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190 million children at risk from water-related crises: UNICEF

190 million children at risk from water-related crises: UNICEF

The study, released on Monday ahead of the historic UN Water Conference, reviewed household access to WASH services, the burden of WASH-attributable deaths among children under five, and exposure to climate and environmental hazards, revealing where children face the biggest threat, and where investment in solutions is desperately needed to prevent unnecessary deaths.

Africa is facing a water catastrophe. While climate and water-related shocks are escalating globally, nowhere else in the world do the risks compound as severely for children,” said UNICEF Director of Programmes Sanjay Wijesekera.

“Devastating storms, floods, and historic droughts are already destroying facilities and homes, contaminating water resources, creating hunger crises, and spreading disease. But as challenging as the current conditions are, without urgent action, the future could be much more bleak.”

© UNICEF/Shehzad Noorani

Displaced children wash their hands outside a public toilet at a camp in Sindh Province, Pakistan.

Crises compounded by armed conflict

The triple threat was found to be most acute in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia, making West and Central Africa one of the world’s most water-insecure and climate-impacted regions, according to the analysis. Many of the worst-affected countries, particularly in the Sahel, are also facing instability and armed conflict, further aggravating children’s access to clean water and sanitation.

Across the 10 hotspots, nearly one-third of children do not have access to at least basic water at home, and two-thirds do not have basic sanitation services. A quarter of children have no choice but to practise open defecation. Hand hygiene is also limited, with three-quarters of children unable to wash their hands because of lack of water and soap at home.

As a result, these countries also carry the heaviest burden of child deaths from diseases caused by inadequate WASH, such as diarrhoeal diseases. For example, six of the 10 have faced cholera outbreaks over the past year. Globally, more than 1,000 children under five die every day from WASH-related diseases, with around two out of five concentrated in these 10 countries alone.

Accelerated action is needed to ensure safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene for all.

Accelerated action is needed to ensure safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene for all.

Vulnerable to climate threats

These hotspots also rank within the top 25 per cent of 163 countries globally with the highest risk of exposure to climate and environmental threats. Higher temperatures – which accelerate pathogen replication – are increasing 1.5 times faster than the global average in parts of West and Central Africa. Groundwater levels are also dropping, requiring some communities to dig wells twice as deep as just a decade ago. At the same time, rainfall has become more erratic and intense, leading to floods that contaminate scarce water supplies.

 All 10 countries are also classified by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as fragile or extremely fragile, with the stresses of armed conflict in some countries threatening to reverse progress toward safe water and sanitation.

For example, Burkina Faso has seen a ramping up of attacks on water facilities as a tactic to displace communities. Fifty-eight water points were attacked in 2022, and more than 830,000 people – over half of whom are children – lost access to safe drinking water in the last year.

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Climate change, Parliament votes to reduce by 40% the greenhouse gas emissions by member states


The new Effort Sharing Regulation reduces the allowed maximum level of greenhouse gas emissions in member states from transport, buildings and agriculture until 2030.

Parliament today adopted with 486 votes to 132 and 10 abstentions the revision of the so-called Effort Sharing Regulation. It sets binding annual reductions for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for road transport, heating of buildings, agriculture, small industrial installations and waste management for each EU member state and currently regulates roughly 60% of all EU emissions.

The revised law increases the 2030 GHG reduction target at EU level from 30% to 40% compared to 2005-levels. For the first time, all EU countries must now reduce GHG emissions with targets ranging between 10 and 50%. The 2030-targets for each member state are based on GDP per capita and cost-effectiveness. Member states will also have to ensure every year that they do not exceed their annual GHG emission allocation.

Flexibility and transparency

The law strikes a balance between the need for EU countries to be flexible to achieve their targets while ensuring a just and socially fair transition, and the need to close loopholes so the overall EU reduction target is met. For this reason, there are limits on how many emissions member states can save from previous years, borrow from future years as well as on how much they can trade allocations with other member states.

