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Double Crash Test for Knowledge Economy


Knowledge Economy – The transition from an industrial, resource-based model of economic development to a creative model, driven by knowledge, skills, human creativity and institutions capable of transforming them into economic values, has proved a difficult task for many countries. The new millennium has become a real testing ground for the concepts of such transformation. Human capital, a key resource in those countries that have successfully made the transition, has survived the COVID-19 pandemic. Will it survive a new crash test when the global economy plunges into crisis and creative and rent-oriented value systems collide against the backdrop of the war in UkraineEndre Birich describes possible scenarios.

National economies began to shift to innovation since the 1950s, but only in the early 2000s did the transition have taken place de facto in many countries. One of the defining indicators of this transformation is the volume of intangible assets, which predominantly consists of intellectual rights. After all, it is thanks to intellectual rights that the results of creative labor can be used for entrepreneurial activity.

The transition to a new type of economic asset – people’s knowledge, skills, and creative talent – is taking place everywhere. In established, traditional industries, the structure of surplus value is also changing – industries are becoming more creative. Thus, according to the WIPO report “Intangible Capital in Global Value Chains,” the contribution to the added value of a product is mainly due to intellectual property. That is, for example, the cost of a cup of coffee is least contributed to by the labor of plantation farmers and most contributed to by know-how, patents, brands, design, marketing solutions, all things related to intangible assets. Income associated with intangible capital in 19 manufacturing industries increased by 75% between 2000 and 2014 The profit of the most developed economies from the use of intangible assets exceeded the profit from the exploitation of traditional assets – knowledge, facilities, production equipment and materials.

The countries that succeeded in using human capital in their economies became leaders, ensuring high living standards and long-term influence in the world market. The path to this new model was different: for Great Britain, Germany and the United States it took 30-50 years, while for South Korea it took only 10-15 years.

Our study of approaches to the transformation of the economy in more than 10 successful countries, conducted in 2019 – 2020, allowed us to identify a common system of tools and determine when and which of them and in what combination led to positive change. The results of the study helped to develop a methodology, to a certain extent an algorithm, of transformation of economic systems and the transition from an industrial-raw economy to a creative economy based on the development and involvement of human capital in productive activities. The approach was called – The Methodology of Pole Kinetics”.

The study showed several important patterns common to all countries. First, the success of the transition to a creative economy (knowledge economy, digital economy, post-industrial society, etc.) depends on how precisely each state managed to select public policy instruments and launch workable institutions. The selection is based on an assessment of the consistency of public policy instruments with the underlying values of society.

Regardless of the form – tax breaks, grants, venture capital, political or economic programs, infrastructure – they must be accepted by society. Otherwise, they will lead to verbiage and bring no real progress. Economists and marketers must make it a priority to match people’s expectations, cultural code, and values.

Human values in a particular society determine the limits and permissible limits of communication between those in power and ordinary people. Some societies sacralize power, others perceive the state as a service. Some make long-term plans, others live in the here and now, some are pluralistic, others monolithic. If power does not act in accordance with basic values, the creative economy will not take off, institutions will function without real effect, and the talents and abilities of citizens will remain unclaimed.

Exports of creative goods and services are seen as an important indicator of the maturity of the knowledge economy. According to UNCTAD’s Creative Economy Outlook 2022, global exports of creative goods increased from $419 billion to $524 billion from 2010 to 2020, and exports of creative services rose from $487 billion to $1.1 trillion. The difference in absolute numbers and the rate of change is largely due to the growth of the software market and digitalization, where goods turn into services, such as streaming audio and video.

The largest exporters of creative services in 2020 are the United States ($206 billion), Ireland ($174 billion), Germany ($75 billion) and China ($59 billion).

Some countries have tried but failed to form a target model of economic development. A striking example of such a situation is Russia. A set of public policy instruments, including the government’s “Strategy 2020”, seemingly demonstrates everything that has been accumulated by the global community, but does not correlate in any way with the values of Russian society itself.

IP is the most important tool for building a creative economy and engaging human capital in the productive sectors of the economy. Innovation and creativity flourish only where the rights to the creative product are securely protected by law and customary business practices. It is IP that enables ideas, images and narratives to drive economic growth. WIPO’s annual Global Innovation Index clearly demonstrates that leading countries are at the forefront of patenting, focusing on copyright and use advanced digital tools for IP management.

The rise of the intellectual property institution has also led to a global change – in the measurement of economic success through GDP dynamics, based on the system of national accounts. Industries that used to be accounted for as necessary “transaction costs,” that is, taking away value for the sake of the common good, such as new knowledge or research, have been relegated to the category of “producing” value. Today emerging and transition economies, without redesigning their structure, have almost no chance of catching up with the leaders and fitting fairly into value chains.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a serious test for the creative economy. The lockdown imposed in most countries paralyzed entire industries, dramatically reducing communications. Closed borders have challenged the global character of today’s international community. Theaters, concert halls, contemporary art biennales, creative clusters, and many other cultural hotbeds of the knowledge economy have come under pressure. But unprecedented measures of support from governments seeking to preserve cultural environments, the self-organization of creative communities, and the reorientation toward digital channels of communication have enabled human capital to survive and made markets for IP-based “creative” products sustainable. Moreover, the pandemic has played the role of a street traffic supervisor – triggering an explosive growth of digitalization. Technologies related to remote work, cloud services, video and music streaming, online education, delivery, and so on have gained unprecedented speed. According to Gartner, the global IT market will grow 9.5 percent in 2021.

