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Child deaths hit ‘tragic milestone’ in Ukraine

Child deaths hit ‘tragic milestone’ in Ukraine

“Since the escalation of the war, at least 501 children have been killed,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “This is another tragic milestone for Ukraine’s children and families.”

OHCHR’s latest update recorded 765 civilian casualties in Ukraine, from 1 to 31 March, which included 178 deaths and 587 injuries.

Since the invasion on 24 February 2022 to 2 April 2023, the Office recorded 22,607 civilian casualties: 8,451 deaths and 14,156 injuries.

“These figures are just the tip of the iceberg,” said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk. “Most of the casualties resulted from the Russian forces’ use of wide-impact explosive weaponry in residential neighbourhoods.”

Addressing the Human Rights Council on Friday, he said international law is being violated daily, adding that his Office has documented such crimes as summary executions, enforced disappearances, sexual violence, and other grave violations.

‘Behind every number is a family torn apart’

UNICEF’s Executive Director said children and families in Ukraine are “paying the highest price for this brutal war”.

“Behind every number is a family torn apart and changed forever; it’s heart-wrenching,” she said.

In response, UNICEF is providing children with critical assistance, including psychosocial care and support. UNICEF analysis suggests the percentage of children living in poverty has almost doubled from 43 per cent to 82 per cent. The situation is especially acute for the 5.9 million people who are currently displaced within Ukraine.

Meanwhile, children and families’ access to basic services have been severely curtailed. An estimated 1.5 million children are at risk of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health issues, with potential long-term effects and implications.

More than 800 health facilities are reported to have been damaged or destroyed by shelling and airstrikes.

© UNICEF/Diego Ibarra Sánchez

A nine-year-old boy helps his mother clear rubble from their heavily damaged home.

Thousands fleeing the conflict

Thousands of children fleeing the conflict across Ukraine are missing vital vaccines to protect them from polio, measles, diphtheria, and other life-threatening diseases, UNICEF said.

Since the start of the war, the agency, with the international community’s support, has provided learning supplies to 1.8 million children and engaged over 2.5 million children in education programmes.

UNICEF has also provided such assistance as mental health and psychosocial support to 4.6 million children and caregivers, gender-based violence response services to 725,000 women and children, access to safe water for 5.6 million people, healthcare services to 5.4 million, and multi-purpose cash assistance to 277,000 households inside Ukraine and in refugee-hosting countries.

‘Peace cannot come soon enough’

“Ultimately, children and families need peace; it cannot come soon enough,” Ms. Russell said. “War is always the worst enemy of children, whether in Ukraine, or countless other conflicts around the world.”

Every child, no matter where they live, deserves to grow up in a peaceful environment, she said.

“No child should experience a childhood scarred by violence and fear,” she added.

The impact of war in Ukraine on children’s mental health I UNICEF

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Republic of Korea: Breaking barriers, one brushstroke at a time

Republic of Korea: Breaking barriers, one brushstroke at a time

“There is no such thing as disability in the world of art,” said Soomi Jeon, Director of the Vichae Art Museum.

“We often think the persons with disabilities are the receivers of charity, and we are the givers,” she explained. “This belief actually divides us. It is not sharing. I planned this exhibition to break that common misconception.”

An art exhibit in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Breaking misconceptions

One of the featured artists is Hansol Kwon, who uses bold lines and dots in vivid colours to express himself.

His mother, Kyunghee Kim, recalled that Hansol, who lives with autism, started painting with colours, then he would cover them over in black.

“The black disappeared, and pretty colours reappeared,” she said. “I witnessed how he blossomed in his paintings. When I look at my son’s paintings since his younger years, I am able to see his growth and psychological development.”

The prestigious venue, one of the Republic of Korea’s leading arts institutions, first exhibited the works of artists with developmental disabilities in 2020. Hansol was among the 43 artists who collectively contributed more than 100 different paintings in 2022.

Beyond the art world

The significance reverberates far beyond the art world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that 15 per cent of the global population, or about one billion people, have a disability.

Reena Lee, the former Secretary-General of the Korean Disability Forum, noted that despite the strong representation, such persons are often hidden. This means one in seven people around me must have a disability, she said.

“In my school classroom, in my neighbourhood and in the workplace, is there one person with disabilities out of seven people I know? No, there isn’t,” she said. “Just for the comfort of the majority and economic benefit, society decided to separate persons with disabilities from those without them.”

