great Sacrifice.

I often ask myself: «What do I need this all for?». I address this question not only to myself but also to those who have stayed by me all these years, as well as to those who come today and perhaps will come tomorrow.

And I know the answer.

Christianity, rather Orthodoxy, cannot stand loneliness. Neither it can stand isolation within oneself and one’s problems. It is longing for cognition of one’s own self, growing and spreading among those who haven’t yet accepted God in their heart and mind but have already turned to God in their soul.

Today we face roaming and chaos within the Orthodox world which calls itself canonical. Churches are separating from one another. They are tearing the Lord’s garments in a bloody madness, they discontinue communication and stop their common praying, they deny each other and call enemies all those, with whom they have been recently taken the Holy Sacrament together by the Throne.

Religious hierarchs are intentionally neglecting to the words of the Symbol of our Faith, to everything on which the doctrine of the international Church is being grounded, and what we keep on repeating every time we dare start acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ: «I believe in a single Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church». As I see it, they are consciously replacing the Truth by their momentary wishes, by their enormous pride and unstoppable hunger for power.

To my great sadness, some of the «canonical» churches are becoming more and more similar to totalitarian sects, concerned about their wellness and prosperity of their own religious leaders of various scale.

However, those who have ears – let them hear, those who have eyes – let them see.

God’s people learned to distinguish between the good and the bad, to separate lambs from goats and wheat from chaff. And they are openly turning away from those who make falsehood and obscenity the meaning of their lives, who drop their serving down to the level of sin, finally who hide their animal bared teeth under a lambskin.

Moreover, as soon as the world Orthodoxy was directed towards disunity and mutual accusations, the True Orthodox Churches, on the contrary, are joining one another to build a family.

It’s been 25 years since I started my episcopal service to the church. During this time I have had an opportunity to watch the formation, development and collapse of many True Orthodox communities, which used to call themselves metropolis and churches. Every time I saw the same thing and the same mistake, which finally became fatal. All of them considered themselves only to be the ultimate truth, and they all wanted to be chiefs, without acceptance of other authorities and separating themselves from the rest of the world. They enjoyed their existence within self-isolated religious communities. 

In the end, it resulted in collapse, termination of activity or rebirth into real sects and marginal units.

Those who were open to dialogue, were longing for unity and who put first their serving to God and people – today they have become the true conscience of people, the voice the spiritual candlestick, the real hope for that God will stay by us till the very end.

Our International Synaxis is the way forward, the way to God, the way of spiritual creation and true faith.

This is the way of consolidation of those who dismiss lies and injustice with their lives, who believe in a single Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church, as it is stated in the Symbol of Faith, and who help building the International True Orthodox Church by means of ascetism.

You can take it from me: this way is predestined by the history and predetermined by God. We feel it and we are ready to go through any difficulties, as we clearly realize that it was like that and it will be like that further. 

Those who disjoin, hate, deny and are self-isolated – they all lose themselves in nothingness, they turn into garbage and stay forever at the historical dump, just to display with their own example the depravity of such a mistaken way.

Those who strive to meet each other, who open themselves to love and common praying, who are not scared of difficulties of the thorny path and who follow Christ’s Commandments – they all stay forever, as they become the cornerstone, upon which The Church of Christ is grounded.

Well, we have a long road ahead. It will be the way of prayer and creation. The way of love and spiritual feat. The way of serving and church building. And I am sincerely glad that the revival of the True Orthodoxy, just like a century ago, starts from Russia again.

I must say once more. I have read a plenty of prophesies, well known and absolutely unknown, manifested to the world and hidden from anyone who seek for them with hunger and greed. They all are totally different and not each of them is supposed to go under comprehension and understanding.

Still, there is one statement that is a cross-cutting theme in all of them.

Salvation of the world will come from Russia. As the Star of the East, Russia will unite all those who are filled with faith, light and love.

Precisely under the canopy of the Russian Royal Crown comes the long-awaited «peace on earth and goodwill toward men» as Russia symbolizes the Crown of the Queen of Heaven, our Most Holy and Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Our common task is as follows: let our descendants and successors continue our path of creation, union and gathering the True Orthodoxy around the world, and let us lay a solid foundation for that by means of The Universal True Orthodoxy Church.

Today I can feel with all my soul those changes happening in the society and state of Russia.