In order to be able to hold member states accountable, the Commission will make information public on national actions in an easily accessible form, as requested by Parliament.


After the vote, rapporteur Jessica Polfjärd (EPP, SV) said: “With this law, we take a major step forward in delivering on the EU’s climate goals. The new rules for national emission cuts ensure that all member states contribute and that existing loopholes are closed. This allows us to send a clear signal that the EU is serious about being the global champion for a competitive and efficient climate agenda.”

Next Steps

The text now also has to be formally endorsed by Council. It will then be published in the EU Official Journal and enter into force 20 days later.


The Effort Sharing Regulation is part of the “Fit for 55 in 2030 package”, which is the EU’s plan to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels in line with the European Climate Law.

Don’t give up on Haiti, plead senior UN aid officials

Don’t give up on Haiti, plead senior UN aid officials

The call comes amid reports that the situation in Haiti is deteriorating by the day, with citizens facing spiralling violence, human rights, and food emergencies, as well as a cholera epidemic.

The influence of armed gangs is growing exponentially in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and beyond, reaching the Department of Artibonite, the country’s breadbasket. Armed violence – including kidnappings and sexual violence against women and girls – is also surging.

The six senior officials, representing UN aid agencies and international NGOs, met with people who need humanitarian aid, as well as with local and international partners.

They also held talks with Prime Minister Ariel Henry and other senior Government officials, and met with community representatives from areas controlled by, or under the influence of, armed gangs.

UN briefing on Haiti, with Osnat Lubrani, UN Women, Tareq Talahma, OCHA, and Dominic MacSorley, Concern Worldwide

“The humanitarian needs in Haiti are unprecedented,” said Sara Bordas Eddy, Chief of the Humanitarian Field Support Section of UNICEF, at the end of the two-day trip. “The suffering of a Haitian child today is not comparable to the suffering of a Haitian child a few years ago. As humanitarians, we are finding ways to reach those in need including in gang-controlled areas. For that to happen in a sustainable way, we also need the donor community to not give up on Haiti.”

Despite the difficulties, the UN and NGO officials noted that the humanitarian response continues to be scaled up, and committed even more support to aid workers on the ground.

“The population feels desperate, but I also saw the resilience and potential of the women and girls who want to help build a better future for their country, communities and families,” said Shoko Arakaki, Director of the Humanitarian Response Division of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). “They need urgent health and psychosocial support, but also livelihood and economic empowerment for recovery.”

This year, the UN and its partners will need $715 million to help more than three million people in Haiti. This is more than double the sum appealed for last year, and the highest amount since the 2010 earthquake.

Also taking part in the visit were Tareq Talahma, the Acting Director of the Operations and Advocacy Division of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Osnat Lubrani, the Acting Director and Head of the Humanitarian Section of UN Women’s Geneva Office, Dominic MacSorley, the Humanitarian Ambassador for Concern Worldwide, and Mark Smith, Vice President of Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs of World Vision.

“More than just humanitarian assistance, what the people of Haiti need is peace, security and protection,” said Mr. Talahma “We cannot let Haiti become a forgotten crisis.”

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Announcing new youth advisers, Guterres praises their ‘unrelenting’ drive for climate justice

Announcing new youth advisers, Guterres praises their ‘unrelenting’ drive for climate justice

UN Secretary-General António Guterres this week announced the names of seven young climate leaders selected to serve on his Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.

Their role is to act as climate justice advisers and push for the acceleration of bold climate goals based on their diverse expertise and grassroots work, across the different countries they represent.

The announcement was made as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gathers in Switzerland to wrap up its crucial Synthesis Report, the first since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 by 193 countries. 

It’s expected to confirm that the world is not on track to mitigate climate change, but some of the findings show we can still keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, if dramatic emissions cuts can be made across different sectors.

Climate change is the fight of our lives – and young people have been on the frontlines leading the charge for climate justice. The unrelenting conviction of young people is central to keeping climate goals within reach, kicking the world’s addiction to fossil fuels, and delivering climate justice,” said the Secretary-General. 