It may seem that humanity has recovered. But… the world immediately faced a new deep man-made crisis related to the economic consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine, which we have yet to assess and understand. Fuel and food blackmail, the clash between “material” and “creative” value systems amid the warfare in Europe for the second time this decade have raised doubts about the West’s ability to keep human capital, the goals and ideals of post-industrial society and the creative economy at the center of economic policy. Economic leaders are now focused not so much on innovation as on finding new energy suppliers and ensuring the survival of the energy and machine-building sectors. For one-third of the world’s population, the issue of food security has become more acute than ever.

The situation is most dramatic for Germany, whose industrial strength depended heavily on traditional logistics and Russian natural resources. The world’s second-largest steel producer, ArcelorMittal, closed two plants in Bremen and Hamburg. Slovakia closed its largest aluminum smelter, Slovalco. In Lithuania, nitrogen fertilizer maker Achema suspended operations. Governments are using cash injections to stem the effects of the energy crisis, which has affected the creative industries. Germany has already allocated 350 billion euros to compensate for rising electricity rates. However, according to The Wall Street Journal, high gas prices will continue until 2024. Experts doubt that the European industry will be able to recover from the shock any time soon.

It may seem inappropriate to talk about human capital at a time when the material basis of the continents’ social and economic prosperity is under threat. Skeptics predict a throwback to “good old” Europe, with large conscript armies, closed borders, national currencies, and the priority of industrial production and agriculture. In fact, however, we are witnessing a process that inspires the creative class.

In a matter of months, the EU has managed to reorient its economy toward new energy suppliers and has given a real impetus to alternative energy projects. The crisis has given unprecedented boost to eco-generation and green energy projects, which are an integral part of the knowledge economy and a strategy based on human capital. Creativity plus new energy seems to be the new formula for economic prosperity.

The creative segment of the European economy continues to grow. In 2022, Switzerland ranked first in WIPO’s annual Global Innovation Index, surpassing the United States, which has held that position for the past 12 years. Sweden, Great Britain and the Netherlands are among the most successful countries here. Startups are attracting investments, and governments are launching special national programs in film, media, design, theater, contemporary visual arts and tourism. 

The European creative economy has been so sustainable thanks to the right choice of policies to support human capital that are consistent with national identity and its underlying values. The European example is further proof that human capital must be defined not only as skills, knowledge and abilities, but also as a network of institutions that help turn them into economic values. Otherwise, it will not turn into capital, but will remain just an informal community of talented people. All successful countries that have changed the structure of their economies have improved their institutions, such as IP and its protection system, the creation of a financial system capable of dealing with intangible assets, and a fiscal system adapted to the specific needs of the creative economy.

We can now safely conclude that both global crash tests had a surprisingly creative effect. The first one gave a strong impetus to the rise of digital technologies and services and tools to bring digital content to market. This opened up a host of new opportunities for increased communications, and it is the intensity of these that will serve as a catalyst for further growth. The second has caused large-scale migration, the outflow of human capital to the territories that are safest for it, and the mixing of communities with different sets of values. Economies that had not previously thought about creative industries, due to the scarcity of people with the right level of skills and the modest size of the market, began to create the infrastructure for innovation and attracting new talent. Moreover, their institutions are already competing. Kyrgyzstan is creating a Creative Industries Park, and Kazakhstan is home to the Astana International Financial Center, whose court is based on English common law. Georgia is preparing to launch a global creative center. Dubai, once associated primarily with oil production, has opened the Al Quoz Creative Zone. The Buenos Aires municipal government is redeveloping some depressed areas of the city by introducing a certain creative industry: some areas become home to designers, others host film and music professionals or technological entrepreneurs. Once countries create institutions, they have a legitimate expectation that these institutions will create a critical mass of talent and resources to launch a creative economy at home.

But will the “replanted trees,” i.e., teams, products, IP, be able to take root in the new environment? What impact will these flows have on society’s values? Will policymakers be able to study these changes and offer appropriate tools to stimulate the transition to a creative economy? In the past the answers to these questions were sought intuitively or empirically, but today we have modern methods, in particular the Pole Kinetics Methodology, and can shape growth strategies based on scientific evidence. After all, it is the answers to these questions that determine the success of both emerging and advanced economies.

The Author

Endre Birich, CEO Kettari Foundation. The Kettari Foundation is a new generation of venture investment with a focus on creators and creative industries. Recently, Kettari has enjoyed huge success in its support of young creators, particularly those ‘digital nomads’ that have been displaced by the war in Ukraine

Scientology has helped Christians, Muslims and others during the health crisis and still today


BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, January 12, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — “While naturally and human-created catastrophes continue to occur, be it in so-called ‘developed’ countries and those on their path to ‘development’, it has never been more true that religions have to help each other to first cope with the situations and then inspire and execute resilient solutions, to put an end to those catastrophes created by humans, and better predict those to arise from mother nature,” said Ivan Arjona, President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs.

