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German MEP Dennis Radtke takes on influential role in the European Parliament

Photo cortesy of: https://www.dennis-radtke.eu/

STRASBOURG/BRUSSELS/BERLIN/DÜSSELDORF/BOCHUM. Yesterday, Wednesday (17 July 2024), Dennis Radtke MEP from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in Germany was confirmed as social policy spokesperson for the EPP Group in Strasbourg, where the European Parliament is being constituted this week.

“I am delighted to be able to continue to lead the EPP Group in the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and promote social policy issues,” said Dennis Radtke shortly after his election.

He also immediately formulated his clear ambition: “There is still a lot to do on the road to a more social Europe and we as the EPP Group want to play a leading role in this.”

According to the CDU politician, many projects have already been implemented: a European Minimum Wage, strengthening the rights of platform workers, social and climate funds and a European care strategy. “The great trust placed in me by my colleagues in the EPP Group motivates me strongly to continue actively working for a socially just Europe,” continued Radtke.

In his role as so-called coordinator of his political group, Dennis Radtke decides, for example, on the distribution of legislative and non-legislative reports and basically steers the work in the EMPL Committee.

One of Radtke’s next important projects for the new 10th parliamentary term of the European Parliament is to improve the protection of workers. “In its new mandate, the European Labour Authority (ELA) must be given every opportunity to enforce worker protection in the European Union, including across borders,” says the CDU politician.

Dennis Radtke is 45 years old, married and the father of two children. He comes from Wattenscheid (Bochum, Germany) and has been a member of the European Parliament since 2017. Radtke is a member of the Committees on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

The German CDU politician is President of the European Union of Christian Democratic Workers (EUCDW), Deputy Federal Chairman and North Rhine-Westphalian State Chairman of the Christian Democratic Workers’ Union (CDA), the CDU’s labour wing. At the CDA national conference on 14 and 15 September 2024 in Weimar (Thuringia), Dennis Radtke will run for the federal chairmanship of the CDA Germany in succession to Minister Karl-Josef Laumann MdL.

Infomaniak bets on AI and launches an Artificial Intelligence as a Trust Service as powerful as ChatGPT

Infomaniak AIaaS LLM Service / Texte complémentaire par ots et sur www.presseportal.ch/fr/nr/100057093 / L'utilisation de cette image à des fins éditoriales est autorisée et gratuite, pourvu que toutes les conditions d'utilisation soient respectées. La publication doit inclure le crédit de l'image.

Infomaniak // Companies handling sensitive data can now integrate a generative AI into their applications, hosted entirely in Switzerland and guaranteeing data control. More competitive than Mistral and OpenAI, Infomaniak’s AI as a Service is currently based on the Mixtral model, the most powerful open-source alternative to ChatGPT. Available on-demand as an API for developers, the AI interprets up to 32,000 tokens per prompt at launch, and can model, classify and analyze complex data, as well as synthesize, reformulate, correct, translate and generate complex texts.

100% hosted in Switzerland, 100% open source

Unlike ChatGPT, the language model marketed by Infomaniak is based on Mixtral 8x7B, an open-source technology whose algorithm and operation can be verified by engineers worldwide. This feature also makes it possible to make specific adaptations to design new services and restrict the use of AI for malicious actions such as spam generation.

The information processed and sent to the AI is not stored by Infomaniak and is used exclusively for the customer’s needs. Exclusively hosted in Switzerland on Infomaniak’s infrastructure, this generative AI guarantees companies total data control and full compliance with Swiss and European legislation.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Infomaniak bets on AI and launches an Artificial Intelligence as a Trust Service as powerful as ChatGPT

As powerful as ChatGPT 3.5

The AI made available by Infomaniak is capable of processing texts in French, German, Spanish, Italian and English to rapidly execute complex programming and data analysis tasks.

“It’s only a matter of time before open source AI outperforms today’s best proprietary solutions for everyday use. It’s important to bear in mind that cloud computing today is essentially based on open technologies such as OpenStack, Kubernetes and Linux-based operating systems,” explains Marc Oehler, CEO of Infomaniak.

On the operational side, the documentation provided enables developers to easily integrate AI into corporate work environments to create virtual assistants, answer questions, summarize, classify, correct, generate, translate or perform content sentiment analysis, for example.

As eco-friendly as possible

Artificial intelligence consumes a lot of electricity. Infomaniak’s activities are powered exclusively by renewable energy. The energy efficiency ratio (PUE) of Infomaniak’s data centers in production is 1.09 on average, compared with 1.8 in Europe, because they are cooled exclusively with filtered natural air, without air conditioning. Currently undergoing intensive testing, Infomaniak’s new data center, where the most powerful GPUs will be installed, will fully recover the energy it consumes to heat up to 6,000 households in winter and over 100,000 in summer.

What’s more, Mixtral is more energy-efficient than its proprietary alternatives: its architecture manages a total of 45 billion parameters, but uses only 12 billion per token, considerably reducing energy consumption while delivering results superior to Llama 2 and ChatGPT 3.5, according to the French startup.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Infomaniak bets on AI and launches an Artificial Intelligence as a Trust Service as powerful as ChatGPT

Low-cost pricing with 1 M free tokens

Users pay only for what they use, on a monthly basis. Billing for the service is based on a token system, which is a unit of measurement corresponding to around 4 characters.

At launch, Infomaniak’s AI as a service offers a total of 1 million tokens, and rates are lower than those of Mistral or OpenAI:

Infomaniak LLM API

Incoming tokens* (CHF): 0.0005/1000 tokens
Outgoing tokens* (CHF): 0.0015/1000 tokens
Mistral small

Incoming tokens* (CHF) : 0.00056/1000 tokens
Outgoing chips* (CHF) : 0.0017/1000 chips
GPT-3.5 Turbo

Incoming chips* (CHF) : 0.0013/1000 chips
Outgoing chips* (CHF): 0.0018/1000 chips
After creating an account, the service is available immediately, and a dashboard allows you to track your consumption in real time.

*Incoming tokens refer to requests made to the AI, and outgoing tokens refer to responses generated by the AI.

Constantly evolving

With its AI as a Service, Infomaniak is committed to constantly offering the best open-source AI technology. Initially launched with Falcon LLM, the service is now marketed with Mixtral 8x7B, and will continue to evolve in line with advances in this field.

Already implemented as an editorial assistant in its Mail Service and as a personal assistant in its kChat instant messaging, Infomaniak is actively deploying AI in its ecosystem.

