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Oration 27. Against the Eunomians


Eunomians – 1. Against those who are so skilled in speeches is my word. And to begin from the Scripture: “I am against thee, O pride” (Jer. 50:31) – in teaching, in hearing and in thought. Because there are, yes – there are those whose ears are “tickled” by our words (2 Tim. 4:3) and their tongues itch, and as I see, their hands also itch;[1] to whom “filthy vanity, … the objections of false science” (1 Tim. 6:20) and to useless “talking” (1 Tim. 6:4). This is what Paul calls excess and excessive sophistication in speeches – the herald and guarantor of the “short word” (cf. Rom. 9:28, Is. 10:23), the disciple and teacher of the fishermen. Would that those of whom I speak could strive in the same way in their actions,[2] as their tongue is flexible and skilful, choosing ever lofty and wonderful words. In such a case few, perhaps fewer than now, would indulge in this ridiculous and strange sophistry, and, to put a funny word for something really ridiculous, acrobatics with words.

2. Destroying all the ways of godliness,[3] they are concerned only with “binding” or “loosing” (Dan. 5:12) some matter, like the participants in theatrical demonstrations, presenting not such a struggle as to resulted in a victory according to the laws of actual combat, and such as to catch the eye and draw praise from men, who had never before seen anything like it. Every square must be resounding with their reasonings, at every feast the vexation of their idle chatter, every feast be joyless and filled with gloom, at every funeral the sorrow be consoled with thoughts containing even greater evil, and at the women’s chambers – this bosom of simplicity – to take away the rest, by snatching the flower of shame with a twist of the word.

When it has come to that, and the destruction has become so unstoppable and unbearable, that even the “great mystery” (1 Tim. 3:16) of our faith risks being reduced to some work of artifice, and the father’s “womb” is stirred, and the heart , in the words of the divine Jeremiah, is tormented by feelings (cf. Jer. 4:19), let them show a little patience, receive our word without bitterness, and, holding their tongues, if at all possible, for a moment, give ear to what we are going to say.

In any case, it will not harm you! For my words will either reach the “ears of those who hear” (Sir. 25:12) and bear fruit for your benefit (as the sower sows (Matt. 13:3, etc.) his word in everyone’s soul, but “bringeth forth fruit” (Matt. 13:23) only that which is good and fruitful), or you will laugh at us and withdraw, having obtained new material for objections and blasphemies, and this will bring you new delight. Do not be surprised if you hear something contrary to your custom, which seems strange to you, though with such youthful impudence and boldness (not to offend anyone by saying ignorant and bold) you declare that you know all things, and pretend that you learn everything.

3. Not to everyone – eh, you! – not everyone is given to reason about God.[4] It is not something that is easily acquired and not by the creeps of the earth. I will also add – not at all times, not in front of everyone and not for everything, but one must know when, in front of whom and how much.

Not to everyone, because people who have tested themselves and advanced in reasoning [5] are capable of this, who have purified (or are purifying) their soul and body. It is not even safe for the impure to come into contact with the Pure, as it is for the weak-sighted with the rays of the sun.[6]

When it will be possible? – When we have found rest from the external “mud” and confusion, and the guiding principle in us[7] does not get mixed up with unworthy and wandering images, as the beauty of some scriptures mixed with others that are ugly suffers, or the fragrance of the ointment mixed with mud It is necessary that we have actually reached rest (Ps. 45:11), that we have known God and, choosing the moment, to judge (Ps. 74:3) of the truth of theology.

In front of whom? – To those who look upon this seriously, and do not occupy themselves by the way, so much as to chatter with delight after the horse-races, the shows, the songs, after the indulgence of the bowels, or of anything still below and of it, because part of the pleasure it is for them to argue and excel in the sophistication of their arguments.

Finally, what can be “philosophized about” and to what extent? – For what is stronger for us and to the extent that the listener has an attitude towards it and the ability to perceive it. Otherwise, oppressed and oppressed (let me so express it) by the intractability of difficult teachings, they would lose their original powers, just as those who overdo the force of sounds and quantity of food damage their hearing and body, or, if you will, as those who reach for burdens beyond their strength injure their bodies, or as heavy rains do evil to the soil.

4. I do not at all mean that one should not always remember God. Let those who are always ready and quick in their answers not be in a hurry to oppose us! To remember God is more important even than to breathe, and, it may be said, nothing else should and should not be done. I am one of those who adhere to the word that commands me to “meditate day and night” (Ps. 1:2), “evening and morning and at noon to pray” (Ps. 54:18), to “bless the Lord in at all times” (Ps. 33:2). If necessary, we will also add the words of Moses: “when you sit at home and when you are on the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:7); whatever else is done so that this remembrance guides us to purity. Therefore I forbid, not this constant remembrance of God, but theology, and not theology at all as impious, but that which is out of place; nor the doctrine of Him at all, but only a doctrine which knows no measure. Honey, be it honey, taken in excess and to the point of straining, causes vomiting (cf. Prov. 25:27). Reasoning like Solomon: “… for everything there is a time” (Eccl. 3:1). Even the beautiful is not beautiful if it is out of place, just as a winter flower is completely untimely, a woman does not suit men’s clothes at all (nor a man women’s), geometry does not work in times of sorrow and tears in times of drinking.[8] ] Are we not going to respect timeliness exactly where it should be emphasized the most?

5. Not in the least, my friends and brethren! I still call you brothers, though you do not behave like brothers. We will not think so, nor, like heated and unrestrained horses (cf. Ps. 31:9), throw our rider, reason, and, loosening the trusty “reins” (Ps. 31:9) of reverence, flee beyond the appointed posts, but we will “philosophize”[9] within our appointed limits, and neither move to Egypt, nor allow ourselves to be dragged to the Assyrians, so that we “sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land” (Ps. 136:4) – we will said in the hearing of every one, be he foreign or ours, hostile or friendly, benevolent or unbenevolent, who will watch us closely, and would wish the spark of evil in us to become a flame, will kindle and fan it, and, however hidden it may be , with his efforts he will raise her to heaven and make her higher than the all-burning flame of Babylon (Dan. 3:22). Unable to derive strength from their own teachings, they seek to obtain it at the expense of our weakness. Therefore, like flies that have settled on a wound, they add, I do not know which more precisely, whether to our failures or to our sins.

