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Secular States Struggling with Religious Freedom, conference at ETF of Leuven


The right to religious freedom is recognised and implemented by the vast majority of countries that value the UDHR. But the extent to which a liberal society should support religious diversity remains a subject of debate: some secular states guarantee neutrality through a “wall of separation” between religion and state, others actively seek to support philosophical diversity on a basis of equality.

The third international conference of the Institute for the Study of Freedom of Religion or Belief (ISFORB) will focus on secular states’ struggles with freedom of religion and belief. this conference is in English.

ETF Leuven’s Institute for the Study of Freedom of Religion or Belief (ISFORB) focuses its research on the interplay of societal developments, human rights discourses and religion/faith on local and global levels, with attention for religious persecution. As a multidisciplinary research group, ISFORB gives attention to religious freedom and the broader field of religion-state relations from a variety of angles.

ISFORB is a vibrant research community in which doctoral students, faculty members and visiting researchers sharpen and enrich each other. By combining our expertise, we are well equipped to engage in contemporary academic discussions on the place of religion in secular society. Research and publishing are at the heart of our activities. ISFORB purposefully seeks interaction with other research centers on related topics in Europe and beyond. Both at ETF Leuven and in other academic contexts, ISFORB organizes and participates in research projects, conferences, symposia, expert meetings, etc.

Scientists have discovered how plastic penetrates the brain


Thanks to its flexibility, durability and affordability, plastic has entered almost every aspect of our lives.

When plastic breaks down, it produces micro- and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) that can harm wildlife, the environment and ourselves. MNPs have been found in the blood, lungs and placenta, and we know that they can enter our bodies through the food and liquids we consume.

A new study by a team of researchers from Austria, the US, Hungary and the Netherlands found that MNPs can reach the brain several hours after they are eaten, possibly thanks to the way other chemicals stick to their surface.

Not only is the speed worrisome, but the very possibility of tiny polymers slipping into our nervous system raises some serious concerns.

“In the brain, plastic particles can increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders or even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s,” says study co-author, pathologist Lucas Köner of the Medical University of Vienna in Austria.

In the study, small fragments of MNPs administered orally to mice were found in their brains in just two hours. But how do MNPs cross the blood-brain barrier that is supposed to keep the brain safe?

As a system of blood vessels and tightly packed surface tissues, the blood-brain barrier helps protect our brains from potential threats by blocking the passage of toxins and other unwanted substances while allowing more beneficial substances to pass through. It stands to reason that plastic particles would be considered a material that should be kept well and truly away from sensitive brain tissue.

“Using computer models, we discovered that a certain surface structure (a biomolecular corona) is crucial for the passage of plastic particles into the brain,” explains Oldamur Holochki, a nanoplastics chemist at the University of Debrecen in Hungary.

To test whether the particles could indeed enter the brain, polystyrene MNPs (a common plastic used in food packaging) in three sizes (9.5, 1.14 and 0.293 micrometers) were labeled with fluorescent markers and pretreated in a mixture similar to digestive fluid before being fed to mice.

“To our surprise, we found specific nanometer-sized green fluorescence signals in the brain tissue of mice exposed to MNPs after only two hours,” the researchers wrote in their published paper.

“Only particles with a size of 0.293 micrometers were able to be taken up by the gastrointestinal tract and penetrate the blood-brain barrier.”

The way in which these small, coated plastics cross the cellular barriers in the body is complex and depends on factors such as particle size, charge and cell type, writes vesti.bg.

Smaller plastic particles have a higher surface area to volume ratio, making them more reactive and potentially more dangerous than larger microplastics. This reactivity is thought to allow the tiny pieces of plastic to gather other molecules around them, hugging them tightly with molecular forces to form a permanent cloak called a corona.

The researchers created a computer model of the blood-brain barrier from a double lipid membrane, made up of a phospholipid found in the human body, to study how particles can pass through such an important neurological barrier.

Four different plastic models were used to investigate the role of the plastic particle corona. The simulations showed that particles with a protein corona cannot enter the barrier. However, those with cholesterol corona can pass, even if they cannot pass deeper into the brain tissue.