“The next step is to enable users to connect our AI as a service with their data to provide 100% personalized responses. Our AI R&D team is currently running successful tests in this direction, and we look forward to offering this to businesses, with the same guarantees of confidentiality.” announces Boris Siegenthaler, strategic director at Infomaniak

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Infomaniak bets on AI and launches an Artificial Intelligence as a Trust Service as powerful as ChatGPT


Infomaniak is Switzerland’s leading developer of web technologies. With 2023 sales of over CHF 40 million and 21% growth in German-speaking Switzerland, the company employs over 220 people in Geneva and Winterthur.

Committed to privacy, the local economy and a more sustainable digital future, the company develops a suite of online collaborative tools and solutions for cloud hosting, streaming, marketing and events. As an independent company, it is partly owned by its employees and solely dependent on its customers.

Infomaniak uses only renewable energy, builds its own data centers and develops its solutions in Switzerland, without relocating. An ICANN-accredited registrar, Infomaniak’s solutions are used by millions of users. The company powers the Belgian Radio and Television (RTBF) website and provides streaming for over 3,000 radio and TV stations in Europe.

In 2023, Infomaniak won the Prix Suisse de l’Ethique and the Prix du développement durable du canton de Genève for its new data center, which will fully recover the energy it consumes to heat households.

Peace in the Bible: a gift from on high


by Martin Hoegger, www.hoegger.org

During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxe” in the monastery of Brâncoveanu, near Sibiu in Romania, on the theme “Blessed are the peacemakers”, a biblical journey on peace in the Bible was proposed. The Bible offers essential stories about peace. Reading it together in the spirit of “Lectio divina” also gives us a taste of peace.

Jean-Philippe Calame, chaplain at the Grandchamp community in Switzerland, gave a study on peace in the Bible, beginning with the words of the apostle Paul: “the peace of God surpasses all that can be conceived”. God is goodness, and he only wants to pass on the peace that he lives in himself, as the communion of the Father and the Son.

God has prepared peace for those he loves (1 Cor 2:9). This peace does not come to us without him. It is only through the restoration of our relationship with Him that we can experience it.

Peace is essentially a gift that comes from God. It is in history, but not of history. Jesus alone is God’s completed peace. Politics alone cannot create it. He alone can give it.

Stories of peace in the Bible

The quest for peace requires asceticism. The Bible provides us with essential, irreplaceable and alternative narratives to guide us.

In the story of Cain and Abel, God says to the elder brother: “Evil is at your door. It’s up to you to overcome it”. When a human being allows himself to be won over by violence, he sets in motion a process that is beyond him. This story teaches us that we must begin by listening to God, who is knocking at the door of our hearts, and putting aside the voice of seduction.

Remarkably, in 1 Samuel 24, David chooses to spare Saul, his persecutor, because he remembers that God has anointed him. Since Jesus gave his life for everyone, we can no longer lay hands on anyone. In Luke 12:13-14, Jesus refuses to get involved in a question of inheritance. He calls for each person to take responsibility.

Jesus also provoked his listeners by saying: “I have not come to bring peace”. Why does the relationship with him take precedence over all other relationships? Because it is “in Christ” that the true quality of human relationships can be deciphered. The peacemaker is prepared to recognize Jesus who brought peace by giving his very life on the cross. In the name of Christ, the peacemaker makes himself available to live peace with everyone.

He is a realist not only in the sense that he knows the real conditions of the situations he witnesses, but he is also a realist in the sense that he is aware of the reality of God’s reign and unceasing work. That’s why he engages in fervent intercession and looks on everyone with hope. With this vision and this mission, in the company of every human being, he offers his presence in the places where there is brokenness, to become “the repairer of the breaches” (see Isaiah 58, 6-14).

Peace and justice

Professor Pierre-Yves Brandt, from the Faculty of Theology in Lausanne, offered a meditation, emphasizing that peace is impossible where injustice reigns. He meditated on the prophet Amos, who denounces injustice in the name of the Word of God (8:4-12).

Shalom” – the peace given by God – creates order in the world. Abraham is an example of a gentle man who experiences the bliss of gentleness. He calmed a conflict between his shepherds and Lot’s shepherds. The gentle person is also a peacemaker. Between Christian denominations, we also need these peacemakers, men and women who do not occupy all the space but give others the opportunity to respond to the call they have received.

Lectio divina

At every Synaxe meeting, “lectio divina”, a spiritual approach to the Scriptures, is offered. Reference to the Word of God is central, because through it Christ speaks to us. The aim of lectio is to meet him and say “you” to him in prayer. And it is he who unites us. This year, a booklet on the first letter of John guided the meditation. 

In this letter, the author wants to strengthen our communion with Jesus Christ, as well as our communion with one another. “God is light” (1:5), and the immediate consequence of this is that we must walk in his light, loving one another… and confessing our faults when we fail to do so.

The word “peace” does not appear in this letter. However, the life, communion and joy promised to those who receive Christ are signs of the biblical “Shalom”, the eschatological gift of peace already experienced by believers (cf. 1 John 1:1-5).

Peace in liturgical life

One of the places to receive the biblical message is the liturgy. Archimandrite Philadelphos Kafalis (Brussels, Ecumenical Patriarchate) discusses peace in liturgical life from an Orthodox perspective. The liturgy asks for peace from on high for the Church and the salvation of the world: “In peace, let us pray to the Lord”!  True peace is lived in God and comes from him.

The sacraments are a window on the Kingdom of God that brings peace with its unifying power. In all the sacraments, we ask for peace of mind. In fact, it is Christ himself who is found in the sacraments and who gives peace.  Transformed, believers bring this peace to the world after the liturgy.

For other articles on this theme, see:  https://www.hoegger.org/article/blessed-are-the-peacemakers/

Roberta Metsola re-elected as President of the European Parliament

Reference: EP-170366A - Photographer: Fred MARVAUX - Copyright: © European Union 2024 - Source : EP

On Tuesday, MEPs re-elected Roberta Metsola (EPP, MT) as President of the European Parliament until 2027, with 562 votes in the first round.

Roberta Metsola won the election in the first round of voting, where she received an absolute majority of 562 votes cast out of 699 by secret paper ballot, among two candidates. She will continue to lead Parliament for the first two and a half years of the 10th legislative term.

Voting results

  1. Roberta Metsola (EPP, MT) 562
  2. Irene Montero (The Left, ES) 61

Total votes cast: 699

Blank or invalid votes: 76

Absolute majority needed: 312

Who is Roberta Metsola

Born in Malta in 1979, Roberta Metsola has been an MEP since 2013. She was elected First Vice-President in November 2020, and was Parliament’s acting President after President Sassoli passed away on 11 January 2022. On 18 January 2022, she was elected President for the second half of the 9th legislative term. She is the third female President of the European Parliament, after Simone Veil (1979-1982) and Nicole Fontaine (1999-2002).

