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Investing in Crypto: What You Need To Know


Cryptocurrency has become a popular means of gaining passive income. Some may view its volatility as a negative factor, while others benefit from ever-changing market prices, gaining substantial profits. This article focuses on everything you need to invest in crypto. You will also learn about the benefits and risks involved with crypto investments.

Cryptocurrencies – illustrative photo. Image credit: Traxer via Unsplash, free license

What You Need To Invest In Crypto

Investing in crypto is slightly different than investing in fiat currency, mainly because users need a few extra solutions. Moreover, users should also be aware of cryptocurrency rates on exchanges to avoid overpaying. Let’s see what you need to start investing:

  • A crypto wallet. This is the extra solution mentioned at the beginning of this article section. You must choose a crypto wallet to buy and store digital money. Experts suggest using cold wallets to store significant volumes of crypto and benefit from hot wallets for daily operations.
  • A cryptocurrency exchange. A crypto exchange is a website where you may buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency. WhiteBIT, Binance, and Kraken are among the popular and reliable exchanges. These exchanges store crypto in cold wallets for funds.
  • A payment method. To buy digital currency on an exchange, you need a payment method, such as a credit or debit card, bank account, e-wallet, or crypto wallet, if you already have cryptocurrency.
  • Identification and verification. Before you may buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrency, most exchanges require identification and verification of your account. This is a measure that prevents fraud. Moreover, it’s a precaution to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) rules.
  • Knowledge and research. Cryptocurrency is complex and volatile, and it is critical to conduct an extensive study before investing in any digital currency. It’s vital to understand the dangers and rewards of investing in crypto and the technology that powers it. You should understand the rate of cryptocurrency used on exchanges, its liquidity, factors that affect its price, etc.

Note: the regulations for investing in cryptocurrencies may differ based on your location. Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it is crucial to review local legislation and laws. Moreover, be aware of cryptocurrency exchange rates.

Because cryptocurrency rates for exchange determine the relative worth of different digital currencies, they can impact cryptocurrency investing. If the exchange rate of a cryptocurrency you possess rises, so will the value of your investment. If the exchange rate falls, the value of your investment falls.

Pros And Cons Of Investing In Cryptocurrency

Everyone remembers the success of Bitcoin when its value increased from cents to thousands of dollars. That’s one advantage of investing in crypto: high returns. However, investing in crypto also has disadvantages. Let’s first list the pros:

  • Accessibility. Because cryptocurrency is available online, it is accessible to anybody with an Internet connection.
  • High returns when you invest successfully. Cryptocurrency has the potential for enormous profits, with some investors earning more than 1,000% returns in a short period.
  • Diversification. Investing in cryptocurrencies can help diversify an investment portfolio. Because crypto is not directly linked to typical investment options such as stocks or bonds, it might provide investors with a unique opportunity to diversify their holdings.
  • Decentralization. Digital currency is decentralized, which means it is not controlled by any government or financial organization. Such a feature may appeal to investors who are skeptical of traditional banking institutions.

Despite all these excellent benefits, investing in crypto is a huge risk. Overall, investing in anything is a risk, but crypto can be even more dangerous because of its volatility. Let’s see what are the cons that you should be aware of:

  • Lack of regulation. Digital money is barely regulated, so it’s vulnerable to fraud. Before investing, investors must use caution and research the coin or token.
  • Volatility. Cryptocurrency prices fluctuate in short periods, making the entire market volatile. This makes forecasting market patterns difficult and can result in big losses for investors.
  • Security risks. Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets can be hacked, leading to huge losses.
  • Limited acceptance. There is only a small range of cryptos accepted by various institutions and governments. Other digital currencies may be less accepted, leading to lower liquidity and risks of losing profit when unable to sell currency at any given time.

The main thing to keep in mind is to do research before investing in crypto. You should be aware of risks when buying crypto.

How To Invest In Cryptocurrency

It’s clear what you need to invest in crypto, but how does the process work? You can invest in cryptocurrencies by using the following options:

  • Cryptocurrency exchanges. These are online marketplaces where you may buy and sell cryptocurrency.
  • Peer-to-peer trading. Using these trading systems, you may exchange numerous cryptocurrencies directly with other users.
  • Crypto ATMs. In some countries, you can buy crypto with cash at crypto ATMs.

