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Erdogan: Slander on social media equals ‘terrorist attack’

Erdogan: Slander on social media equals ‘terrorist attack’

Some “smear campaigns” on social media are tantamount to a “terrorist attack”, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said today, after a law came into force days ago that provides jail time for spreading what the authorities consider to be fake news. DPA, quoted by BTA.

Campaigns of lies and slander, which are directed against the interests of our country, against the values ​​of our nation, against privacy, are a kind of terrorist attack, Erdogan told members of his ruling party in Ankara.

The new media law, passed by parliament last week, imposes a penalty of up to three years in prison for spreading “false information” about the country’s security and public order.

Opposition parties and human rights groups have warned that it will lead to increased censorship and the silencing of dissent ahead of key parliamentary elections next year.

The prison sentence can be increased by another year and a half if the information is distributed through anonymous accounts or as part of a banned group.

Social media has become a source of “slander, threats, blackmail and dangers” against individuals and institutions, Erdogan said, adding that the law was “urgently needed” to fight “disinformation”. European countries, as well as the United States, are also imposing similar measures, the Turkish leader claimed.

Yesterday, the main opposition party – the People’s Republican Party – asked the Constitutional Court to suspend the most criticized Article 29 of the law, which determines the penalty of imprisonment.

The new law tightens Erdogan’s grip on the internet, one of the last remaining areas where his 20-year rule has not had full control, DPA notes. It also obliges social media companies, such as Twitter, to share user data with authorities. Otherwise, they will be fined or blocked.

The organization “Reporters Without Borders” ranked Turkey in 149th place out of a total of 180 countries in terms of press freedom, reminds DPA.

Photo: AR/BTA

If You Don’t Mind, get free with Romain Gutsy!

If You Don’t Mind, get free with Romain Gutsy
If You Don’t Mind, get free with Romain Gutsy!

Romain Gutsy is not a really a newcomer. In fact, I know him for a long time. Let me tell you a true story.

In 1994, in Paris, France, I went to a place called the Chesterfield Café, in a street ending on the famous Champs Elysée. The Chesterfield Café, which does not exist anymore, was a good café-concert and in fact I was there to attend a concert of the famous rock band Soul Asylum. In that period, Soul Asylum was at the top of many international charts with their song “Runaway Train” (a song which would deserve a whole article by itself) which was selling by millions. The big café-concert was crowded.

For the opening act, Soul Asylum had invited a band named Daffy Plays Mandola, which in fact was Romain’s band. Their specialty was Irish music, and more specifically covers from The Pogues, with traditional Irish instrumentation featuring banjo, mandolin and tin whistle. It was a weird opening act as first, they played for more than an hour (and I learned later from Dave Pirner, Soul Asylum singer, that he loved Romain and his band, musically and humanely, and insisted to have them playing an hour), and then because they have set the room on fire like if they were the main band of the night.

After Daffy Plays Mandola’s show, Soul Asylum went on stage, and they started by dedicating “Runaway Train” to Romain’s band. But the most important part of the night, as far as I’m concerned, came later. At one point, both bands merged on stage, and altogether they played the craziest version of The Pogues’ “Dirty Old Town” (which in fact has not been written by The Pogues but whatever). Electric Saturated guitars mingling with mandolin and tin whistle, strong drums, a general punk flavor and a blend of grunge with traditional folk, that was the best ever version of the song I ever heard. And the public was in trance.

So now you know I’ve met Romain Gutzi a long time ago. That was one of his projects, and in fact he had many others of different genres, and I followed his career from far away for some time. Any musician who knew him has considered him as a pretty good eclectic musician and a great composer. Then at some point in the 2000’s he disappeared. I have no idea why and never heard about him again, until recently, when he came back in 2021 with his first (to my knowledge) solo project and an album called “When Leonard Met Dolly”, which is full of great original songs, even if I think that the production could have been better (always easy to be a critic, you should say). But today is the release day of his new single “If You Don’t Mind”, and it absolutely rocks.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== If You Don’t Mind, get free with Romain Gutsy!
If You Don’t Mind, get free with Romain Gutsy! 2

The song contains a bit of the philosophy of this man which has always been with a special mind in the music milieu. No drugs, no politics, no easy sex, and an urge for freedom, that’s indeed the man I knew. Nevertheless, Romain Gutsy has a lot of humor and a sense of self-derision which makes his creations never too serious. That’s how I received “if You Don’t Mind”. A solid and crisp production that he has done with Marc Bentel, a South African musician who now has a production studio in Florida, an arrangement which makes it difficult to categorize it in a one single genre, and an incredible distinctive voice that talks directly to your soul.