Magnificent Seven: Who are the new advisers?

Ayisha Siddiqa (United States) is a Pakistani-American human rights and tribal land defender. She is the Co-founder of Polluters Out and Fossil Free University. Her work focuses on uplifting the rights of marginalized communities while holding polluting companies accountable at the international level. She is currently a research scholar at NYU School of Law. Ayisha was recently named a Time magazine Woman of the Year.

Beniamin Strzelecki (Poland) is a climate action and energy transition advocate. He coordinated a global network of youth-led energy organizations and worked with intergovernmental entities, including the International Renewable Energy Agency, Sustainable Energy for All, and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to create opportunities for young people in the energy transition field. He currently co-chairs the Student Energy Summit 2023 and is continuing his studies at New York University Abu Dhabi.

Fatou Jeng (The Gambia) is dedicated to grassroots, national, and international mobilization as a climate educator, frontline activist, and campaigner. Fatou founded Clean Earth Gambia in 2017, a youth-led, local climate organization that has mobilized thousands of Gambian young people to help marginalized and vulnerable communities build resilience to climate change.

Fatou holds a Masters’ degree in Environment, Development, and Policy from the University of Sussex in the UK. She is also a gender climate negotiator for The Gambia to the UNFCCC and was recognized as a TOP 100 Young African Conservation Leader by the WWF, in 2022.

Jevanic Henry (Saint Lucia) is a climate and development professional and advocate. He previously served as Climate Change Special Envoy for the Caribbean Youth Environment Network, and was a UN Foundation Next Generation Fellow. Jevanic worked as a Foreign Service Officer with the Government of Saint Lucia, as well as with the climate change unit of the Commonwealth Secretariat and co-authored a practical guide on enhancing access to climate finance.

He is currently an Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Fellow, assigned to the Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia to the United Nations in New York.

Josefa Tauli (Philippines) is an Ibaloi-Kankanaey Igorot indigenous youth activist. She is Policy Cocoordinator of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), which serves as the youth constituency to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). An advocate for meaningful youth participation, human rights, and Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge, she has coordinated the engagement of youth delegations to more than 10 rounds of CBD negotiations during the development of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Joice Mendez (Colombia/Paraguay) is a migrant, social entrepreneur, and climate advocate focused on the nexus of water, food and energy justice. Joice co-founded several local and regional youth organizations, including the Moema Viezzer Environmental Education Observatory, the Latin American Observatory of Geopolitics of Energy, and the binational Youth Collective of the Parana Basin 3 from the Cultivating Good Water Initiative – a recipient of the UN-Water Best Practice Award in 2015.

Joice has also supported Paraguay’s National Conference of Youth since 2016 and the National Forum of Water and Youth, and continues to be active in YOUNGO, the Climate Reality Project América Latina.

Saoirse Exton (Ireland) is a climate justice activist with Fridays for Future. As a proud Gaelic speaker from Ireland, Saoirse believes that the wealth of knowledge held in traditional languages and storytelling, can re-establish the vital concept of Earth as sacred within capitalism-imposed mindsets. Saoirse is a member of the C40 Cities Global Youth and Mayors’ Forum, a high schooler, and a strong advocate of degrowth.

Youth and climate ambition

“As an organizer and youth activist, I have been working towards pushing the intergovernmental space further on climate ambition. It is a great honor to continue doing this work as an advisor to the Secretary-General,” said Ayisha Siddiqa.

Another key element for young people is that they are often part of local and regional conversations regarding climate change, but local issues can feel removed from conversations about global solutions. 

“Coming from a small island developing state, the climate crisis continues to be relentless in negatively impacting lives and livelihoods. Our survival is now dependent on a global community which is unified in urgently advancing the climate agenda, with the power of young people being a catalyst to drive this much needed accelerated action,” said Jevanic Henry.