Asked about this much-needed cooperation, Arjona informed of a series of videos that document how Scientology Volunteer Ministers are helping organizations from different faiths and where religious leaders from Christianity, Islam and others are thanking for the cooperation.

A video on the Scientology website highlights the importance Scientologists place on interfaith activities and community service. For example, it features the work of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VMs) of Mexico at the height of the COVID pandemic, where the pastor of Horeb Presbyterian National Church thanks the Scientologists for making his church safe for his congregation.

COVID made it extremely difficult for Mexican churches of a broad range of denominations to cope and in response, Scientologists organized a corps of Volunteer Ministers to see to the safe operation of houses of worship of all denominations. “We know how important it is at all times, but especially at moments of crisis and confusion, to have a stable datum that helps you focus and find calmness and solutions for challenging situations. This what places of worship provide so, during COVID especially, we could not afford to have all these people without a place where to find spiritual help and inspiration, and our church members everywhere rolled up their slips” stated Arjona. Launching from the National Church of Scientology of Mexico in Mexico City, the volunteers brought succour, stability and safety to the religious community in the nation’s capital, shows the official Scientology website.


WATCH THE FULL STORY! HTTPS://T.CO/E8VN0ZSM7G PIC.TWITTER.COM/2EJJ5JEDUJ— Scientology (@Scientology) December 21, 2022

The pastor of Horeb Presbyterian National Church describes in the video the Scientology volunteers who cleaned and sanitized his church as coming “like a gift from God to us.” He states that “because of their work”, he was able to assure his parishioners that “it was safe for them to come back to church”.

While each of the volunteers could tell his or her personal reasons for stepping up when everything seemed to be closing down, they all share the purpose instilled by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard when he created the Volunteer Ministers initiative in the mid-1970s. He described the Volunteer Minister as “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.” And they took this to heart.

The pastor of the Nazaret Evangelical Church recalls the “action, service and kindness,” of the volunteers and their “spirit of service, always with joy, with a smile, and willingness to do it.”

“You do it for the good of the people,” said a representative of the Mexican Catholic diocese, “so they can gravitate to a place where they can pray.” And the work of the Volunteer Ministers reminded him of “how much we can accomplish when we all work together for the good of the community” it is stated on the official site.

Going now from America to Europe, a Scientology spokesperson shows us another example in Madrid, Spain, o last December 2022. Volunteers received a request for help from an elderly residence managed by catholic nuns who take care of the elderly who have nobody else. The nuns requested help with food and hygiene supplies, and the VMs gathered enough of that for a while, earning the prayers of these catholic nuns.

Further to the east, in Rome, Italy, More than 50 volunteers from the Islamic Cultural Centre of Italy and the Church of Scientology worked together to safeguard and improve the environment of the Great Mosque of Rome (Moschea di Roma) which is the largest mosque in the Western World, and which can accommodate more than 12,000 faithful at a time. The volunteers collected and disposed of brambles and shrubs, weeds, brushwood and trash, making access to the mosque by pedestrians easier and restoring the beauty of the area.

“It is a collaboration that carries forward a common project, both of fraternity and friendship and with a common goal, that of caring for the environment,” said Dr Nader Akkad, imam of the Grand Mosque of Rome. “Religions have a very important task, to create fraternity, to create a common space of friendship. Nowadays, it is very important for religious faiths to cooperate for the collective good, and certainly one of the best ways to do this is to take care of the environment, the people and the relationships of those people who live in this environment.”

Mr David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, is putting into practice a major project that “ensures the embodiment of Mr Hubbard’s teachings in creating ideal Scientology churches around the world, that can provide the needed help that people need serving as a home for the entire community—a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift people of all cultures and denominations”.

“While from Mr Hubbard’s teachings we learn the beauty and the how of being compassionate enough to do something for the better of humanity, I see in Mr David Miscavige the ‘theory put in practice’, and in the correct orders of magnitude, because help is not something you just ‘give’, it is something you do to empower the other person or group to become more able to overcome the obstacle of which the game of life is made of. With him, Mr Hubbard could have not made a better choice to ensure the help Scientology can bring gets fully enacted” concluded Arjona.

New Treatment for Hereditary Blindness Possible Using Nanoparticles and mRNA

hereditary blindness - head bust form
Photo by Viktor Talashuk

Hereditary Blindness – Researchers developed nanoparticles that are able to penetrate the neural retina and deliver mRNA to the photoreceptor cells whose proper function makes vision possible.

Scientists from the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy have demonstrated in animal models the possibility of using lipid nanoparticles and messenger RNA, the technology underpinning COVID-19 vaccines, to treat blindness associated with a rare genetic condition.

The study was published today (January 11, 2023) in the journal Science Advances. It was led by OSU associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences Gaurav Sahay, Oregon State doctoral student Marco Herrera-Barrera and Oregon Health & Science University assistant professor of ophthalmology Renee Ryals.