Investing in digital money can be rewarding, but it’s vital to do so with caution. Ensure you understand the risks and benefits, that you do your research, and that you diversify investments. By following these guidelines, you can reduce the risk while potentially reaping the benefits of investing in crypto.

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Italy, A Test Case of the Efficacy of Infringement Proceedings against a Most Intransigent Member State


The 1957 Founding Treaty of Rome empowered the European Commission, as guardian of the Treaty, to take infringement proceedings against Member States for perceived violation of their Treaty obligations. It further provided that where the Court of Justice established a failure to fulfil an obligation, the Member State responsible had to take the necessary measures to comply with the Court’s judgement.

Perhaps because of the optimism that surrounded the agreement of the historic Treaty, the signatories did not foresee the need for further measures to ensure that the Member States respected the rulings of the Court of Justice. Experience was to prove that such optimism was mistaken and that additional measures were in fact necessary. Hence, in the Treaty of Maastricht a new provision was introduced to enable the Commission to take follow-on enforcement cases for non-implementation of earlier infringement rulings, and the Court to impose pecuniary penalties on Member States where it deemed the Commission had proven its case.

These measures, particularly when taken in tandem, would seem adequate to remedy breaches of EU law. That the Commission would have to revert to the first stage and begin fresh infringement proceedings for the non-implementation of a second-stage enforcement ruling was not foreseen in the arrangements. Yet, this is precisely what has happened in the case of the long-running discrimination against foreign language lecturers(Lettori)in Italian universities, with all of the attendant human costs involved.

The circumstances which have given rise to this anomalous state of affairs were described in earlier articles in The European Times. In brief, in 2006 the Commission won enforcement case C-119/04, which it had taken against Italy for non-implementation of a 2001 infringement ruling of the Court of Justice. In its turn the initial infringement case was taken for non-implementation of the 2 Allué rulings of the Court, the first of which dates back to 1989.

In the high-profile Case C-119/04 the Commission had called for the imposition of daily fines of €309,750 on Italy for its continuing discrimination against the Lettori. Italy introduced a last-minute 2004 law awarding the Lettori a reconstruction of career from the date of first employment with reference to the parameter of part-time researcher or better parameters. Holding that the terms of the law could, if properly implemented, remedy the discrimination, the Court waived the recommended fines.

In follow-on correspondence with the Commission in the immediate aftermath of the 2006 ruling, Italy assured the Commission that the terms of the 2004 law were being, and would continue to be, fully applied. On the basis of these “firm assurances”, then Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Vladimír Špidla, announced in a press release of 2007 that the Commission was closing its infringement case against Italy.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Italy, A Test Case of the Efficacy of Infringement Proceedings against a Most Intransigent Member State
Italy, A Test Case of the Efficacy of Infringement Proceedings against a Most Intransigent Member State 8

The worth of these “firm assurances” was proven by a subsequent Commission decision to open a pilot procedure (a mechanism introduced to resolve disputes amicably with member states and prevent recourse to infringement proceedings) against Italy in 2011. As over the ensuing ten years this diplomatic procedure markedly failed to achieve its purpose, the Commission opened full infringement proceedings against Italy in September 2021 for the non-implementation of the 2006 enforcement ruling.

If the assurances given back in 2007 as to compliance with the 2006 Court ruling were at odds with the duty of loyal cooperation placed upon Member States in their dealings with the Commission, then Italy’s conduct over the course of the present infringement proceedings for the implementation of that ruling is equally so. In its September 2021 press release announcing the opening of the infringement proceedings, the Commission gave Italy two months to take measures to comply with the 2006 Court of Justice ruling. Despite been given a significant additional grace period, Italy did not take adequate measures. Moving to the reasoned opinion stage in January 2022, the Commission in its second press release of the proceedings cautioned Italy that it now had 2 months within which to pay the settlements due to Lettori to avoid eventual referral of the case to the Court of Justice.