Members of the Youth Advisory Group will work widely in collaboration with other young leaders and consult with youth climate movements and leaders around the world, to incorporate different perspectives on climate solutions and report findings directly to the Secretary-General.

Parliamentary Delegation Raise Concerns Over Continued Oppression in Tibet at Joint Press Meet

Parliamentary Delegation Raise Concerns Over Continued Oppression in Tibet at Joint Press Meet
Delegations during the press conference at Sikyong Auditorium on 10th March 2023.

Dharamshala: To demonstrate their genuine solidarity and support towards resolving the Tibet-China conflict and to express their concerns over China’s enforcement of repressive policies inside Tibet, the distinguished guests of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) spoke at the joint press conference organised by the Department of Information and International Relations, CTA, today in the afternoon of the 64th Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day.

The visiting guests comprise a four-member European Parliamentary delegation led by honourable Mikulas Peksa; a nine-member Parliamentary delegation of Mexico led by honourable Salvador Caro Cabrera (members of Tibet Support Groups); and honourable Arunas Valinskas, a member of the Lithuanian Parliament.

Honourable Mikulas Peksa, a European Parliament member, speaking to the media.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Parliamentary Delegation Raise Concerns Over Continued Oppression in Tibet at Joint Press Meet
Honourable Mikulas Peksa, a European Parliament member, speaking to the media.

Addressing the press meeting held at Sikyong’s Auditorium, Member of the European Parliament honourable Mikulas Peksa briefed the collective experiences of his and his co-parliamentarians’ visits to the CTA and other Tibetan institutions in Dharamshala, expressing that they witnessed very good cooperation within the Central Tibetan Administration and the excellent care provided to Tibetans in exile and other countries. He added, “we have also witnessed very good signs of cooperation between the Central Tibetan Administration and its host country India.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Parliamentary Delegation Raise Concerns Over Continued Oppression in Tibet at Joint Press Meet
Honourable Salvador Caro Cabrera, a Mexican politician and a member of Tibet Support Groups, addressing the press conference.

Honourable Salvador Caro Cabrera, who led the nine-member Parliamentary delegation of Mexico, shared their contentment about meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama this morning. He contended that His Holiness is just and legitimate (solution to) the cause of Tibet. Highlighting their visit to Dharamshala as a gesture of support for the Tibet cause, he stressed their denouncement of the one china policy that intends to endanger Tibetan identity. He encouraged non-violence as the guaranteed measure to resolve differences and conflict. To terminate China’s continued execution of atrocities inside Tibet, he acknowledged the existence of a “big team” in Mexico to work on the issue while ensuring their dedicated commitments to resolving the Sino-Tibet conflict.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Parliamentary Delegation Raise Concerns Over Continued Oppression in Tibet at Joint Press Meet
Honourable Arunas Valinskas, a Lithuanian Parliament member, speaking to the media.

Representing the third group of the delegation, honourable Arunas Valinskas, a member of the Lithuanian Parliament, lauded that “it’s truly fascinating to see what the Tibetan people in exile have done with organising themselves and maintaining their democracy” despite multiple challenges. He assured the existence of numerous groups in Lithuania contributing and supporting the cause of Tibet, including parliamentary and non-parliamentary groups, NGOs, and many intellectuals. Considering the connection between the Lithuanians and Tibetans as “interesting” yet “strange” given the distance and distinction between the two, he said, “if you think about (the relations) in a deeper way, it stops being strange because our nations have gone through similar trials and tribulations”. He continued, “being the victims of oppression is what makes us similar”.

Following the address from the team leaders of each delegation, the speakers answered questions from reporters representing both Tibetan and Indian media houses that were assembled at the joint press meeting.

When asked about their views on the intervention of the Communist Party of China in recognising His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s reincarnation, the three unanimously condemned China’s interference. Arunas Valinskas underscored the issue of His Holiness’ reincarnation “as a matter of wider principles of religious liberty and freedom of conscience whether it’s reincarnation or just the matter of Tibetans to practice their religion”. At the same time, Salvador Caro Cabrera stressed the requisite of global attention on this matter, while Mikulas Peksa regarded His Holiness and CTA as the legitimate authority in recognising the reincarnation of the current Dalai Lama.