Autistic artists are featured in periodic exhibits at the Seoul Art Centre in the Republic of Korea.

Autistic artists are featured in periodic exhibits at the Seoul Art Centre in the Republic of Korea.

Promoting dignity

The exhibition offers an invaluable opportunity to raise visibility and promote dignity in tangible ways, Ms. Jeon said.

“People think that the exhibitions of the artists with disabilities are just free events, but these proud artists gave their imagination to us with so much sweat and passion, so in fact, it is only right to pay to see their work and establish it as a commercial exhibition,” she said. “That way, they can become financially independent someday.”

In her view, persons with disabilities should never be viewed as an economic drain.

“Breaking those misunderstandings is one of the important goals of this exhibition,” she added.

Artworks in their own right

Visitors to the exhibition shared that observation. Yunhee Park said she had visited to admire the artworks in their own right.

“If our society is open and ready to accept them, then we would be able to provide many opportunities for persons without disabilities to contribute with their amazing talents,” she said. “It will also be beneficial to persons without disabilities, and I hope more opportunities like this one can be made available.”

Visitors take in an art show in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Visitors take in an art show in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Equality promotes stability

Equality promotes stability, said Yejin Ha, who works as a programme officer at UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

“Throughout history, social exclusion and social injustices and inequality – they all lead to conflict and social discord,” she said. “In order to prevent conflict, it is absolutely critical to make sure that everybody is included in these efforts to build an harmonious and just society.”

‘Receive their uniqueness’

Humanity is more than transactional; it can generate mutually beneficially synergies among those with disabilities and others in society, said Myunghee Kim, who is the mother of featured artist Hyeshin Park.

“All we have to do is foster a natural exchange,” she said. “We could share the health we have and receive the uniqueness they have. It will make such a wonderful world.”





Korean Artists Break Barriers One Brushstroke at a Time | 대한민국 | UN Story

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Celebrate diverse contributions of persons with autism, UN chief says

Celebrate diverse contributions of persons with autism, UN chief says

“Today and every day, let us fully recognize the active and diverse contributions of persons with autism to our societies,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said. “Let us work together with persons with autism to build an inclusive and accessible world for all.”

‘We must do better’

Despite important progress, he said, persons with autism continue to face social and environmental barriers to the full exercise of their rights and fundamental freedoms, in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“We must do better, by promoting inclusive education, equal employment opportunities, self-determination, and an environment where every person is respected,” he said.

“As we do so, we also recognize the role of families, caregivers, and support networks in the lives of persons with autism.”

Global event

A UN-hosted global virtual event, Transformation: Toward a Neuro-Inclusive World for All, will feature autistic people from around the world discussing how the transformation in the narrative around neurodiversity can continue to be furthered in order to overcome barriers and improve the lives of autistic people.

The event will also address the contributions that autistic people make – and can make – to society, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The event, to be held on Sunday, can be streamed here.

Aniket Kadam was one of the panelists at the pre-recorded UN event for World Autism Awareness Day, held on 2 April, on the subject of work within the global theme “Transformation: Toward a Neuro-Inclusive World for All”.

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First Person: ‘Simple dreams’ of Syrians following earthquake

First Person: ‘Simple dreams’ of Syrians following earthquake

Shirin Yaseen from the Office of the Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General visited northwestern Syria as part of an interagency mission to assess the situation there.

“On the day we visited Jindairis in northern Syria, one of the areas most affected by the February earthquake, the weather conditions were very bad. A mobile medical clinic housed in a tent was lifted off the ground by high winds scattering supplies and medical instruments.

Young girls play at a reception center for displaced people in Jindairis, Aleppo governorate.

The dreams of the children in this camp are simple. One told me that she needs glasses, another decent shoes so she can walk the camp’s unpaved roads. A young girl, Ahlam, told me all she just wanted was to go back to school. A mother asked for a wheelchair for her 20-year-old daughter. 

Earthquake experience

In another camp, in Idleb, called Kammonah I met Yazi Khaled Al-Abdullah whose suffering reflects the experience of hundreds of thousands of people who were made homeless as a result of the earthquake. 

She told me how at four o’clock in the morning she felt shaking but didn’t know what was happening. Her children told her not to be afraid and after they all left their house it collapsed. It was rainy and they were shivering from cold, but didn’t know what to do or where to go.