No, we will no longer be ignorant of ourselves, nor cease to respect propriety. If it turns out to be impossible to overcome the enmity, at the very least we will agree to speak mystically about the mystical, about the holy – holy, and also not to bring to ungodly ears that which cannot be publicized.[10] We will not show ourselves less worthy than the worshipers of demons and the ministers of hideous lore and practices, ready to shed their blood rather than betray their teachings to the uninitiated. And we will know that in speech and silence, as in clothes, food, laughter and gait, there is a certain propriety. Moreover, among other names and powers in God we worship “word”. And let our love of controversy remain within the ordinary.

6. Why should the harsh judge of our words hear about the birth of God, about [His] creation, about “God from nothing”, about the dissection, division and decomposition? [11] Why do we make the accusers judges? Why do we put the sword into the hands of the enemy? How do you think he will receive our word for all this, and with what thoughts a man who approves of adultery and the corruption of children, who worships the passions, and can imagine nothing that exceeds the body; a man who until recently made gods for himself, distinguished by the most shameful deeds? Is it not material? Or in an outrageous way? Or ignorant? Won’t it be business as usual for him? And will he not turn your theology into a guarantor for his own gods and passions? Because if we use these words for evil, it will be difficult to convince them to “philosophize” with them, as it would behoove us,[12] if they themselves are the inventors of evil (Rom. 1:30), how can refuse the opportunity that is given to them? Here are the consequences of the war between us! That is what those who fight for the Word more diligently than is pleasing to the Word itself come to. They suffer the same fate as madmen who set fire to their own homes, molest their children, or drive away their parents as strangers.

7. Now that we have removed everything extraneous from our word, and sent the “numerous legion” heading for the abyss into the herd of swine (Mark 5:9-13, Luke 8:30-33), let us turn to ourselves and like a statue we polish theology to its true beauty.

First, however, let us discuss this worship of speech and harmful prattle. What is this new infirmity and gluttony? Why, by tying our hands, have we armed the tongue? Don’t we praise hospitality? Do we not value brotherly love, conjugal affection, virginity, care for the poor, psalms, all-night vigils, tears? Do we not exhaust our bodies with fasting (cf. 1 Cor. 9:27)? Do we not ascend in prayer to God? Do we not subject the worse to the better, I mean the “dust of the earth” (Gen. 2:7) – to the spirit, judging rightly of our composition? Do we not make our lives a “care for death”?[13] Do we not make ourselves masters of the passions, remembering the honor from above? Do we not tame the anger that causes us to go beyond ourselves and to go wild? Does not this also apply to humiliating exaltation (cf. Luke 18:14, Ps. 72:8), to foolish sorrow, to unrestrained pleasures, to shameless laughter, to insolent looks, to insatiable hearing, to talk without measure, to the inappropriate thoughts, about all that is of the Evil One (which, according to the Scriptures, brings destruction “through the windows” [that is, through the senses]) – occupied by us and directed against us?

Everything is just the opposite. We give freedom to the passions of others, as kings spare the vanquished, only if they are useful to us and are directed as boldly and “godly” as possible against God, giving a bad occasion also a bad recompense – self-will in exchange for impiety.

8. But, dialectician and chatterbox, I will ask you more, and “you explain to Me” (Job 38:3), as the Prophet through the storm and clouds says to Job. What do you think, are there many abodes of God or one? – No doubt you will say: “Many, not one.” – In that case, must all be fulfilled, or some yes and some not, so that they are empty and created in vain (cf. John 14:2)? – “Obviously everyone, because nothing created by God is in vain.” – And would you say what you think the abode is: peace and glory in the hereafter, reserved for the blessed, or something else? – “Yes, that’s it, it’s nothing else.” – We agree here. Now let us pay attention to the following: Is there, as I think, something that shelters in these cloisters, or is there no such thing? – “There certainly is.” – And what is it? – “There are different ways of life and different choices, which, according to the degree of faith (cf. Rom. 12:6), also lead in different directions, and for this reason we call them “roads”. – But should all paths be followed or only some? – “If it is possible for one person, let it be possible for all. If he can’t go on all of them, let him go on as many as possible.

If that too is impossible, let at least some follow. However, since even this is impossible, as it seems to me, it would be a great thing to follow one.” – You got that right. And when you hear the words that the way is one and narrow (Matt. 7:14), what do you think their meaning is? – “He is one with regard to virtue, because it is one, although it is divided into many kinds. It is narrow because it is difficult to follow and because it is impassable to its multitude of adversaries who have chosen the path of vice.’ – I am of the same opinion.

In that case, my dear friends, since you think that you have found our teaching to be meagre, why have you abandoned all other ways, and rush headlong into that which seems to you to be the way of reason and reasoning, but , as I think, is a path of gossip and nonsense. Let Paul judge you, who, enumerating the gifts, harshly condemns precisely this with the words: “Are they all apostles? Are all prophets?” etc. (1 Cor. 12:29).[14]

9. May you be exalted, may you be above the exalted, may you be, if you will, even above the clouds, you – beholder of the invisible, hearer of “unspoken words” (2 Cor. 12:4), ascended like Elijah (4 Kings 2 :11), honored with an epiphany like Moses (Ex. 2:3, 19:20, 33:18-23), heavenly like Paul (2 Cor.12:2)! But why, in one day, do you also make other saints and ordain them theologians, as if infusing them with learning, and thus make numerous congregations of ignorant scribes? Why do you wrap the weak in cobwebs, luring them that this is supposedly something wise and great? Why do you direct the wasps against the faith?[15] Why do you see the dialecticians set against us multiplying, as the ancient myths fertilized the giants? Why do you heap together like garbage in a pit such men as you find worthless and devoid of manhood, and by flattery make them still more effeminate, thus creating a new litter for dishonor, and reaping their folly without skill?