Addressing the House after she was elected, President Metsola said: “Together, we must stand up for the politics of hope, for the dream that is Europe. I want people to recapture a sense of belief and enthusiasm for our project. A belief to make our shared space safer, fairer, more just and more equal. A belief that together we are stronger and we are better. A belief that ours is a Europe for all.”

A full version of the President’s address will soon be available on Parliament’s website.

European Parliament begins its 10th term


European Parliament Convenes in Strasbourg: New President to be Elected amid Growing Diversity

On a momentous Tuesday in Strasbourg, the European Parliament, following the recent European elections held on 6-9 June, officially commenced its proceedings. The session, presided over by the outgoing EP President, Roberta Metsola of the EPP from Malta, commenced with a musical interlude before Pina Picierno, the second Vice-President in the outgoing Parliament from Italy’s S&D, announced the contenders for the coveted Presidency of the Parliament.

The highly anticipated vote, conducted through a secret paper ballot, is set to occur immediately after the inaugural session. To ensure a fair process, eight MEPs, selected by lot, will oversee the election proceedings.

The distinguished candidates vying for the Presidency are Roberta Metsola representing EPP from Malta and Irene Montero from The Left in Spain. Ahead of the crucial vote, both candidates delivered succinct statements to the plenary, outlining their visions for the future of the European Parliament.

To attain victory, a candidate must secure an absolute majority of valid votes cast, which equates to 50% plus one. In the event of no clear winner in the initial round of voting, subsequent rounds may follow with the possibility of new or existing candidates being nominated under the same stipulations. If needed, a third round could ensue with the same regulations. Should no candidate emerge victorious after the third round, the two candidates with the highest votes in this round will advance to a decisive fourth and final round, with the majority winner emerging triumphant.

Upon the election of the new President, the distinguished individual will assume the leadership position and deliver a notable opening address, setting the tone for the parliamentary term ahead.

In this landmark tenth term, the European Parliament boasts 720 seats, an increase of 15 from the previous legislature. Notably, 54% of MEPs are fresh faces, marking a slight decrease from the 2019 intake of 61%, with the representation of women comprising 39%, down marginally from the 40% mark in 2019.

Among the diverse MEP cohort, Lena Schilling, a 23-year-old from Austria representing Greens/EFA, stands as the youngest member, while the seasoned Leoluca Orlando from Italy, a Green/EFA representative aged 77, holds the distinction of the oldest MEP. The average age of MEPs stands at 50, reflecting a diverse range of experiences and perspectives within the parliamentary body.

As the tenth term commences, the European Parliament encompasses eight political groups, an increase from the previous session. Additionally, 32 MEPs remain non-attached, underscoring the dynamic landscape of political affiliations within the Parliament and highlighting the vibrant tapestry of representation in the European legislative body.

Unsilenced: Psychiatric-abuses Watchdog Wins Supreme Court Battle in Spain


The Supreme Court of Spain asserts in its ruling 960/2024 pf the Plenary of the Civil Chamber, that the public debate in which CCHR International and CCHR Spain are participating are of “undoubted general interest” and therefore It has rejected Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP)’s claims to muzzle this mental health watchdog group, stating the Supreme Court that:

The challenged publications deal with a matter of undoubted general interest: the debate on certain practices in the field of psychiatry. The extensive documentation submitted by the defendants clearly shows the existence of this debate. The UN rapporteurs’ reports submitted (specifically, the 2017 “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” and the 2018 “Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights” on “Mental Health and Human Rights“) are a good illustration of the important existing social, political and scientific debate on the issues that are the subject of the challenged publications. The debate on certain psychiatric practices and, in particular, on involuntary institutionalization, use of psychotropic drugs, especially when the patients are children or adolescents, or surgical or electroconvulsive treatments, is of particular importance in today’s society.

The litigation, which has a long history, stemmed from the SEP’s indignation over CCHR’s websites harshly criticizing abusive psychiatric treatments and practices. The websites of CCHR Spain and CCHR Int in the United States contained strong language against psychiatrists, accusing some of criminal behavior, abuse, and unethical practices. Some headlines in Spanish media like the Medical Journal were Supreme Court finds again in favour of Scientology on its attacks to psychiatrists, Supreme Court dismisses psychiatrists’ ‘defense of honor’ claim, Psychiatric Society’s lawsuit over criticism received from associations dismissed and more.

Accused of being criminals, drug traffickers, genocide preachers, and more

The Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SEPSM / formerly SEP) found another resounding slamming of the door of justice, which has once again ruled in favor of the associations linked to the Church of Scientology and their right to criticize the abuses, thus confirming the judgment of the Provincial Court of Madrid.

The litigation goes back a long way to just before COVID-19 when a series of psychiatrists decided they could not allow any more criticism of the abuses that take place in their ranks, as shown on the websites of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Spain (CCDH) and Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR), harshly attacking the abuses.  

The litany of harsh and crude words against psychiatrists cannot be wasted and has been collected in the successive rulings on this case. According to the original complaint from the SEP, on the websites of the associations linked to the Church of Scientology it was stated that:

“psychiatrists are criminals, precursors of genocides, responsible for the erosion of education and justice, inciters of drug addiction, drug traffickers, fraudulent practitioners or managers of violence and terrorism, that there was sexual abuse by some psychiatrists of their patients and even that there was an undetermined number of coercive abortions in Spain at the hands of psychiatrists”.

The ruling in its texts covers on the one side the video materials where CCHR shows their evidences and bold statements, opinions and worries:

On the other hand, from the website www.cchr.org.es, whose content is owned and managed by CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights), you can access 8 documentaries that explain what they consider “psychiatric abuse” and are entitled (I) “Psychiatry, an industry of death“,
(II) “Prescription for violence“, (III) “The age of fear. Psychiatry’s reign of terror“, (IV) “DSM. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual“, (V) “The Hidden Enemy. Inside the hidden agenda of psychiatry”, (VI) “The marketing of madness. Are we all mad?“, (VII) “Making a Killing. The untold story of psychotropic drugging” and (VIII) “Dead Wrong. How psychiatric drugs can kill your child.”

And also the “informative material” found at the website https://www.ccdh.es) of the Spanish Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights (CCDH) where there are 19 booklets with very hard hitting titles, like for example Drugging Children. Psychiatry destroying lives; Deadly restraints. Psychiatric “therapeutic” assault; The Brutal Reality. Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments’. Report and Recommendations on the Destructive Practices of Electroshock and Psychosurgery, and many others that you can read at the end of the article (*).

Despite all the above, and few others documented cases, analysis and opinions, the Spanish Society of Psychiatry did not hesitate to file a lawsuit against the associations so as to shut the capability of documenting and expressing their worries on the abuses, for unlawful interference with the right to honor of its associates for the dissemination through its (CCHR) web pages of the aforementioned statements. However, in this battle between the right to honor and the right to freedom of expression, psychiatrists have lost.