The scientists overcame what had been the main limitation of using lipid nanoparticles, or LNPs, to carry genetic material for the purpose of vision therapy – getting them to reach the back of the eye, where the retina is.

Lipids are fatty acids and similar organic compounds including many natural oils and waxes. Nanoparticles are tiny pieces of material ranging in size from one- to 100-billionths of a meter. Messenger RNA delivers instructions to cells for making a particular protein.

With the coronavirus vaccines, the mRNA carried by the LNPs instructs cells to make a harmless piece of the virus’ spike protein, which triggers an immune response from the body. As a therapy for vision impairment resulting from inherited retinal degeneration, or IRD, the mRNA would instruct photoreceptor cells – faulty because of a genetic mutation – to manufacture the proteins needed for sight.

IRD encompasses a group of disorders of varying severity and prevalence that affect one out of every few thousand people worldwide.

The scientists showed, in research involving mice and non-human primates, that LNPs equipped with peptides were able to pass through barriers in the eye and reach the neural retina – where light is turned into electric signals that the brain converts to images.

“We identified a novel set of peptides that can reach the back of the eye,” Sahay said. “We used these peptides to act as zip codes to deliver nanoparticles carrying genetic materials to the intended address within the eye.”

“The peptides that we have discovered can be used as targeting ligands directly conjugated to silencing RNAs, small molecules for therapeutics or as imaging probes,” Herrera-Barrera added.

Sahay and Ryals have received a $3.2 million grant from the National Eye Institute to continue studying lipid nanoparticles’ promise in the treatment of hereditary blindness. They will lead research into using LNPs to deliver a gene editing tool that could delete bad genes in the photoreceptor cells and replace them with correctly functioning genes.

The research aims to develop solutions for the limitations associated with the current primary means of delivery for gene editing: a type of virus known as adeno-associated virus, or AAV.

“AAV has limited packaging capacity compared to LNPs and it can prompt an immune system response,” Sahay said. “It also doesn’t do fantastically well in continuing to express the enzymes the editing tool uses as molecular scissors to make cuts in the DNA to be edited. We’re hoping to use what we’ve learned so far about LNPs to develop an improved gene editor delivery system.”

Reference: “Peptide-guided lipid nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the neural retina of rodents and nonhuman primates” 11 January 2023, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add4623

The peptide-guided LNP study was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Also participating in the research for Oregon State were College of Pharmacy faculty Oleh Taratula and Conroy Sun, postdoctoral researchers Milan Gautam and Mohit Gupta, doctoral students Antony Jozic and Madeleine Landry, research assistant Chris Acosta and undergraduate Nick Jacomino, a bioengineering student in the College of Engineering who graduated in 2020.

Blocktrade Exchange: The Decentralized Centralized Exchange in Europe Crossed 5000 Class B Shareholders

U.S. dollar banknote with map
Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash

TALLINN, ESTONIA, January 9, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Blocktrade, the most decentralized centralized crypto exchange in Europe, has established itself as the best place for cryptocurrency trading and exchange. With a wide range of cryptocurrencies available and new coins and tokens being added regularly, Blocktrade offers users the opportunity to buy their favorite cryptocurrencies without any trading fees.

Founded in 2017, Blocktrade has quickly established itself as one of the top players in the cryptocurrency space. The company’s advanced platform allows users to buy, sell, and trade a wide range of digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. With zero fees, fast transaction speeds, the option of numerous secured payment gateways, and a user-friendly interface, it’s no wonder that Blocktrade has become a favorite among cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide.

Blocktrade’s unique position in terms of security and regulation sets it apart from other exchanges. The platform is fully transparent, with more than 5,000 class-B shareholders, and is regulated to EU standards. It is registered as a VASP with Estonian, Italian, and Slovenian regulators and is fully compliant with AML 5 guidelines, which are designed to prevent money laundering and the financing of illegal activities. This level of regulation and compliance is critical for any exchange, as it helps to ensure that users can trust that their funds are safe and secure when using the platform. This is more critical now than ever, given the recent regulatory issues with other crypto exchanges, where it has become clear that without proper regulation, users are at risk of losing their money. It is evident that no individual should hold such power that they can cause significant harm. With over 5,000 class-B shareholders, it is impossible for underhanded decisions to be made through back doors in Blocktrade as opposed to most of the other available cryptocurrency exchanges.

Private investors from 33 countries participated in Blocktrade’s recent $25.8 million Series A round, demonstrating the platform’s growing popularity and support.

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If anyone is looking for the best exchange platform, look no further than Blocktrade. With full regulation from EU standards, compliance with AML 5 guidelines, and a user-friendly platform, it’s the go-to choice for anyone looking to buy and sell their cryptocurrency holdings.

To see why Blocktrade is the premier choice for so many cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide, visit https://blocktrade.com. In addition, if anyone wants to calculate the value of their cryptocurrency in the world’s popular fiats such as USD or EURO, they can use their cryptocurrency calculator. Moreover, a user can increase their knowledge and learn more about cryptocurrencies and their investments with Blocktrade’s learn cryptocurrency articles.