Four months after their demonstration last December, Lettori gathered again on Thursday outside the offices of Minister for Universities, Anna Maria Bernini to protest against the fact that the settlements called for in the reasoned opinion had not been made. Situated on the left bank of the Tiber, the Minister’s offices are within easy walking distance of the Campidoglio on the right bank. As FLC CGIL, Italy’s largest trade union, pointedly noted in its recent open letter to Minister Bernini, this is the venue where the right to parity of treatment was enshrined as a provision of the historic Treaty of Rome.

Placing the right to parity of treatment in the context of the overall rights of European citizens, the Commission states that the right “is perhaps the most important right under community law, and an essential element of European citizenship”. A hypothetical Commission official present outside the Minister for Universities office on Thursday would have observed a gathering of Lettori from all the Member States of the EU, protesting that this right is being withheld them. The fact sheets distributed by these Letttori would have briefed the official on how the discrimination persists despite 4 clear-cut parity of pay rulings of the Court of Justice in the line of jurisprudence that runs from the seminal Allué ruling  of 1989. Consequently, none of the Lettori present at the protest has ever worked under the parity of treatment conditions that should be automatic under the Treaty.

In infringement proceedings complainants, though not technically party to the proceedings, can contribute to the Commission case files and depositions. Complainant, Asso.CEL.L, a “La Sapienza” of Rome based labour association, with the assistance of Italy’s largest trade union, FLC CGIL, conducted a nationwide Census of the beneficiaries of the 2006 enforcement ruling, their length of service, and the parameters of part-time researcher or better parameter appropriate for the reconstructions of careers. From this data bank an efficient organization could make the settlements due to the Lettori in a matter of weeks.

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Italy, A Test Case of the Efficacy of Infringement Proceedings against a Most Intransigent Member State 9

Exchanges between Member States and the Commission are confidential in infringement proceedings. Consequently, the Lettori do not know how Italy proposes to react to the Commission ultimatum to pay the settlements due under the 2006 law. Intelligence gleamed from local university administrations suggests that the Italian authorities will try to value the settlements on the basis of the controversial Gelmini law of 2011.

The Gelmini law, enacted five years after the Court of Justice ruling, purports to interpret that same ruling. Aside from the audacity of legislating to interpret a ruling of the pinnacle institution of the European Union, the Gelmini reading of the ruling is at variance with the rulings handed down by local Italian courts in the interval between the Court of Justice sentence and the date of enactment of Gelmini itself. While these local court rulings awarded the Lettori plaintiffs an uninterrupted reconstruction of career from the date of first employment, the Gelmini law limits the reconstruction to the years prior to 1995- a limit nowhere prescribed in the Court sentence.  Another glaring defect of the law is that its terms cannot arithmetically provide for the eventual more favourable parameters of the 2006 ruling.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Italy, A Test Case of the Efficacy of Infringement Proceedings against a Most Intransigent Member State
Italy, A Test Case of the Efficacy of Infringement Proceedings against a Most Intransigent Member State 10

Should Italy propose to apply the terms of the Gelmini law, this could be the catalyst to cause the Commission to refer the case to the Court of Justice. Reaction to this prospect was mixed among the protesters outside Minister Bernini’s offices. While some Lettori would welcome an eventual Court interpretation of how Gelmini had interpreted the 2006 ruling of the Court, others pointed to the fact that this would prolong the infringement proceedings by a possible further two years.

Kurt Rollin, a former lecturer at “La Sapienza” University  of Rome, is Asso.CEL.L representative for retired Lettori. Speaking outside Minister Bernini’s office he said:

“The Commission holds that parity of treatment is the most important right under the Treaty. Yet as the record shows Italy has withheld this right from Lettori for decades. In the interests of European citizenry existing institutional arrangements need to be changed so that intransigent Member States cannot ignore Treaty rights indefinitely.”

Parliament adopts new law to fight global deforestation

Parliament adopts new law to fight global deforestation
An area larger than the EU was lost to deforestation between 1990 and 2020 - Photo by Evan Nitschke

To fight climate change, biodiversity loss and global deforestation, the new law obliges companies to ensure products sold in the EU have not led to deforestation and forest degradation.