On Friday, the Plenary of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court dismissed the claim for protection of the right to honor and considered that the Provincial Court of Madrid had correctly weighed the jurisprudential criteria to resolve the conflict between freedom of expression and the right to honor.

There are also some Psychiatrists who denounce the abuses of their colleagues

The ruling of the Supreme Court stated that:

“The publications on the CCDH website challenged in the complaint express very critical opinions regarding certain psychiatric practices (abuse of drug treatment, especially with children and young people, forced internment, coercive treatment, etc.), which they claim constitute a violation of the human rights of psychiatric patients, and question the scientific basis of psychiatry. They also refer to the existence of sexual abuse by some psychiatrists of their patients and even that “[t]here are an undetermined number of coercive abortions in Spain at the hands of psychiatrists”. – In making such criticisms, they make certainly serious assertions about the professionals who carry out these practices. They do not single out specific individuals or all psychiatric professionals (in fact, some of the opinions expressed in their publications are formulated by psychiatrists).”

It acknowledges that “the publications deal with a matter of undoubted general interest“, such as “certain practices in the field of Psychiatry, and, specifically, on involuntary hospitalizations, use of psychotropic drugs, especially when the patients are children or adolescents, or surgical or electroconvulsive treatments“.

The Plenary ruling admits that the opinions and value judgments for which they are brought to court “are not devoid of a sufficient factual basis”. They consider it “relevant” that such practices “do not refer to specific persons, identifiable with their personal data”. And they state that, “despite the severity of the criticisms and the crudeness of the expressions, its content is directly connected to the public debate in a democratic society and is part of the defendant’s conduct of actively intervening in the social debate on Psychiatry through its publications”.

The ruling also states that:

As the judgments of the ECtHR of November 8, 2016, Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary, March 13, 2018, Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera v. Spain, November 20, 2018, Toranzo Gómez v. Spain, and May 11, 2021, Halet v. Luxembourg state, freedom of expression does not only protect ideas favorably received or considered inoffensive or indifferent, “but also those that offend, shock or disturb”. And the judgment of the Constitutional Court 226/2016, of December 22, citing previous judgments, states that “within the broad framework granted to freedom of expression are protected, according to our doctrine, “those manifestations that, although affecting the honor of others, are revealed as necessary for the exposition of ideas or opinions of public interest”.

In accordance with the jurisprudence of the ECHR, which is included in the Supreme Court decision, the questioned statements can only affect the honour or reputation of the members if a certain “threshold of severity” or “level of severity” is exceeded, which in this case “is not reached because, although there is homogeneity in the social group affected by the publications in question (the professionals of Psychiatry), the notes of vulnerability, history of stigmatization or unfavorable social situation do not concur.

Publications address a debate of “undoubted general interest” the Supreme Court says

In regards to the context in which the questioned statements are made and, although “some could be considered excessive”, the Court recognizes, the conduct of CCDH in making these publications “is part of a public debate of great importance in today’s society”, and so, “agreeing to the elimination of such publications would imply an excessive restriction of freedom of expression that would not be justified by an imperative social need”.

The challenged publications deal with a matter of undoubted general interest: the debate on certain practices in the field of psychiatry. The extensive documentation submitted by the defendants [Over 15.000 pages reportedly] clearly shows the existence of this debate. The UN rapporteurs’ reports submitted (specifically, the 2017 “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” and the 2018 “Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights” on “Mental Health and Human Rights”) are a good illustration of the important existing social, political and scientific debate on the issues that are the subject of the challenged publications. The debate on certain psychiatric practices and, in particular, on involuntary institutionalization, use of psychotropic drugs, especially when the patients are children or adolescents, or surgical or electroconvulsive treatments, is of particular importance in today’s society.

David vs Goliath and the objective reality that prevails in the courts

Celso Arango, former President of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry, and one of the main instigators of the attempted muzzling, portrayed themselves as a victorious victim such as David vs Goliath in a letter to their members of February 2022, accessible through a public interview he gave, paraphrasing Samuel 17:49-50:

“And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David”. […] I [Celso Arango] began this letter with the verse about David and Goliath. It is clear that a modest Society such as ours was facing an economic giant known for its lobbying capacity […] . However, David’s secret weapons were, in this case, a sling called science and a stone called evidence. No matter how much the giant shouts, loud and strong, lies intended to injure our honor and, much worse, to confuse mentally disturbed people as a form of business, objective reality prevails in the courts. As psychiatrists, we should be proud […] of a justice system that guarantees our rights and ensures that Goliath cannot beat David just because he is bigger and has more money.

It seems that Arango would have wanted to turn it into a religious war, feeling as if psychiatrists were the Chosen People of God, and Scientology members (who founded the CCHR to expose abuses in the mental health field) were the philistines, biblically portrayed as opponents of God’s people. Fortunately, it is believed in society that God is not with those who impose psycho-pharmaceuticals, nor with those who impose electroshock, lobotomies, or even with those who involuntarily commit people to psychiatric hospitals, in complete violation of the directives of the WHO and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

However, there is one thing that Arango prophesied rightfully in his letter of February 2022: “objective reality prevails in the courts“.

The Supreme Court in its ruling has a) confirmed that psychiatrists have “possibilities of intervening in the public debate and replicating the unfavorable opinions” and b) confirmed and protected CCHR’s right to participate in a public debate of such importance, as it is the respect of dignity and human rights of those who whole visiting psychiatrists to get help, in too many occasions are betrayed either with failing treatments, and more than any acceptable number of times suffer (when they are lucky) abuses and torture, as opposed to the silent death from side effects of barbaric treatments with which some others end.