I’m honestly super happy to have Romain Gutsy back in business, and I hope to speak to him soon and maybe share an interview here. Meanwhile, enjoy the song, I’m pretty sure that it’s the first of a long series of incredible tracks:

And if you want to see a video of the song (not the previously released track, but an interesting version with live instrumentalists), it’s here:

Here are some links:



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Open the Door into Heaven with Adam Aronson

Voices raised in Brussels for a ban on all forced labour products from China

Voices raised in Brussels for a ban on all forced labour products from China

On 9 June, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in Xinjiang, calling on the European Commission “to propose an import ban on all products produced by forced labour and on products produced by all Chinese companies listed as exploiting forced labour.”

In line with this call, MEP Reinhard Bütikofer, chair of the Delegation for relations with the People’s Republic of China, organized a conference on human rights in China at the European Parliament on 13 October, with three discussion panels: China and the CCP after a decade under Xi Jinping, China’s trajectory on socio-economic development and China’s foreign policy.

Reinhard B%C3%BCtikofer 2 - Voices raised in Brussels for a ban on all forced labour products from China
MEP Reinhard Bütikofer

On the next day, a conference took place at the Press Club in Brussels on the situation of the Uyghurs in China and a possible ban on Chinese goods. [Watch full conference at the end of the article]

MEP Carlo Fidanza (Italy), who was abroad, supported the initiative with a video in which he took a clear position about the attitude that the European Union should adopt towards China.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Voices raised in Brussels for a ban on all forced labour products from China
MEP Carlo Fidanza (ECR)

“The European Parliament has always condemned the persecution of Uyghurs, forced labour, torture, organ harvesting, forced sterilization and the camp system for so-called reeducation. Several strong resolutions have been adopted, they send an unambiguous message to the EU High Representative for its dealings with China,” he said.

He also stressed that the Uyghurs are not the only victims of the Chinese regime. “Christians and Falun Gong practitioners are also suffering from the same repression.”

He added: “The Chinese totalitarian system does not tolerate dissenting voices; it imposes its ideology, using violence and concentration camps if necessary, because it is afraid of losing its control over society.

And he concluded: “When the road is dark, there is no light and one feels alone, we must stand up together, fight with each other and for each other; we must react with courage and strength without giving in to easy temptations.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Voices raised in Brussels for a ban on all forced labour products from China
Ben Rogers, Hong Kong Watch

Keynote speaker was Ben Rogers, founder of Hong Kong Watch, a UK-based NGO, who said, “This is an incredibly important topic and I warmly welcome the EU proposal on a possible goods ban. This is a very good start. The US has already gone down this path to ban imports made by forced labour. I would urge the EU to do the same.”

He also noted that the Uyghur repression is increasingly recognized as a genocide and added: “We live in a society where we want things as cheap and quick as possible but there is a growing awareness of the problem of slave labour. We need to get information out there so people can make an informed choice and also diversify the sourcing of goods and components for consumer products and not relying so much on China.”

Another contributor, Chris White, a former national newspaper reporter in the UK, said: “There is a general failure of politics around the world. Politicians intend to do the right thing but often it is not concluded. But I must admit that I don’t see the EU succeeding in this proposal on a goods ban because it will come up against fierce opposition.”

And White added: “I have a phone of which key parts were made in China but I have not seen any reports in the media about people not buying goods from China. The public is ill informed and I suspect corporate issues are at play here.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Voices raised in Brussels for a ban on all forced labour products from China
Chris White and Gary Cartwright (EU Today) at the Press Club in Brussels

Gary Cartwright, publisher of EUToday, who organised the debate, also criticised media coverage of the issue, saying, “This is one of the major human rights issues but the British media seem more interested in celebrity news.”

He cited a major IT company’s statement for the financial year 2021 which speaks about “cleaning up its act” regarding its supply chain.