And are you going to dispute that? Don’t you have another job? Must your tongue necessarily rule, so that you cannot restrain the fruitfulness of speech? There are many other items worthy of your attention. Thither, with advantage to himself, he directed his infirmity.

Struck the silence of Pythagoras,[16] the beans of the Orphics,[17] that unheard-of arrogance which we find in the words “He said,”[18] the ideas of Plato,[19] the transmigrations and detours of our souls,[20] the anamnesis,[ 21] not at all the beautiful erotic ascent to the soul, which passes through the beautiful bodies, [22] the impiety of Epicurus, the atoms and the pleasure unworthy of a philosopher; [23] in Aristotle – the limited doctrine of providence, the artificiality of the word, judgments about the mortality of the soul and the human baseness of his teachings,[24] the arrogance of the Stoa,[25] the greed and ostentatiousness of the Cynics.[26] Smite the “empty” and the “full”,[27] the bratveges for the gods and the sacrifices, for the idols, for the good and for the evil demons; smite the wonders that speak of divination, of the summoning of the gods and souls, of the power of the heavenly luminaries.[28] And if you do not consider all this worthy of discussion, as something insignificant, and about which a lot has already been said, but you want to follow your own path, here too I will indicate to you a wide field for expression. Philosophize about the world (or about the worlds), about matter, about the soul, about good or evil rational natures, about the resurrection, judgment, retribution, about the sufferings of Christ. To succeed in these subjects is not useless, and to make mistakes is not dangerous. About God now we can communicate less, but after time, in a perhaps more perfect way, we will speak about Jesus Christ himself, our Lord, to whom “glory forever and ever” (Rev. 1:6). Amen.

Translation: Prof. Dr. Ivan Hristov

* For the first time, this translation was published in: Grigoriy Nazianski, Pet bogoslovski slova, predav i studiya Ivan Hristov, S.: “GAL-IKO” 1994, pp. 25-33; the text published here has been refined by the translator, and a new edition of the entire book is forthcoming, which is expected to be carried out by “Iztok-Zapad” publishing house (ed. note).

[1] The composition of the five theological words refers to the time July-November 380, when St. Gregory consolidated his position as bishop of Constantinople, after the failure of the intrigues of Maximus Cynicus (De seipso – PG 37, 728-1112; see 56.12-14). During this period (Ibid., col. 1130-1272) many of the heretics went over to the side of Orthodoxy. Along with them, however, those who seek discord and behave defiantly come to the temple. The threat of physical violence was not unrealistic. It was almost reached once.

[2] In the Greek text – “πράξεις”. The active efforts of the believer constitute one of the “paths of piety”, following which a person ascends to God (here – note 3). According to the commentary of St. Maximus the Confessor (Ambigua ad Joannem – PG 91, 1240AB), the elevation of man follows the path of “active wisdom”, “natural contemplation” and “the pious and ineffable initiation into true theological wisdom (theological mystery)”.

[3] True piety consists in the unity of contemplation (θεωρία) and action (πράξεις) – Eliae metropolitae Cretae commentarii in S. Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes – PG 36, 760A.

[4] The purification of the soul from the passions of the body is a necessary precondition for the knowledge of God. In them, like the pagan Platonists, St. Gregory sees the main obstacle to the elevation of reason (see: Orationes 28, 12 – SC 250, 41AB; Orationes 28, 13 – SC 250, 44B; Orationes 30, 6 – SC 250, 112B ).

[5] In the Greek text “θεωρία”. Gregory does not associate man’s finitude solely with his bodily composition. Ignorance is also such a manifestation of the obscurity of human nature (Orationes 30, 20 – col. 129C). Therefore, reaching a certain level in mental contemplation is a condition for knowing God.

[6] Cf. Plato, Phaedo 67b.

[7] By “mud” (ἴλυς) St. Gregory understands the body and corporeality (Eliae metropolitae Cretae commentarii in S. Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes – col. 761CD, cf. Iamblichus, De Mysteriis Aegyptiorum 8, 2).

The “guiding principle” (τὸ ἡγεμονικόν) in man is reason. According to the teachings of the Stoics, the soul is composed of eight parts, chief among which is the rational faculty Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta 2 fr. 826-849.

[8] “The beautiful is not beautiful…” – a saying widely used at the time and used by St. Clement of Rome in the apocryphal book about the travels of St. Ap. Peter (PG 2, 53B; Eliae metropolitae Cretae commentarii in S. Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes – col. 762A).

“Geometry… while drinking” – cf. Eccl. 22:6.

[9] We should not be surprised that St. Gregory uses the words “philosophy” and “philosophize” also when he speaks of theology. On the one hand, like St. Athanasius of Alexandria and the rest of the Cappadocian fathers, for him the word “philosophy” has a changed content and means above all man’s aspiration to God. On the other hand, as a positive moment in theology in a number of cases, he perceives one or other forms of philosophical thinking. In the dialectic of these forms, which reach their self-denial, the theologian rises to the knowledge of his ignorance in the face of God and is confirmed in the contemplation of His being. At the same time, when he speaks of theology as “philosophy”, St. Gregory challenges pagan Greek culture, showing that its highest product is nothing more than a subordinate and “disappearing” moment in theology. Therefore, I have preferred to keep the translation of the Greek word as “philosophy” instead of rendering it as “wisdom”, placing it in quotation marks to prevent the reader from taking it literally.

[10] This is the so-called “disciplina arcani” (keeping the secret). The inner (“intimate”) life of the early Church and its sacraments were accessible only to the initiated (25, 132).

[11] Cf. Orationes 29, 8 – col. 84C. According to the Arians, the Son is a creature and was brought into being “out of nothing” (ἐξ οὐκ ὄντων). In this way the birth of the Son is thought in time and represented in images borrowed from the visible world.

[12] See here, note 9.

[13] Cf. Plato, Phaedo 67d, 81a.

[14] Without faith, without the assistance of grace and its acceptance, theology becomes a formal technique.