Titles of some of the publications

1) “Pseudo Science. The false diagnoses of psychiatry. Reports and Recommendations on the Unscientific Fraud Perpetrated by Psychiatry”, 2) “Elder Abuse, Cruel Mental Health Programs. Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s abusive treatment of the elderly”, 3) “Psychiatry’s Manufactured Chaos and Terror. Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s role in international terrorism”, 4) “Drugging Children. Psychiatry destroying lives. Report and recommendations on fraudulent psychiatric diagnosis and forced drugging of youth”, 5) “Psychiatric Rape. Assault on women and children. Report and recommendations on widespread sex crimes against patients within the mental health system”, 6) “Psychiatric Deception, the subversion of medicine. Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s destructive impact on health care”, 7) “Creating Racism. Psychiatry’s Betrayal. Report and recommendations on psychiatry causing racial conflict and genocide”, 8) “Causing Harm to Artists. Psychiatry ruining creativity. Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s assault on the arts”, 9) “Deadly restraints. Psychiatric “therapeutic” assault. Report and recommendations on the violent and dangerous use of restraints in mental health facilities,” 10) “The Real Crisis in Mental Health Today. Report and Recommendations on the Lack of Science and Results within the Mental Health Industry,” 11) “Harming Youth. Psychiatry Destroying Young Minds. Report and recommendations on harmful mental health determinations, evaluations and programs within our schools”, 12) “Eroding Justice, Psychiatry’s Corruption of the Law. Report and Recommendations on Destructive Psychiatric Influence in the Courts and Correctional Services,” 13) “Schizophrenia, Psychiatry’s Disease for Profit. Report and recommendations on psychiatric lies and their diagnoses”, 14) “Psychiatry, trapping your world in drugs. Report and Recommendations on Psychiatry’s Creation of the Current Drug Crisis,” 15) “Rehab Fraud. Psychiatry’s Drug Scam. Report and Recommendations on Methadone and Other Disastrous Psychiatric Drug “Rehab” Programs,” 16) “The Brutal Reality. Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments’. Report and Recommendations on the Destructive Practices of Electroshock and Psychosurgery,” 17) “Profane Assault. Psychiatry versus religion. Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s subversion of religious beliefs and practices,” 18) “Mass Fraud. The corrupt psychiatry industry. Report and recommendations on a criminal monopoly on mental health”, and 19) “Community Ruin: Psychiatry’s coercive “care”. Report and recommendations on the failure of community mental health and other coercive psychiatric programs.”

Two witnesses to the peace: Francis of Assisi and Silouane of Mount Athos


During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxis” in Romania, on the theme “Blessed are the peacemakers”, the witness of certain figures was explored in greater depth. Here are two inspiring witnesses for today’s Church, one from the West, the other from the East. 

by Martin Hoegger, www.hoegger.org

Maurizio Bevilacqua, a Claretian and specialist in consecrated life (Rome), reflects on forgiveness and peace in the light of Francis of Assisi’s famous “Canticle of Brother Sun”. He notes that it is easy to give this text an aesthetic or romantic interpretation, but this does not correspond to Francis’ intention. In fact, in 1225, when he wrote this song, Francis was almost blind and ill, and died the following year.

In fact, we need to highlight the centrality of Francis’ spiritual quest. For him, the experience of fraternity and living together is fundamental: in Christ, we are all brothers and sisters, all equal.

Towards the end of his life, he suffered greatly from the lack of love between the governor (the “podestat”) of the city of Assisi and the bishop. “It is a great shame that no one is trying to restore peace and harmony between them,” he wrote. It was then, two months before his death, that he added the stanza on forgiveness:

“Be praised, my Lord, through those who forgive for love of you; through those who endure sickness and trial. Happy those who endure in peace, for by you, Most High, they will be crowned.”

M. Bevilacqua gives an interpretation of this verse. If Francis left the world, it was to be fraternal towards everyone. He could not accept that the State and the Church should hate each other.

Francis is convinced that reconciliation requires above all the ability to forgive. But he does not hide the fact that forgiveness can involve tribulations. The path of the Gospel has never been a guarantee of tranquility and human success.

Why did Francis want to introduce the theme of forgiveness into this hymn? To perceive a profound harmony between the praise of creatures and the praise of forgiveness! He calls for a universal brotherhood that excludes no one and includes creation.

Sister Magdalen, from the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist (Essex, England), introduced us to the spirituality of Saint Silouane, a monk from Mount Athos who died in 1938, and who lived the beatitude of peace by teaching and living love of enemies.

Saint Sophrony, a disciple of Saint Silouane, reminds us that “those who truly preach the peace of Christ must never lose sight of Golgotha… This is why the true Church that lives love of enemies will always be persecuted.”

It is the Holy Spirit who teaches us to love our enemies and to pray for them so that they may be saved. Silouane prayed every night. His main prayer was that all the peoples of the world would welcome the Holy Spirit and be saved. He concentrated on what was essential: salvation.

He knew that even in a Christian community there can be hostility. To have peace in our souls, we have to get used to loving the person who has offended us and praying for him or her immediately.

As a novice, Silouane saw Christ in a vision, who taught him to love his enemies. From then on, he wanted to imitate Christ, who prayed for those who had crucified him.

For Silouane, love of enemies is the criterion for verifying the reality and depth of our love for God. He who refuses to love his enemies will not know the Lord.

Love of enemies is also an ecclesiological criterion: the persecuted Church that prays for its enemies is the true Church, rather than the Church that organizes uprisings and even wars against the enemies of the truth.

Silouane shows us that, whatever the external situation, inner peace is preserved if we cling to God’s will.

However, peace is not always possible because of the human tendency for domination or revenge. But those who believe in the Resurrection never give up their work for peace. 

Silouane sees a link between peace, love of enemies and humility. “The soul of the humble man is like the sea; if you throw a stone into the sea, it clouds the surface of the waters for a moment, then sinks into the depths. If we lose our peace, we must repent to find it again. 

Silouane proposes a rich theology of “synergy”: grace increases when we bless those who curse us, but he is also aware that we can only love our enemies by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

S. Magdalen ends her rich presentation with this prayer by Silouane, which expresses his spirituality very well:

“Lord, teach us by your Holy Spirit to love our enemies and to pray for them with tears. Lord, pour out the Holy Spirit over the earth so that all peoples may know you and learn of your love. Lord, as you prayed for your enemies, so teach us too, through the Holy Spirit, to love our enemies”.

For other articles on this theme, see: https://www.hoegger.org/article/blessed-are-the-peacemakers/

Illustration: Francis of Assisi and Silouane of Mount Athos.

The intoxicated society

red yellow and black medicine capsules
Photo by Avinash Kumar on Unsplash

In modern societies, it has become fashionable to go to the family doctor and leave his office with a prescription for medicine. That makes us live the day with peace of mind. But what we do not know is that, with that small gesture of going to the pharmacy, giving the prescription to the person who attends us in that establishment and fully trusting the product they give us, without being interested, even one iota in knowing the indications of the medicine may be putting us in danger.

We are told by doctors or pharmacy clerks that reading the notebook, the leaflet, is not necessary. What’s more, if you are a consumer of a certain age, or if your eyesight is no longer what it used to be, or do not try, although perhaps with a magnifying glass you will achieve it. An old global marketing strategy, to discourage locals and strangers.

Do you think it is clear to the doctor or pharmacist that this medicine can cure them?