The visitors further answered various questions raised by the media persons concerning the possibility of appointing a special coordinator for Tibet in the European Union, the trajectory of China’s domestic politics and its repercussions to Tibet and the wider world, and the authenticity of the dialogue if happened between Tibet and China. The three representatives of visiting delegation also shared their respective experiences of meeting with His Holiness and the messages they want to convey to China by attending today’s official event of the sixty-fourth anniversary of the Tibetan People’s Uprising Day.

 Press release issued by Central Tibetan Administration 

Ukraine-Russia: Extension of grain export deals vital to global food security


Martin Griffths, the UN Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, briefed ambassadors on the eve of the expiration of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which has allowed nearly 25 million metric tonnes of foodstuff from Ukraine to reach global markets. 

The accord was signed in Türkiye in July 2022, in parallel with a Memorandum of Understanding on Russian food and fertilizer exports. 

“It is vital for global food security that both of these agreements continue and will be fully implemented,” he said. 

Feed the world 

Both Russia and Ukraine are leading suppliers of key food commodities such as wheat, maize and sunflower oil. Russia is also a top global exporter of fertilizer.  

Mr. Griffiths said the world relies on these supplies and has done so for many years. 

“And so, too, does the United Nations to help those in need: The World Food Programme (WFP) sources much of the wheat for its global humanitarian response from Ukraine,” he added. 

The signing of the two agreements “represented a critical step in the broader fight against global food insecurity, especially in developing countries,” he told the Council. 

“Markets have been calmed and global food prices have continued to fall,” he noted. 

Stepping up engagement 

Mr. Griffiths said the UN is doing everything possible to make sure that the Black Sea Grain Initiative can continue, and is engaging with all the parties. 

Additionally, Secretary-General António Guterres and the head of the UN trade agency, UNCTAD, Rebeca Grynspan, “are sparing no effort” to facilitate the full implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding with Russia. 

“We have made meaningful progress. Impediments remain, however, notably with regard to payment systems. There is more to do and our efforts to overcome these remaining impediments will continue unabated,” he said. 

Staggering humanitarian needs 

The UN relief chief also warned of the threat to sustainable development in the face of an unstable global economy and growing poverty, and with humanitarian needs outpacing resources.  

This year, humanitarians will require an unprecedented $54 billion to support nearly 347 million people in 69 countries. Last year, donors gave a historic $38.7 billion for their operations. 

He said it was uncertain that this level of financing can be achieved so that humanitarians can deliver for the world’s most vulnerable people. 

End the war 

Mr. Griffiths also highlighted the need for closer collaboration between the humanitarian and development communities, and financial institutions, to seek sustainable solutions in the face of spiralling global needs, and new crises on the horizon. 

“More than ever, in this context do we need a political solution to the war in Ukraine,” he said.  “The people of Ukraine deserve peace, first and foremost. They deserve to turn the page on this terrible war, as do we all.”  

At the outset of the meeting, Council members declined Russia’s proposal to allow Daria Morosova, reportedly an ombudsperson of the Donetsk People’s Republic, to brief as a civil society representative. 

The Council is comprised of 15 members. Four countries voted in favour, eight against, and three abstained. 

Ukraine-Russia: Extension of grain export deals vital to global food security

Ukraine-Russia: Extension of grain export deals vital to global food security

Martin Griffths, the UN Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, briefed ambassadors on the eve of the expiration of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which has allowed nearly 25 million metric tonnes of foodstuff from Ukraine to reach global markets. 

The accord was signed in Türkiye in July 2022, in parallel with a Memorandum of Understanding on Russian food and fertilizer exports. 

“It is vital for global food security that both of these agreements continue and will be fully implemented,” he said. 