Yazi Khaled Al-Abdullah has been living in a tent following the earthquake.

Yazi Khaled Al-Abdullah has been living in a tent following the earthquake.

They ended up at Kammonah camp and were advised to sign up for a shelter. A month after the quake they are still living in a tent with two other families. 

Yazi Khaled Al-Abdullah told me that she loves to cook but doesn’t have pots or a gas stove. Sometimes prepared food, usually rice, is provided, but she has diabetes, so is not getting the nutrition that she needs.

She and her family are desperate to return home even if that means living a very basic life. She used an Arabic expression which says that even if they have only dirt to eat, they still want to go back to their hometown.

Her family left Sinjar eight years ago because of the war in Syria and spent time here and there. She told me her son and husband were working their land and tending sheep when they were killed by a plane. In her words, they have become martyrs.

I also met Mazyad Abdul Majeed Al-Zayed, who runs the Ajnadayn camp in Jindairis and who himself is a victim of the earthquake. 

He explained the difficult conditions in which the camp residents live, due to a shortage of everything, including tents. Mobile clinics operate in the area, but they lack medicine and come only sporadically. 

Mazyad Abdel-Majeed Al-Zayed, manages Ajnadayn camp in Jindairis.

Mazyad Abdel-Majeed Al-Zayed, manages Ajnadayn camp in Jindairis.

He said the camp is miserable and that he did not bring his family here as he could not bear to see them live in such conditions.

Later I visited tents set up opposite the Al-Rafa Specialized Hospital in Jindairis, which housed mobile clinics, including one for children and one for women.

Patients and visitors are received daily in these clinics, which were established several days after the earthquake. 

The hospital is surrounded by destroyed buildings, and the medical staff live and work in the same conditions as the people they are treating.

The medical system in this part of Syria was overburdened even before the earthquake, and now the medical staff is exhausted and equipment is almost completely broken. 

Countless people affected by the earthquake have sought refuge in this area in northwestern Syria. Many did so to escape the war which has been raging for 12 years now. 

The UN launched a $400 million humanitarian appeal to support displaced families.

The UN launched a $400 million humanitarian appeal to support displaced families.

A woman I spoke to said she had no idea what her future would hold having fled over a period of five years from Saraqib to Afrin, which was bombed, and then to Jindairis.

I met and spoke to so many people including young unaccompanied children who had been separated from their parents, whose lives had been upended by the war and then the earthquake.

But I also met people who had hope and optimism for a brighter future. I met diligent and caring aid workers who partner the UN and who try every day to improve the lives of those affected. 

Meanwhile, the UN has launched a $400 million humanitarian appeal, and continues to work with its partners to ensure that relief supplies reach the most vulnerable people.

Find more here about the work of the UN in Syria.

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Israel and the United Arab Emirates celebrated in Brussels anniversary of Abraham Accords

Photo credit: www.bxl-media.com

European Jewis Community Centre / The Embassies of the United Arab Emirates and Israel will co-host with the European Jewish Community Centre the celebration of the Abrahamic Accords on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Steigenberger Wiltcher’s Hotel, delivering a strong message of peace and understanding for the Jewish and Arab communities.

(Brussels, March 29, 2023) The Abrahamic Accords (A. A.) anniversary was celebrated on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at Steigenberger Wiltcher’s Hotel. This event was organized by the European Jewish Community Centre (EJCC) and co-hosted by the Embassies of the United Arab Emirates and Israel.

The political representatives of the four signatories of these agreements were present, namely the Ambassadors of Morocco, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Israel as well as the Ambassador of the United States.

The Abraham Accords – This Middle East peace treaty may have been difficult to implement, but its impact has exceeded all expectations. One of the results is the cross-cultural atmosphere created by the A. A. and which went beyond the borders of the nations involved in the treaty.

This mutual interest and genuine friendship between Arab and Jewish communities around the world has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to embark on a new wave of cross-cultural tourism and spontaneous cross-cultural gatherings between local communities around the world.

