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Protecting civilians in times of crisis

Protecting civilians in times of crisis

In 2022, the UN recorded a 53 per cent increase in the number of civilians killed across 12 armed conflicts, from Sudan to Ukraine.

Here are five reasons why strengthening the protection of civilians is imperative.

1. Minimize civilian harm

Armed conflicts result in civilian deaths, injuries, and psychological wounds. In 2022, nearly 94 per cent of the victims of explosive weapons used in populated areas were civilians in 17 conflict-affected countries and territories.

Conflicts lead to the destruction of homes, schools, healthcare facilities, water installations, and other essential infrastructure. When critical infrastructure is destroyed or damaged, this disrupts essential services such as water, electricity, and healthcare, causing even more suffering. Populations flee, unable return home for years.

2. Prevent and address hunger and famine

Conflict and insecurity were the most significant drivers of high levels of acute food insecurity for around 117 million people in 19 countries and territories in 2022.

Crops were destroyed, livestock stolen, land spoiled, roads blocked, and farmers driven from their fields. Livelihoods were lost while food prices increased sharply.

© OCHA/Adedeji Ademigbuji

One-year-old Ahmed Mohammed undergoes a malnutrition check at an outpatient therapeutic feeding programme site supported by humanitarian partners in Jubaland state, Somalia, a country where an estimated 1.8 million children under age five will be acutely malnourished through December 2023.


3. Protect vulnerable groups

Women, children, and people with disabilities are affected by conflict in different ways, and ensuring their protection is critical.

In 2022, women and girls accounted for at least 95 per cent of victims of documented sexual violence. Children were abducted, recruited, and used in hostilities, and deprived of an education. Persons with disabilities were trapped in hostilities and unable to access food, water, healthcare, or humanitarian assistance.

A girl helps her sister on their way home from school in Idlib, Syria.

© UNOCHA/Ali Haji Suleiman

A girl helps her sister on their way home from school in Idlib, Syria.

4. Ensure safe access for humanitarians

Humanitarians faced many overlapping challenges in their efforts to reach populations most in need.

Hostilities, explosive ordnance, bureaucratic impediments, States’ sanctions, and counter-terrorism measures slowed or stalled humanitarian activities, leaving people without the essentials they need.

In addition, they face attacks against them. Reports show that humanitarian workers have been killed or injured, and have faced other threats, including looting and kidnapping. Misinformation and disinformation have also undermined trust and have created security risks for humanitarians.

USG Griffiths visits Sudan – 3 May 2023

5. Prevent forced displacement and find durable solutions

Last year, the number of people forcibly displaced due to conflict, violence, human rights violations, and persecution exceeded an alarming 100 million.

Even after fleeing violence, people were still not safe. They faced more violence, explosive hazards, and limited access to essential services. Displaced persons faced greater difficulties accessing food, a difficulty that increased with the number of times they were displaced.

What must be done?

OCHA says protection measures must be improved and has underlined, the need for all States and parties to a conflict to incorporate international humanitarian law into their legislation, military manuals, and training.

They must also adopt specific protections for vulnerable persons, such as children and persons with disabilities, and should join the new Political Declaration on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas.

Calling on States to ensure unimpeded humanitarian access and the protection of all aid workers and supplies, OCHA said they should also ensure that their sanctions and counter-terrorism measures do not negatively impact the delivery of assistance.

The Protection of Civilians Week is a platform for bringing the voices of victims of armed conflict to New York and actively listening to what they have to say and need, providing an opportunity to forge connections and share knowledge and solutions.

Learn more about the Protection of Civilians Week 2023 here.

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WFP plan aims to prevent further food aid diversion in Ethiopia

WFP plan aims to prevent further food aid diversion in Ethiopia

WFP had paused distributions in the restive Tigray region in the north after finding evidence of significant supplies on sale in local markets, and immediately launched an investigation.

Over 20 million people are in dire need of food assistance in Ethiopia, where communities continue to be affected by the impact of prolonged conflict and a historic drought across the Horn of Africa.

Zero tolerance policy

“WFP has zero tolerance for theft or diversion that prevents critical food from reaching the hungry families who need it to survive. Those found responsible must be held accountable,” Executive Director Cindy McCain said in a statement.

“We are committed to doing everything it takes to guarantee that food assistance benefits the people who need it most,” she added.