5th Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue World Congress sets “A Path to Peace”

5th Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue World Congress sets “A Path to Peace”

The 5th World Congress on Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue “A Path to Peace” was held on 8 and 9 November at CEMA University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This year, under the slogan “Thinking about the transformation of Argentina 2023-2053”, the congress brought together important figures from the world of politics, trade unionism, religion and culture in Argentina.

The opening panel was lead the president of this Congress, Gustavo Guillerme, who thanked the attendees and highlighted

“the participation of the different religions and political sectors, beyond ideological differences, and whom I invited to join and work in our Moncloa Pact, ‘The Pact of the Covenants’ and be part of a path towards peace and the union of Argentines”.

Meanwhile, Gustavo Libardi, president of the Church of Scientology of Argentina (religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952) said:

“This congress contributes to civilize our society and puts a point of hope, which is the future. We understand that intercultural and interreligious work is an important contribution to civilisation”.

Danny Lew, president of Keren Kayemet LeIsrael Argentina (KKL) said:

“Without a doubt, our greatest work is to continue educating our children. We work and get involved in the whole educational process, at all levels, because we understand, we are convinced that only by receiving a Jewish-Zionist education will our children grow up and form new homes within the values and traditions of our people. Those values that teach us “love thy neighbour as thyself”, or the principle of “Tikkun Olam”, which instills in us that, although the world is fractured and imperfect, we have a shared responsibility to “repair the world. “

Eduardo Galeano said that “the future is possible to imagine, and not just accept”. The different speakers agreed that this congress was “an opportunity to imagine the world we want to live in, that we can believe it is possible. It is an opportunity to dialogue and think together about the best future for the next generations”.

The Rector of the University of CEMA, Edgardo Zablotsky, expressed his gratitude for hosting the fifth edition of this important congress and highlighted “the importance of the panels and the different speakers who are going to work together and in dialogue, which is the best contribution we can make for a world towards peace”.

Sohrab Yazdani, member of the BAHAI Community and Oluwo Leonardo Allegue, president and Religious Spiritual Leader of ASRAU, were also part of the opening.

The Congress ended with the Abraham Agreement table with the participation of the Ambassador of the State of Israel Mr. Eyael Sela together with the Ambassadors of USA, UAE and Morocco.

Interview Romain Gutsy: “Like an Uyghur in China”

Interview Romain Gutsy: “Like an Uyghur in China”

In October, I told you that I would get an interview with the “back-comer” Romain Gutsy. Yesterday Romain released a new single called “Like an Uyghur in China”, and as promised, I managed to get an interview. Here it is:

Bro: Hi Romain, long time no see. So I’ve already said to our readers that you were back and that it made me happy. Now, you told me you want to focus on the present and future, and my first question is then about your new single “Like an Uyghur in China”. Now let me put it that way: in the song “If You Don’t Mind”, you made it clear that “I don’t do politics”. And now you start 2023 with a highly political song?

Romain Gutsy: It’s not political at all. It’s about oppression. Oppressors can be from any political side, and they deserve the same, based on what they do to oppress people. I sing about people. People who are oppressed, and people who oppress. I don’t care about the fact that the oppressors in China would belong to the Chinese Communist Party. I have nothing against this party per se. If they stop oppressing people, that’s fine with me. I have nothing against the Buddhists in power in Burma. And nothing about the Russian ruling party when I sing about Crimean Tatars. I have everything against the people who, while belonging to one or another of these groups, or even being their leaders, oppress people because of their faith or their ethnicity. As said in the song, “the Hell is full of” them.

Bro:  Understood. So you made a song in favor of human rights?

Romain Gutsy: You can say it that way. I would say that this song is in favor of human beings. But yes, “human rights” works too. I like people to be free to be what they want to be and to believe what they want to believe. The song mentions three oppressed minorities: the Uyghurs, the Rohingyas and the Crimean Tatars. These people suffer for real under heavy oppression. But there are far from being the only ones. I could have added the Tibetans, for example, but also thousands of others. In fact, it is also addressed to individuals. Whoever is oppressed by an asshole, or a madman, is concerned by this song. It’s a song against evil insanity and personal freedom.

Bro: I’ve seen that your last songs were crafted with a great sense of humor, like “The Girl from Kerry” or “Frenchy Boy”. This one seems quite serious. Are you shifting towards more serious themes?

Romain Gutsy: Well, I may be “shifting” from time to time, but in fact, any song has its own mood and it cannot be always “fun”. I don’t think “Like an Uyghur in China” is “serious”, but it’s not really a funny topic. Were you an Uyghur, a Rohingya or a Crimean Tatar, you might not laugh too much about your situation. But it’s not “serious”, as it’s art, and also because I always write with some distance. At least I try too. In addition, you could see some humor in my answer to oppression: “I tell the oppressor, the hell is full of you”. It’s quite a desperate attempt to do something, while in fact it’s a very underestimated effort if you expect to change things. Like a kid saying, “you’re mean” and expecting it will affect the bad people around him. Nonetheless, at least it says something. And who knows? The power of words, the power of a song…

Bro: Got it. As we know, you’re French. Is this question of the oppressed minorities part of your French background, as we know France likes to be thought of as a country of human rights?