While no country or commodity will be banned, companies will only be allowed to sell products in the EU if the supplier of the product has issued a so-called “due diligence” statement confirming that the product does not come from deforested land or has led to forest degradation, including of irreplaceable primary forests, after 31 December 2020.

As requested by Parliament, companies will also have to verify that these products comply with relevant legislation of the country of production, including on human rights, and that the rights of affected indigenous people have been respected.

Products covered

The products covered by the new legislation are: cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm-oil, soya and wood, including products that contain, have been fed with or have been made using these commodities (such as leather, chocolate and furniture), as in the original Commission proposal. During the negotiations, MEPs successfully added rubber, charcoal, printed paper products and a number of palm oil derivatives.

Parliament also secured a wider definition of forest degradation that includes the conversion of primary forests or naturally regenerating forests into plantation forests or into other wooded land.

Risk-based controls

The Commission will classify countries, or parts thereof, as low-, standard- or high-risk based through an objective and transparent assessment within 18 months of this regulation entering into force. Products from low-risk countries will be subject to a simplified due diligence procedure. The proportion of checks is performed on operators according to the country’s risk level: 9% for high-risk countries, 3% for standard-risk and 1% for low-risk.

The competent EU authorities will have access to relevant information provided by the companies, such as geolocation coordinates, and conduct checks with the help of satellite monitoring tools and DNA analysis to check where products come from.

Penalties for non-compliance shall be proportionate and dissuasive and the maximum fine must be at least 4% of the total annual turnover in the EU of the non-compliant operator or trader.

The new law was adopted with 552 votes to 44 and 43 abstentions.


After the vote, rapporteur Christophe Hansen (EPP, LU) said: “Until today, our supermarket shelves have all too often been filled with products covered in the ashes of burned-down rainforests and irreversibly destroyed ecosystems and which had wiped out the livelihoods of indigenous people. All too often, this happened without consumers knowing about it. I am relieved that European consumers can now rest assured that they will no longer be unwittingly complicit in deforestation when they eat their bar of chocolate or enjoy a well-deserved coffee. The new law is not only key in our fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, but should also break the deadlock preventing us from deepening trade relations with countries that share our environmental values and ambitions.”

Next steps

The text now also has to be formally endorsed by Council. It will then be published in the EU Official Journal and enter into force 20 days later.


The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 420 million hectares of forest — an area larger than the EU — were converted from forests to agricultural use between 1990 and 2020. EU consumption represents around 10% of this global deforestation. Palm oil and soya account for more than two-thirds of this.

In October 2020, Parliament made use of its prerogative in the Treaty to ask the Commission to come forward with legislation to halt EU-driven global deforestation. The deal with EU countries on the new law was reached on 6 December 2022.In adopting this legislation, Parliament is responding to citizens’ expectations concerning enforcement of responsible forest management to protect and restore biodiversity as expressed in Proposals 5(1), 11(1), 1(1) and 2(5) of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

First decision revising the statute of Former Members


The Bureau’s decision on Former Members revises the existing rules, dating from 1999, on the access rights

Following the endorsement by Parliament’s Group leaders of the reform plan proposed by President Metsola, the Bureau adopted first implementing decision revising the rules for Former Members of the European Parliament and held a first discussion on revised rules on access to Parliament’s premises.

It introduces among other things a cooling off period for former Members of 6 months following the end of their mandate. During this period, former Members shall not engage in lobbying or representational activities with the European Parliament. After this period, if former Members decide to engage in lobbying or representational activities with the European Parliament, they will have to register in the Transparency Register. Consequently, they will not be entitled to the access rights and facilities provided to them as former members.

The Bureau also discussed revised rules on access to Parliament’s premises codifying existing provisions to ensure legal clarity and better implementation including the type of badges and the categories of users.

The Bureau will be dealing in the coming weeks with other aspects of this first set of measures like the participation of interest representatives in events held in Parliament or the revision of the internal rules on whistleblowing.

In parallel, the implementation of a number of measures that require changes to the Parliaments Rules of Procedure is ongoing. Debates in the committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) have started.