Targeting and tracking

The WFP plan will be enacted across all its operations in Ethiopia. Actions include implementing real-time food security and needs assessments, strengthening targeting and management of beneficiary lists and identity checks, and reinforcing tracking to follow food movements from warehouses to beneficiaries.

The Nobel Prize-winning agency will also work closely with Ethiopian regional and national authorities, and with partners, to implement needed reforms so that urgent food assistance can resume in Tigray and supports intended beneficiaries nationwide.

‘Actively assessing’

“Taking food away from the starving is unacceptable, whether in Ethiopia or anywhere else in the world,” said Ms. McCain. 

“WFP is actively assessing all high-risk country operations to ensure stringent processes are in place so that our assistance makes it to the millions and millions of hungry people who depend on us.”

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Uphold promise to protect civilians caught in conflict: Guterres

Uphold promise to protect civilians caught in conflict: Guterres

The UN chief was speaking during a debate on ensuring the security and dignity of people caught in the crossfire and addressing the related issue of access to food and essential services. 

Suffering and ‘outrage’ 

“Civilians have suffered the deadly effects of armed conflict for too long.  It is time we live up to our promise to protect them,” said Mr. Guterres, who also called for action “to break the deadly cycle of armed conflict and hunger.” 

Last year, civilians accounted for 94 per cent of victims of explosive weapons deployed in populated areas, he said.  

More than 117 million people worldwide also faced acute hunger in 2022, primarily because of war and insecurity, which he described as “an outrage”. 

Easing the impact 

He pointed to recent action towards alleviating the impact of conflict on civilians. For example, some warring parties have taken steps to protect children and allow humanitarians to access people in need. 

Addressing food security, he mentioned measures such as the Black Sea Initiative to export grain from Ukraine amid the ongoing war, as well as a Memorandum of Understanding on bringing Russian food and fertilizer to global markets. 

Last November, States adopted a political declaration on restricting or refraining from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, which he urged all countries to join.

The Council also adopted a resolution the following month which aims to prevent UN sanctions from harming civilians and obstructing humanitarian action. 

Call for action 

“These modest steps are welcome. But the terrible truth is that the world is failing to live up to its commitments to protect civilians; commitments enshrined in international humanitarian law,” said Mr. Guterres, referring to the Geneva Conventions. 

“We need action and accountability to ensure it is respected. That depends on political will,” he added. 

The Secretary-General urged the international community to intensify efforts to prevent conflict, protect civilians, preserve peace and find political solutions to war.  

Security Council’s ‘particular responsibility’

“Where war continues, all countries must comply with international humanitarian law and members of this Council have a particular responsibility,” he said. 

He urged Governments to incorporate international humanitarian law into their own laws, and military rules and training, adding that humanitarians also must be assured safe access and attacks against them must cease. 

The Council has a special role to play in urging States to respect the rules of war, he said.  Governments with influence over warring parties should engage in political dialogue, and train forces on better protecting civilians.  

Additionally, countries that export weapons should refuse to do business with any party that fails to comply with international humanitarian law. 

Furthermore, those who commit war crimes must be held to account.  “States must investigate alleged war crimes, prosecute perpetrators and enhance other States’ capacity to do so,” he said. 

Rise in conflict 

In his remarks, the Secretary-General paid tribute to the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the “guardians” of the Geneva Conventions. 

ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric, who also briefed the Council, reported that non-international armed conflicts have more than tripled over the past two decades – from less than 30 to over 90. 

She issued an urgent call to protect civilians and critical infrastructure in urban areas. 

“As fighting envelops towns and cities, such as in Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen, the ICRC is seeing large-scale and compounding patterns of harm.  We need to break the pattern of violations, and this can be done through strong political will and sustained action” she said. 

Ms. Spoljaric also spoke of the threat posed by misinformation and disinformation during conflict, which can fuel dangerous community divisions and undermine humanitarian action. 

She also underscored that civilian protection covers everyone, regardless of gender.  

In this regard, ICRC recommendations include ensuring that the clear prohibition of sexual violence under international humanitarian law is integrated into national laws, military doctrine and training. 

No women, no peace 

Civil society representative Aichatou Mounkaila from Niger delivered a message to the Council on behalf of women in the Lake Chad Basin region in Africa, where attacks by Boko Haram insurgents and other armed groups have displaced millions. 

Speaking in French, she said women are the first victims of any crisis but they also are the first to provide solutions. 

Ms. Mounkaila outlined five points that could inform the Council’s approach to ending conflict and hunger.  Action includes encouraging donors to allocate more funding to gender-sensitive livelihood reconstruction in areas such as sustainable agriculture, where women play a central role, so that they can rebuild their lives and communities.  

