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Do you know what the moon smells like?


Have you ever wondered what the moon smells like?

In an article for Nature magazine, French “fragrance sculptor” and retired scientific consultant Michael Moiseev says his latest creation was inspired by a description of the lunar surface by one of the first humans to walk on the moon more than half a century ago.

“I based the smell I produced – like that of secondhand smoke – on Buzz Aldrin’s description of what he felt when he took off his helmet in the lunar module on the Moon in 1969,” Moiseev wrote.

The consultant is working on the fragrance for the Space City museum in Toulouse, France, which is close to where he lives and works.

In his 2009 book Magnificent Desolation, Buzz Aldrin, who was the second man to set foot on the lunar surface, recalled that when he and fellow pioneer astronaut Neil Armstrong returned to their lander and realized they were covered in moon dust, they were greeted by “a sharp metallic smell, something like smoke or the smell in the air after a firecracker goes off”.

In a 2015 interview with Space.com, Aldrin elaborated on his description of the lunar aroma, describing it as smelling “like burnt charcoal or like the ashes that are in a fireplace, especially if you sprinkle a little water on it.”

Aldrin is not the only Apollo astronaut who commented on the smoke-like smell of the lunar regolith, writes hicomm.bg.

“All I can say is that everyone’s immediate impression was that the smell was smoke, not that it was ‘metallic’ or ‘pungent,'” Harrison “Jack” Schmidt, an astronaut from the ” Apollo 17,” which participated in one of the last missions to the moon in 1972. “The smell of second-hand smoke is probably more etched in our memories than other such smells.”

Unless spaceflight technology rapidly becomes cheaper and more accessible in the next few decades, most of us won’t have the chance to ever smell the moon for ourselves. But luckily, we may be able to smell an imitation in Toulouse, France, or anywhere else where skilled “fragrance sculptors” simulate the scent of moon dust.

Photo by Joonas kääriäinen:

1 in 3 children overweight in the European region: WHO report

1 in 3 children overweight in the European region: WHO report

The WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022, was launched by the spouses of 16 European leaders and Heads of State, in the Croatian capital.

Childhood obesity data for WHO’s European Region, paints an alarming picture.

Challenging environment

Our children are increasingly growing up in environments that make it very difficult for them to eat well and be active. This is a root cause of the obesity epidemic,” said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

As societies and countries, we have so far failed to reverse the rising rates of childhood obesity, and that’s why WHO/Europe is here in Croatia, at the invitation of Professor Milanović, spouse of the President, to galvanize political support for this truly insidious public health crisis before it becomes even more difficult to address.”

Dangerous projections

Based on current trends and looking exclusively at obesity in the WHO European Region, which covers 53 countries across Europe and Central Asia, the World Obesity Atlas 2023 published by the World Obesity Federation, projects that between 2020 and 2035, there will be:

  • a 61% increase in the number of boys living with obesity,
  • a 75% increase in the number of girls living with obesity,
  • with a total 17 million boys and 11 million girls aged 5-19 living with obesity in the region in 2035. 
  • Issues involving being overweight and obesity across all age groups are projected to cost the WHO European Region $800 billion annually, by 2035. 

Identifying solutions

WHO European Region has identified three specific actions to counter current projections and help prevent this silent epidemic from getting worse:

Prevention is better than cure: efforts to reduce childhood obesity must start early, right from pregnancy and early childhood. Prevention needs to focus on good nutrition at all stages of a child’s life. Prevention efforts are also needed in homes, schools, and the wider community.

Regulating the food and beverage industry: the most effective policies to tackle childhood obesity include imposing a tax on sugary drinks, requiring clear front-of-package labelling, and restricting marketing of unhealthy foods to children.

Promoting physical activity: this includes better urban design and transportation policies, physical activity in the school curriculum and extra-curricular activities, and clear messaging to support active lifestyles throughout the life course.  

The link between obesity and other diseases

Being overweight and obesity are among the leading causes of death and disability in the European Region, with recent estimates suggesting they cause more than 1.2 million deaths annually, corresponding to more than 13% of total mortality.

Obesity increases the risk for many noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases.

Obesity is also considered a cause of at least 13 different types of cancer and is likely to be directly responsible for at least 200,000 new cancer cases annually across the Region, with this figure set to rise further in the coming years.

Also, overweight people and those living with obesity, have been disproportionately affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, often experiencing more severe disease and other complications. 

“Because obesity is so complex, influenced by different factors like genetics, environment, and socioeconomic status, no single intervention can halt its rise,” explained Dr Kluge.