[15] In the autobiographical poem On His Life, St. Gregory applies this image to his opponents at the Second Ecumenical Council (PG 37, 1147A).

[16] Approx. 532 Pythagoras founded in Croton (Southern Italy) a philosophical-religious brotherhood, which became famous for its rituals. According to the testimony of Diogenes Laertius, his disciples, having passed a rigorous three-year examination, spent another five years in silence, being able only to listen to his speeches without seeing him. Only then were they admitted to his dwelling and could see him (DL 8, 10).

[17] The Orphics and Pythagoreans abstained from using beans for religious reasons.

[18] Pythagoras’ authority in the brotherhood was unchallenged. Those who doubted the teaching were answered with these words, which have become proverbial.

[19] Plato identifies ideas as principles of things (see, for example, De Respublica 6, 507b). In his commentary on the given place, Elias of Crete clarifies St. Gregory’s position, pointing out that Christians accept the ideas, thus thinking the creative logos of God, but do not accept their derivation outside of Him as archetypes into which He looks (cf. Plato, Timaeus 30c-31a) when he created the world (Eliae metropolitae Cretae commentarii in S. Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes – col. 764BC).

[20] “Transmigration” (μετενσωμάτωσις) is not a Platonic term (cf. παλιγγενεσία). It occurs in Plotinus (Enneades 2, 9, 6; 4, 3, 9). On the cycle and incarnation of souls in Plato see: De Republica 614b-621b, Phaedo 70c-72e, Phaedrus 249a, Timaeus 42b-c.

[21] “Anamnesis” in Plato – “recalling” by the soul of what it saw in the afterlife, where, before its entry into the body, it has the opportunity to contemplate the “true being”. See Menexenus 80e-86c, Phaedo 72e-77a, Timaeus 41e-42b, Phaedrus 247c-250d.

[22] See: Plato, Symposium 210a-212a. The “erotic” ascent of the soul to the beautiful in itself begins with the desire for beautiful bodies. This aspiration to a bodily union also excludes manhood (cf. Eliae metropolitae Cretae commentarii in S. Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes – col. 765A).

[23] In his ethical teaching, Epicurus considers pleasure (understood as painlessness of the body – ἀπονία and imperturbability of the soul – ἀταραξία) as the highest good for man (DL 10, 131). Along with this, he does not neglect physical pleasures. For the Christian, “enjoyment” is also supreme happiness, but it represents another enjoyment – dispassionate and true: in this life such is the enjoyment of virtue, and in the next the enjoyment of worship (Eliae metropolitae Cretae commentarii in S. Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes – col. 765A).

[24] St. Gregory has in mind the ideas of the treatise On the World attributed to Aristotle, where the industrial action of God weakens until it reaches the earth and is effectively limited to the region of the extralunar world (De mundo 6).

According to Aristotle, insofar as the soul is an embodiment (ἐντελέχεια) of the body, it is inseparable from it (De anima 2, 1 – 412a19-b9). However, this does not apply to the whole soul (3, 5 – 430a14-25).

[25] The Stoic school of philosophy takes its name from the portico in Athens (στοά), where it was founded in the third century BC. According to this teaching, unyielding adherence to “natural law” (“destiny”) leads the sage to a state of dispassion (ἀπάθεια – Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta 3 fr. 204) and self-sufficiency (αὐτάρκεια – Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta 3 fr. 276). Hence the pride of the Stoic, his consciousness of not being subject to external circumstances.

[26] The Cynic school of philosophy, like Socrates, renounces the natural-philosophical conception of being and directs the thought of its ultimate foundations to the inner world of man. Unlike Socrates, however, the Cynics present in a very primitive and abstract way the general that is given in thought and constitutes the substantial content of the human subject. Defending the common nature of man, they contrast it with moral norms, conventions in society and obligations to the polis, which they see as artificial restrictions narrowing the freedom of the individual and which they demonstratively do not respect. Diogenes of Sinop (400-325 BC) especially distinguished himself in the practical implementation of this teaching.

[27] The “empty” (τὸ πλῆρες) and the “full” (τὸ κενόν) in the teaching of the atomists are fundamental principles of the world (De generatione et corruptione 325a, Metaphysica 985b6).

[28] According to the view of the ancients, the celestial luminaries predetermined human life. Astrology contradicts the Christian understanding of human free will.

Sacrificed bronze human organs have been found in a Roman sanctuary


Archaeologists have excavated an ancient sanctuary located near geothermal springs in the Italian municipality of San Casciano dei Bani. Researchers managed to find more than three thousand coins, as well as sacrificial bronze artifacts in the form of various parts of the human body: ear, leg, uterus and phallus. In this way, during the Roman era, people expected to get rid of diseases, reports the Italian agency ANSA. San Casciano dei Bani is located in the Italian province of Siena. It is known for its geothermal springs, which people have been using since the time of the Etruscans.

Archaeological excavations have revealed open-air baths, remains of Roman baths, as well as a multi-layered Roman sanctuary built under Octavian Augustus on the site of an even older sanctuary dating back to Etruscan times. In the 1st century AD this cult complex was seriously damaged by fire, after which it was restored and expanded. At the beginning of the 4th century it was rebuilt again, but towards its end it was destroyed, which was obviously connected with the Christianization of the area. The research of this monument has already brought many valuable finds. For example, a large number of coins were found, three altars dedicated to Apollo, Isis and Fortuna Primigenia, a marble statue of the goddess Hygia. A large number of gifts show that the sanctuary was of great importance and was used, among other things, to perform rites of worship at the hot springs. This year, archaeologists are already conducting the sixth season of excavations at this monument. Among the new finds were more than three thousand coins, bronze objects in the shape of different parts of the body, for example legs, ears, penis and uterus. The researchers note that offerings at places associated with healing are often made in the form of objects depicting diseased body parts. For example, a sacrificial rare bronze uterus was apparently intended to aid in the birth of a child. Similar objects, but made of terracotta, have sometimes been found by scholars in Etruscan and Roman temples.