To accompany all the actions mentioned above, Parliament will run regular awareness-raising campaigns on obligations for MEPs and staff.


This first set of reforms aims at strengthening the Parliament’s integrity, independence and accountability, while protecting the free mandate of Members. Other medium and long-term measures will be discussed in the special Committee responsible established in February plenary (ING2). In addition, general modernisation of EP’s ways of working are considered in a wider reform process, launched by the Conference of Presidents in January 2023 on legislative, budgetary, scrutiny, plenary and external dimensions of Parliament’s work.

An overview about all proposed reforms is available here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230208IPR72802/group-leaders-endorse-first-steps-of-parliamentary-reform

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Luxembourg’s Prime Minister: Do not fall for the siren call of populism

Luxembourg’s Prime Minister: Do not fall for the siren call of populism
Luxembourg's Prime Minister Better addressed MEPs during a This is Europe debate © European Union 2023

Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, delivered an impassioned speech, urging MEPs to defend the fundamentals of freedom and respect that the EU is based on in the face of populism and global and internal challenges.

He underlined that it is vital for the EU to remain open, both towards the world and among its own member states, despite high geopolitical tensions, which encourage protectionism. “Our problems are common. Protectionism makes you poorer”, Mr Bettel said.

Luxembourg’s Prime Minister urged lawmakers to protect freedom of movement and the internal market in upcoming legislation, and called for a “truly common European migration policy” based on the proposed European Asylum and Migration Pact. He also took direct aim at those seeking to undermine the rule of law in the EU and said that it must remain the backbone of the EU, including in the defence of the rights of minorities, which some in the EU try to silence.

On the war in Ukraine, Mr Bettel called on the EU to continue united against “Russia’s unacceptable aggression”, while delivering arms, financial aid, and reconstruction efforts to Ukraine, and accompanying it on the road to eventual EU accession.

Reactions from MEPs

MEPs welcomed Prime Minister Bettel’s commitments to building a more equal Europe, defending the rule of law in the EU, the European Green Deal and institutional reforms related to the upcoming European elections. Some MEPs warned that the EU is at a crossroads, facing the Russian war in Ukraine and called for Europe to have its own, independent military forces and more European sovereignty based on unity, whilst others voiced criticism of Luxembourg’s corporate tax regime.


This was the ninth “This is Europe” plenary debate, following Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda on 14 March 2023, and debates in 2022 with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Ireland’s Taoiseach Micheál Martin, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob.

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Two famous Belarusian priests passed under the omophorion of the Ecumenical Patriarchate


Two famous Belarusian priests passed under the omophorion of the Ecumenical Patriarch – these are Prot. George Roy and Fr. Alexander Kukhta. Their requests were considered by St. Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and were satisfied on the eve of the Annunciation, March 25, based on Rule 10 of the Seventh Ecumenical Council and rules 17 and 18 of the Council of Trullo.

The clerics have said that their priestly conscience does not allow them to continue serving in the Moscow Patriarchate, which justifies a war of conquest in Ukraine and declares the killing of Ukrainians a holy and godly act. The three priests openly disagreed with the violence in Belarus in 2020 and criticized the Lukashenko regime, which forced them to leave the country and seek asylum in Lithuania.

Prot. George Roy, forty-four years old, is an associate professor at the Minsk Theological Academy. Fr. Alexander Kukhta, thirty years old, is the most popular Orthodox video blogger in Belarus, the author of the channel “Batyushka otvetit” with tens of thousands of subscribers.

Both condemn election fraud and mass repression in 2020 and the war in Ukraine in 2022.

Prot. George Roy was close to Grodno Archbishop Artemiy (Kishchenko), who was forcibly removed from his post in 2021. Archbishop. Artemiy was the only bishop of the Belarusian Church who condemned the violence of the Lukashenko regime. In particular, on March 14, 2021, on Farewell Sunday, in his speech at the Intercession Cathedral in Grodno, he said: “It is not typical for the Church to get involved in politics and other issues. But the Church should not be indifferent to everything that is happening. The New Martyrs and the Righteous of our time have always said, “God betrays himself through silence.” To be a Christian is to be a crusader. To begin to fight against one’s own vices, against one’s personal sin, against social disorder, against ecclesiastical problems—this is a heavy cross to bear, sometimes at the sacrifice of oneself.”