Signed just under three years ago, the A. A. marks and celebrates this new era that will encourage others to follow suit and be part of this vision of the future where ancient traditions inspire growth and modernity in harmony and respect for our differences.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Israel and the United Arab Emirates celebrated in Brussels anniversary of Abraham Accords
Photo credit: www.bxl-media.com

The event hosted EU officials, the Czech Commissioner for Enlargement, members of the Jewish community, the Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia, the Chief Rabbi of Brussels Rabbi Guigui, the executive representation of the Muslims of Belgium, as well as Lahcen Hammouch, founder of BXL-MEDIA group, among others.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Israel and the United Arab Emirates celebrated in Brussels anniversary of Abraham Accords
Israel and the United Arab Emirates celebrated in Brussels anniversary of Abraham Accords 15

This event saw the presentation of the Abraham Award to the four Ambassadors who signed the treaty: H.E. Mohammed Al Sahlawi (UAE), H.E. Haïm Regev (Israel), H.E. Mohammed Ameur (Morocco), H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Aldoseri (Bahrain) as well as to the Ambassador of the United States, H.E Mark Gitenstein.

First Person: Journeys of resilience in Ukraine

First Person: Journeys of resilience in Ukraine

Manfred Profazi, who is based in Vienna, Austria, has been touring some of the regions in Ukraine which have been most seriously affected by over 13 months of conflict following Russia’s full-scale invasion.

He has told UN News what he’s been seeing across the devastated country and how IOM has provided comfort to people forced to flee their homes due to the fighting and bombardment of civilian areas.

“Travelling in Ukraine these days isn’t easy. When I served as Chief of Mission for the International Organization for Migration from 2012 to 2017, it was possible to fly, or take one of the modern trains across the length and breadth of this vast country.

Now flying is completely impossible, and travel by train still fraught.

My journey this week in Ukraine, from Odesa and Mykolaiv in the south, Dnipro in the east, up to the capital Kyiv and again west to Lviv, was, for security reasons, by road.

It gave me ample time to reflect on the millions of Ukrainians that have taken the same roads to escape the danger and destruction since the start of the war.

Millions of people are in a state of flux, caught between being displaced in their own land, or with their families torn apart. Some stay in Ukraine because they cannot afford to leave, for some because leaving is simply not an option

© UNICEF/Siegfried Modola

A group of mainly women and children arrive in Kyiv in April 2022 after being evacuated from the southern city of Mykolaiv.

Over 8 million Ukrainians have fled the country, another 5.3 million are internally displaced. Many people have been displaced several times. Some have travelled abroad, come back, settled, and left again as the frontline changes.

This feeling of dislocation even affects communities and people that have not relocated. Communities have been crushed, unsettled, scattered. The damage in places like Mykolaiv, and countless small towns and villages I passed through this week, scars the landscape and the emotions.

Mykolaiv has been under daily shelling for more than 250 days. Water pipes have been heavily hit. We see people queueing up for drinking water at public distribution points, some of them established by IOM, as we pass through the city. 

Rising from the rubble

The living conditions are very hard for locals and internally displaced people alike. And yet, people stay. People are returning. More than 5.6 million. People are adapting to being in new host communities, and are bringing their skills and their experience to help rebuild their new home.

Of course, rebuilding and reconstruction in the middle of a war is challenging, to put it mildly, but everywhere I went, I saw new infrastructure rising from the rubble. Much of it, I am proud and humbled to say, has been installed by IOM and by organizations working with us, and with local authorities, who have done so much to keep hope alive.

One of many examples is a mobile heating plant, essentially the hangar of a 40-tonne truck, specially adapted to provide heat to a children’s hospital, where hundreds of children – local and displaced – can receive uninterrupted treatment. Blackouts caused by the shelling brought the heating system down, and for several days, the young patients stayed in freezing conditions.

IOM Regional Director Manfred Profazi talks to Valeria about her life as a resident in an IOM-supported dormitory in Dnipro.

IOM Regional Director Manfred Profazi talks to Valeria about her life as a resident in an IOM-supported dormitory in Dnipro.

I was lucky enough to be able to hear first-person accounts of survival, of resilience, and even optimism from young and old alike. These stories, and the dedication of our staff, keep all of us motivated and focussed on our assistance, and on facilitating recovering without fostering dependency.

Looking back, I’m thinking of Valeriia and her son, who fled the destruction of Bakhmut and are now finally in decent accommodations, thanks to IOM-organized repair works to a dormitory in Dnipro.

She showed me photos of her home, now completely destroyed, and spoke wistfully of her market garden. Now she grows a few greens in a window box. Her son, a diligent student, follows his lessons on a mobile phone, as he doesn’t even have a laptop. They have not given up; they do whatever it takes to retain a simulacrum of normal life.