He said: “Another letter to this company’s CEO from the Human Rights Commission in Geneva, despite what the company said about cleaning up its act, says the firm may be involved in the supply chain of goods originating from forced labour.”

Sexual violence and rape as abuses of power in Russia’s war on Ukraine

FEMM Committee - Hearing: on 'Sexual violence and rape as abuses of power'

Presentation at the hearing “Sexual violence and rape as abuses of power” held by the FEMM Committee of the European Parliament on 13 October by Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF).

The panellists were

Ms Katarzyna KOZLOWSKA, social activist, founder and President of the #SayStop Foundation

Dr. Branka ANTIC-STAUBER, collaboration with Organisations supporting victims of sexual violence in Bosnia

Mr Willy FAUTRÉ, Director and Co-Founder of Human Rights Without Frontiers

Opening: Vice-Chair MEP Radka Maxovà

Official pictures of the event here

HRWF (14.10.2022) – Abuse of power leading to sexual violence and rape has many facets and can take place in many contexts. Within the family, in the professional context, in a religious context, in the world of sports, in the economic and political world. Another area of abuse of power and extreme brutality, but in wartime now, concerns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where a foreign occupation army uses its power to commit massive exactions, including sexual violence and rape.

Sexual abuse, violence and rape in Ukraine in wartime

For more than 230 days, allegations of sexual violence by Russian troops in Ukraine have been dramatically mounting. At this stage, it is difficult to have even a rough estimate of the number of cases due to several factors, despite the intense work of the ICC and UN bodies.

It is already difficult for a victim in times of peace to reveal such a traumatizing experience. So, you can imagine the mindset of such victims in wartime. It means that testimonies collected by the UN, the ICC or the Red Cross will only represent a tiny portion of the magnitude of the tragedy. A huge number of cases will fall through the cracks as many women fled to EU countries, were displaced internally or were deported to Russia in unknown conditions. Moreover, the war is still raging in the occupied territories on Ukraine.

The fraught nature of sexual atrocities, which are historically underreported, means that in Ukraine it will be a long time before the full scale of the problem is clear. The small towns in the suburbs of Kyiv that are already known to the world for the widespread killing of civilians — Bucha, Borodyanka and Irpin — are haunted by tales of rape, too. Ukrainian officials and activists have also heard many accounts of sexual atrocities from regions that remain under occupation today.

In such conditions, collecting reliable data is extremely hard. In Ukrainian society, and especially in rural areas, sexual crimes are so stigmatized that victims fear being judged by their social environment. It is usually the victim’s relatives and friends who seek help on the victim’s behalf.

Position of the UN and other institutions on sexual violence and rape in Ukraine

Despite all the difficulties that have been mentioned, it is obvious that Russian soldiers are using rape as a tactic of war. This was clearly confirmed by Pramila Patten, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, when she briefed the UN Security Council on 6 June after her visit to Ukraine in early May.

Since 24 February, Pramila Patten has issued three public statements “to ensure that this issue is not shrouded in silence or normalized by impunity”. She has also urged all parties to the conflict to ensure the protection of civilians from sexual violence.

“Too often have the needs of women and girls in conflict settings been side-lined and treated as an afterthought,” she said.

She also warned against waiting too long to act, saying

An active battle-ground is never conducive to accurate ‘book-keeping’ […] if we wait for hard data and statistics, it will always be too late,”

and she called on the international community to mobilize immediately.

Information from the field and statistics provided by investigating institutions are indeed scarce and fragmented.

As of 3 June, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) had received reports of 124 alleged acts of conflict-related sexual abuse across Ukraine — mostly against women and girls, and I would dare say only 124.

In June, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) released a report covering the period from 24 February until 15 May 2022 in which Matilda Bogner, the head of the UN body, noted that she had received numerous allegations and had been able to verify 23 cases of conflict-related sexual violence, including cases of rape, gang rape, torture, forced public stripping, and threats of sexual violence.

Natalia Karbowska, Co-Founder and Director of Strategic Development for the Ukrainian Women’s Fund, testified before the UN Security Council that

“Although the full scale of conflict-related sexual violence is not yet known, human rights activists and law enforcement agencies estimate that hundreds of cases have been committed not just against women and girls, but also men and boys and people of other gender identities.”