The Belarusian Metropolitan Veniamin, exarch of the Russian Patriarch Kirill in Belarus, placed the two clerics under interdiction for passing to the Patriarchate of Constantinople without a letter of absolution.

On Easter this year, the first service for Orthodox Belarusians took place in Vilnius, performed by Belarusian priests of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Yemen health system ‘edging closer to collapse’ warns WHO

Yemen health system ‘edging closer to collapse’ warns WHO

Hopes are running high of an end to the intense fighting between a Saudi-backed coalition standing alongside Government forces, and Houthi rebels and their allies, which since 2015 has led the near total collapse of the economy, with tens of thousands killed, and 21.6 million in need of humanitarian assistance and protection this year, according to the UN.

“Nevertheless, the country’s fragile health system is severely overburdened and edging closer to collapse”, said Dr. Annette Heinzelmann of the WHO in Yemen, “while international donor funding is insufficient to avert further deterioration of the country’s failing health services.”

Acute child malnutrition

She said that around 12.9 million Yemenis have urgent humanitarian healthcare needs, with 540,000 children under five, currently suffering from severe acute malnutrition “with a direct risk of death.”

Some 46 percent of health facilities across the country are only partially functioning or completely out of service, due to shortages of staff, funds, electricity, or medicines.

She told journalists at the regular Friday briefing at the UN in Geneva, that the Yemen humanitarian “Health Cluster”, made up of 46 UN and non-governmental organizations, has received only 62 million – or 16 percent – of the $392 million needed to reach those 12.9 million most-vulnerable people.

“Disease outbreaks – notably of measles, diphtheria, dengue, cholera and polio – are accelerating Yemen’s deepening health crisis. Mass-displacements, overburdened health facilities, disruptions of water and sanitation networks, and low immunization coverage are triggering and spreading these disease outbreaks.”

In the first quarter of this year, more than 13,000 new cases of measles, 8,777 cases of dengue fever, and 2,080 suspected cholera cases were reported. “But the actual numbers are likely much higher”, she warned.

© UNICEF/Saleh Bin Hayan YPN

A mother-of-nine, who is suffering from malnutrition, cooks a meal for her children in a displaced camp in Aden, Yemen.

System only just afloat

She said that WHO has managed to sustain an integrated response to Yemen’s health crisis in ten priority areas:

  • Coordinating the national Health Cluster.
  • Keeping therapeutic feeding centres (TFCs) operational.
  • Strengthening disease surveillance.
  • Responding to all infectious disease outbreaks.
  • Supporting health care facilities and services..
  • Controlling vector-borne, water-borne, and neglected tropical diseases.
  • Fighting chronic diseases including diabetes, renal diseases, and cancer.
  • Maintaining water, sanitation and hygiene services in health facilities to strengthen infection prevention and control measures.
  • Supporting and improving maternal and newborn healthcare
  • Meeting neglected mental health needs.

Supported by international donors, WHO was able to provide essential medical equipment, supplies, and training in 2022 to around 7.8 million people – that’s around 62 percent of the 12.6 million people targeted under the Humanitarian Response Plan for the year.

She said that WHO also ensured life-saving care for just over 60,000 Yemeni children suffering from severe acute malnutrition, with medical complications.

Dr. Heinzelmann said that WHO and health partners in Yemen “are beginning to see the dire consequences of our severely underfunded efforts to mitigate Yemen’s health crisis.”

She pointed to the expected suspension of support by the Yemen Health Cluster to 23 out of 43 health facilities in the Marib district, which is host to Yemen’s largest population of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

In effect, this will effectively stop healthcare services for about 2.8 million most vulnerable people in the area.

Out of money

She said WHO has “almost no funds available to prepare for Yemen’s annual flood season that is starting now and will bring a predictably major upsurge in vector-borne and water-borne disease outbreaks”.

“In closing, I must emphasize the consequences of Yemen becoming a forgotten humanitarian crisis. The Yemeni people are resilient but suffering greatly. More than two of every three Yemenis are dependent on food, medical, and other humanitarian assistance.