IOM’s integrated approach allows us to support displaced people and host communities on multiple levels and provide them with a full range of services from infrastructure to income-generation.

We will continue our efforts to support them as long as needed in all the ways we can.”

Read more here, about the work of IOM in Ukraine.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is stepping up efforts to help displaced and war-affected people cope with cold weather.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is stepping up efforts to help displaced and war-affected people cope with cold weather.

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‘Bring them home’: UN experts call for repatriating detained Syria children

‘Bring them home’: UN experts call for repatriating detained Syria children

Children in conflict zones must be protected, not punished, said the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, together with Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, UN Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of human rights while countering terrorism, in a joint statement.

“It is now time to bring them home,” they said. “Many children are now entering their fifth year of detention in northeast Syria, since they were detained by the de facto authorities following the fall of Baghouz in early 2019.”

They called on all actors to ensure the immediate safety and protection of all children, regardless of their location in northeastern Syria to prevent them from suffering further harm.

States have an obligation to protect vulnerable children from abuse and possible violations of their right to life, as recognized by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Victims of terrorism

“Their best interests as extremely vulnerable children must be reinstated as a guiding principle together with their primary status as victims of terrorism and as children in need of special protection under international law,” they said.

Al-Hol and Roj are the two largest locked camps for women, girls, and young boys, holding about 56,000 individuals, including 37,000 foreign nationals. Over half of the population in the camps are children, of which 80 per cent are under the age of 12 and 30 per cent under five.

There are also over 850 boys deprived of their liberty in prisons and other detention centres, including supposed rehabilitation centres, throughout northeast Syria.

Egregious rights violations

The mass detention of children for what their parents may have done is an egregious violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibits all forms of discrimination and punishment of a child based on the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of their parents, the experts said.

“These children are detained without any legal basis, judicial authorization, review, control, or oversight, in violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which affirms no child shall be deprived of liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily,” they said.

‘No place for children’

Most children have known nothing but conflict and closed camps, where the life conditions amount to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and pose an imminent risk to their lives, physical and mental integrity, and development.

“These squalid camps are no place for children to live with dignity,” the experts said. “They lack access to the most basic needs such as medical treatment and health services, food, water, and education.”

Protection, not punishment

Amid a deteriorating security situation, the experts said all children in this conflict zone deserve to be protected, not punished.

“These children are victims of terrorism and of very serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and must be treated with dignity in all contexts, whether armed conflict or terrorism,” the experts said. “Safe return to their home countries, in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, is the only solution and must be prioritized.

“States must urgently repatriate children, together with their mothers – a solution that we now know is eminently feasible,” they said. “We note that it is of the utmost importance that comprehensive rehabilitation programmes are in place when children are repatriated.”

About Special Rapporteurs

Special Rapporteurs are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, which is based in Geneva. These independent experts are mandated to monitor and report on specific thematic issues or country situations. They are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work.

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Türkiye, Syria quake response continues, food security threat rising

Türkiye, Syria quake response continues, food security threat rising

OCHA Spokesperson Jens Laerke, told reporters in Geneva that the current phase was still “a humanitarian emergency where we look at, ‘What do the survivors need? How can we support those who have survived this devastating earthquake?’”

Help for millions in need

In Türkiye, where over nine million have been directly affected, the UN and partners have been supporting the Government-led response, reaching some four million people with basic household items and almost three million people with food assistance.

More than 700,000 people have received support with shelter and living space, such as tents, special “relief housing units”, repair toolkits and tarpaulins.

The UN has also supported the Ministry of Health with 4.6 million vaccine doses, mobile health clinics and medicines.

Displaced persons’ camps flooded in Syria

In Syria, where some 8.8 million people have been affected by the earthquake, heavy rainfall in the northwest is causing more hardship for displaced families, flooding camps and destroying thousands of tents. At least 50 displacement sites have been flooded.

The UN and partners have been providing emergency shelter, food, water, sanitation and hygiene items. OCHA reports that over a hundred schools in the heavily-affected governorates of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama are still being used as collective shelters.

A fifth of food production lost

Meanwhile, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Friday that more than 20 per cent of Türkiye’s food production has been damaged by the earthquake, which impacted 11 key agricultural provinces.