La Strada Ukraine, a well-known human rights organization, has been receiving calls about incidents of sexual crimes since early March. In the first two months of the war, they said they learned about 17 victims: one man and 16 women, three of whom were teenagers.

According to Iuliia Anosova, a lawyer with the group, they collected, from their hotline, stories about groups of soldiers committing rapes in front of onlookers.

The  Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has also reported cases of conflict-related sexual violence, particularly rape and forced nudity, across the country, noting that these assaults often take place in conjunction with other crimes, including killings.

Pramila Patten, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflicts, concluded her report at the United Nations in June by saying:

“We do not need hard data for a scaled-up humanitarian response, nor for all parties to put in place preventive measures.

Against that backdrop, she urged humanitarian actors to prioritize support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

Ukraine cooperates with the UN

On 3 May, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna signed the “Framework of Cooperation with the United Nations on the Prevention and Response to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence.”

Five critical areas are highlighted in the Framework and can be used as guidelines for the current and future management of sexual violence and rape:

  • First, strengthening rule of law and accountability as a central aspect of deterrence and prevention of crimes of sexual violence. 
  • Second, strengthening the capacity of the security and defence sector to prevent sexual violence.  
  • Third, ensuring that survivors of sexual violence, as well as their children, have access to adequate services, including sexual and reproductive health, psychological, legal, and socioeconomic services and reintegration support.  
  • Fourth, ensuring that sexual violence is addressed in the framework of any ceasefire agreement, and ensuring that amnesties for sexual violence crimes are explicitly prohibited.  
  • And fifth, addressing conflict-related trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual exploitation or prostitution.

The legal frameworks exist, the policies based on past experience in other conflict settings exist, the political will exists to seek, provide and analyze evidence, and the prosecution mechanisms exist. Impunity cannot and should not prevail even if it takes years or decades to identify, hunt and arrest the perpetrators as it was the case with the Nazi criminals of WWII.

(First published at HRWF.EU)

UN Development Programme calls for debt relief now for 54 countries

© UNDP - Rich countries have the resources to end the debt crisis, which has deteriorated rapidly in part as a consequence of their own domestic policies
© UNDP - Rich countries have the resources to end the debt crisis, which has deteriorated rapidly in part as a consequence of their own domestic policies
Fifty-four countries that are home to more than half of the poorest people on the planet need urgent debt relief now, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) said in a paper published on Tuesday that calls for rich countries to step up.

Without action, poverty will rise and desperately needed investments in climate adaptation and mitigation simply will not happen, the agency warned.

‘Small pill’ to swallow 

It explains why debt restructuring cannot wait until interest rates drop, or a global recession occurs. 

“Debt relief would be a small pill for wealthy countries to swallow, yet the cost of inaction is brutal for the world’s poorest. We cannot afford to repeat the mistake of providing too little relief, too late, in managing the developing economy debt burden,” said Achim Steiner, the UNDP Administrator. 

The 54 countries with severe debt problems include 28 of the top 50 most climate-vulnerable nations in the world.   

Although they are home to more than half of the world’s poorest people, they represent little more than three percent of the global economy.  

Potential debt deal 

The paper outlines several policy actions for debt restructuring, noting that a deal could be on the horizon.  

Markets conditions around the globe are shifting rapidly. UNDP said volatility is being fuelled by “a synchronized fiscal and monetary contraction”, along with low growth. 

Currently, nearly 20 developing countries are now paying more than 10 percentage points over United States Treasury bond rates to borrow money on capital markets.  

At the same time, holders of many developing economy bonds report they are trading at deep discounts ranging from between 40 to 60 cents on the dollar. 

Conditions favour negotiations 

A debt deal might now be possible, UNDP said, as these conditions encourage private creditors to negotiate debt relief under a Common Framework elaborated by the G20 group of countries, the world’s largest economies. 

“When emerging market bonds trade at 40 cents on the dollar, private creditors suddenly become more open to negotiation. The missing ingredient, at this moment, are financial assurances from major creditor governments to clinch a deal,” said George Gray Molina, Senior Economist at UNDP. 

Rich countries have the resources to end the debt crisis, the paper argues, as the rapid deterioration is partly due to their own domestic policies.  