Any national policies aiming to address the issues of overweight and obesity must have high-level political commitment behind them. They should also be comprehensive, reaching individuals across the life course and targeting inequalities.”

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Locust outbreak in Afghanistan threatens wheat harvest

Locust outbreak in Afghanistan threatens wheat harvest

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sounded the alarm on Wednesday after locusts were spotted in the country’s north and northeast. FAO said that a “full outbreak” this year could destroy up to 1.2 million metric tonnes of wheat, or a quarter of the total annual harvest.

FAO Representative in Afghanistan Richard Trenchard said that together with partners, the agency was racing to help reduce the impact of the outbreak.

With pesticides in short supply, thousands of people in communities across the affected provinces were working “day and night” to eradicate the pests using “traditional mechanical control methods” before they become adults and begin to swarm, he said. 

Left untreated, the Moroccan Locust population could increase 100-fold in the next year, according to FAO.

Earlier this year, the UN World Food Programme warned that six million Afghans were one step away from famine.

‘Huge concern’

Sightings of locusts at different development stages have been made in Badakhshan, Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, Kunduz, Samangan, Sar-e-Pul and Takhar, with fresh reports coming in from Heart and Ghor provinces.

“The reports of Moroccan Locust outbreak in Afghanistan’s wheat basket is a huge concern”, said Mr. Trenchard.

“The Moroccan locust eats more than 150 species of plants, including tree crops, pastures and 50 food crops, all of which grow in Afghanistan. It represents an enormous threat to farmers, communities and the entire country,” he added.

He noted that the last two big infestations which took place 20 and 40 years ago, cost the country an estimated 8 per cent, and 25 per cent of production.

“Harvest forecasts this year are the best we have seen for the last three years – but this outbreak threatens to destroy all these recent gains and dramatically worsen the food insecurity situation later this year and into next year,” the FAO Representative continued.

The Moroccan Locust is ranked among the most economically damaging plant pests anywhere in the world, and the value of the potential loss, adds up to between $280 million and a staggering $480 million, going by today’s prices, FAO warned.

The agency said that the year had seen “perfect” conditions for a locust outbreak so far, in the north and northeast, with over-grazing, drought and very limited control measures, creating an “ideal environment for locusts to hatch and swarm.”

Moroccan locusts are poured into a pit during mechanical control in Baghlan, Afghanistan.

Swinging into action

“The alarm bells rang late, but FAO, its incredible NGO partners, local communities and local authorities sprang into immediate action,” said Mr. Trenchard.

“Chemical supplies were low across the country so we were forced to focus on traditional ‘mechanical control’ methods to reduce the impact of the outbreak.”

He said that cash-for-work had been a way “to put money into the pockets of farmers most at risk while accelerating mechanical control in communities across the North and Northeast regions”, and there had been “a strong, rapid and encouraging response from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, although their capacity to respond is heavily constrained by a lack of resources”.

Ominous threat

Typically, after decimating pasture, large locust hopper bands and adult swarms move down to cropland areas and eat rain-fed and irrigated wheat and other crops.

FAO warned that there is not a single crop which is spared from Moroccan Locust damage.

If numbers do increase up to 100-fold, it would create even bigger problems for agriculture and food security in Afghanistan, and neighbouring countries.

If the Moroccan locust population is left untreated, it could increase its numbers by 100-fold in the next year, creating even bigger problems for agriculture and food security for Afghanistan and that of its neighbours.

“Chemical control methods are far more effective than mechanical control”, said Mr. Trenchard. 

“Afghanistan used to have a very strong locust control system in place.  But this has been heavily eroded in the last two years. At this point in time, all we can hope is that the mechanical control approaches will reduce the overall impact of the swarms.  But we must start now to prevent 2024 from seeing even bigger outbreaks”, he concluded.

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Russia must provide ‘urgent and comprehensive’ care to opposition leader Navalny: Rights experts

Russia must provide ‘urgent and comprehensive’ care to opposition leader Navalny: Rights experts

Alice Edwards, who is officially known as the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, said she was “distressed by the deteriorating state of Mr. Navalny’s health and the apparent lack of satisfactory diagnosis and medical treatment”.

‘A form of torture’

In a statement also backed by six of her fellow Human Rights Council-appointed experts, she said that the alleged placement of the Russian politician, lawyer and anti-corruption campaigner in isolation on 11 separate occasions, amounting to 114 days in solitary confinement over seven months, “appears disproportionate” and would amount to a form of torture, if confirmed.