 This season, archaeologists significantly expanded the excavation area, as a result of which they managed to find evidence of a major collapse that occurred at the end of the III century. Then a hole with a depth of more than two meters was formed in the ground, which damaged the surrounding buildings – pools, colonnades and buildings. The Romans then built an altar in the funnel itself to appease the displeased deities. The revealed scale of the sanctuary, according to archaeologist Jacopo Taboli, turned out to be much larger than expected. According to him, this monument has no analogues either in Italy or in the Mediterranean.

Scientists read the “language” of the dog’s tail


The way dogs wag their tails betrays their feelings, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found, writes “Daily Mail”.

The authors of the study used a motion tracking system to analyze 21,000 tail movements of ten beagle dogs. During the experiment, the animals spent three days with strangers who treated them well – they petted them, fed them and played with them.

Researchers have found that when dogs meet strangers, they wag their tails to the left. However, when they see people they have interacted with before, their tail movements are mostly directed to the right.

According to experts, dogs wag their tails on the right side due to the activation of the left hemisphere of the brain, which processes positive emotions. This means that if the tail wags to the right, a pet is happy and content. If his tail turns more to the left, it can be assumed that the dog is nervous or scared.

A unique tomb of an Egyptian general discovered


During archaeological excavations, scientists unearthed the secret tomb of an ancient Egyptian general who led an army of foreign mercenaries.

Archaeologists were disappointed to find that the sarcophagus had been opened and the Wahbire-merry-Neith mummy had been seized.

Newsweek wrote about it (story was provided to Newsweek by Zenger News).

The Egyptian general Wahbire-merry-Neith was responsible for recruiting soldiers from Asia Minor and the Aegean islands. The burial dates back to the beginning of the 5th century BC and was excavated by the Czech Institute of Egyptology at Charles University in Prague.

Inside the tomb, a team of scientists discovered the largest embalming complex in Egypt, where there were 370 ceramic jugs with materials used to mummify the commander.

Wahibre-Mary-Knight was buried in a huge two-tiered square tomb. The main shaft is 6 m deep and measures approximately 14 m by 14 m across. The second shaft was dug lower and had a rectangular shape, with dimensions of 16.5 m by 3.3 m.

Let us remind you that an amateur archaeologist using a metal detector found a dagger belonging to an ancient Roman warrior in the south-east of Switzerland. Then professional archaeologists immediately discovered hundreds of artifacts in the region.

Photo: Canopic jars and ceremonial cups were found in the tomb of an ancient Egyptian commander of foreign soldiers named Wahbire-merry-Neith that was uncovered by a Czech archaeological mission from Charles University in Abusir near Saqqara, Egypt.EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND ANTIQUITIES/ZENGER

Scientists have finally deciphered a mysterious ancient script


A team of European scientists, led by French archaeologist François Desset, has managed to decipher one of the great mysteries: linear Elamite script – a little-known writing system used in present-day Iran, writes Smithsonian Magazine.

The claim is hotly disputed by the researchers’ colleagues, but if true, then it could shed light on a little-known society that flourished between ancient Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley at the dawn of civilization. An analysis recently published in the journal Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie may also rewrite the evolution of writing itself. To decipher the reading of the characters that make up the linear Elamite script, experts used recently studied inscriptions from a set of ancient silver vases. “This is one of the great archaeological discoveries of recent decades. It is based on the identification and phonetic reading of the kings’ names,” said archaeologist Massimo Vidale of the University of Padua.

In 2015 Desset gained access to a private London collection of unusual silver vases with many inscriptions in both cuneiform and linear Elamite script. They were excavated in the 1920s and sold to Western traders, so their provenance and authenticity have been questioned. But analysis of the vessels found them to be ancient rather than modern forgeries. As for their origin, Desset believes they were in a royal cemetery hundreds of kilometers southeast of Susa, dated to around 2000 BC. – right around the time when the linear Elamite script was in use. According to the study, the silver vases represent the oldest and most complete examples of Elamite royal inscriptions in cuneiform. They belonged to different rulers of two dynasties. Stone with linear Elamite inscriptions from the Louvre collection.

According to Desset, the juxtaposition of the inscriptions on the vessels was very useful in deciphering the linear Elamite script. Some names written in cuneiform can now be compared to symbols in the linear Elamite script, including the names of famous Elamite kings such as Shilhaha. By following the repeated signs, Desset was able to understand the meaning of the letter, consisting of a set of geometric figures. He also translated verbs like “give” and “make”. After subsequent analysis, Desset and his team claimed to be able to read 72 characters. “Although complete decipherment is not yet possible mainly due to the limited number of inscriptions, we are on the right track,” the authors of the study conclude. The hard work of translating individual texts continues. Part of the problem is that the Elamite language, which has been spoken in the region for more than 3,000 years, has no known cognates, making it difficult to determine what sounds the signs might represent.

The speakers of Elamite inhabited southern and southwestern Iran – Khuzestan, as in ancient Persian the name of Elam was Hujiyā, and Fars (as it is possible that it was also spread in other areas of the Iranian plateau before the 3rd millennium BC).

In the III millennium BC, a number of Elamite city-states are known from Sumero-Akkadian sources: Shushen (Shushun, Susa), Anshan (Anchan, today Tepe-Malyan near Shiraz in Fars), Simashki, Adamdun and others.

In the II millennium BC an important constituent of Elam were Shushen and Anchan. After the accession of Elam to the Achaemenid Empire in the middle of the 6th century BC, the Elamite language maintained its leading position for another two centuries, gradually giving way to Farsi.

Photo: Grid of the 72 deciphered alpha-syllabic signs on which the transliteration system of Linear Elamite is based. The most common graphic variants are shown for each sign. Blue signs are attested in southwestern Iran, red ones in southeastern Iran. Black signs are common to both areas. F. Desset

Due to a shortage of diplomats: Bulgaria has suspended visas for Russians


Bulgaria stops accepting documents for tourist visas for citizens of Russia, RIA Novosti reported, citing the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). The measure applies to both tourists and property owners in Bulgaria.