Romain Gutsy: first of all, I’m an artist. And the day I became an artist, I also became a man of no country. Or of all countries. I was born a Corsican, then a French. Then I played Irish music and became an Irish. Then American Music and became American. Spanish Music and became a Spanish. But I’m also an Uyghur, a Nigerian, a British, a Japanese, whatever you want. As far as France is concerned, I don’t think it played a big role in my writing of “Like an Uyghur in China”. To write the song and be truthful, I had to feel Chinese, Uyghur, Burmese, Russian and Tatar. And to love them all.

Bro: OK bro (said Bro). So what about the future, are you planning new songs, and maybe gigs? I remember well that your best part as a musician was on stage!

Romain Gutsy: Both. New songs are coming and there should be a new one released in February that has been composed and written by Marc Bentel. Until now, Marc was mainly working on the production side, but he proposed me a very nice song of his, called “Trouble and Delicious” and we recorded it. As regards gigs, that’s definitely something that I’m planning for the future. But nothing is already on the agenda. And I don’t know where I will start touring. It could be France or Belgium, but in fact, I’m prone to think that I’ll start by the United Kingdom.

Bro: And you are planning to stay an “independent”?

Romain: Depends what you call an “independent”. I love to work with others, and that include labels. So if there are good opportunities to work with a label that I like, I’ll do it. In the industry, there are people who know better than you some parts of the job. So it’s better to work with them and succeed instead of trying to do everything by yourself and fail. But still, I stay independent in my choices, at least those which seem the most important to me.

Bro: OK, thank you Romain, I’ll add “Like an Uyghur in China” in one of my playlists. Will you follow it?

Romain: Of course, Bro. You have sure taste and it’s a pleasure to be featured in your playlists.

And if you want to see the last video of “If You Don’t Mind by Romain Gutsy, here it is:

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Interview Romain Gutsy: “Like an Uyghur in China”

And Bro O’Sullivan indie Folk Playlist:

Turkey breaks record for deportation of “illegal migrants”

Turkey breaks record for deportation of “illegal migrants”

Turkey has deported 119,817 illegal migrants this year alone. Its efforts to combat illegal migration continue unabated, the Ministry of the Interior said. In a statement, the presidency said it was the largest number of deportations in Turkey’s history.

The number of deportees increased by 159% compared to the same period in 2021, the announcement added.

With the latest figures, the number of illegal migrants deported since 2016 has reached 445,326.

More than 2.7 million illegal migrants have been refused entry to Turkey since 2016, while the figure for this year alone stands at 274,311.

Turkey is a key transit point for asylum seekers seeking to cross into Europe to start a new life, particularly those fleeing war and persecution.

Turkey hosts nearly 5 million refugees – more than any other country in the world. After the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, Turkey adopted an “open door policy” for people fleeing the conflict, granting them “temporary protection” status.

Afghans are believed to be the second largest refugee community in Turkey after Syrians.

Many of the migrants arriving through Iran head to Istanbul to find work or illegal channels to Europe.

Photo: Migrants at the Directorate of Migration in Kocaeli Province | AA

Turkey has almost halved the price of gas for religious sites

girl sitting on swing near cylinder tanks

Turkey has recently made a significant decision to lower gas prices for places of worship, including cemevis, and industrial consumption. This move, which will take effect from the first day of 2023, aims to provide financial relief and stability to these sectors. The announcement was made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on December 31, 2022, through his official Twitter account, according to DuvaR

Under this new policy, gas prices for places of worship, including cemevis, will be reduced by 42.73 percent starting from January 1, 2023. This reduction will also apply to industrial consumption. Additionally, gas prices used for electricity production will be lowered by 12.73 percent, while electricity prices for industrial consumption will see a reduction of 16 percent.

The decision to lower gas prices comes in the wake of Russia’s postponement of a payment worth 20 billion dollars owed by BOTAŞ, the state-owned gas importer and distributor in Turkey. This postponement is believed to have influenced Turkey’s move to lower gas prices as a means of stabilizing the economy and preventing the weakening of the Turkish lira against the dollar. It is worth noting that Turkey heavily relies on Russia for 40-45 percent of its natural gas needs, with the remaining supply coming from countries such as Iran, Libya, and the United States.

By reducing gas prices for places of worship and industrial consumption, the Turkish government aims to alleviate the financial burden on these sectors and support their operations. This decision is particularly significant for places of worship, including cemevis, as it recognizes their importance and provides them with economic relief. Furthermore, lowering gas prices for industrial consumption can contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the industrial sector in Turkey.

Overall, this move to lower gas prices demonstrates the government’s commitment to supporting key sectors of the economy and ensuring stability. It is a strategic decision that takes into account both domestic considerations, such as the upcoming elections in 2023, and external factors, such as the postponement of the payment by Russia. By providing financial relief and stability, Turkey aims to foster economic growth and maintain a favorable business environment.