“Mr. Navalny is reportedly suffering from serious ill-health, including chronic spinal disease and problems related to neurological damage,” Ms. Edwards said.

The jailed leader returned to Russia in 2021 from receiving extensive medical treatment in Germany, after what laboratory tests indicated had been an attempt to poison him with a nerve agent, while in Siberia in August 2020.

He was immediately arrested after resolving to fly home to Russia, from Germany.


The 46-year-old is serving concurrent sentences of 11.5 years for fraud and contempt of court – on charges which he said were trumped up to remove him from public life.

Russia has denied all previous allegations that any prison employees have mistreated Mr. Navalny, saying that he has been given access to medical treatment when needed.

Immediate care needed

“He must immediately and continuously be provided with adequate care, including comprehensive medical check-ups, treatment and monitoring of his health situation in a civil hospital.”

 She also raised the cases of three of his political supporters, who are also being held in Russian jails – Liliya Chanysheva, Vadim Ostanin and Daniel Kholodny.

The Special Rapporteur said their cases should be “promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigated.

Release supporters ‘without delay’

“If it is found that these individuals are being arbitrarily deprived of their liberty, they should be released without delay.

She said in the case of Mr. Ostanin, whose condition is reportedly deteriorating, Russia “should as a matter of urgency provide adequate medical care in a civil hospital”.

Liliya Chanysheva is the previous head of Mr. Navalny’s office in the city of Ufa. She was arrested on charges of managing a “structural subdivision” of an extremist group in November 2021, said the UN rights office, OHCHR.

Mr. Ostanin, ran the Navalny office in the city of Byisk, and was arrested on similar charges in March 2022.

Mr. Kholodny, an employee of Mr. Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, was arrested at the same time on charges of belonging to an extremist group, and for allegedly providing or collecting money to finance an extremist organisation, OHCHR said.

Concerns registered

The Special Rapporteur and other experts have been in direct contact with the Russian Government about these cases “and will continue to monitor them.”

Special Rapporteurs and other UN Human Rights Council-appointed rights experts, work on a voluntary and unpaid basis, are not UN staff, and work independently from any government or organisation.

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Violence in Sudan likely to spark record levels of hunger

Violence in Sudan likely to spark record levels of hunger

In an alert on the situation, the World Food Programme (WFP) said that it expected between two and 2.5 million more people to face acute hunger in the coming months, because of conflict that erupted on 15 April between forces loyal to rival Generals Abdel Fattah Al Burhan and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo.

This development would take the already dire food insecurity in Sudan to a “record high”, WFP said, with two-fifths of the country’s population affected. 

According to the UN agency, the biggest spikes in food insecurity could occur in West Darfur, West Kordofan, Blue Nile, Red Sea and North Darfur states.

‘Huge’ needs, scarce resources

Meanwhile, the UH High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi shared on Twitter that more than 150,000 people have now fled Sudan – both Sudanese citizens and refugees hosted in the country.

“Needs are huge. Resources are scarce. Aid is required, urgently!” Mr. Grandi wrote. 

Soaring food prices

UN humanitarians expect the price of basic food items to increase by 25 per cent in the next three to six months.

If the situation in the country bars farmers from accessing their fields and planting key staples between May and July, food prices could rise even more, WFP said.

Lifesaving aid

The UN agency has resumed its operations in Sudan, after a temporary pause following the killing of three of its aid workers at the start of the conflict. Since last week, and despite a dire security situation, WFP has reached over 35,000 people with food assistance.

The aid is a lifeline for the most vulnerable, including families who have recently fled the conflict, refugees living in Sudan and internally displaced people and their host communities.

Overall, the agency aims to support 4.9 million vulnerable people in areas where the security situation allows, in addition to “preventing and treating moderate acute malnutrition” for 600,000 children under five and pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

WFP also said that the UN Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS), which it manages, is starting “regular” air connections between Port Sudan and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to enable the “safe transportation of frontline humanitarians and critical aid”.

WFP staff monitor emergency food distribution at a displaced camp in Sudan.

Support for neighbouring countries

The UN agency is also providing emergency food assistance to thousands who have fled Sudan to neighbouring Chad, South Sudan, Egypt and the Central African Republic, amid dire funding shortages.

In South Sudan for instance, where more than 40,000 returnees have fled across the border, WFP says that it is “cash-strapped” and that any extra pressure on resources could force it to take food and funding from others to support new arrivals.