“According to the tour operators, the Bulgarian consulate in Moscow has notified them of the temporary suspension of accepting documents for tourist visas, as well as for visas for property owners, ‘in view of the emergency situation that has arisen,'” says the announcement of our diplomatic representation.

Our consulate in Moscow explained to the Russians that the reason for the suspension of visas was the declaration on August 5 of 14 employees of the diplomatic missions and consular services of Bulgaria in Russia as persona non grata.

“This step on the part of the Russian side is a response to the decision of the Bulgarian authorities to expel 70 Russian diplomats and technical staff of the Russian diplomatic departments, including the Russian consuls general in Varna and Ruse,” commented ATOR.

The association also specified that due to a lack of employees, the consular service of the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria and the Consulate General in Varna have partially suspended their work. In addition, the Consulate General of Russia in Ruse has suspended operations. The Consulate General of Bulgaria in Yekaterinburg is also temporarily closed.

The consular service of Bulgaria has indefinitely suspended the acceptance of documents for tourist visas and visas for property owners. The decision is positioned as temporary, Russian media reports.

According to tour operators, the Bulgarian consulate in Moscow has notified them of the temporary suspension of accepting documents for tourist visas and visas for property owners “due to the current emergency situation”. The Consulate General of Bulgaria in Yekaterinburg is temporarily closed.

The occasion is the announcement today of the announcement of 14 employees of the Bulgarian diplomatic missions and consular services as persona non grata. This step by the Russian side is a response to the decision of the Bulgarian authorities to expel from the country 70 Russian diplomats and technical employees of the Russian diplomatic departments, including the Russian consuls general in Varna and Ruse.

 The Russian consular services in Varna partially suspended their work, and the Russian consulate in Ruse stopped working.

The Bulgarian visa centers in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg (including the regional visa centers) due to “technical reasons” do not accept applications with payment of consular fee from March 25. However, Russians could obtain visas for tourist trips to Bulgaria from the consulates general of Bulgaria in these three cities.

It is this option that has now been discontinued.

Even without a Bulgarian visa, Russians can travel to Bulgaria – this is possible if they hold a multiple-entry Schengen visa or a multiple-entry national visa of Croatia, Romania or Cyprus. Bulgaria and these countries recognize the visas of third countries on the basis of agreements.

The association notes that it is not known how long the pause in the visa process will last. “Sources of the ATOR newspaper report that the Bulgarian side will look for opportunities to renew the issuance of visas in Russia,” Ator adds.

Earlier today, the Russian Foreign Ministry notified Bulgarian Ambassador Atanas Krastin about Moscow’s response to the restrictions on the work of Russian diplomatic institutions in Bulgaria. 14 employees of the embassy and consular services of Bulgaria in Russia have been declared “persona non grata”. Previously, Sofia announced that it imposed similar measures against 70 employees of Russian institutions abroad, to whom the Bulgarian authorities attribute work for the special services under the guise of diplomatic activity.

The most visited brothel is in Pompeii


Over 2 million visitors a year pass through the dark rooms of one of Pompeii’s brothels. No, this is not a joke, but reality. Although in this case it is not at all a question of consuming the carnal pleasures usually offered in such a place, but of pure history.

Yes, there were about 25 such establishments in Pompeii. For comparison, in Rome at the same time there were about 50. But let’s not forget that one was a city of a million people, and the other with a population of about 20,000 people, which raises the question – why were there so many brothels in Pompeii? The answer is that it was a port city. At that time, sailing at sea was far from an easy job, out of 10 ships, 8-9 returned, and every returned alive sailor wanted to “catch up”. In addition, numerous merchants from all over the world flocked to the city and had to be “served”. However, this figure does not include all the other establishments where wine was offered. The usual practice was to “serve” meat on their second floor.

Today, the most famous brothel in Pompeii is difficult to get into. This is so that the exposed frescoes on it can be preserved and for this reason no more than 10 people are allowed to stay in its premises at the same time. But believe me, the wait is worth it.

Nothing new under the sun

The Lupanarium – that’s what brothels were called in ancient Rome, is located near the theater and the baths. This is not accidental, everyone would explain about the proximity to the bathroom, but for the second, we just have to guess that at that time there was no television with news channels and those for adults, instead these “programs” went right in the theater. And as for the name lupanarium, it comes from the Latin word for she-wolf, lupa. This is what the Romans called prostitutes, likening them to predators, just as today in Bulgarian we would say that a woman is a tigress in bed. Our language has changed the animal but retained the embedded characteristics. And one more touch, forget about what was written in “Messalina” or the scenes in “Caligula”. At that time they were also discreet, for this reason the front door of the lupanarium is on the corner between two small streets. To get an idea just imagine a man walking 10 meters ahead of you down a small street and at the corner with the other turn. In a minute you will also take this direction, but when you do, there will be no one in front of you, the person is simply lost to the surrounding world. Discreet, right?

One would wonder, how did a foreigner learn where this little loophole was, as well as the other 24? Well, yes, in the pre-internet era there were other ways to get such information. In this case, if you were in ancient Rome, you just had to stare at your feet. Just as today there is a special road sign, such as the one with the crossed spoon and fork and arrow, so at that time there was a phallus carved into the road. The direction it pointed indicated where to go. A similar phallus painted or carved into the stones on the facade of a given building showed that this was the sought-after place.

To discover the lupanarium today, simply pick up a map from the museum’s ticket office. She will tell you that it is an 18 object in a 7 region.

And what is in the lupanarium in Pompeii? And today everything is almost intact. Small rooms with brick beds where the priestesses received their clients. They probably had soft mats on them. The murals are interesting. In terms of content, they are frank pornography. It is not clear whether they served simply as decoration or as a kind of catalog of services offered, but they are extremely well preserved.