The earthquake-affected region is known as Türkiye’s “fertile crescent” and accounts for almost 15 percent of the country’s agricultural income. More than one-third of the people in the impacted areas rely on agriculture for their livelihood and are now struggling to make ends meet.

Saving the next harvest

FAO has been providing cash assistance to farmers and helping them rehabilitate their farms. But crucial deadlines for securing future crops are looming, and the agency says fertilizer shortages will make it hard to sustain food production.

“The planting season deadline is approaching. We need to urgently support our farmers by providing fertilizers and seeds,” said FAO Subregional Coordinator for Central Asia and Representative in Türkiye, Viorel Gutu. “This is our only chance to maintain crop production levels this year.”

The agency stressed that support was urgently needed to “prevent a national food access and availability crisis” in Türkiye and mitigate “soaring” food prices.

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The simple truth about ECT: No one should be given shock treatment

Photo of Head Bust Print Artwork

Peter R. Breggin MD is a lifelong reformer known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his criticism of biological psychiatry and his promotion of more effective, empathic, and ethical forms of psychological, educational, and social approaches to people with emotional suffering and disability. He graduated from Harvard College with Honors and his psychiatric training included a Teaching Fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Following his training, he became a Full Time Consultant in the U.S. Public Health Service at NIH, assigned to the National Institute of Mental Health. Since then, he has taught at several universities, including Johns Hopkins, George Mason, and the University of Maryland, as well as at the Washington School of Psychiatry.

ECT works by damaging the brain. ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) involves the application of two electrodes to the head to pass electricity through the brain with the goal of causing an intense seizure or convulsion. The process always damages the brain, resulting each time in a temporary coma and often a flatlining of the brain waves, which is a sign of impending brain death.

After one, two or three ECTs, the trauma causes typical symptoms of severe head trauma or injury including headache, nausea, memory loss, disorientation, confusion, impaired judgment, loss of personality, and emotional instability. These harmful effects worsen and some become permanent as routine treatment progresses.

ECT originated in 1938. Modifications have been used since the 1960s and are not new or safer. These changes make it harder to cause a seizure. As a result, modern ECT requires even stronger and more damaging doses of electricity.


ECT works by damaging the brain. The initial trauma can cause an artificial euphoria which ECT doctors mistakenly call an improvement. After several routine ECTs, the damaged person becomes increasingly apathetic, indifferent, unable to feel genuine emotions, and even robotic. Memory loss and confusion worsen. This helpless individual becomes unable to voice distress or complaints and becomes docile and manageable. ECT doctors mistakenly call this an improvement but it indicates severe and disabling brain injury.

Permanent effects of ECT

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The simple truth about ECT: No one should be given shock treatment

ECT permanently impairs memory and causes other long-term signs of mental dysfunction such as difficulties with concentration and new learning. Memories of important past experiences are commonly impaired or eradicated, including weddings, birthdays, vacations, educational experiences, and housekeeping or professional skills. Sense of self or identity can be demolished, and family members often report that their loved one “was never the same again.” Follow-up studies show that ECT has been used to abuse women by making
them docile and submissive.

Many animal studies show that clinical ECT causes small hemorrhages throughout the brain as well as patches of cell death. Newly discovered ECT induced neurogenesis (growth of new brain cells) is not a benefit but instead confirms brain injury. Neurogenesis is a response to brain damage from many causes, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

ECT is not a last resort because it does not work and can ruin recovery. ECT does not prevent suicide, but can cause it. Controlled
clinical trials show that ECT has no more benefit than sham ECT (anesthesia with no shock).


ECT blunts emotional life during the acute phase of brain injury for about 4 weeks, after which the person remains depressed with the
added affliction of brain damage. Abundant evidence indicates that ECT should be banned. Because ECT destroys the ability to protest, all ECT quickly becomes involuntary and thus inherently abusive and a human rights violation. Therefore, when ECT has already been started, concerned relatives or others should immediately intervene to stop it, if necessary with an attorney.


In place of ECT, depressed and severely disturbed people need good individual, couples, or family therapy. Family members should participate actively in therapy with their overwhelmed loved ones.

Since psychiatric drugs commonly cause or worsen depression, anxiety and psychosis, always consider stopping all psychiatric drugs
through a carefully supervised withdrawal.

Becoming free of psychiatric drugs is often the start of recovery. See Peter R. Breggin, MD, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families (2013).