This week, G20 finance ministers will meet in Washington, DC, ahead of the annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).  

UNDP believes conditions are ripe for creditors and debtors to kickstart debt restructuring talks under the G20 framework. 

The paper proposes a way forward, focused on key areas such as debt sustainability analysis, official creditor coordination, private creditor participation, and the use of state-contingent debt clauses that target future economic and fiscal resilience.  

Climate funding needed 

Furthermore, the Common Framework could shift focus to comprehensive restructurings that will allow countries a faster return to growth, financial markets, and development progress. 

UNDP pointed out that effective debt restructuring is only one vital element of ensuring developing countries have sufficient finances to achieve progress on sustainable development.  

New sources of funding are urgently needed, the agency said, for investments in climate adaptation and mitigation.

UN Committee issue recommendations for children with mental health problems in Germany

three boys running on field

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child completed its review on the implementation of human rights for children in Germany. The Committee issued updated Recommendations to be implemented in the next five years. The Recommendations touch on all aspects of children’s rights, from civil rights and liberties of children to how to appropriately deal with children struggling with ADHD or behavioural issues.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC). The UN CRC is the most important international human rights instrument for children. It sets out the main, globally valid, rights of children, including the right to protection against violence, the right to education, participation and equal treatment and the right to leisure time, relaxation and play. These rights are universal, which means they apply to all children. 192 countries – almost every country in the world – have signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Every five years the implementation of these rights set out in the Convention is reviewed for each country having ratified the convention. Next in line was Germany. In 2019 the German Federal state cabinet approved a report prepared by its central administration reporting on the progress made in Germany. The report was submitted to the UN CRC Committee in 2020 and was then followed by a review, questions and answers and supplemented by further information from Civil society, and the German Institute for Human Rights.

In September the German state party then met with the UN CRC Committee in Geneve, and during a full day’s meeting had an intensive dialogue on the implementation of human rights for children in Germany, as of today.

One of the issues considered was mental health. The UN CRC Committee already during the last review of Germany in 2014 had raised a concern “about the increase in the prescription of psycho-stimulants to children and about excessive diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and in particular:

(a)      The over prescription of the psycho-stimulant methylphenidate;

(b)      The forced removal of children who are diagnosed/misdiagnosed with ADHD or ADD from their families and their subsequent placement in foster care or psychiatric hospitals, where many of them are treated with psychotropic medication.”

The UN CRC Committee with this concern issued recommendations to deal with the matter. These resulted in many actions taken in Germany. It was now time to consider the results.

As part of the questions raised during the September 2022 meeting, UN CRC Committee Experts raised the question on ADHD overdiagnosing and use of psychotropic drugs in Germany in present time.

The German Representative of the Ministry of Health as part of the German state party delegation to the UN CRC meeting answered the question. The representative confirmed this had been an issue with the German Federal government.

She added that “we looked in to this and there were many measures taken for example information and awareness raising campaigns for specialists and local population and the clinical guidelines were further developed and made more tangible. As a result, the prescription of stimulants has gone down in 2014-2018, there was a reduction of approximately 40 percent.”

The representative added in concluding this issue, that “The government therefore is not assuming that ADHD is systematically overdiagnosed in Germany at present.”

The UN CRC Committee experts noted this, and issued a new relevant recommendation to Germany considering all the information available.

The UN CRC Committee recommends that Germany:

”(a) Strengthen efforts to improve children’s mental well-being, including by developing community-based mental health services and counselling and preventive work in schools, homes and alternative care facilities;
(b) Ensure the early and independent assessment of any initial diagnosis of mental health problems, ADHD and other behavioural issues, and provide such children, their parents and teachers with appropriate non-medical, scientifically-based psychiatric counselling and specialist support.””

It gives Germany the steps to take over the next five years to continue the implementation of human rights for children.

Look to the sky with Supa Philly – Awesome UFO prog rock!

Look to the sky with Supa Philly – Awesome UFO prog rock!

I don’t know if you’ve ever been a fan of Yes, Marillion, or even Genesis, back in the times. I was. And today, I’m not coming with newcomers, but with old timers that I think deserve a big round of applause for their last release “Look To The Sky – Philly Mix”. Their name: Supa Philly. And it has that flavour of the 70’s neo prog rock that I always liked a lot.