To get an answer I have gone to a book that fell into my hands a few days ago, published by Peninsula, in Spain: Chronicle of an intoxicated society.  Its author Joan-Ramón Laporte. Born in Barcelona in 1948, he was 76 years old at the time, now dedicated to research, he was a professor of Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Barcelona and head of the clinical pharmacology service at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona. In addition, throughout his career he founded the Catalan Institute of Pharmacology, a school for great professionals and promoted the creation of various scientific societies and research networks of national and international scope in Europe and Latin America, among many other things. Therefore, it seems to me an expert voice to be able to answer the previous question.

Without going into the book, which I must still confess that I have not “gutted”, “underlined” and studied as it deserves, I think that taking advantage of the generosity of its years of experience they will allow me to reproduce part of the first two paragraphs of the introduction to the same book, which by the way leaves many doors open for us to continue investigating.

“… In 2022, Spanish doctors wrote 1,100 million prescriptions for medicines. Out of 10 people, three take a drug for sleep or depression, two or three take omeprazole, and two take a cholesterol medication. Consumption is concentrated among the elderly and the poorest. Women receive twice as many psychotropic drugs as men. The poorest eight times more than the richest. Older people seven times more than younger adults.”

1,100 million prescriptions in 2022! Only in Spain.

According to the words of Joan-Ramón Laporte, it is clear that there are medications that, used at a specific time, will relieve pain, “cure” a disease and alleviate its symptoms…But they can also cause a new disease.

The series about doctors and hospitals, especially in the USA, permanently keep an eye on this question. How many times has an efficient, upright doctor whose commissions for prescribing according to which treatments should not be excessively high, discovered overmedication in a patient and tried to remedy it? How many times has the health system based on consumption allowed you to do it? 

We are more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry as long as we take more drugs. Regardless of whether we are cured or not. What’s more, the home pharmacies hidden in the drawers of bedside tables or in cupboards full of pills, syrups, etc., are a current account where the State puts our tax money. The curious and unhealthy feeling that everything is free in the medical field is absurdly a lie. Someone pays and if the State does it, we do it.

Joan-Ramón Laporte, in his aforementioned book comments: In fact, we are suffering from a silent epidemic of adverse effects of medicines, which in Spain are the cause of more than half a million hospital admissions and at least 16,000 deaths a year, as well as dozens of cases of diseases as varied as severe bleeding, femur fractures, etc.  pneumonia, cancer, violence and aggression, suicide, myocardial infarction and other heart diseases, stroke, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease,…

All of the above is written among the contraindications of many of the medications we take. And if we listen to the written words of the expert, who should we blame for the half a million hospital admissions due to the mismanagement (concern) that doctors make of the drugs they prescribe to us? And about the 16,000 deaths, deaths per year, who are responsible?

If we were talking about criminality in the field of police security and we were given a figure like this, data like these, with five hundred thousand injured and a scandalous number of deaths, we would be talking about the negligent attitude of our state security forces and bodies. Why not do the same with our doctors?

I sincerely believe that honest doctors should be the first to question the health system that surrounds us, and try to modify their attitude, comfortable, both personally and unionically, with the industrial network that exists behind the pill that the final consumer takes. The pharmaceutical industries are not charity angels as demonstrated every day in the hundreds of millions that pay for negligence around the world and by the profit and loss accounts they present at the same time, where they have earned billions at the expense of making consumers addicted.

Review the medications you take and don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about their contraindications. And if you see that you take a lot of pills, seek a second opinion and lower your doses little by little, with the help of experts, in order to try to get out of a wheel that, as they tell you, leaves 16,000 deaths a year and half a million hospital admissions, according to the words of an expert such as Pharmacologist Joan-Ramón Laporte.    

Peace of heart in the Christian tradition


The Churches have a rich tradition of peace. They all remind us that peace is not first and foremost a program, something external, but begins within us. A peaceful heart is a peacemaker. During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxe” in Romania, this theme was explored in greater depth.

by Martin Hoegger, www.hoegger.org

Dom Johan Geysens, from the Benedictine monastery of Chevetogne in Belgium, talks about peace of heart in the Christian tradition, with some important spiritual figures. In his “Life of Saint Benedict”, Gregory the Great says that he “dwelt with himself”. That’s why he feared no one.

In his Imitation of Jesus Christ, T. A. Kempis emphasizes inner peace in response to external demands. “It is by resisting the passions and not by giving in to them that we find true inner peace… it is the way of the cross that leads to continual mortification”, he writes. The necessary condition for finding peace is therefore interior conversion: “Leave yourself and you will enjoy great interior peace”!

Among the Spanish mystics, Teresa of Avila warned of the importance of vigilance against intrusive thoughts: “Let nothing trouble you, nor afflict you”. For John of the Cross, peace is not possible in the night of the soul.

Peace is lived in the contradictions of this world, not outside. Thus, Thérèse of Lisieux testifies to an experience of solidarity with sinners, and Thomas Merton with the concerns of modern man. Today, Christians must also work for universal peace, fighting against situations of violence and injustice that affect the poor most of all. They are called to embody God’s peace, this “eschatological gift that calls for our collaboration”.

Romanian witnesses to the peace of Christ

Romanian Metropolitan Serafim reminds us that in Orthodoxy, the Hesychast tradition also emphasizes interiorization. All prayer must be prayer of the heart, not just the so-called “Jesus’ prayer”. Meditation must descend into our hearts through asceticism and prayer. Without them, we cannot acquire peace of heart.

He illustrated his remarks by presenting some of the great Romanian witnesses of monasticism. The Brâncoveanu monastery was revived thanks to Father Arseni Boca, a priest gifted in several arts, particularly painting. He created a spiritual movement with Dumitru Stanilonae, a great Romanian theologian of the 20ᵉ century. Together, they re-translated and enriched the Philocaly, a collection of Church Fathers, adding several Fathers and commenting on them. They published four volumes until the start of the Communist regime in 1948. Both were then thrown into prison. In 1959, 5,000 monks were expelled from the monasteries and more than 2,000 ecclesiastics from different churches were imprisoned.

How can we keep our heart in peace in these circumstances? It’s God’s grace, but it also requires constant attention. Two apparently contradictory maxims form the basis of this spirituality: “all is grace”, and “give your blood to acquire grace”! Asceticism and prayer must be held together.

Arseni Boca had the gift of preaching and clairvoyance. Crowds came to him, and many miracles were attributed to him. He emphasized also the importance of the Christian family. Today, pilgrimages to his tomb never cease.

Serafim Popescu was known for his great kindness and simplicity of heart. Theofil Paraïan, born blind and a disciple of Serafim, was ordained a priest despite his disability. A great confessor and lecturer after the fall of communism, he was invited by all the universities.

Father Cleopa knew the psalter by heart, as well as many of the writings of the Fathers of the Church, which he quoted during his sermons. He spent nine years in prison. Father Yohanikè published hundreds of interviews with monks and nuns containing great wisdom.