The consciousness of people is being renewed, the moral background of the Russian citizen is being strengthened, the Orthodox faith is being filled with true sense, and there is the Lord’s spark that lightens up in the heart of everyone.

I hope so much that one day The Russian Orthodox Church which is dominating now in the Russian state will realize that its target is a little different from care about itself and its clergy, its institutions and profit. Anyway, it’s not our business.

However, let no one judge us by the deeds of Moscow Patriarchy. We are totally different from them. We do not welcome conviction of brothers. We do not stand for disorder and separation in the Orthodoxy world.

We follow the path of creation and union.

Our main goal is to bring love and peace, by means of protecting from sins, misfortune and temptations for the soul of those who shares with us and accepts our path.

We have chosen not an easy burden, indeed.

But… as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Let our all-good Lord help us about that.


His Holiness and Blessed Metropolitan

Of Moscow and of all Russia

The Head of the True Orthodox Church of Russia

The Head of the Holy International Synaxis

Of the True Orthodox Churches

N.B. N.B. As a branch of the Local Russian Church organizationally began its formation in the end. 20s – early. 30s 20th century It was formed as a result of the refusal of the majority of the episcopate and clergy of the Russian Church to cooperate with the communist atheistic regime in the USSR, which was done by the pro-renovation group headed by Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky). As a result of what Mr. Sergius under the leadership of the OGPU-NKVD schism, in the USSR since that time there existed in parallel the official (“Soviet” or “red”) church, which in 1943, by order of Stalin, was formalized into the “Moscow Patriarchate”, and independent of the God-fighting regime of the True- Orthodox Russian Church (TOC). The latter, as a result of cruel repressions and persecution, was forced to switch to an illegal way of serving, which is why she got a different name – the Catacomb Church.

The Catacomb Church, as a branch of the once united Local Russian Church, is also called “Tikhon’s” – after the name of the Holy Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin, +1925).

The canonical foundation of the Russian True Orthodox Church is based on the Decree of the Holy Patriarch Tikhon No. 362 of November 7/20, 1920.

Saint Tikhon was the last legitimate patriarch of the Russian Church, elected by the All-Russian Local Council, expressing the fullness of the Russian Church.

Policy Report of the Head of the Holy International Synaxis of the True Orthodox Churches, the Head of True-Orthodox Church in Russia, His Holiness Metropolitan Seraphim «The Russian Idea. Orthodoxy and statehood».

The mysterious baroness that Napoleon was afraid of – Madame de Stahl


205 years since the death of one of the most influential women of the 19th century

Anna Stahl, or as her full name is – Anne Louise Germain de Stahl, who became known as Madame de Stahl, is a famous writer of French and Swiss origin, a representative of the liberal trend in French romanticism and an outspoken opponent of Napoleon.

She is of aristocratic origin. She was born into the family of a banker and finance minister of Louis XVI. Her first marriage was to Eric Magnus, Baron de Stahl-Holstein, Swedish ambassador in Paris.

Madame de Stael became famous when, on the eve of the French Revolution, she created a literary salon in Paris, where politicians, writers and scientists began to gather. He appeared as an opponent of Napoleon and had to leave Paris. He emigrated to Switzerland. There he met the politician Benjamin Constant de Roebeck and together with him undertook many trips throughout Europe.

He returned to France only after the fall of Napoleon. Madame de Stael was a writer who became famous for her novels “Dolphin” (1802) and “Corinne” (1807), as well as the works “On the Influence of the Passions on Individuals and Nations” (1796), “On Literature Considered in the Relationship her with public institutions” (1800), “About Germany” (1810), etc.

Madame de Stael has been named one of the most influential women of the 19th century. Many intellectuals of her time are of the opinion that she was feared by Napoleon himself, and admired by bright minds such as Goethe and Pushkin.

A close acquaintance of Madame de Stahl – Countess Victorine de Chastanet wrote: “Three great powers are fighting with Napoleon for the soul of Europe – England, Russia and Madame de Stahl.” This phrase inspires real respect for the personality of the baroness, who is personally compared to two powerful countries in a battle with the emperor.

Her first meeting with Napoleon was on January 3, 1798 at the Hotel Khalifa in Paris. The Baroness de Stael herself wrote the following about her impressions of him: “The more I observed Napoleon Bonaparte, the more anxious I became. He is a man without emotion… Everything is programmed by one man, and no one can take even a step, or to desire anything without it. Not only freedom, but free will seems banished from the earth.”