Key Points To Remember

ECT is not a last resort because it does not work and can ruin any hope of future recovery.

After one or more ECTs, the brain-damaged individual becomes too docile and confused to protest or resist. Therefore family members, concerned individuals, advocates, or attorneys must intervene to prevent more extensive injury. No harm will come from stopping shock
treatment, but increasing harm will inevitably occur from increasing numbers of ECTs.

Because it always becomes involuntary and because it causes severe damage to the brain and mind, ECT should be banned.

How to Access Resources

The facts in this report are confirmed by more than 125 scientific articles and other relevant materials at Dr. Peter Breggin’s “ECT Resources Center” which is available free of charge online at www.ectresources.org.

A table of contents is provided with extensive search terms such as “memory loss” and “brain damage.” For Dr. Breggin’s medical textbook chapter on ECT see his book, Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Second Edition, New York, Springer Publishing Company, 2008.

Permission is given to reprint and distribute this publication in hardcopy or digital form provided it is free and the copyright is included.

Copyright 2013 by Peter R. Breggin MD.

ECT – what the United Nations says about Electroshock


Electroshock – In February 2013, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Mr Juan Méndez, when speaking amongst other things, ECT (electroconvulsive therapy o electroshock) recommended an

“absolute ban on forced and non-consensual medical interventions against persons with disabilities, including the non-consensual administration of psychosurgery, electroshock and mind-altering drugs such as neuroleptics, [and] the use of restraint and solitary confinement, for both long- and short-term application.” [i]


1 February 2013

39. …Medical care that causes severe suffering for no justifiable reason can be considered cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and if there is State involvement and specific intent, it is torture.

63. … It is essential that an absolute ban on all coercive and non-consensual measures, including restraint and solitary confinement of people with psychological or intellectual disabilities, should apply in all places of deprivation of liberty, including in psychiatric and social care institutions….

V. Conclusions and recommendations

  1. Significance of categorizing abuses in health-care settings as torture and ill-treatment

82. The prohibition of torture is one of the few absolute and non-derogable human rights, a matter of jus cogens, a peremptory norm of customary international law. Examining abuses in health-care settings from a torture protection framework provides the opportunity to solidify an understanding of these violations and to highlight the positive obligations that States have to prevent, prosecute and redress such violations.

B. Recommendations

85. The Special Rapporteur calls upon all States to:

Enforce the prohibition of torture in all health-care institutions, both public and private, by, inter alia, declaring that abuses committed in the context of health-care can amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; regulating health-care practices with a view to preventing mistreatment under any pretext; and integrating the provisions of prevention of torture and ill-treatment into health-care policies;

4. Persons with psychosocial disabilities

89. The UN Special Rapporteur calls upon all States to:

Impose an absolute ban on all forced and non-consensual medical interventions against persons with disabilities, including the non-consensual administration of psychosurgery, electroshock and mind-altering drugs such as neuroleptics, the use of restraint and solitary confinement, for both long- and short-term application. The obligation to end forced psychiatric interventions based solely on grounds of disability is of immediate application and scarce financial resources cannot justify postponement of its implementation

“(d) Revise the legal provisions that allow detention on mental health grounds or in mental health facilities, and any coercive interventions or treatments in the mental health setting without the free and informed consent by the person concerned. Legislation authorizing the institutionalization of persons with disabilities on the grounds of their disability without their free and informed consent must be abolished.

14 May 2018: Statement by UN High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights, Mr Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein

“Psychiatric institutions, like all closed settings, generate exclusion and segregation, and being forced into one amounts to arbitrary deprivation of liberty. They are also, often, the locus of abusive and coercive practices, as well as violence potentially amounting to torture.”

“Forced treatment – including forced medication and forced electroconvulsive treatment, as well as forced institutionalisation and segregation – should no longer be practiced.”

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations (A/HRC/39/36) of 24 July 2018

Mental health and human rights

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

44. In light of the discussions, the following recommendations were proposed.

46. States should ensure that all health care and services, including all mental health care and services, are based on the free and informed consent of the individual concerned, and that legal provisions and policies permitting the use of coercion and forced interventions, including involuntary hospitalization and institutionalization, the use of restraints, psychosurgery, forced medication, and other forced measures aimed at correcting or fixing an actual or perceived impairment, including those allowing for consent or authorization by a third party, are repealedStates should reframe and recognize these practices as constituting torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and as amounting to discrimination against users of mental health services, persons with mental health conditions and persons with psychosocial disabilities. States should ensure their enjoyment and exercise of legal capacity on an equal basis with others by repealing laws that provided for substituted decision-making, and should provide: a range of voluntary supported decision-making mechanisms, including peer support, respectful of their individual autonomy, will and preferences; safeguards against abuse and undue influence within support arrangements; and the allocation of resources to enable and ensure the availability of support.