After the fall of communism, more than 2,000 new churches were built, as well as more than 100 monasteries. But this extraordinary revival has dried up. Monastic life has less appeal than it did at the end of communism. There are also fewer vocations to the priesthood.

Archbishop Serafim is grateful to God because he has known more than 50 spiritual fathers and mothers and has been marked for life by their company and visits to monasteries.

True and false ecumenism

Bela Visky is a Protestant pastor and professor of theology in Cluj. He belongs to the Hungarian minority, which numbers one million in Romania, and talks to us about the question of how different religious communities live together.

Referring to a commentary by Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the Beatitude of the Peacemakers, he states that the Christian must actively procure peace, not just passively live it. The Christian welcomes others by wishing them peace and prefers to suffer than to cause others to suffer. This is how the various religious communities should relate to each other.

In Transylvania, Protestants have a proud tradition of tolerance. Today, there are two kinds of ecumenism. One is genuine, the other is not. False ecumenism had the blessing of the dictator during communism. It was purely external and a means of propaganda. The current mistrust of some Christians towards ecumenism is rooted in a reaction to this false ecumenism.

True ecumenism is internal and comes from the experience of persecution during communism, where real friendships were made in prisons. For example, Nicolae Steinhardt’s friendship with Lutherans and Greek Catholics. B. Visky recommends reading Nicolae Steinhardt’s “Diary of Bliss”, in which this Jewish convert to Orthodoxy recounts his joy at the presence of Christ in prison with Christians from other Churches. 

His generation of pastors is the heir to these two contradictory types of ecumenism. In general, the churches live in parallel, except during the Week of Prayer for Unity. When he asks his students the question: “Is ecumenism optional or is it part of the DNA of the structure of Christian existence”, the answers will vary greatly depending on the student’s convictions.

For other articles on this theme, see: https://www.hoegger.org/article/blessed-are-the-peacemakers/

Picture: The Emmaus meal, from the monastery of Brâncoveanu

Ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full


By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

John, chapter 16. 1 – 33. The end of Christ’s farewell discourse with the apostles: about the coming persecution; the going of Christ to the Father; the work of the Holy Spirit; the happy outcome of the trials to which the apostles will be subjected; hearing their prayers; the scattering of Christ’s disciples.

In the first 11 verses, which form the end of the second consolatory speech, Christ warns the apostles of the persecutions that await them, and then, announcing again His departure to the Father, promises that the Comforter will come to the apostles, who will rebuke the world that is at war against Christ and the apostles.

16:1. I have told you this so that you will not be deceived.

“This,” i.e., of the persecutions awaiting the apostles (John 15:18ff.)

“lest you be deceived.” Knowing about upcoming suffering is helpful because the expected doesn’t hit us as much as the unexpected.

16:2. They will drive you out of the synagogues; even a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is doing God a service.

“cast out of the synagogues” – cf. the interpretation of John 9:22, 34. In the eyes of the Jews, the apostles appear as apostates from the father’s faith.

“anyone who kills you.” From this it is clear that the apostles will be outlawed, so that anyone who meets them will have the right to put them to death. Subsequently, it was explicitly established in the Talmud (treatise of Bemidbar Rabba, reference to Holzmann, 329,1) that whoever kills an unrighteous person thereby offers a sacrifice to God.

16:3. And so they will do to you, because they knew neither the Father nor Me.

Christ repeats (cf. John 15:21) that the reason for such a hostile attitude towards the apostles will be that they, the Jews, do not properly know either the Father or Christ.

16:4. But I have told you this, so when the hour comes, remember that I told you; and I did not speak this to you at first, because I was with you.

The Lord did not tell the apostles about the sufferings that awaited them at the beginning of their following of Christ. The reason for this is that He Himself was constantly with them. In case of troubles that could befall the apostles, Christ was always able to comfort them. But now He was separating from the apostles, and they were to know all that awaited them.

Hence, there is reason to conclude that the evangelist Matthew placed in the words of Christ to the apostles, when he sent them to preach (Matthew 10:16 – 31), predictions about the sufferings that awaited them, not because the Lord then revealed to the disciples the fate that awaited them, but because he wanted to unite in one section all the instructions of Christ to the disciples as preachers of the Gospel.

16:5. And now I go to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me: where are you going?

16:6. But because I told you this, your heart was filled with sadness.

The Lord’s words about His departure deeply struck the disciples, but they felt sorry for themselves more than for their Master. They thought what would happen to them, but they did not ask themselves what fate awaited Christ. It was as if they had forgotten about Thomas’s question, oppressed by the grief of Christ’s departure (cf. John 14:5).

16:7. But I tell you the truth: it is better for you that I go away; for if I do not depart, the Comforter will not come to you; if I depart, I will send Him to you;

16:8. and He, coming, will reprove the world for sin, for righteousness, and for judgment:

“it’s better for you”. The Lord condescends to this state of the disciples and wishes to dispel their oppressive sorrow by telling them that the Comforter will come to them.

“will rebuke the world.” Christ had previously spoken of this Comforter and of His work among the apostles and other believers (John 14:16), but now He speaks of His importance to the unbelieving world. After all, the interpreters differ on the question before whom the Holy Spirit will appear as a rebuke or witness for Christ – whether before the world or only before the believers. Some say that the Lord is speaking here that through the work of the Holy Spirit the truth of Christ and the unrighteousness of the world will become clear, but only to the minds of believers.

“To them shall be revealed all the sin of the world, all its iniquity, and that destruction to which it is condemned… And what could the Spirit reveal to the spiritually deaf and blind, what could He tell to the dead? But He was able to teach through them those who could perceive Him…” (K. Silchenkov).

We cannot agree with such an interpretation, because firstly, the Lord above (John 15:26) has already said that the Spirit will testify about Christ to the world, and secondly, it would be strange to suppose that the world, which is was so loved by the Father (John 3:16, 17) and for whose salvation the Son of God came (John 1:29; 4:42), will be deprived of the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Some claim that the world did not heed the rebuke, which is, however, noted here as a fact (“he will rebuke,” v. 8). We must say that the Greek verb used here, ἐλέγχειν (“to reprove”) does not mean “bring a person to a full awareness of his guilt”, but only “bring strong evidence, which, however, can be ignored by the majority of listeners” (cf. John 8 :46, 3:20, 3:20, 3:20, 3:20, 3:20, 3:20). :46, 3:20, 7:7). In view of this, it is better to adhere to the opinion that this is mainly about the attitude of the Comforter to the unbelieving and hostile to Christ world, before which the Comforter will appear as a witness.