According to figures from the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR’s data portal, the largest outflows from Sudan have been to Egypt, which has seen the arrival of over 68,000 Sudanese refugees and close to 5,000 refugees of other nationalities fleeing the fighting.

Last week, the agency appealed for $445 million to support the displaced until October.

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Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022

white front load washing machine

Real household income per capita grew by 0.6% in the OECD in the fourth quarter of 2022, exceeding growth in real GDP per capita of 0.1% (Figure 1). Despite moderate growth in the third and fourth quarter, on an annual basis 2022 real household income per capita fell by 3.8% in the OECD, the largest annual decline since the beginning of the series.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022
Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022 5

Household income results varied widely across OECD countries in Q4 2022. Of the 21 countries for which data is available, eight recorded an increase in real household income per capita, while the other 13 recorded a fall. Among G7 economies for which data is available, the United Kingdom saw the largest increase in real household income per capita in Q4 2022 (1.2%), driven by wage growth and government support for household energy consumption. Canada, France and the United States also reported increases in real household income per capita, exceeding the performance of GDP per capita, which grew by 0.5% in the United States and contracted in Canada and France (Figure 1). Conversely, real household income declined by 3.5% in Italy as spiking energy prices in Q4 2022 led to high inflation, undermining household income when measured in real terms.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022
Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022 6

In 2022 as a whole, real household income per capita fell by 3.9% in the G7 economies (Figure 2). The largest decrease    was in the United States (-6.0%), where COVID-19 related government assistance paid to households in 2021 ceased. Among other OECD countries (Figure 3), Chile saw the largest decline in real household income per capita in 2022 (-15.1%), driven by the discontinuation of pandemic-related early pension withdrawals permitted in 2021.Even in economies that were not affected by the end of pandemic-related assistance programmes, increases in inflation undermined household incomes in real terms in 2022[1], despite the growth in GDP per capita.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022
Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022 7

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022
Real household income rises in the second half of an otherwise weak 2022 8

[1] More information on the role inflation plays when measuring household economic well-being is available in this blog piece.

Who is Maria Gabriel?


Maria Ivanova Gabriel is the proposal of the first political force in the parliament for Prime Minister of Bulgaria. This became clear from the rostrum of the Bulgarian National Assembly.

GERB leader Boyko Borisov proposed EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel as prime minister from the rostrum of the parliament, reports OFFNews.

Yesterday, May 9, 2023, Boyko Borisov announced that there will be a government with a prime minister nominated by them, who will be presented to the parliamentary groups. He described the candidate as “undisputed” and a person who can lead the country out of the economic crisis, work on the adoption of the laws on PMV and bring the country into the Eurozone and Schengen. Borisov described their nomination as a “smart and handsome” person.

She was born on May 20, 1979 in Hadjidimovo. In 1997, he graduated from the “Dr. Petar Beron” Language High School, Kyustendil, and in 2001 he obtained a bachelor’s degree in “Bulgarian and French Philology” at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv.

He continued his education at the Institute of Political Sciences in Bordeaux, France, where he studied international relations, history of European institutions, political sociology, comparative politics. He completed his MA in “Comparative Politics and International Relations” at the Doctoral Academy of Political Sciences, Bordeaux in 2003. From 2004 to 2008, he was an assistant researcher at the Institute of Political Sciences in Bordeaux.

From 2012 to 2014, she was the coordinator of the EPP in the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament.

On October 19, 2012, Maria Gabriel /Nedelcheva by father/ was elected as the vice-president of the EPP Women.

In June 2013, she was elected MEP of the Year in the Gender Equality category.

From July 7, 2017 to December 1, 2019, she was European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society in the Juncker Commission. He then became European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth in the Von der Leyen Commission.

A central place in its extra-parliamentary activity is occupied by initiatives aimed at young people.

According to the EC website, her responsibilities are:

Ensuring rapid agreement on the future Horizon Europe program and its full implementation.

Securing investment flows for ground-breaking research and cutting-edge innovation, including within the framework of the European Innovation Council.

Development of the European research area in cooperation with the member states.

Ensuring complementarity between research priorities and the economy.

Leading the Commission’s work on the creation of a European Education Area by 2025.

Promoting excellence and networking between European universities and implementing the European Universities initiative.

Update the digital education action plan and raise awareness about misinformation and other online threats.

Ensuring the full implementation of the new European agenda for culture, promoting the creative sector and promoting the Creative Europe programme.

Promoting sport as a means of inclusion and well-being, extending the EU Sports Awards initiative under the motto #BeInclusive and the European Week of Sport.