The identity of Madame de Stael is a real mystery. She remains somewhat in the shadows in the pages of history, and her influence on the art and politics of the time in which she lived was enormous. It is noted not only by her close friend Goethe, but also by Byron, as well as Pushkin. They all admire this woman’s amazing culture and tough character.

She was born on April 22, 1766. Her mother is of Franco-Swiss descent – a beautiful woman who married in an arranged marriage to Anne’s father – Jacques Necker, a man with an impressive career in the French royal court. Many celebrities used to gather at Anne’s mother’s salon in Paris. Already at 11, Ann calmly communicated with them and gained experience – both life and political. Anne was of an impressionable nature, and her mother introduced strict discipline into her education, so that she would not stray into trifles. Thus, at the age of 16, Anne aroused real admiration among mature and experienced people with her intellectual knowledge.

Anne’s mother was 18 years younger than her father, and although she was not happy in her marriage, she respected her husband and bore him five children. And the future Madame de Stahl, like her mother, although she was not happy in both of her marriages, gave birth to two children from them and another child from her lover.

Was she a feminist? – Probably yes, even extreme sometimes, because he once wrote: “The more I get to know men, the more I like dogs.”

For her time, Madame de Stael is an extremely emancipated woman who stands up for her opinion, but also respects the opinion of others. He wrote in his diary: “Had it not been for respect for human opinion, I would not have opened my window to see the Bay of Naples the first time I went five hundred leagues to speak with a man of genius whom I had not seen”.

Madame de Stael is an independent spirit who respects her awake contemporaries. A woman’s free and fearless expression of opinion on such important political topics and figures as Napoleon made her a fighter with a halo in the eyes of many.

During her exile – between 1803 and 1810, away from Paris, Madame de Stael first traveled to many countries in Europe. Writes “Corin” and “For Germany”. Among the emigrants he met abroad was the former Minister of War of France – Count Louis de Narbonne. A real passion broke out between the two, the fruit of which was the work of Madame de Stahl “On the influence of passion on the happiness of people and nations”.

Unfortunately, the relationship between the two suffered a rupture and separation.

Madame de Staël was the first to dare to rebel against the cruel treatment of Queen Marie-Antoinette in France and published an anonymous pamphlet “Refléxion sur le procès de la Reine, par une femme (1793), with which she tried to arouse sympathy for the unhappy queen.

While in Switzerland, Madame de Stael’s mother died, and she buried her parent there. For two years she took care of her father, for whom she felt sincere admiration and adoration for his mind and character. In 1804, she published the work “Vie privée de Mr. Necker” dedicated to her father.

In Switzerland, Madame de Stahl experienced many sad moments, such as the death of her mother, but also many inspiring meetings, as well as a romantic attraction – with Benjamin Constant.

In her novel “Dolphin”, the writer describes the unhappy fate of a highly gifted woman who entered into an unequal battle with the despotism of public opinion. Indeed, as is her own destiny. In Constant, she finds not only passion, but also understanding.

It was when the two left together and resided in Germany that Anne met Goethe, Schiller, Fichte, Humboldt and Schlegel. Then, while in Italy, he met the poet Vincenzo Monti. Tender feelings are awakened between the two. Correspondence is preserved that proves their infatuation with each other, although Anne still has a love affair with Constant.

Later, when she returns to Switzerland, Anne de Staal invites the poet to visit her, but he proves weak-tempered and cowardly enough in his concern not to incur Napoleon’s wrath, that he does not respond to the invitation. This cools her feelings for him. Later, she also suffered great disappointment from Benjamin Constant, close to her heart. Returning from Germany to Geneva, he learned from friends that he had a secret marriage with Charlotte Gardenberg.

Ann’s pursuit of a wide range of topics of public importance saves her from personal dramas. In her essay “On Literature…” this extremely interesting woman explores the relationship between religion, human morals and literary legislation. All topics that are a challenge to society.

In 1812, Madame de Stahl also traveled to Russia. She admires the strength of the Russian people, but notes that America has a leading role in the world. Advises Germans and Italians to unite in a federation. From Petersburg, it is headed for Stockholm. He returned to Paris only after learning that Napoleon had been exiled to Elba.