What will the Comforter denounce or testify about? Of sin in general, of truth in general, of judgment in general (all Greek nouns standing here – ἀμαρτία, δικαιοσύνη, κρίσις – stand without an article and therefore mean something abstract). The world does not properly understand these three things. He does evil, and yet he is sure that it is not evil, but good, that he does not sin. He mixes good with evil and considers immorality as a natural phenomenon, showing that he has no concept of justice or righteousness at all, does not even believe in its existence. Finally, he does not believe in the divine court, where everyone’s fate must be decided according to his deeds. Here are these truths foreign to the understanding of the world, the Comforter Spirit must clarify to the world and prove that sin, and truth, and judgment exist.

16:9. for sin that they do not believe in Me;

How will the Spirit explain this to the world? Sin is revealed through the unbelief that the world has shown in relation to Christ (instead of: “that they do not believe” it is more correct to translate: “because they do not believe”: the particle ὁτι, according to the context has here the meaning of cause). In nothing is sin so clearly revealed as in the world’s unbelief in Christ (cf. John 3:20; 15:22). The world hates Christ not because there was anything in Him worthy of hatred, but because sinfulness, having conquered people, makes them not accept the high demands that Christ has for them (cf. John 5:44).

16:10. for righteousness, that I go to My Father, and ye shall see Me no more;

The Holy Spirit will also testify to the existence of righteousness, again in relation to Christ. The ascension of Christ to the Father is evidence that righteousness is an attribute of God, rewarding great works with exaltation, but it also exists as an attribute or work of Christ, Who by His exaltation will prove that He is righteous and holy (1 Jn. 2:1, 29; Acts 3:14; 1 Pet. 3:18), although He was a sinner (John 9:24). The Holy Spirit, especially through the preachers of Christ, will reveal the meaning of the separation of Christ from the apostles, who now perceived this separation as a sad and not a joyful event. But after the Comforter Spirit descends upon them, they will understand and begin to explain to others the true meaning of this withdrawal of Christ, which is proof of the existence of righteousness. Apostle Peter mostly spoke in this way to the Jews about Christ’s ascension (Acts 2:36; 3:15).

16:11. and for judgment, that the prince of this world is condemned.

Finally, the Holy Spirit will explain to the world that there is a judgment – with the example of the condemnation of the culprit of Christ’s death (John 13:2, 27) – the devil, the prince of this sinful world. Since the Lord regards His death as already accomplished, so also for the condemnation of the devil pronounced upon him by Divine justice for this bloody and unrighteous deed (he has put to death the One Who, being sinless, he had no right to deprive of life – cf . Rom. 6:23), He also speaks of a fait accompli (“condemned”).

In the early Church, the condemnation of the devil was manifested in the cases of the expulsion of demons by the apostles, who performed these miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, in the apostolic epistles the devil is presented as having already been expelled from the society of people who have believed in Christ: he only walks around the Church, like a roaring hungry lion (1 Pet. 5:8), spreads his nets again outside the Church, for to capture those believers who can go beyond the bounds of the Church (1 Tim. 3:7). In a word, the condemnation of the devil, the victory over him, was for the minds of believers a fact that happened, and they convinced the whole world of it.

16:12. I have much more to tell you; but now you can’t bear it.

Verses 12 to 33 contain Christ’s third consolation speech. Here He speaks to the apostles, on the one hand, about the future sending of the Holy Spirit, who will instruct them in all truth, and, on the other hand, about His coming or returning to them after His resurrection, when they will learn many things from Him , which until then they did not know. If they now felt strong in faith because of what they had already heard from Christ, He tells them that the strength of their faith was not yet so great as to save them from fear at the sight of what was to come. with their Master. Christ concludes His discourse by exhorting the disciples to bear the coming trial with courage.

“a lot”. Christ cannot tell the disciples all that he had to impart to them: in their present state it is difficult for them to perceive the “much” that Christ had. It is very likely that it included what the Lord revealed to them during the forty days after His resurrection (Acts 1:3) and which then became a major part of Christian tradition.

16:13. And when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak of himself, but what he hears he will speak, and he will tell you the future.

“all truth.” Above Christ spoke of the work of the Holy Spirit for the world. Now He speaks of the importance of the Spirit for the personal lives of Christ’s disciples. Here the activity of the Spirit will bear so much fruit that it will abundantly satisfy the thirst for the knowledge of truth, which it was impossible for the disciples to quench after the departure of their Master. The Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of truth (cf. John 14:17 and 25:26), will give them full knowledge of all truth, or rather all (πᾶσα) truth, which was previously communicated to them by Christ alone in general.

“will guide you.” However, these words do not mean that the students will learn the entire content of the teaching about God, that there will be no flaws in their knowledge. Christ says only that the Spirit will give them this, and whether they will accept all that is offered to them will depend on whether they yield to the leading of the Spirit. The Spirit will be their guide in learning the truth (instead of ὁδηγήσει in some ancient codices it reads ὁδηγός ἔσται).

“for He will not speak of Himself.” The property of the Spirit, by virtue of which He is the source of revelation, is based on the fact that He will as little as Christ (John 7:17; 14:10) speak “of Himself,” i.e. .He will not start anything new in teaching the disciples the truth, but like Christ (John 3:32; 8:26; 12:49) he will speak only what he receives or “hears” (ἀκούει υ Tischendorf, 8- o edition) from the Father (in the Russian translation “he will hear”, future tense).

“and will tell you the future.” The special activity of the Spirit will be to reveal the eschatological teachings. At times Christ’s disciples might be discouraged by the victories which evil often wins in the world, and then the Spirit would open before them the veil of the future and encourage them by painting before their spiritual eyes a picture of the future final victory of good.

16:14. He will glorify Me, because he will take from Mine and announce it to you.

Christ repeats again that the Spirit will not establish a new Church, but will only “glorify Christ”, i.e. will lead to the desired revelation of what, after the withdrawal of Christ, remained unrevealed and unfinished in Christ’s Church.

From this it appears how groundless are the opinions of the possibility of the recent opening of some new Church or Kingdom of the Spirit, which is to take the place of the Kingdom of the Son or His Church.

16:15. All that the Father hath is Mine; therefore I said that he will take from Mine and announce it to you.

For verse 13 says that the Spirit will declare what he hears from the Father, and verse 14 says that he will take from the Son (“of Mine”, i.e., what I have) to removes this apparent contradiction, Christ notes that all things belong to the Son that belong to the Father (John 17:10; cf. Luke 15:31).

Source in Russian: Explanatory Bible, or Commentaries on all the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments: In 7 volumes / Ed. prof. A. P. Lopukhin. – Ed. 4th. – Moscow: Dar, 2009, 1232 pp.

(to be continued)