“The international community must scale up support to Yemen “to avert untold human suffering and deaths in coming months”, she concluded.

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UN coordinator calls for urgent ‘humanitarian pauses’ in Sudan, as death toll mounts

UN coordinator calls for urgent ‘humanitarian pauses’ in Sudan, as death toll mounts

“I am horrified by the toll the clashes are having on civilians”, said Abdou Dieng. “At least 331 people have been killed nationwide, including five aid workers, and nearly 3,200 have been injured.”

The fighting between troops from the national army and a powerful rival militia known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted six days ago, and has had a devastating impact on civilian life and the major on-going humanitarian aid operation across Sudan.

Latest news reports indicate that bombing, shelling and gunfire have continued unabated, especially in the capital Khartoum, and the UN migration agency, IOM, reported on Friday that one of its staff members had become a victim of the violence.

UN migration agency staffer killed

“It is with a heavy heart that I confirm the death of a dedicated IOM Sudan staff member this morning after the vehicle he was traveling in with his family south of El Obeid was caught in a crossfire between two warring parties”, said Director General, António Vitorino.

He said the male staffer leaves behind a wife and newborn child, “and our team in Sudan in mourning.”  

“The safety and security of all IOM staff is my number one priority. We continue to work with our UN partners to update our security response”, he assured.

Three workers from the World Food Programme (WFP) lost their lives in North Darfur as the military showdown first began on Saturday.

Mr. Vitorino said the latest outbreak of violence has forced IOM to suspend its humanitarian operations in Sudan.

IOM has operated in Sudan since 2000, responding to the complex humanitarian needs in the country where an estimated 3.7 million people are internally displaced”, the IOM chief continued.

Some 15.8 million people in Sudan, one-third of the population, were in need of humanitarian assistance before this week’s fighting began.

Food, water, healthcare crisis

Mr. Dieng said that even short agreed pauses in the intense fighting between the rival factions, which have so far ignored all calls for a ceasefire, would allow civilians access to essential food and water.

“Access to health facilities is also paramount. Many hospitals have had to close. And in those that are functioning, widespread blackouts and lack of electricity place patients at high risk.”

Several hospitals have simply run out of blood and other lifesaving supplies.

“Assaults on hospitals, humanitarian staff and facilities must stop”, said the Humanitarian Coordinator.

“As we are ending the holy month of Ramadan and celebrate Eid al-Fitr, a time of peace and reconciliation, I call on all parties to the conflict to immediately end the fighting and work towards a peaceful resolution.”

On Thursday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres made an urgent call for a three-day ceasefire over Eid, as the “first step” towards a permanent cessation of hostilities, noting that humanitarian operations had become “virtually impossible”.

The UN alone has a 4,000-strong team of humanitarian workers, 3,200 of whom are Sudanese nationals.

According to the latest statement from UN aid coordination office OCHA, there have been reports of military strikes against health facilities, hijacking of ambulances with patients and paramedics still on board, looting of health facilities, and military forces occupying health facilities.

Severe shortages grow

In hospitals, there are severe shortages of specialized medical staff, oxygen supplies and blood bags, according to the World Health Organization, WHO, while lack of electricity and blackouts place hospital patients at high risk.

“There are also rapidly rising mental health and psychosocial support needs, especially among children, as the conflict continues”, noted OCHA.

As of Friday morning, heavy gunfire, air strikes and shelling have been reported in different parts of the country, OCHA added, especially in North, Central and South Darfur states, North Kordofan and in the capital, Khartoum.

On 20 April, there were unverified reports of intensified clashes in El Obeid, North Kordofan State, as well as unrest and rising tensions in Gedaref, in eastern Sudan.

Solidarity with Sudan: UN Women

The head of the UN WomenSima Bahous, also issued a statement expressing grave concern over the effect of the relentless fighting on Sudanese women and girls.

“As in all crises, this will surely have dire and disproportionate impacts on the lives of Sudanese women and girls. We stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan and remain committed to supporting them.
“The resilience of Sudanese women is a source of hope, their role in the pursuit of peace essential, their strength as humanitarian workers, carers and protectors an inspiration”, added Ms. Bahous.