Feed the world 

Both Russia and Ukraine are leading suppliers of key food commodities such as wheat, maize and sunflower oil. Russia is also a top global exporter of fertilizer.  

Mr. Griffiths said the world relies on these supplies and has done so for many years. 

“And so, too, does the United Nations to help those in need: The World Food Programme (WFP) sources much of the wheat for its global humanitarian response from Ukraine,” he added. 

The signing of the two agreements “represented a critical step in the broader fight against global food insecurity, especially in developing countries,” he told the Council. 

“Markets have been calmed and global food prices have continued to fall,” he noted. 

Stepping up engagement 

Mr. Griffiths said the UN is doing everything possible to make sure that the Black Sea Grain Initiative can continue, and is engaging with all the parties. 

Additionally, Secretary-General António Guterres and the head of the UN trade agency, UNCTAD, Rebeca Grynspan, “are sparing no effort” to facilitate the full implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding with Russia. 

“We have made meaningful progress. Impediments remain, however, notably with regard to payment systems. There is more to do and our efforts to overcome these remaining impediments will continue unabated,” he said. 

Staggering humanitarian needs 

The UN relief chief also warned of the threat to sustainable development in the face of an unstable global economy and growing poverty, and with humanitarian needs outpacing resources.  

This year, humanitarians will require an unprecedented $54 billion to support nearly 347 million people in 69 countries. Last year, donors gave a historic $38.7 billion for their operations. 

He said it was uncertain that this level of financing can be achieved so that humanitarians can deliver for the world’s most vulnerable people. 

End the war 

Mr. Griffiths also highlighted the need for closer collaboration between the humanitarian and development communities, and financial institutions, to seek sustainable solutions in the face of spiralling global needs, and new crises on the horizon. 

“More than ever, in this context do we need a political solution to the war in Ukraine,” he said.  “The people of Ukraine deserve peace, first and foremost. They deserve to turn the page on this terrible war, as do we all.”  

At the outset of the meeting, Council members declined Russia’s proposal to allow Daria Morosova, reportedly an ombudsperson of the Donetsk People’s Republic, to brief as a civil society representative. 

The Council is comprised of 15 members. Four countries voted in favour, eight against, and three abstained. 

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Funding drought forces UN food agency to cut rations in Afghanistan

Funding drought forces UN food agency to cut rations in Afghanistan

The World Food Programme (WFP) appealed for urgent funding for its operations in the country, where families are battling crisis after crisis, including growing hunger, since the Taliban takeover of 2021.

Catastrophic hunger could become widespread across Afghanistan, and unless humanitarian support is sustained, hundreds of thousands more people will need assistance to survive, the agency said in an alert.

‘Half of what they need’

Due to funding constraints, at least four million people will receive just half of what they need to get by in March. Ss food stocks have run out before the next harvest is due in May, this is traditionally the most difficult time of the year for rural families, WFP said.

The cuts come at a time when already vulnerable Afghans are just emerging from yet another freezing winter. Sub-zero temperatures combined with economic distress has pushed millions into despair, the agency added.

WFP urgently needs $ 93 million to assist 13 million people in April and $800 million for the next six months. Although donors gave record amounts in 2022, since November last year WFP had been warning that funds would run out just as the lean season is reaching its peak in March and April.

‘Last lifeline’

The country is at the highest risk of famine in a quarter of a century, with half of all families living in crisis-coping mode to survive. For millions in Afghanistan, WFP’s food assistance is now the “last lifeline”.

Since August 2022, nine out of 10 Afghan families cannot afford enough food – the highest in the world. Nearly 20 million Afghans do not know where their next meal will come from, and six million of them are one step away from famine.

Levels of moderate acute malnutrition are the highest ever recorded in the country. Two thirds of the population – more than 28 million people – need humanitarian assistance in 2023, almost triple than in 2021.

In response, WFP massively scaled up its assistance across Afghanistan in 2022, thanks to generous funding. The agency supported 23 million people, distributing more than 1 million metric tons of food and $326 million in cash or vouchers to help families survive.