The results raise the possibility that the plastic is transported across the membrane and into brain tissue using the right molecular cocktail. Knowing the underlying mechanisms is an important first step in managing their harmful effects.

It’s important to note that the results are based on mice and computer simulations, so it’s unclear whether the same behavior occurs in humans. It’s also unclear how many plastic particles are needed to cause damage. Still, the knowledge that it is possible for coated plastic particles to breach the blood-brain barrier in such a short period advances research in the field, according to the authors.

“To minimize the potential harm of micro- and nanoplastic particles to humans and the environment, it is crucial to limit exposure and limit their use while further research on the effects of MNPs is carried out,” says Kenner.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch:

An ancient Balkan lake is threatened with extinction


After millennia, Lake Prespa under the pressure of climate change, uncontrolled pumping and pollution, the prehistoric reservoir in southeastern Europe is shrinking at an alarming rate, reports AFP.

Lake Prespa, which straddles the borders of Albania, Greece and North Macedonia, is believed to be home to thousands of species that rely on the water and surrounding habitats.

Warming temperatures have wreaked havoc on the region’s annual snowfall, drying up vital streams that flow into the Prespa – putting species that depend on the lake and another nearby body of water at risk.

According to park rangers who closely monitor the lake, the drop in rainfall has led to a steady receding of the water, which has receded up to three kilometers (nearly two miles) in some places.

“Earlier there was a lot more snow, which could reach a meter or a meter and a half, while in recent years there has been almost no snowfall,” Goran Stojanovski, a 38-year-old ranger who has been monitoring the lake in North Macedonia for more than a decade, told AFP.

Other experts agree, pointing to the many ways in which the effects of climate change have caused its shores to shrink steadily.

“The observed changes in the lake level are related to climate change,” said Spase Shumka, a professor at the Agrarian University in Tirana, the capital of Albania.

Shumka pointed to higher temperatures, which have also increased evaporation and reduced annual precipitation.

“Based on the location, the only solution is in joint action,” added the professor.

Adding to Prespa’s problems is the fact that surrounding apple farms rely heavily on the lake’s water, with one study cited by NASA stating that the lake lost seven percent of its surface area and half of its volume between 1984 and 2020

Environmental pollution from agricultural run-off from the seemingly endless rows of nearby orchards only adds to its problems, leading to algal blooms that raise concerns about creating dead zones.

“The lake has been intensively polluted for decades,” says Zlatko Levkov, a biologist at Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

“Put simply, the habitat of many species may change completely, and the population of those species may decline and eventually disappear.”

According to experts, the Prespa filled this picturesque valley in southeastern Europe for between one and five million years, making it one of the continent’s oldest freshwater ecosystems.

About 2,000 species of fish, birds and mammals, as well as a number of plant species, depend on its waters for sustenance.

Further deterioration could prove catastrophic for the local ecosystem, but also for the neighboring Lake Ohrid, located 10 km to the west.

Because Prespa is located on higher ground, Lake Ohrid relies on underground water flows through the surrounding limestone mountains to maintain its level.

Any additional strain on Prespa is likely to be felt downstream in Ohrid, which just two years ago was at risk of losing its place on the UNESCO World Heritage List due to excessive pollution and unregulated development.

Illustrative Photo by Valter Zhara:

Effects of divorce on children from 6 to 11 years


Divorce represents a pivotal and often traumatic change in the child’s world and – from their perspective – a loss of family. When told about divorce, many children feel sad, angry and anxious, and it can be difficult for them to understand how their lives will change. The child’s age also affects his reaction to the new family structure.

Navigating a divorce when you have children requires consideration of how the divorce may affect them.

Here’s a quick rundown of what 6- to 11-year-olds understand and how you can ease their transition after divorce.

Effects of Divorce on Children: Ages 6 to 11

Divorce can leave school-aged children between the ages of 6 and 11 struggling with feelings of abandonment. Younger children—especially 5- to 8-year-olds—may not understand the concept and feel as if their parents are divorcing them. They may worry about losing one of their parents and fantasize that their parents will be reunited. In fact, they often believe they can “save” their parents’ marriage.

Children 8 to 11 may blame one parent for the separation and target the “good” parent against the “bad.”