The cost of living in the ancient world

The graffiti left by customers is also interesting. Here you will need help from either a tour guide or the historical reference books to understand what they are referring to. And then, as now, graffiti provided valuable information. From those found in the lupanarium, one can understand what kind of profession prostitution was in ancient Rome. From the inscriptions on the walls of the Pompeian lupanarium, it is clear that for an ordinary session per client they took 2 aces, the same as 2 glasses of good wine or 1 loaf of bread. Unsurprisingly, another graffiti suggests that the price varied according to the client’s desire and the “priestess’s” streak. “Atiche asked me for 16 aces, and the gifted Fortunata for 23 aces,” another customer angrily wrote on the wall. It is very much fantasized whether it is a question of the fact that the prostitutes had made a name for themselves and were in a position that allowed them to set such large financial conditions, or whether their client saw himself as annoying and in order to refuse him they asked him for this money, and maybe he the customer was very perverted too… But the content extracted from the graffiti shows purely mathematically that the high prices were the exception, since the base price of 2 aces is mentioned in 16 of the 28 graffiti giving information about the price of the services offered. Another scribbler has immortalized “the fair Greek Eutychis” and “the sucker Lachis.” This suggests that the girls were mostly from the Eastern provinces, as is the reality today.

Between the lines

Something that is not written in the guidebooks, but has been the subject of study by historians. Based on these prices and information about life in ancient Rome, analysts conclude that the rulers of the empire tried to keep supply high so that prices were low and everyone, even a slave, could afford them. After all, their goal was to fulfill their slogan “Bread and Spectacles” with content. And they probably did.

If there are even more curious people, how the ancients protected themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, they can look in the work of Julius Rosenbaum from 1839 “The Plagues of Desire in Antiquity”. Based on written information, he generalizes that the most widespread sexually transmitted disease was genital herpes. The most common modern diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis were almost non-existent. His data is also confirmed by studies of the found skeletons of that time. And this means that in the ancient world they observed exceptional hygiene.

Few facts about Pompeii

In any reference book you will read that ancient Pompeii was beset by two interconnected disasters – a major earthquake in 63 AD, which greatly affected the city, and the second – the historic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, which buried it for centuries. The city began to rise again from the ashes after 1748, when the first excavations took place. Today it is one of the largest open-air museums and almost all of it has been revealed.

(Un)solicited advice

Definitely worth a visit no matter what season of the year. The first thing to know is that this is not a short tour – you will actually be entering a city of 20,000 people, which means allowing at least 4 hours for a tour. Usually those who want to visit it stay in Naples, and from there there are enough travel options – both train (direction Naples-Salerno) and bus, just look and decide what you like. Next, comfortable shoes – ladies, forget about heels, you’ll be walking on an old Roman road made of stone slabs with 20cm ruts carved from the old vehicles, so a pair of stilts will do a better job as long as you know how they are used (this is a wink with a sense of humor). Outside of this joke, even if you go in rainy weather, don’t worry, the ancient Romans knew how to make roads, they did a wonderful job there, they placed the stones in such a way that in the rain and barefoot, your feet will still they will stay dry. But this does not exclude carrying an umbrella – both in the rain and in the sun, it will be most useful to you, there are almost no natural shadows in Pompeii, so it is simply a mandatory attribute. It’s a good idea to have a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle. Don’t worry about carrying the smallest one, and the ancients thought of it – the old public fountains in the city have been restored and you can always fill up with water from them. In fact, this is typical of all of southern Italy to this day. And one more important tip, at the entrance ask for a map, without it you are guaranteed to get lost. In the age of the Internet, it’s available there too, but a paper card won’t drain your phone battery.

It’s a good idea to have food with you, although make no mistake, in Pompeii itself you won’t be allowed to eat as you please. That on the one hand, but on the other hand, when you’re done with the tour, you’re guaranteed to be starving. There are 2 pizzerias near the exit, but they are always crowded and, as expected, more expensive, but still affordable.

After all that has been written, do not stress, but be calm – the comfort of visitors to Pompeii has been thought through very precisely. There is a medical center inside, I have already written about the water, smokers, beware, you will not be allowed to smoke anywhere, on the map, and in places with the corresponding symbols, smoking areas are indicated. Again on the food front, there is a kiosk inside that offers a quick breakfast.

What else in Pompeii

Pompeii was an extremely important city for ancient Rome. If one was the center, the other had the exact location – on the coast of the sea, which means that what entered Rome first landed in the bay around Naples, where Pompeii is also. Yes, Vesuvius was his curse, but it was also his blessing – and to this day, he bestows the entire valley with extremely fertile soil. In fact, even now the bay is connected to Rome in a straight line, via the SS7 highway, which follows the route of the old road. In fact, it is extremely picturesque – slightly cramped for the large vehicles that today move along it, but it is lined with centuries-old pine trees, which for tens of kilometers cast a shadow on it and protect it.

Entering Pompeii, one of the first things that will greet visitors is the theater. There are actually two there, plus the arena. The moneylender’s house is extremely well preserved, in which you can see rich decoration, even surviving stone furniture. Today, the garden has also been restored. Of course the forum, the temples of Venus and Jupiter. The house of entertainment is curious, where interesting bronze statues have been found.


And if you want to make your experience 100 percent, go to Vesuvius. You will read many things on the web how to get there. The most convenient and cheapest is with some buses departing from Piazza Porta Marina Inferiore. Tickets are collected from the driver. They will take you almost to the crater itself for €3.50. Attention – at the top you will be asked for a ticket, which can only be bought online and 2 days in advance. Second, those who are afraid of heights should simply not go up. Be aware that the journey from Pompeii to Vesuvius is about an hour, but on the other hand, if you want the same cheap company to return you, their last vehicle is at 17.30. Last but not least, know where you are going. It’s a volcano, from where the bus will drop you off to the rim of the crater is 500 meters.

Tourists going to Spain should be aware of this new law


Tourists going on holiday in Spain should be aware of a new law that will leave them toasty in the hottest season.

Madrid has passed a new law which means that shops, offices and accommodation will no longer be able to set their air conditioning systems to temperatures lower than 27 degrees Celsius in the summer.

The act is part of a package of energy-saving measures, which also prevents people from running their air conditioners to more than 19 degrees in winter, the Mirror reports.

Tourists should bear this in mind as temperatures on the sunny side are expected to reach an unbearable 42 degrees. A code orange was declared in nine Spanish provinces for “intense heat”.