His Holiness Lays Foundation Stone of Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom

His Holiness Lays Foundation Stone of Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom

His Holiness the Dalai Lama blessing a model of the proposed building before taking his seat on stage at the the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

Bodhgaya, Bihar, India, 3rd January 2023: Under a wintry sky this morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove out past the Magadh University to the prospective site of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan and Ancient Indian Wisdom. There, as monks of Namgyal Monastery chanted prayers, accompanied by the Hon’ble Kiren Rijiju, Minister for Law and Justice, Government of India, Shri Sushil Modi, MP, Dr Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, President of Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Ambassador Kumar Tuhin, Director General ICCR, he unveiled the foundation stone. He closely examined an architectural model of the proposed buildings before taking his seat on the stage.

Interim director of the project, Tempa Tsering, greeted everyone present and welcomed the special guests. He announced that the Centre was being established to fulfil His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s vision that if awareness of ancient Indian wisdom, particularly with regard to the workings of the mind and emotions, could be revived and shared more widely, it would contribute to the creation of a more peaceful, more compassionate world. He expressed gratitude to the Government of Bihar and the Government of India for their support. He declared that the Centre will be open to everyone who wishes to learn about Tibetan and Ancient Indian Wisdom.

Interim director of the project, Tempa Tsering, welcoming those attending the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

In a speech delivered in Hindi, Prof Samdhong Rinpoché recalled that many years ago Vinobha Bhave suggested that a time would come when Indian culture would take a leading role in the world. His prediction was widely dismissed, but in retrospect it seems he was a far-sighted visionary. Rinpoché went on to say that since the materialistic outlook associated with science and technology has failed to bring peace and satisfaction to the world, ancient Indian knowledge and values may fill the gap.

Prof Samdhong Rinpoché speaking at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

In the past, Rinpoché asserted, Indian schools of thought were mutually enriched when they engaged in an exchange of ideas founded on reason and logic. Tibetan tradition has kept this approach alive. With the establishment of this Centre, these traditions will be restored to India.

Kumar Sarvjeet, MLA for Bodhgaya and Minister of Agriculture in the Government of Bihar spoke next on behalf of the Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar. He informed the gathering that the Chief Minister is completely supportive of His Holiness’s vision. He has made clear that he and the Government of Bihar will do whatever they can to help bring the project to fruition. He disclosed that the Government and people of Bihar, and the local people especially, are grateful that the Centre is being established in Bodhgaya.

Kumar Sarvjeet, MLA for Bodhgaya and Minister of Agriculture in the Government of Bihar speaking on behalf of the Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

Hon’ble Kiren Rijiju, Minister for Law and Justice in the Central Government, who hails from Arunachal Pradesh, paid his respects to His Holiness, the Sakya Throne-holders and other honoured guests. He stated that whenever he comes to Bodhgaya and reflects that 25 centuries ago the Buddha actually walked in this locality, he feels at peace. This is what makes Bodhgaya a sacred place and now His Holiness reinforces that status by his presence. The Buddha showed the world how to attain enlightenment and, in our time, this is what His Holiness does too.

“His Holiness has made India his home and has committed himself to helping to revive awareness of ancient Indian wisdom,” he said. “People from around the world come to India to pay their respects to him. His Holiness refers to India as the guru and Tibetans as the students, but I say that it is he, an apostle of peace, who is the guru to world. On behalf of the people and government of India I express gratitude to him. It’s a privilege for us to have him among us here in India.

“I’m honoured to have been able to take part in laying the foundation stone for this Centre for Tibetan and Ancient Indian Wisdom. His Holiness states that the wisdom of Nalanda nurtured by such masters as Nagarjuna, Aryadeva and Chandrakirti, a tradition grounded in reason and logic, was kept alive in Tibet. It was concerned less with religion and more with a science of the mind. A centre to study along these lines is being established and people from around the world will be able to come and study here.

Hon’ble Kiren Rijiju, Minister for Law and Justice in the Central Government addressing the audience at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

“His Holiness is committed to extolling such human values as compassion and tolerance, forgiveness and self-discipline. He is pledged to work to preserve Tibetan culture and protect the natural environment of Tibet.

“The Government of India is committed in turn to supporting this centre, which will encourage us to look within. The Centre will be a world-class institution, a gift to humanity, where it will be possible to discover the link between peace of mind and world peace.”

“Today, we’re all gathered here out of our admiration for the Buddha’s teaching,” His Holiness observed. “We all wish for peace, so we need to cultivate compassion and the practice of doing no harm. The Buddhadharma not only reveals peace and happiness to the world, it shows us how to overcome suffering.

A view from the stage during His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

“Indulging in wishful thinking is not enough, we have to look at the causes of suffering, which are rooted in our self-cherishing attitudes and destructive emotions, and put an end to them. Peace in the world depends on individuals achieving peace of mind.