They may accuse their parents of being mean or selfish, expressing their anger in a variety of ways: fighting with classmates, lashing out at the world, or becoming anxious, withdrawn, or depressed. For some children, the effects of divorce manifest themselves physically—think upset stomachs or stress headaches, as well as making up symptoms to stay home from school.

Easing the transition after divorce

Divorcing parents can prevent their children from feeling abandoned by creating reliable, consistent opportunities for quality time together.

Elementary school children can experience extreme loss and rejection during a divorce, but parents can restore their child’s sense of self-esteem and security. To begin with, every parent should spend quality time with the child, encouraging him to reveal his feelings.

Reassure them that neither parent will abandon them and reiterate that the divorce is not their fault. (Similarly, parents should not blame each other for the separation, but explain that it was a mutual decision.)

It’s also important to maintain a regular visitation schedule, as children thrive on predictability—especially during times of turmoil.

Finally, encourage your child to get involved in events and fun they enjoy (school, friendships, and extracurricular activities are increasingly important at this age).

Help them rebuild their self-esteem and encourage them to reach out to others instead of withdrawing from the world.

Photo by cottonbro studio

Tourism in 2023, A Year of Recovery and Growth


Tourism in 2023 is expected to be a year of recovery and growth for the sector, as international travel gradually resumes and domestic demand rebounds.

The global travel and tourism industry has been one of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with unprecedented losses in revenue, jobs and visitors.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), global tourism arrivals will increase by 30% in 2023, following growth of 60% in 2022, but will remain below pre-pandemic levels1. The economic downturn, sanctions on Russia, and China’s zero-covid strategy will delay recovery. However, the industry is projected to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2023 and grow at a rate that will outpace global gross domestic product (GDP) growth1. The industry is expected to post an annual average growth rate of 5.8% from 2022 to 2032 versus the 2.7% increase in global GDP, and create 126 million new jobs1.

The travel and tourism industry’s GDP is seen hitting $8.35 trillion this year and $9.6 trillion in 2023, a return to its pre-pandemic level2. Tourism jobs are projected to recover to 300 million this year and 324 million in 2023, close to the 333 million seen in 20192. The recovery will be led by business and leisure travelers to and from China, which is expected to reopen its borders in late 2022 or early 20231. U.S. domestic leisure travel is also back, and business travel will soon follow1. U.S. international travel is coming back too, especially to Europe and the Middle East1.

In Asia-Pacific alone, the hospitality industry’s GDP will likely hit $3.4 trillion in 2023, already above the $3.3 trillion it saw in 20191. Compared with North America and Europe, travel has trailed in Asia-Pacific because of strict border restrictions in many countries. However, some regions are seeing signs of recovery, such as Southeast Asia, where travelers are getting back on planes as entry and COVID-19 quarantine rules are lifted2International tourist arrivals are recovering fastest in the Middle East and Europe3.

The pandemic has also changed some aspects of travel behavior and preferences. Travelers are more conscious of health and safety measures, environmental impact and social responsibility. They are also more flexible, digital and experiential. The industry has adapted to these changes by offering more contactless services, sustainable practices and personalized experiences. The focus of technology innovation and investment will be on the metaverse, with the drive for standardization and the battle with web3 at the forefront1.

Tourism in 2023 will be a year of challenges and opportunities for the industry. The sector will have to overcome the uncertainties and risks posed by the pandemic, geopolitical tensions and economic slowdowns. However, it will also benefit from the pent-up demand, resilience and innovation of travelers and businesses. Tourism in 2023 will be a year of recovery and growth for one of the most vital sectors of the global economy.

Escaping Sudan: Home alone, with warplanes overhead

Escaping Sudan: Home alone, with warplanes overhead

“I spent the night in fear, unable to go out of my house, as people were being killed everywhere,” she said, worrying about how she would protect her five-year-old son and three-year-old daughter.

Panicked by the sounds of shooting and warplanes flying overhead, she tried calling her husband at work, only to learn from friends that he had been shot dead.

I spent the night in fear, unable to go out of my house, as people were being killed everywhere – Arafa

No time to mourn

With no time to mourn and no clear plan, she fled Khartoum with her two young children in a desperate bid to escape. Setting out by bus, she arrived in Madani, a city 135 kilometres southeast of Khartoum, where a local man offered to help them leave the country.