Their name tells you where they’re from. For those who are not completely awake this morning: Philadelphia. It’s not a new band, but a legendary band formed in the 70s, made of crazy musicians used to record with The Who, perform with The Monkees, James Taylor, and others that young folks have never heard of and that’s a shame. They separated and re-formed several times; and today, since 2021 (their last re-formation) the band consists of four original members, David Christopher, Frank McDonnell, Randy Cantor, and Dick Sherwood, plus a great female singer, Michele Ricco.

Now, why would I bother you with such dinosaurs, you may tell me. Why, because they are good, and you love good music! But just before to talk music, let’s talk about the meaning of the song. Because it’s not a song that comes from nowhere. It’s about UFO. Yes, UFO, you heard me. The guys were already there in the 70s, and back then (even in the 80s), everybody knew that UFO was no BS. Minds were open (too much sometimes), and eyes were looking for life everywhere. “Look to the Sky” (the title of the song I will share today) refers to that day of 1978 when Frank McDonnell and Dick Sherwood saw a black, triangular aircraft floating across the Atlantic City Expressway at 3 am. I’ve no idea if they were on drugs that night (so many were), but I’ve no reason to disbelieve what they say that they’ve seen. And they took it sufficiently seriously to have already recorded two songs about it, that one being the third.

The idea of the track: maybe if those people coming from elsewhere (the big space) would land on Earth and decide to stay, they’d be able to bring peace by having “the planet reunite”. That may sound a bit unreal or even a weird utopia. It’s not. As science-fiction literature has always been a vector of progress and helped the creation of new realities, that kind of songs also brings about new realities. The mere idea that things could be different can make the whole difference in that world. Well, that’s my experience, and I always thank the artists, the dreamers of Earth, as if they were not here, the world would stay grim forever.

The song is a masterpiece of prog-rock, with some flavors (and more than flavors) of Gospel pop-rock. The singers have incredible voices, and as the band says, they sing without auto-tunes, they play real instruments, and they are definitely not washed up.

It’s a great composition with excellent arrangements, and honestly, it’s the kind of rock music that helps you elevate and rise to better moods. You should… You MUST listen to it:

And of course you can listen to it in the New Rock Gems Spotify playlist or your favorite blogger:

Maxette Pirbakas: Redefining Political Priorities, A Path Forward for France and Over Seas


In January 2022, as the first RN (Rassemblement National – National Rally) MEP from overseas France, I conducted a disillusioned assessment of my work within the Identity & Democracy group. I highlighted the disparity between the official discourse, which was highly favourable to the French overseas territories, and the reality of certain votes that diverged significantly from the interests of our 2.2 million compatriots residing in the “outermost regions.” Consequently, I decided to depart from the Identity & Democracy Group and sit as an unaffiliated member. This choice entailed the loss of several political advantages but allowed me to rekindle my fundamental values: freedom from any “voting discipline” and the vital freedom of speech necessary for my full engagement in the causes close to my heart.

Simultaneously, I announced my endorsement for Éric Zemmour’s presidential candidacy.

This endorsement was unconditionally given, devoid of ulterior motives, and solely motivated by Éric Zemmour’s declared ambition to champion greater France, a France that doesn’t view its 12 overseas territories as historical burdens but as treasures to be polished. Éric Zemmour shared my conviction that there is a far better path for our overseas territories and their inhabitants than keeping them mired in poverty and welfare. At that time, I was convinced by his sincere and proactive message, which I saw as an enormous opportunity to gain the trust of territories that had previously held the national right in suspicion.

I experienced this presidential campaign with fervour and enthusiasm. I am profoundly grateful to Éric Zemmour for affording me the opportunity to witness the extraordinary atmosphere at his massive rallies. I encountered remarkable and selfless campaigners, deeply committed to our country’s future. This passionate grassroots base was characterized by kindness and attentiveness. Éric Zemmour deserves significant credit for uniting more goodwill and talent than the national right had ever assembled.

However, the final outcome failed to meet our expectations. In the overseas territories, despite a substantial number of activists and the valiant efforts of dedicated regional delegates, our political message remained unheard. How could it be heard when the candidate made no visits to the overseas territories? How could it be heard when the numerous proposals I submitted to the candidate were never translated into a comprehensive program? How could it be heard when the detailed plan I had crafted for overseas France was printed only 10 days before the first round, relegating it to insignificance?