We must heed their calls for a ceasefire and peace and commit to supporting them in everything they do.”

She noted that reports of sexual and gender-based violence were already surfacing, and feared “they will only grow more frequent.”

She called on Government troops and militia to “ensure that no woman or girl is affected by these crimes”.

She insisted that “every instance” of sexual and gender-based violence must be investigated and prosecuted without exception.

“The UN Secretary-General has called for an immediate halt to the fighting to coincide with Eid-Al-Fitr.  This will allow the continued delivery of essential humanitarian assistance and a return to dialogue.  He has demanded respect for international law. I join his call and urge all parties to commit to a peaceful resolution.”

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France prosecutes PKK members accused of extortion and terrorism


France has put on trial 11 alleged high-ranking members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), accused of extortion, terrorist financing and propaganda for the organization, AFP reported.

Declared a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Turkey, the PKK has waged a decades-long armed struggle against Ankara for greater autonomy for the Kurdish minority in Turkey’s southeast.

None of the 11 suspects standing trial at the Paris Criminal Court – all Turkish nationals – have admitted membership of the group, which they say has no presence in France.

However, investigators believe that France, along with neighboring EU countries, offers a place for the PKK to operate.

Organized cells are believed to operate among the 150,000 Kurdish residents of France, as well as among the 100,000 people in the Netherlands and the million-strong community in Germany.

The investigation began in 2020 when two Kurdish women, aged 18 and 19, were reported missing in southeastern France.

It soon emerged that they had gone to PKK training camps in other parts of Europe.

Untangling the thread led investigators to a network based around a Kurdish association in Marseille that they say collected a type of public tax known as a “campaign” to fund the PKK.

Testimony and wiretapping reveal harassment and extortion of members of the diaspora, as “tax collectors” assign arbitrary contributions to individuals based on their estimated income.

Some Kurds are voluntarily paying for the “campaign” out of “full agreement” with the PKK, investigators say.

But many of them see it as a “duty” that they do for fear of ostracism or reprisals from the community.

One witness says he was threatened that his legs would be broken.

Investigators estimate that around two million euros ($2.2 million) are collected each year in southeastern France.

They also investigated how young Kurds were “recruited” for the PKK in conditions “close to kidnapping and illegal imprisonment”.

All who undergo “ideological training” in Europe are sent to military-style camps, many in Iraq, and enlisted in fighting forces loyal to the PKK.

Up to 35 million Kurds, who are located on the territory of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey, do not have their own state.

In France, three Kurds were shot dead in December in a Paris public center in a crime that investigators called “racist.”

The hearings are expected to continue until April 14.

Illustrative Photo by michael Bayazidi:

A huge meatball out of mammoth DNA


A huge meatball made from flesh cultured using the DNA of an extinct woolly mammoth has gone on display at NEMO, a science museum in the Netherlands, Reuters and AFP reported.

It was created by Australian cultured meat company Vow. From there, they say they want to get people talking about cultured meat and present it as a more sustainable alternative to the real thing.

The company insists that the new product is not an April Fool’s joke.

“We wanted to create something completely different from anything you can get now,” Vow founder Tim Noakesmith told Reuters. He explained that the additional reason they chose a mammoth was because scientists believe the extinction of this animal was caused by climate change.

Since the mammoth DNA obtained by the Vow company was incomplete, experts added that from an African elephant.

“Like they do in the movie ‘Jurassic Park,'” adds Vow’s James Ryall, but stresses that the biggest difference is that they’re not creating real animals.

Creating cultured meat usually means using the blood of a dead calf, but Vow uses an alternative, meaning no animals are killed to create the mammoth meatball.

The product, which has an aroma of crocodile meat, is currently not fit for consumption.

“Its protein is literally 4,000 years old. We haven’t seen him in quite a while. That means we want to do rigorous testing – something we practice with every product we bring to market,” said Noakesmith.

The company “Vow” hopes that cultured meat will find a place on the market in the European Union, where, however, there is still no legislation for such products.

Photo: Lovable Daniels@lovabledaniels