Together with five others, they were driven to Port Sudan, the country’s main eastern seaport. From there they walked for a whole day before finding transport towards the Egyptian border.

“I was scared, tired, and without hope,” she said, noting that she spent 80 hours without food or water. “The road was difficult, and the continued sound of gunfire was deafening. I did not think we would make it. I was holding my children in my arms, fearing the war, the journey to asylum, and the long road ahead.”

Sudan crisis – Response in neighbouring countries

Nowhere else to go

After crossing the border, they were eventually driven to Cairo and dropped off in a square in the unfamiliar city. With nowhere else to go, Arafa and her children spent the night on the street.

Arafa said that in the morning, a South Sudanese woman was passing by and saw her.

She advised me to go to the office of UNHCR and register with them,” she said, adding that her family is now registered for assistance with the agency and is living with the kind South Sudanese woman.

© UNHCR/Aristophane Ngargoune

Thousands of refugees are crossing the border into Chad fleeing violence in Sudan.

‘We are together, with the refugees’

Like the other countries neighbouring Sudan that have been impacted by the conflict, Egypt already hosts a large refugee population.

With UNHCR operations in these countries already acutely underfunded, the refugee agency said increased support will be vital to respond to the humanitarian needs of those fleeing the violence.

That includes about 60,000 Khartoum residents that have fled the city for safety.

We are together, hand by hand, with the refugees, listening to them – Randa Osman, UNHCR

Randa Osman, an assistant field officer with UNHCR, provided an update from the Shagarab Refugee Camp in eastern Sudan.

“Despite the ongoing conflict, we are together, hand by hand, with the refugees, listening to them, and being with the people we serve in all situations in Sudan,” she said.

Amid airstrikes, armed attacks, and urban warfare, more than 100,000 Sudanese have already reportedly escaped into neighbouring countries, with their harrowing stories echoing the plight of tens of thousands of others who are frantically fleeing, since fierce fighting between rival military groups began on 15 April.

Fleeing with nothing

We fled Sudan for Chad,” said Halime Issakh Oumar, who is now a refugee. “We want to be safe. There is no security. We came with nothing, not even food or something to drink.”

Ms. Oumar’s story mirrors those of almost 21,000 Sudanese who sought refuge in neighbouring Chad. Another 10,000 Sudanese have fled to Central African Republic, and, as of Thursday, 47,000 have escaped to safety in Egypt, according UN reports.

In these countries as well as neighbouring Ethiopia and South Sudan, thousands of men, women, and children are arriving, some after perilous journeys, according to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and other UN entities.

Assisting growing numbers of refugees

Africa’s second largest refugee-hosting country, Sudan hosts more than 1.14 million refugees. Before the onset of the conflict, more than 3.7 million people were internally displaced, and now, there are many more, UNHCR said.

As the warring military factions have repeatedly broken fragile ceasefire agreements, several UN agencies say the numbers of refugees will continue to grow.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is currently recording more than 1,000 daily arrivals in Ethiopia, where the majority – 39 per cent – are returning Ethiopians, and 17 per cent are Sudanese and third country nationals from more than 50 other countries.

Raghuveer Sharma, who moved to Sudan from India in 2021, had worked at a steel plant outside Khartoum at the outset of the conflict. For a full week, armed groups had entered the premises daily, looting and firing weapons indiscriminately, taking a hostage, and demanding vehicles and mobile phones, he told UN News.

We made a plan that as soon as armed groups entered the guest house, we would not let them come inside,” he said. “As long as we had vehicles and mobile phones, our lives would be spared.”

Grateful for being evacuated, he said that “after this experience, I will not go back, even if the situation improves.”

Women and children rest after crossing into Koufroun, a Chadian village situated on the Chad-Sudan border.

Women and children rest after crossing into Koufroun, a Chadian village situated on the Chad-Sudan border.

A ‘perfect storm’

The UN estimates that as many as 270,000 Sudanese could end up crossing the seven international borders of the 48 million-strong nation – the third largest country in Africa.

UNHCR said on Thursday that the agency is expecting an outflow of 860,000 refugees and returnees from Sudan.