Afghanistan: WFP facts & figures

  • Nine million are suffering acute food insecurity (November 2022 to March 2023)
  • People suffering emergency-level acute food insecurity (November 2022 to March 2023): one million
  • Malnourished pregnant and breastfeeding women in 2023: 800,000
  • Children aged 6 to 59 months with moderate acute malnutrition in 2023: 2.3 million
  • Children aged 6 to 59 months with severe acute malnutrition in 2023: 800,000
  • Beneficiaries reached in 2022: 23.4 million
  • Beneficiaries assisted in 2023 to date: 14.2 million
  • Beneficiaries planned to be reached in 2023: 21 million

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Central Sahel: Lives of 10 million children on the line as conflict rages

Central Sahel: Lives of 10 million children on the line as conflict rages

“Brutal” armed conflict has left 10 million children in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger in need of humanitarian assistance – more than double the number in 2020, UNICEF warned in a new report.

And hostilities spilling over into neighbouring countries, are putting an extra four million children at risk.

“The conflict may not have clear boundaries, there may not be headline-grabbing battles, but slowly and surely things have been getting worse for children, and millions of them are now caught up in the centre of this crisis,” said UNICEF spokesperson John James.

Children living on the frontlines of hostilities between armed groups and national security forces are increasingly in the line of fire, too.

In Burkina Faso, for instance, the number of children killed during the first nine months of 2022 tripled compared to the same period in 2021. Children are also being recruited by armed groups and forced to fight or support militants in backup role, UNICEF said.

School attacks

In addition, armed groups in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have been directly targeting schools, in an “accelerating attack on education”. According to the UNICEF report, more than a fifth of schools in Burkina Faso have closed as a result of attacks.

“More than 8,300 schools in those three countries – Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger – are now closed due to violence and insecurity”, said Mr. James. That’s teachers who fled the schools, children who are too scared to go to the schools, families who are displaced – that’s buildings that have been attacked and caught up in the violence”, UNICEF’s Mr. James told journalists in Geneva.

Spillover effect

Hostilities have already spilled over from the central Sahel into the northern border regions of Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo where, UNICEF notes, “children have extremely limited access to essential services and protection”.

At least 172 violent incidents, including attacks by armed groups, were reported in the northern border areas of the four countries in 2022.

Climate crisis and food insecurity

UNICEF explained that the central Sahel suffers from severe food and water scarcity, and that armed groups make survival for civilians even harder by blockading towns and villages and contaminating water points.

Fifty-eight water points were attacked in Burkina Faso alone in 2022, close to a threefold increase from the previous year.

Overall, more than 20,000 people in the border area between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger face ‘catastrophe-level’ food insecurity by June 2023, according to humanitarian assessments.

Local people in Maiduguri, Nigeria, fetch water at a pump provided by a UN partner.

Climate change shocks

Climate shocks are a key factor affecting crops, with temperatures in the Sahel rising “1.5 times faster than the global average”, and “erratic” rainfall which leads to flooding, UNICEF said.

The impacts of extreme weather events are an important driver of displacement, with over 2.7 million displaced across the three countries.

The crisis in the Sahel is increasingly mirrored globally: in 2022, over 8,000 children worldwide were killed and maimed by armed forces and groups, more than 7,000 children recruited and over 4,000 abducted, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, told the Human Rights Council on Thursday.

A displaced young woman holds her newborn baby in the north-central region of Burkina Faso.

A displaced young woman holds her newborn baby in the north-central region of Burkina Faso.

Chronic underfunding

The UN Children’s Fund underscored that the crisis in the central Sahel remains “chronically and critically underfunded”, with only one third of the required funding received by UNICEF in 2022.

This year, the UN agency has appealed for $473.8 million to support its humanitarian response in the central Sahel and in neighbouring coastal countries.