I lament the fact that Éric Zemmour’s only significant presence in overseas France occurred during an interview with Outre-mer la 1ère on March 22, 2022, when the candidate, inexplicably, referred to colonization as a “blessing.” While I have no doubt that Éric Zemmour loves the French overseas territories, as he has frequently stated, he seemingly lacks a deep understanding of them. Failing to acknowledge the suffering endured during the colonial era by the various peoples comprising the Overseas Territories, whether enslaved or not, is both a moral and political failing. My friends in the French Overseas Territories, although initially well-disposed toward him, were scandalized by this statement, and the last month of the campaign in the French Overseas Territories turned into a protracted ordeal. I was on the verge of retracting my support for Éric Zemmour upon hearing his words, and it was only my concern not to harm a candidate already in dire straits that kept me from doing so.

The conclusion of the presidential campaign marked the end of my association with Éric Zemmour. Despite overtures, I never entertained the idea of joining his party or becoming involved in its structures. I cherish my freedom too dearly, and I am deeply committed to defending the best interests of the overseas territories.

Today marks the commencement of a new chapter in my political journey. I have accepted the honour bestowed upon me by Christian Vanneste, the honorary president, to assume the role of President of the “Rassemblement pour la France”. As a staunch conservative with a profound attachment to tradition, I am acutely aware of the responsibility entrusted to me in leading a movement with such illustrious roots as those of General de Gaulle and Charles Pasqua.

I pledged to the RPF Steering Committee that I would unwaveringly adhere to the Gaullist and socialist principles embraced by the party. These principles align with the ideals I have consistently championed and are reflective of the contemporary needs that continue to underscore General de Gaulle’s vision. In addition to preserving this political legacy, I aspire to introduce a new dimension. I have come to realize that as French society becomes increasingly fragmented, two categories of French citizens are consistently overlooked: the 2.8 million French individuals residing overseas under often challenging conditions, and the 3.5 million French expatriates living abroad, whose extraordinarily diverse individual situations are inadequately addressed by public authorities.

Recognizing this neglect affecting nearly 10% of our fellow citizens, I proposed to the RFP Steering Committee a name change for the party, now to be known as the Rassemblement pour les Français d’Outre-mer et de l’Étranger (RPF-OME). This transformation, while fully embracing the Gaullist heritage of the RPF, signifies our openness to all French individuals, including those residing far from our borders.

This new RPF-OME will adopt an unequivocally constructive approach. Rejecting partisan politics, it will not succumb to the facile temptation of baseless criticism, vitriolic rhetoric, or sensationalism. It views public discourse not as a battleground for defeating opponents but as a platform for forging political compromises on issues that genuinely matter to the French people.

As President of the RPF-OME, I aim to be a valuable voice for our compatriots, particularly those who find themselves distant from the centre of public action and decision-making. In all circumstances, I will strive to make General de Gaulle’s adage my own: “Always occupy the highest position, as it is typically the least crowded.”

Post-pandemic recovery offers European cities chance to boost shift to sustainability — European Environment Agency

Post-pandemic recovery offers European cities chance to boost shift to sustainability — European Environment Agency

The COVID-19 pandemic has had wide-ranging impacts on cities and may influence the transition to more environmentally sustainable cities for years to come. Added to the pandemic are other pressing crises, including new, urgent European Union policies to tackle climate change and environmental degradation and the impacts of the war in Ukraine. These, along with the energy crisis, are contributing to accelerated action but also present new challenges to ensure ambitious urban sustainability targets stay on track, according to the EEA report ‘Urban sustainability in Europe — Post‑pandemic drivers of environmental transitions.’

The report is an update on a previous EEA report on urban sustainability and is linked to a series of related studies published in 2020-2021. It seeks to compare the experiences of cities immediately before the pandemic and as they emerge from it and to assess whether there are areas where the pandemic has already led to changes in key drivers of change as well as barriers, too. Research for the report included surveys and interviews involving 64 cities across Europe.