The World Food Programme (WFP) warned of “a perfect storm” in Chad, where the influx of refugees is unfolding weeks before the onset of the lean season between harvests, which is expected to leave an estimated 1.9 million people severely food insecure.

Pounding rains arriving about the same time, threaten to turn swathes of desert into rivers, imperiling deliveries of key food assistance to the refugees and other vulnerable groups, the agency said.

It’s a perfect storm,” said Pierre Honnorat, WFP Country Director and Representative in Chad. “The lean season coming in June, and the rainy season that will cut off all those regions.”

UNHCR and partners step up support in Chad as refugees escape fighting in Sudan

Everything lost ‘in the blink of an eye’

The Sudanese people’s stories paint a somber picture of how conflict can instantaneously shatter lives.

A 16-year-old Sudanese girl had made it across the Chadian border to safety.

“I would love to go back to my country,” she said, “but only if we are safe there.”

While many have managed to escape the fighting and reach safety, Arafa said her own family’s future feels far from secure.

“I can’t believe I am here in Egypt now, but I am still afraid of everything,” Arafa said. “I need help. I am afraid of the future. I lost my home, my husband, and my country in the blink of an eye. I don’t want to lose my children too. I want them to be safe.”

UN in action

Across the border towns lacing Sudan, UN agencies are working to help those in need. Here is a snapshot of some of what is happening on the ground:

  • In Chad and Sudan, UN agencies are bringing in more than 70,000 core relief items from its global stockpiles.
  • In Egypt, the UN is conducting an assessment mission on the needs of people fleeing Sudan.
  • The UN and the Egyptian Red Crescent are delivering water, food, wheelchairs, and hygiene and sanitary kits to new arrivals.
  • A social media account and website run by UNHCR offers up-to-date information for refugees in Egypt.
  • UNHCR launched a preliminary inter-agency regional refugee response plan on Thursday to address urgent financial needs as soon as possible, which requires $445 million to support the displaced until October.
  • At border crossings, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) provides families with essential items and medical services.
  • IOM is providing such support services as transportation and accommodation to refugees and returnees at border areas, where the agency has set up transit centres.
  • The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) continues to support partners to provide life-saving health care, distribute supplies for safe births, and to manage obstetric emergencies through a network of midwives.
  • WFP provides assistance in the region, and it is urgently appealing for emergency funding, including at least $145.6 million to continue supporting newly arrived and existing refugees in Chad, along with host communities.
Non-food items are distributed in Koufroun, a Chadian village situated on the Chad-Sudan border.

Non-food items are distributed in Koufroun, a Chadian village situated on the Chad-Sudan border.

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UN in Ukraine ‘appalled and saddened’ at deadly airstrikes and attacks

UN in Ukraine ‘appalled and saddened’ at deadly airstrikes and attacks

According to news reports, Russian airstrikes targeted the capital Kyiv for the third time in four days, following on from what Russian authorities said was an assassination attempt by drone strike, on President Vladimir Putin, earlier on Wednesday.

Ukrainian authorities, who deny any involvement in the drone incident in Moscow, said Thursday morning’s large-scale attack on Kyiv was repulsed by the city’s air defences without casualties. There were drone explosions in the southern coastal city of Odesa, news reports said.

“We are extremely concerned for the plight of civilians after almost a week of nightly airstrikes and attacks which have killed and injured dozens of people”, Humanitarian Coordinator Matthew Hollingworth said.

Critical infrastructure has also been destroyed, compounding the dire humanitarian situation, he added.

Carnage in Kherson

Mr. Hollingworth said it was “particularly alarming to see how dozens were killed or injured in Kherson, when a train station and a supermarket where people buy their groceries, were hit during the busiest hours of the day.”

More than 20 were killed due to Russian shelling nearly the southern Ukrainian city, according to news reports, with over 45 people injured. Those who died included three engineers who were trying to repair damage inflicted by earlier attacks.

“We share the grief of families who have lost loved ones and wish a quick recovery to those injured”, said the UN Humanitarian Coordinator.

Ukrainian troops recaptured the city of Kherson last November, following some eight months of Russian occupation, but shelling continues from across the Dnipro River.