UNICEF has also called for “long-term flexible investment” in essential social services, and stressed the need to work with communities and young people in the region to ensure a better future for them.

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Ukrainian region of Kirovohrad in search of partnerships in Brussels to feed the world

Ukrainian region of Kirovohrad
Sergii Shulga, Head of the regional council of Kirovohrad Oblast with MEP Lucas Mandel at the European Parliament

On 9-10 March, the head of the regional council of Kirovohrad Oblast (region), Sergii Shulga, visited European institutions in Brussels to raise awareness about the future of his region in the EU and the global context. Kirovohrad Oblast is a region in central Ukraine that had a population of about a million inhabitants before the war.

Only a limited number of local Ukrainians have decided to leave this highly agricultural region as the population mainly lives off the land but with the war raging in the Donbass, about 100,000 displaced persons have suddenly modified and increased the local demography.

Human Rights Without Frontiers met Sergii Shulga and interviewed him.

HRWF: Russia has invaded parts of Ukraine and has caused a lot of damage. Was your region affected as well?

S. Shulga: Since February 2022, Russia has launched over 20 missile attacks on the Kirovohrad region. Last night, there was a hit on the infrastructure again. But we are strong. And we believe in victory. So after it, we will rebuild our economy.

HRWF: Why did you come to Brussels and who did you meet?

S. Shulga: Up to now, no Ukrainian region has taken the initiative to send its highest representatives to Brussels to contact there the missions of the EU regions and identify possible partners for the reconstruction.

I met and talked with Lucas Mandel, an Austrian member of the European Parliament. He is a reliable supporter of Ukraine. He visited our country a few times. He knows our realities and he is quite supportive of any initiative that can be beneficial to Ukraine.

What is important for us in Ukraine is to have concrete solidarity partnerships, not only with regions but also with organizations of the European Union.Photo, Kropyvnytskyi: Oleksandr Maiorov

I had a meeting with the Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions, Mr. Christian Spahr, to discuss some joint cooperation in the Regional Youth Council, where the Kirovohrad Region has delegated two representatives. One of them has recently become the head of the Mental Health Committee.

I also talked with Mathieu Mori, the Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. He is a key person for the future development of our network between the Kirovohrad region and the EU regions as he was elected in October 2022 for a period of five years.

As Sweden is currently holding the EU presidency until 30 June, I discussed with the Head of the Southern Sweden Office which represents five regions to envisage potential partnerships. I also had talks with the head of the Lower Austrian Region, the head of the Representation of Carinthia Land as well as representatives of two regions of Slovakia: Bratislava region and Trnava region. The purpose is to put in place various forms of collaboration with our region.

HRWF: What are your current needs?

S. Shulga: The economy of our region is massively of agrarian nature. Ninety-five per cent of the income of our region comes from our agricultural activities. In our region, there are 2 million hectares of rich lands to be cultivated. They were rather spared from the war as the Russian shelling was mainly targeting energy infrastructure and housing: no explosions, no mines and no demining necessity, no holes, no tank carcasses, no toxic products or pollution in our fields.

Last year, through the ports of Mikolayev, Kherson and Odessa we exported four million tons of our grain, corn, sugar beet and sunflower seeds, mainly to the Middle East and Africa. We all know how difficult the negotiations were to break Russia’s blockade of our ports and how fragile this agreement with Russia remains. Brussels needed to know that the Kirovohrad Region helps feed the world with its rich lands. That is also the reason why I needed to come to Brussels. Ukraine needs to get back its Russian-occupied territories, especially along the sea.

HRWF: What will be your objective when you are back in your oblast?

S. Shulga: I would like to organize a conference in Brussels in May to give the opportunity to the Kirovohrad Region to present themselves to the European Union. I informed the Head of the Ukrainian Mission to the EU, Mr Vsevolod Chentsov, about this project and already invited him. This will be part of the process of opening the road to our EU membership. We need and love the EU but the EU also shows with its massive investments that it needs Ukraine and loves Ukraine.