She also urged the Council to insist on the full, equal, and meaningful participation and leadership of women and girls at all levels of humanitarian response, community dialogues, peacebuilding and peace negotiations. 

“Without women, no sustainable peace is possible,” she insisted.   



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Gaza: Over a quarter of UNRWA centre patients needing mental health support

Gaza: Over a quarter of UNRWA centre patients needing mental health support

This is the highest rate of mental health need ever recorded, across UNRWA’s medical system.

UNRWA’s health programmes support some two million Palestine refugees across Jordan, Lebanon, the occupied Palestinian territory composed of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and Gaza, as well as in Syria.

Immensely challenging year

Speaking to reporters in Geneva, Dr. Akihiro Seita, UNRWA’s Director of Health, highlighted the “immense challenges” faced by the agency’s health programmes in the past year: in addition to the COVID-19 pandemic, he listed the devastating cholera outbreak in Syria and Lebanon, regional turbulence and UNRWA’s ongoing funding crisis.

He stressed that UNRWA health centres in Gaza and the occupied West Bank continue to provide vital healthcare amid hostilities.

Eight million seen

Last year, the UN agency managed to provide around eight million medical consultations.

That includes around 300,000 people living with diabetes and hypertension or non-communicable diseases and also 90,000 pregnant mothers”, said Dr. Seita.

Out of the 5.9 million registered Palestine refugees, it is estimated that 3.2 million are registered at UNRWA centres, and receive health services free of charge. The number of consultations increased by 12.4 percent compared to 2021.

In 2022, UNRWA’s health programmes successfully combated a resurgence of cholera in the refugee camps in Lebanon, in addition to the highly infectious Omicron strain of COVID-19.

Furthermore, UNRWA health centres in Gaza and the occupied West Bank provided vital health care amid the on-going hostilities.

Airstrikes, violence continues

“Last week, we had armed conflict in Gaza but still all 22 health centres stayed open and provided critical primary healthcare service and fifty percent of the staff continued to attend,” emphasized Dr. Seita.

Currently, it is estimated that 3.2 million or 53.9 per cent of Palestinian refugees still heavily rely on UNRWA services due to economic hardship, high unemployment rates, and worsening poverty levels, especially in conflict areas.

Around a third of registered Palestinian refugees reside in 58 official refugee camps, living side-by-side among host countries’ communities.

A Palestine refugee from Lebanon receives medical care at an UNRWA-supported health centre.

Gender-based violence increasing

UNRWA manages 240 health centers with more than 3,000 staff that provide a comprehensive range of primary healthcare.

“Gender-based violence is also on the rise. That is our main concern and worry”, said Dr. Seita. “At the same time, children are suffering not only mentally, but also physically.”

Mental health is another of UNRWA’s health priorities. According to Dr. Seita, patients in Gaza have the highest detection rate at 26.4 per cent. In 2021, around 15,000 people needed psychosocial support.

Over the span of seven decades of displacement, the number of Palestine refugees has increased from 750,000 in 1950, to 5.9 million in 2022.

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Cyclone Mocha: urgent funding needed as hunger, diseases loom

Cyclone Mocha: urgent funding needed as hunger, diseases loom

In Myanmar, the UN appealed on Tuesday for $333 million to assist 1.6 million of the most vulnerable people, many of whom have lost their homes as the cyclone hit the west of the country over a week ago.

The UN’s top aid official in the country, Ramanathan Balakrishnan, told reporters in Geneva that the disaster had left hundreds of thousands without a roof over their heads as the monsoon looms.

Among the priorities is providing people with safe shelter and preventing the outbreak and spread of water-borne diseases.

1.6 million in Myanmar in need of aid

With coastal winds recorded at up to 250 kilometres per hour making landfall off the Bay of Bengal on 14 May, Mocha brought flooding and landslides to an area that is home to hundreds of thousands already displaced by the protracted conflict in Myanmar, many of them the Rohingya minority of Rakhine state.

The UN appeal requests an “urgent injection” of funds to support those in the highest impact zone across Rakhine, Chin, Magway, Sagaing and Kachin states.

Speaking via Zoom from Yangon, Mr. Balakrishnan, who is the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Myanmar, said that the 1.6 million people identified for support under the new funding appeal include “people who have lost their homes, people who lack access to health services and clean water, people who are food insecure or malnourished, displaced people in camps, stateless people, women, children and people with disabilities”.