Briefing journalists in New York on Thursday, UN Deputy Spokesperson, Farhan Haq, said that in eastern Ukraine, a power plant was reportedly hit close to the front line of the fighting, cutting energy supplies for around 100,000, according to the Ukrainian Government.

‘Humanitarian crisis’ in Marinka

“Our colleagues on the ground also warn about the humanitarian crisis in the area surrounding Marinka, in the Donetsk region. Here, some 5,000 civilians – according to the colleagues – are enduring heavy ground fighting and hostilities that have escalated over the past two months”, Mr Haq continued.

The UN humanitarian coordination office, OCHA, issued a flash update warning that the crisis was “rapidly unfolding”, across the contested area, where heavy ground fighting has “dramatically escalated over the past two months.”

OCHA said the neighbouring communities of Kurakhove and Vuhledar, home to a further 24,000 civilians – were also impacted, both due to the violence and pressure over limited services and resources, with people taking refuge there from other parts of Donetsk.

So far, the UN and partners have provided 13 truckloads of humanitarian aid for the three communities, targeting around 15,000 in need.

© UNOCHA/Oleksandr Ratushniak

Deminers try to clear a previously occupied area near the front line between Mykolaiv and Kherson, in Ukraine.

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WFP pauses food distribution in Ethiopia following ‘significant diversion’ of aid

WFP pauses food distribution in Ethiopia following ‘significant diversion’ of aid

WFP takes this issue extremely seriously and will not tolerate any interference in its distribution of critical food aid to the most vulnerable women, men and children”, the agency said in a statement released on Wednesday night.

The agency has already launched a comprehensive investigation, and “taken swift action to establish all the facts and further strengthen our controls.”

Food distribution on hold

As a result, WFP has temporarily paused all food distributions in Tigray, saying that they will not resume until they can ensure aid will get to its intended recipients.

The brutal conflict between Ethiopian Government forces and the rebel fighters of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front erupted in November 2020, fought primarily across the northern province, but spilling into other parts of northern Ethiopia, drawing in forces from Eritrea, with allegations of war crimes committed on all sides.

Hundreds of thousands were reportedly killed and despite the formal cessation of hostilities in early November last year, the major humanitarian crisis exacerbated by the fighting, has continued.

Working with authorities

WFP said that it was working closely with the regional authorities to identify any individuals involved in diverted aid away, and would aim to “close any loopholes in the process of identifying and registering beneficiaries.”

“WFP is also strongly reiterating to our cooperating partners that they monitor and report any illicit activities, and that they are enforcing the agreed controls”, the statement continued.

‘Stringent controls’

The agency said that it prided itself on ensuring that donor funds were used properly, putting stringent controls in place, “in order to best serve the millions of the hungry who depend on WFP’s lifesaving and life-changing assistance.”

WFP noted that 84 per cent of the region was in a state of food crisis.

“WFP is resolutely committed to ensure life-saving food assistance reaches those most in need efficiently and effectively.”

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A ‘Ndrangheta killer who hid for 17 years as a pizza chef in France has been captured


An article in a small newspaper from Saint-Etienne led to the discovery of Edgardo Greco

A convicted murderer believed to belong to one of Italy’s most powerful mafia organizations has been arrested in France after evading authorities for 17 years, Interpol said, citing the Guardian.

63-year-old Edgardo Greco, suspected of belonging to the notorious “Ndrangheta”, was arrested early February this year in the French city of Saint-Etienne, where he was running an Italian restaurant under a different identity and posing as a pizza chef.

According to Interpol, Greco is a “dangerous fugitive” wanted in his homeland to serve a life sentence for the 1991 murder of brothers Stefano and Giuseppe Bartolomeo.

He is also charged with the attempted assassination of Emiliano Mosciaro during the Pino Senna-Perna Prannano mafia war, also in the early 1990s. Both clans are part of the Calabrian Ndrangheta mafia.

According to Italian police, the Bartolomeo brothers were beaten to death with iron bars in a fish warehouse in January 1991. Their bodies have never been found and are believed to have been dissolved in acid.

The attack on them was organized by a rival gang who believed the brothers were trying to expand their illegal business by encroaching on their own territory. Greco was chosen as the contractor for the wet order.

The crime remained unsolved for 15 years, when in 2006 a breakthrough was made in the case and a judge issued a warrant for the killer’s arrest.