Among the key lessons outlined in the report, the study found that the pandemic highlighted social inequalities and the need that any shift to sustainability does not leave anyone behind. Cities will need to ensure new green policies do not further alienate certain social groups. The report highlights that transitions will need to be tailored to individual cities and their unique qualities and circumstances.

Trigger for action

According to survey results, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a significant trigger for environmental and sustainability efforts. The EEA report notes a shift since the pandemic, particularly around issues of sustainable mobility and green spaces. Related to this, public opinion and awareness of the environmental challenges faced also seems to be an important trigger as was the crucial role of political vision to drive sustainability action.

Air pollution, traffic, lack and loss of green space, severe storms and flooding, stormwater management and noise pollution were identified as the top six environmental challenges facing the cities in the survey and interviews. The lack and loss of green spaces was listed as the lowest challenge pre-pandemic.

Cities are also facing a wide range of socio-economic challenges. The top six most important challenges are apart from the prominence of the COVID-19 pandemic and other communicable diseases, lack of affordable housing, urban sprawl, road congestion, demographic change and social exclusion.

EEA’s work on urban sustainability

The report is part of a series of products the EEA has published over the past year on urban environmental sustainability. Work explored climate resilience, quality of life, accessibility, healthy environment, food security, circularity, clean energy and sustainable buildings — at urban level.

The main objectives of the latest report are to generate in-depth knowledge about the drivers and barriers to sustainability and explore how they may have been influenced by the pandemic, ongoing European recovery efforts and recent European policy shifts including the European Green Deal, the EU urban agenda, and NextGenerationEU.

The EEA report is published ahead of this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels which will include a focus on city green transitions. The Brussels event, which runs from 10-13 October, is dedicated to the EU’s cohesion policy and how it can make a difference in supporting a socially fair recovery and a successful green and digital transition.


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The EP called on the EU countries to provide housing for the Roma

The EP called on the EU countries to provide housing for the Roma

The European Parliament adopted a set of recommendations aimed at improving the precarious situation of Roma settlements in the EU.

The Roma, in all the diversity that the term encompasses, are the largest ethnic minority in Europe and face poverty and social exclusion in several Member States, MEPs said.

The main problems that need urgent attention are the lack of decent, desegregated housing, clean drinking water, electricity, sewage, wastewater and waste treatment facilities, and the continued discrimination and segregation of Roma children in schools. MEPs also highlighted the lack of healthcare, long-term unemployment, police abuses and inadequate access to justice.

To remedy this situation, the EP calls for short- and long-term strategies supported by sufficient funding from the EU and national funds, in particular the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national plans for recovery and resilience.

Member States should allocate funds at regional and local level to better respond to the immediate needs of Roma living in EU settlements. All obstacles, including direct and indirect forms of discrimination, which prevent the effective use of funds must be removed.

The Commission should set up an early warning mechanism to identify abuse or misuse of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and other EU funds meant to tackle the situation of Roma, MEPs say. They also urge the Commission to phase out marginalized Roma settlements across the EU by 2030. Including members of the Roma community who do quality social work in the settlements would be a way to persuade Roma to leave them.

MEPs call for children of Roma origin to be properly included in the national action plans under the European Guarantee for Children. The enhanced Youth Guarantee and Erasmus+ should be used to promote social cohesion and employment among Roma youth. They also believe that Roma participation and leadership should be a qualitative objective in national Roma strategic frameworks to promote social inclusion and democratic participation.

Finally, they point to the untapped potential of highly educated young Roma as an engine of positive change.

The resolution was adopted with 486 votes in favor, 109 votes against and 38 abstentions.

According to the European Union survey on minorities and discrimination, 63% of Roma are not in education, employment or training, while the EU average is 12%. 80% of Roma live below the poverty risk threshold in their country. 41% of Roma in the nine EU Member States covered by the EU-MIDIS II survey feel discriminated against because of their Roma origin in at least one area of ​​everyday life, such as job search, employment, housing, health and education. According to the European Union survey on minorities and discrimination, 63% of Roma are not in education, employment or training, while the EU average is 12%. 80% of Roma live below the poverty risk threshold in their country. 41% of Roma in the nine EU Member States covered by the EU-MIDIS II survey feel discriminated against because of their Roma origin in at least one area of ​​everyday life, such as job search, employment, housing, health and education.

Photo by cottonbro