Rebuilding before the monsoon

Mr. Balakrishnan warned that “those affected are facing a long, miserable monsoon season if we cannot mobilize resources in time”.

He also gave reporters a glimpse of the harsh conditions facing internally displaced people, or IDPs, in the capital of Myanmar’s Rakhine State, Sittwe.

He recounted that an IDP from a camp in Sittwe told his colleagues that his shelter was destroyed while his family took refuge at an evacuation site at the height of the storm.

Those who stayed had faced a horrible experience as the camp was submerged in water from the storm surge,” the UN aid official said, before insisting on the need for medical care, clean water and food, as well as support to rebuild shelters.

A shelter is left in pieces by Cyclone Mocha in Nget Chaung 2 IDP camp in Rakhine state in Myanmar.

Humanitarian response underway

Hundreds of humanitarian personnel are on the ground in Rakhine state, already providing food aid, shelter, water and hygiene items “wherever they have access”, while mobile health teams have been supporting people on the ground, Mr. Balakrishnan said, with plans for additional urgent aid distribution.

Thousands of people have already received support and we are hoping to soon receive the green light for a two-week distribution plan… across all affected communities in Rakhine and Chin”, he announced.

Rohingya refugees hit in Bangladesh

In neighbouring Bangladesh, the UN is appealing for $42 million to support the cyclone response, including $36 million for Rohingya refugees living in camps in the affected areas.

Gwyn Lewis, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh speaking from Dhaka, told reporters that more than 400,000 people in the country were impacted and 40,000 Rohingya refugees living in camps saw their homes – most often temporary bamboo structures – destroyed or damaged.

More food ration cuts

Ms. Lewis stressed that the cyclone came on the heels of food ration cuts for refugees and a devastating fire in March, in which 16,000 had lost their homes.

Adding to the refugees’ hardship, she said that lack of funding is forcing the UN to cut their food rations for a second time as of 1 June. “This means that the Rohingya refugees will receive only 67 per cent of the needed food rations, so one million people will only be getting about two-thirds of the needed food,” she added.

Life-saving early warnings

Thankfully, the Government of Bangladesh acted quickly upon the cyclone warnings, Ms. Lewis said, and evacuated some 700,000 people from Mocha’s path, which helped save countless lives.

She expressed hope that new funding will allow to rebuild the homes of the Rohingya refugees living in camps in Bangladesh with more weather-resistant materials and improve resilience.

On Monday, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) stressed the power of early warning services in preventing the worst impacts of extreme weather. The agency said that in the past, weather disasters similar to Mocha had caused “death tolls of tens and even hundreds of thousands” in both Myanmar and Bangladesh.

WMO also reported that over the past 50 years, Asia saw the highest death toll due to extreme weather, climate and water-related events, with close to one million deaths – more than half in Bangladesh alone.

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After 200 years: 2 new Rembrandt paintings discovered


They were in a private collection

Two previously unknown portraits by Rembrandt were discovered after 200 years in the private collection of a British family, the Financial Times reported.

According to him, the experts of auction house Christie’s came across the paintings of the Dutch master while carrying out a “routine assessment” of the collection of paintings.

“I didn’t know what I was going to see,” said Henry Pettyfer of the auction house.

“I dared to dream. But it was surprising to me that these paintings had never been studied before. They were completely absent from the literature on Rembrandt,” he noted.

According to the newspaper, the conclusion about the authenticity of the paintings was reached both at the auction house and at the Rijksmuseum – the art museum in Amsterdam, where they specialize in the work of Rembrandt. It is noted that the paintings depict a couple “connected by family ties to the artist” – Jan Willems van der Pluim and his wife Jaapgen Karels.

The auction house will now offer the portraits for sale in London in July. Before that, they will be shown in New York and Amsterdam. The estimated value of the two paintings will be between 5-8 million pounds sterling.

Photo: Christie’s will sell the rare eight-inch portraits by Rembrandt on July 6. / Courtesy Christie’s Images Limited 2023.