However, he managed to elude the authorities by presenting false documents attesting to a non-existent illness, which prevented his arrest.

The gangster then escapes and goes underground.

Greco assumes a new identity – Paolo Dimitrio. In his homeland, however, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and a European arrest warrant was issued against him.

Meanwhile, the Neapolitan mobster, after eight years of wandering from place to place, decided to settle in the French city of Saint-Etienne, southwest of Lyon. There he began working in various Italian restaurants and made a name for himself as a skilled pizza maker.

According to prosecutors in the case, the woman was “even more ruthless than the men”

So in June 2021, when he was already confident enough in his fictional identity of Paolo Dimitrio, he decided to take the next step in his professional life and open his own restaurant – Caffe Rossini Ristorante.

The opening of the new establishment was also covered by the local press, with a headline appearing in the Le Progres newspaper: “Paolo Dimitrio opens the restaurant of his dreams”, and the restaurant’s Facebook page shows a photo of the proud owner posing in front of his establishment.

The photo shows a man with a scruffy beard and glasses, but it is also a turning point, leading Italian authorities to the wanted criminal. Italian authorities are not disclosing details of their investigation or how they managed to get hold of the article in Le

His arrest is said to have been made with the help of the Interpol-led Cooperation Against ‘Ndrangheta project, which facilitates police cooperation between its 195 Interpol member states in the fight against organized crime.

However, the facts show that early Thursday morning he was detained. He was immediately brought before an investigating judge in Lyon, who officially notified him of the arrest warrant issued against him in Italy.

Greco is about to be extradited to his homeland.

The arrest of the killer of the Bartolomeo brothers is another blow against the Calabrian mafia. It comes a week after Italian police said they had broken up ‘Ndrangheta organizations.

During the police action, assets worth around 250 million euros were confiscated

During the action, assets with a total value of over 250 million euros were confiscated and 56 people were arrested.

The detainees have been charged with a range of crimes, including mafia-related conspiracy, extortion, kidnapping, bribery and possession of weapons, murder and others, police and prosecutors said.

Last month, Italian police arrested Matteo Messina Denaro, one of the most notorious bosses of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra mafia, who had been on the run for 30 years.

The 60-year-old man was detained after visiting a health clinic in the Sicilian capital, Palermo, where he received treatment.

Photo: Carabinieri Cosenza

Because of a family dispute: An Italian princess was evicted from a one-of-a-kind villa

Princess Rita and Prince Nicolò Boncompagni Ludovisi at Villa Aurora
Princess Rita and Prince Nicolò Boncompagni Ludovisi at Villa Aurora - Marco Mancini, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The villa houses the only known ceiling painting by the Baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.

Texas-born Princess Rita Boncompani Ludovisi, the widow of Prince Nicolo Boncompani Ludovisi, has been evicted from a villa in Rome with a unique Caravaggio fresco over a long-running inheritance dispute, dpa and Reuters reported.

Italian carabinieri escorted Texas-born and raised Rita Boncompani Ludovisi, 73, from the villa that houses the only known ceiling painting by Baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610). Half of the property is her property according to a will, and the other half – the late Prince Nicolo left to his sons from his first marriage. He died in 2018.

As part of the inheritance dispute, several failed attempts have been made to auction the historic building, called Aurora, for around €140 million, and now a court has ordered the villa to be vacated.

According to the sons of Prince Boncompani Ludovisi, the princess does not take care of the house properly and offers paid guided tours without permission.

One of the heirs of the late prince explained that the villa should be extensively renovated.

The villa was built in 1570 and has belonged to the Ludovizi family since the beginning of the 17th century. In 1597, Cardinal Del Monte, a diplomat and patron of the arts, commissioned Caravaggio, then in his early 20s, to paint the ceiling of a small room on the first floor, which he used as an alchemical laboratory. The 2.75 meter wide mural is painted in oil directly on the plaster and depicts an allegorical scene with the gods Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto representing the transmutation of lead into gold. Caravaggio painted his own face and body on each of the three figures.

The villa owes its name to a fresco by another Baroque artist, Guercino, which adorns the huge ceiling of the entrance hall and depicts Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, riding a chariot.