“Shantideva has made the situation abundantly clear in his work, ‘Entering into the Way of a Bodhisattva’:

All those who suffer in the world do so because of their desire for their own happiness. All those happy in the world are so because of their desire for the happiness of others. 8/129

Why say more? Observe this distinction: between the fool who longs for his own advantage and the sage who acts for the advantage of others. 8/130

For those who fail to exchange their own happiness for the suffering of others, Buddhahood is certainly impossible – how could there even be happiness in cyclic existence? 8/131

Proceeding in this way from happiness to happiness, what thinking person would despair, after mounting the carriage, the awakening mind, which carries away all weariness and effort? 7/30

“If you’re warm-hearted and determined to help others, it will make you happy. Therefore, we can be grateful to the Buddha for his teaching.” His Holiness continued.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressing the gathering at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

“India is a land where, because of the fundamental and long-standing traditions of ‘karuna’ and ‘ahimsa’, many different spiritual traditions flourish. To ensure peace in the world we need to encourage the notion of non-violence or doing no harm— ‘ahimsa’. Tibetan refugees are fortunate to have been able to come to live in a land that explicitly upholds ‘ahimsa’.

“I don’t have much more to say. I thank the Government of Bihar and the Central Government for their support, without which it would be difficult to bring this project about. We are grateful.

“We need to think of the welfare of others and continuously cultivate a warm heart; to be of service to others is a practical and realistic way to lead our lives. Thank you.”

Karma Chungdak offering words of thanks at the conclusion of the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Dalai Lama Centre for Tibetan & Indian Ancient Wisdom in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India on January 3, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

Karma Chungdak offered words of thanks. He first of all expressed gratitude to His Holiness for inspiring the establishment of this Centre for Tibetan and Ancient Indian Wisdom and for taking part in the laying of the foundation stone today. He thanked representatives of Tibet’s several spiritual traditions, monks and nuns, for their attendance. Finally, on behalf of the Dalai Lama Trust, he offered thanks to Hon’ble Kiren Rijiju, for representing the Government of India, and Kumar Sarvjeet, for representing the Government of Bihar, as well as Sikyong Penpa Tsering and Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, for representing the Central Tibetan Administration, on this great occasion.

Human rights breaches in China, Chad and Bahrain

Human rights breaches in China, Chad and Bahrain

The European Parliament adopted three resolutions on the respect for human rights in China, Chad and Bahrain.

Chinese government crackdown on the peaceful protests across the People’s Republic of China

MEPs express their support for protesters fighting for fundamental rights who are being persecuted by the Chinese government, notably in the context of the zero COVID-19 policy. They are concerned about violations of freedoms of expression, association, assembly, press and media in China – intensified by the use of mass surveillance – and demand that human rights be guaranteed.

All the victims of the Urumqi fire on 24 November 2022 were Uyghurs, MEPs point out, deploring the systematic repression of this ethnicity, notably in the Xinjiang region. In addition, MEPs highlight the arrest of a foreign journalist covering the protests and demand unhindered access to China for independent journalists, international observers and investigative bodies.

The resolution calls for sanctions against those responsible for crimes against humanity to be intensified, for better coordination regarding Chinese overseas police service stations and for addressing freedom of expression during official talks with China.

The resolution was adopted by show of hands. For more details, it will be available in full here. (15.12.2022)

Military Junta crackdown on peaceful demonstrations in Chad

Parliament condemns the restriction of the fundamental right to demonstrate and the use of violence against pro-democracy protesters and civil society in Chad during the protests of October 2022. In their resolution, MEPs call for all protesters held by the Chadian government to be released and granted legal protection. They condemn their prosecution in mass trials that failed to adhere to international standards on transparency and justice.

According to MEPs, the regime in Chad has failed to uphold its commitment to a democratic transition, causing a protracted crisis in the country. They highlight the need for new, transparent, inclusive and credible presidential elections to be organised as soon as possible, in order to facilitate a political transition that guarantees respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Finally, the resolution demands an independent and impartial investigation by the UN and the African Union into the reported violence, including reports of torture in Chadian prisons. MEPs want to prosecute and hold accountable those responsible for the violence and killings of individuals and civil society, and urge the EU and member states to raise these concerns directly with the Chadian authorities.

The resolution was adopted by show of hands. For more details, it will be available in full here. (15.12.2022)

The case of human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja in Bahrain

Parliament demands the immediate and unconditional release of Danish-Bahraini citizen Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and all other political activists. Al-Khawaja, who is the cofounder of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), has been in prison for twelve years serving a life sentence for leading peaceful protests during the 2011 Arab spring protests for democratic reforms.

He suffers from a series of chronic and degenerative health problems and requires timely, expert medical treatment, warn MEPs. Parliament calls on EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, the European External Action Service and member states — in particular the government of Denmark — to raise the case of Al Khawaja and all other human rights defenders in the country both publicly and privately.

MEPs strongly condemn the continued use of torture and mistreatment in the Gulf country. Furthermore, they argue that Bahrain should restore citizenship to the almost 300 individuals — notably human rights defenders — who have been stripped of it and end the ongoing practice.

The moratorium on capital punishment, which had been in place until 2017, should never have been lifted, MEPs say. Bahrain has executed six people since then, in what the UN has referred to as extrajudicial killings, and 26 more are currently on death row in the country.

The resolution was adopted by 316 votes in favour, 6 against with 38 abstentions. For more details, it will be available in full here. (15.12.2022)