On February 21, 1817, during a reception organized by Louis XVIII’s chief minister, Anne de Stael fell carelessly and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. He also became the cause of complications that caused her death. She died on the significant day marking the beginning of the Great French Revolution – July 14th. Unbelievable indeed, but Anne de Stael died on Bastille Day – July 14, 1817, aged only 51, in the prime of her life.

In addition to her books and works, this remarkable woman left us her maxims, which speak eloquently of her developed mind.

And a beautiful, delicately multicolored and rare type of rose is named after her romantic soul.

Madame de Stael – quotes

Mind is in discerning the similarity between different things, and the difference between things that are the same.

I learn life from the poets.

Society develops wit, but its genius is due to contemplation.

The human mind is always progressing, but this is progress in the spiral of life.

The search for truth is man’s noblest pursuit; its publication is an obligation.

Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the person who owns it.

Courage of soul is necessary for the triumph of genius.

One has to choose in life, between boredom and suffering.

Scientific progress makes moral progress a necessity; for if the power of man is increased, the checks which restrain him from abuse must be strengthened.

Enthusiasm gives life to the unseen and interest to that which has no immediate effect on our comfort in this world.

Enthusiasm means God in us.

Conscience, no doubt, is sufficient to lead even the coldest character into the path of virtue.

The voice of conscience is so delicate that it is easy to silence; but it is also so clear that it is impossible to be mistaken.

Politeness is the art of choosing the best among your thoughts.

Men are deceived by selfishness, and women – because they are weak.

Fame can be for a woman a shining mourning of happiness.

Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all ideas of time; erases all memory of the beginning and all fear of the End.

In matters of the heart, nothing is true except the incredible.

We stop loving each other if no one loves us.

The greatest happiness is turning your feelings into action.

The secret of existence is the connection between our mistakes and our misfortunes.

As we grow in wisdom, we forgive more freely.

When we destroy an old prejudice, we need a new virtue.

Education from life perfects the thinking mind, but corrupts the frivolous.

The religious life is a struggle, not a hymn.

Prayer is more than meditation. In meditation, the source of power is yourself. When a person prays, he goes to the source of a higher power than his own.

To pray together, in whatever tongues or ritual, is the tenderest brotherhood of hope and sympathy that men can enter into in this life.

The soul is a fire that penetrates its rays through all the senses; in this fire exists existence; all the observations and efforts of philosophers must turn to that Self which is the center and motive power of our feelings and ideas.

Have you not observed that faith is usually strongest in those whose character may be called the weakest?

The divine wisdom, intending to retain us for a time on earth, has done well to veil the prospect of the future life; for, if our sight can clearly discern the opposite shore, who will remain on that stormy shore?

We first understand death when it lays its hand on someone we love.

How true it is that sooner or later, the greatest rebels are forced to bow under the yoke of misfortune!

Architecture is frozen music!

Music revives memories to soothe them.

Photo: Anne de Stahl, portrait of the baroness, author unknown

Pictures taken above the Large Hadron Collider have stoked fears. Are new portals opening?


The post was published in iXBT.com blogs, its author is not related to iXBT.com editors

“These incredible photos taken above CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have sparked new conspiracy theories and fears that ‘portals’ are opening up.

The images appear to have been taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists started the new Awake experiment. They were picked up by conspiracy theorists and led to new “new portal” theories:

• Which portal has CERN opened now? Strange clouds are hovering over the LHC – causes “serious concerns” for which the LHC is used.

• Isn’t that why such crazy weather all over the planet?

• Is it a coincidence that they just started the Awakening experiment?

• This crazy energy ball was right above the LHC.

• It’s amazing that they continue to mess with nature and deny it.

• What is in the cloud – some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy.

• What portals are opening in this cloud?

Other theorists suggest that CERN is being used as a portal allowing Satan to return to Earth – there are such people.

In the past, CERN has conducted experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming. The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC for short, is a particle accelerator located near Geneva, Switzerland, and is the largest in the world. It was built in 2008. and allows physicists to test different theories. The LHC has every chance to find completely new subatomic particles. Scientists hope that the collider will help make discoveries that will cause the biggest revolution in physics in the last hundred years.

Photo: The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment

Source: The Sun Online news