Salamanca, Ávila, Toledo, Seville, Córdoba, Jaén and Ourense have also issued a severe weather warning, along with Cáceres and Badajoz, which are part of Extremadura.

Temperatures in Extremadura are not expected to drop below 39 degrees until Monday. Andalusia, Madrid and the Basque region and Aragon are in yellow code.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called last week for ties to be avoided as much as possible as a measure to save energy, reports TASS.

Although the prime minister did not specify how exactly this step would help save energy, he apparently meant that in hot weather indoors, a person feels more comfortable without a tie, which helps to save on air conditioners.

“I’m not wearing a tie,” Sanchez told reporters.

“This means that we can all save energy as well. I have asked ministers and all civil servants, and I would also like to appeal to the private sector, if they have not already done so, not to wear ties when it is not necessary,” he explained he.

In the deadliest garden in Europe, more than 100 species that kill grow


A skull and crossbones sign welcomes visitors to Alnwick Gardens, they are only allowed to look but if life is dear they must not smell, touch and taste

800,000 tourists flock to Alnwick Castle in the north of Great Britain every year. Called the Versailles of the North, it attracts like a magnet not only because of its harsh and mystical beauty, but also because in its huge park it hides something irresistible for every lover of a good crime read – the deadliest garden in Europe, also known as the garden of poisons.

Just a few kilometers north of Newcastle, late 11th and early 12th century Alnwick is familiar to many from television and film because

the imposing fortress is featured in the footage of the series “Downton Manor”, as well as in two of the films about the boy wizard – “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”.

Behind an imposing black metal fence that greets visitors with the words ‘These plants kill’, eloquently illustrated with a skull and crossbones, the poison garden is home to over 100 species from around the world that are alluringly beautiful but deadly dangerous. Jane Percy, who in 1995 became the Duchess of Northumberland after her husband inherited the title and the castle, was the author of the unusual idea. The new owner asks her to take care of the park, which until then is just a forest with neatly arranged rows of trees.

In 1996, Percy engaged Jacques Wirtz, a Belgian landscape architect credited with the renovation of the Tuileries Gardens and the Elysée Palace in Paris. He created the plans for a garden of 3,000 roses, a “snake garden” with turtle-shaped bushes, a bamboo maze, and the famous poison plant garden.

In the beginning, the duchess wanted to make a special place for medicinal herbs, but after visiting the botanical garden in Padua of the Medici family – one of the most famous poisoners of the second half of the 15th century, the idea came to her “for something really completely different”, she says she in front of “Smithsonian” magazine.

“If you decide to build something, especially a tourist attraction, you have to make it truly unique – adds the aristocrat. – One of the things I hate the most is the standardization of everything. So I thought I should do something completely unusual.”

By carefully selecting the deadly species, apart from the mandatory requirement that they can thrive on British soil,

Jane Percy insisted that each root tell its own interesting story. After all, the garden opened its doors in 2004. Thus, in it, tourists can not only see what the green killers look like, but also learn the legends and historical facts that brought them sinister fame.

“What’s amazing about toxic species is that they’re common and common in nature, but people don’t know them and don’t realize what can happen to them sometimes just by touching them,” added the Duchess. Visitors were surprised to learn, for example, that the oleander, found in many gardens, is highly poisonous.

Behind the black fence, visitors must be especially careful as they navigate through hedges of highly toxic laurel, belladonna and hemlock – swallowed by Socrates to be put to death, as well as bushes of castor, a single seed of which leads to complete rejection of all organs. Not to mention the beautiful brugmansia, or angel’s trumpet, which is the Duchess’s favorite flower.

“It is an amazing aphrodisiac that subsequently takes you to the afterlife. During the Victorian era, women would leave one of the angel’s trumpet flowers in the middle of the card table. They put their glasses under the bell, tapped it lightly so that a little bit of pollen fell into the drink. The effect was like LSD,” says Lady Percy.

Next to the strong ogres, there is also a square of drugs, where opium, cannabis, coca, hallucinogenic mushrooms grow. They are grown with a special permit so that visitors of the youngest generation can be explained their harm and the dangers they pose.

There are free guided tours of the gardens every 10-15 minutes, and the entrance ticket is €30 for adults and €12.50 for children over 5. From the end of March to the end of October, they are open until 6pm.

Gardeners who care for all these species wear special protective clothing and gloves and are required to observe a number of precautions. Guests can only look, but are absolutely forbidden to touch, smell or, God forbid, taste. The most dangerous poisons are enclosed in cages, and there is also 24/7 surveillance with cameras.

However, a few years ago an incident occurred. Youngsters managed to snatch a few oleander leaves as a souvenir. A few minutes later, the driver and passengers fall asleep under the influence of the toxic fumes from the leaves and cause a crash.

In addition to the poisonous gardens, Alnwick Castle is also known for a sinister legend. According to legends, in the Middle Ages, an ugly creature similar to vampires roamed it, because it sucked blood and spread diseases. It tormented the local people for years before they managed to kill it and bury it in the dungeons of the fortress.

PHOTO: A skull and bones sign on the black garden fence warns of the dangers lurking / Pixabay

Patriarch Bartholomew I and the Metropolitan of Kiev Epiphanius will meet on Thassos


At the beginning of September, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, Archbishop Hieronymus of Athens and Metropolitan Epiphanius (Dumenko) of Kyiv, head of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine, will celebrate together the feast of the Council of the Saints of Thasos.

A pilgrimage to Kavala and Thassos will take place from 3 to 6 September 2022 on the occasion of the first official celebration of the Assembly of the Saints of Thassos and will include church and cultural events.

The local Metropolitan of Philippi, Naples and Thassos Stefan has sent an invitation to participate to the three superiors through St. Synod of the Greek Church in February of this year. The Ecumenical Patriarch and the Archbishop of Athens have accepted the invitation, and it is expected that the Kiev Metropolitan Epiphanius will do the same.

The President of Greece, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, has been invited to honor the celebrations on the island with her presence.