Strengthening international cooperation in the field of education, scientific research, innovation and culture.

Maria Gabriel is married with one child.

Among her indisputable advantages are that she is quite well educated and has an enviable experience in European institutions. He knows the workings of the union inside out and can do a lot of work on passing the laws needed to get the Recovery and Resilience Plan funds.

According to informed sources, the idea to propose a young, educated woman came from the German party foundations, which have expertise in Bulgaria and influence in GERB.

Photo credit: commissioners.ec.europa.eu/mariya-gabriel_bg

Tonia Kiousopoulou, Emperor or Manager: Power and Political Ideology in Byzantium before 1453. La Pomme d’or, Geneva 2011.



 Byzantium in the 15th century is too easily dismissed as the anachronistic tail end of an ancient ecumenical empire, whose only achievements, apart from the heroic last stand of Constantinople in 1453, were the contribution of literary Hellenism to Renaissance humanism, and the preservation of Orthodoxy from the encroachment of Catholicism.

This book argues that in struggling to survive as a small fortified enclave at the heart of Ottoman territory, Byzantium adopted the social structure and political ideology of a secular, territorial city-state on the Italian model.

It thus presents the empire of the last Palaiologoi in an entirely new light.

15 people detained for an attack with stones against an election rally in Turkey


Erzurum’s police, in eastern Turkey, arrested 15 people after a group of people threw stones at an opposition campaign bus. During the provocation, the candidate for vice president from the main opposition bloc of the National Alliance, Ekrem Imamoglu, who is also the mayor of Istanbul, spoke at an impromptu rally from the roof of the bus.

Teams from the Erzurum Provincial Police Department reviewed the camera footage of the attack and identified 19 suspects. Police detained 15 people as investigations continue into the capture of the other four people, the state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

Accordingly, the identification of the participants in the attack continues.

However, a Turkish court released 14 people shortly after being detained under judicial review measures, one of whom was released immediately after testifying.

Meanwhile, 17 people who were wounded with daggers in the attack have been discharged from hospitals.

A group of ultranationalists threw stones at the election bus of Istanbul’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) mayor and vice presidential candidate Ekrem Imamoglu as he addressed citizens during a rally in the eastern province of Erzurum on May 7.

Istanbul’s mayor said after the incident that he was fine but would file criminal complaints against the governor and security forces for failing to prevent the attack. The opposition complained that the police officers who were nearby watched the attack indifferently.

Leaders of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused Istanbul’s mayor of instigating the attack on himself.

Photo: Ekrem Imamoglu / Credit to The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.

On Europe Day – The European Union matters

On Europe Day - The European Union matters
© European Parliament

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola´s address at This is Europe -debate with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Europe Day, 9 May 2023.

On Europe Day – this day of symbolism, of history and of the future, we welcome Germany’s Bundeskanzler, Olaf Scholz.

“World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it” – so begins the Declaration presented by Robert Schuman on 9th May 1950. It rings true today.

Every year, on this day, we celebrate Europe. An unprecedented project of reconciliation fundamentally based on solidarity. A project that brings people together without trying to make us all the same. A project that lit a light that permeated through iron curtains and concrete walls.

Europe Day reminds us of what is possible when we come together, of the responsibility that we have to keep moving forward.

The Schuman Declaration, our European Union, took bravery. Change takes courage.

The European Union is not perfect, I know many share our frustrations with some of our processes. But the fundamental pillars of hope, of possibility, of freedom, democracy and the rule of law, make this political project unique. We cannot take what we stand for, and we have achieved – and what we must achieve still – for granted. We must keep evolving.

European progress, was made possible thanks to daring solutions. And more daring solutions will be needed moving forward.

I know that we can count on Germany for just that. Yours, dear Chancellor, is a Member State, which shows unwavering commitment to the betterment of Europe.

So let me thank you for Germany’s support for Ukraine; for Germany’s contribution to the construction of new EU security architecture; for Germany pushing new technologies, for Germany defending human rights, such as the rights of women and men in Iran, and for so much more.

Chancellor you have said “We have every reason to be more optimistic about our future”. That is the spirit that must drive us forward.

We must reform. Anticipate change, not suffer it. We must find that courage that underpinned the Schuman Declaration again. We must help that light keep shining brighter.

We know that we are so much stronger, when we are together. And we will look to Germany – as to all Member States – to help reform and prepare our European future.

The European Union matters. It is worth it.

Es lebe Europa.

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