14 September 2018: Presentation of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights thematic report Mental Health and Human Rights by UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Kate Gilmore.


June 10, 2021: The World Health Organization’s “Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-Centered and Rights-Based Approaches,”

The World Health Organization’s “Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-Centered and Rights-Based Approaches,” condemns coercive psychiatric practices, which it says,

“are pervasive and are increasingly used in services in countries around the world, despite the lack of evidence that they offer any benefits, and the significant evidence that they lead to physical and psychological harm and even death.”[ii]

“Several other rights of the CRPD, including Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse, also prohibit coercive practices such as forced admission and treatment, seclusion and restraint, as well as the administering of antipsychotic medication, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychosurgery without informed consent.”[iii]

Consultation on ways to harmonize laws, at the United Nations (A/HRC/49/29) of 2 February 2022

Summary of the outcome of the consultation on ways to harmonize laws, policies and practices relating to mental health with the norms of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and on how to implement them

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

“40. In the light of the discussions, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights makes the following observations and recommendations for States and all other relevant stakeholders, including health professionals, on ways to harmonize, as appropriate, laws, policies and practices relating to mental health with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and on how to implement them:

“(c) Stemming from their obligations under the Convention, States should repeal provisions on forced institutionalization and substituted decision-making in law and in practice. States’ commitment to deinstitutionalization should include ending involuntary treatment practices,”


June 2022


“Significant controversy surrounds the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and its associated risks (171). In Slovenia and Luxembourg, ECT is not available (172); and in many countries, there has been a dramatic decline in its use (173). Moreover, there are calls to consider banning ECT altogether (174, 175). If permitted, ECT must only be administered with the informed consent of the person concerned. International human rights standards are very clear that ECT without consent violates the right to physical and mental integrity and may constitute torture and ill-treatment (77). People being offered ECT should also be made aware of all its risks and potential short- and long-term harmful effects, such as memory loss and brain damage (176, 177).”

Box 24. What the law can say


171.    Read J, Cunliffe S, Jauhar S, McLoughlin DM. Should we stop using electroconvulsive therapy? BMJ. 2019;364:k5233. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k5233.

172.    Gazdag G, Takács R, Ungvari GS, Sienaert P. The practice of consenting to electroconvulsive therapy in the european union. J ECT. 2012;28:4-6. doi: 10.1097/YCT.0b013e318223c63c.

173.    Read J, Harrop C, Geekie J, Renton J, Cunliffe S. A second independent audit of electroconvulsive therapy in england, 2019: Usage, demographics, consent, and adherence to guidelines and legislation. Psychol Psychother Theory Res Pract. 2021;94:603-19. doi: 10.1111/papt.12335.

174.    Read J, Cunliffe S, Jauhar S, McLoughlin DM. Should we stop using electroconvulsive therapy? . BMJ. 2019;364:k5233. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k5233.

175.    Breggin PR. Electroshock: Scientific, ethical, and political issues. Int J Risk Saf Med. 1998;11:5. (https://www.ectresources.org/ECTscience/Breggin_1998_ECT__Overview.pdf, accessed 27 June 2022).

176.    Sackeim H, Prudic J, Fuller R, al. e. The cognitive effects of electroconvulsive therapy in community settings. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007;32:244–54. doi: 10.1038/sj.npp.1301180.

177.    Regulatory update to thymatron system iv instruction manual. Somatics; 2018 (https://www.thymatron.com/downloads/System_IV_Regulatory_Update.pdf accessed 27 June 2022 ).

[i] “Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E. Méndez,” UN Human Rights Council, 1 Feb.2013, https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session22/A.HRC.22.53_English.pdf

[ii] “Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-Centered and Rights-Based Approaches,” World Health Organization, 10 June 2021, https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240025707 (to download report)

[iii] “Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-Centered and Rights-Based Approaches,” World Health Organization, 10 June 2021, p. 7.