2 million dollar fine for pranking the Chinese army


A Chinese comedy troupe has been fined 14.7 million yuan ($2.1 million) for a joke about the military that used President Xi Jinping’s slogan, the BBC reported. The joke, in which the behavior of the comedian’s dogs was compared to the behavior of the military, caused the irritation of the authorities. They said Shanghai Xiaoguo Culture Media Co and comedian Li Haoshi had “humiliated the people’s army”. The company accepted the sanction and terminated Li’s contract. The offending remark was made during a stand-up performance in Beijing when Li referred to two of his adopted dogs chasing a squirrel. “The other dogs you see make you think they’re adorable. These two dogs just reminded me of… ‘Fight to win, set the example,'” said Lee, whose stage name is House. The game of words is part of a slogan that President Xi introduced in 2013 as a target for the Chinese military. In an audio recording of the performance shared on China’s Weibo platform, audience members can be heard laughing at the joke. But it was not so well received in internet after a member of the public complained about her. Beijing authorities said Tuesday they had opened an investigation. They then confiscated 1.32 million yuan of what was believed to be illegal income and fined the company in the amount of another 13.35 million yuan, according to Xinhua. Shanghai Xiaoguo’s operations in the Chinese capital have also been suspended indefinitely. “We will never allow any company or person to use the Chinese capital as a stage to wantonly defame the glorious image of the PLA [People’s Liberation Army],” said the Beijing branch of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of China’s Ministry of Culture.

The audio went viral, with some nationalists saying they were deeply offended and state media also joining the discussion. Li apologized to his more than 136,000 followers on Weibo. “I feel deeply ashamed and sorry. I will take responsibility, stop all activities, think deeply, learn”. His Weibo account has since been suspended. The incident sheds light on the difficult climate for Chinese comedians. In late 2020, stand-up comedian Yan Li was accused of “sexism” and “man-hating” after making a joke about men. A group claiming to protect men’s rights also called for her to be reported to China’s media regulator.

Illustrative Photo by Robert  Stokoe: https://www.pexels.com/photo/the-terracotta-army-of-emperor-qin-shi-huang-s-mausoleum-5342720/

European Green Deal: EU and Republic of Korea launch Green Partnership

European Green Deal: EU and Republic of Korea launch Green Partnership
© European Commission

EU and Republic of Korea launch Green Partnership to deepen cooperation on climate action, clean energy and environmental protection

Today, the EU and the Republic of Korea have established a Green Partnership with the aim of strengthening bilateral cooperation and exchanging best practices on climate action, clean and fair energy transition, protection of the environment, and other fields of the green transition. The Green Partnership was launched in Seoul during the EU-Korea Summit by Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol. Both parties reaffirm with this Partnership their commitment to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C and reach climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. Additionally, both sides reiterated their commitment to their respective 2030 targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions.

President von der Leyen said: “The EU and the Republic of Korea share the ambition of a climate-neutral future. The launch of our Green Partnership will help us towards that goal. We will now work on the convergence in key areas, and deepen cooperation on strategic, clean energy projects. Because it is good for our supply chains, good for our competitiveness and good for the planet.”

The EU-Korea Green Partnership will focus on several priority areas:

  • strengthening efforts on combating climate change, including cooperation on climate adaptation, carbon pricing, methane emissions and climate finance;
  • increasing cooperation on environmental issues with a focus on halting and reversing biodiversity loss, forest degradation and deforestation, promoting circular economy and addressing the full life cycle of plastics, as well as the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework;
  • supporting a clean and fair energy transition by intensifying cooperation on renewable energies, energy efficiency, renewable and low-carbon hydrogen, a just transition away from unabated coal-fired power generation, batteries and green mobility and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS);
  • working with third countries to facilitate their green transition, notably in the area of climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience, the clean and fair energy transition, and circular economy;
  • joining forces in other areas such as business cooperation, sustainable finance, research & innovation, sustainable food systems, sustainability and resilience of our supply chains as well as employment and the social dimension of the green transition.

In line with the priority areas of their Green Partnership, the EU and the Republic of Korea have also agreed to promote climate action on the international stage, in multilateral and plurilateral fora, notably as major donors of climate finance and as facilitators of a just transition in third countries. The two parties will cooperate to support developing countries and emerging economies with their implementation of climate and environment policies.


Green Partnerships are set up as bilateral frameworks to enhance dialogue and cooperation with key EU partners. It is a comprehensive form of bilateral engagement established under the European Green Deal. The first Green Partnership was established with Morocco ahead of COP 27 in October 2022.

Ukraine: Power loss at nuclear plant underscores ‘highly vulnerable’ safety situation

Ukraine: Power loss at nuclear plant underscores ‘highly vulnerable’ safety situation

This marked the seventh time that Europe’s largest nuclear power plant had been completely disconnected from the national electricity grid since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion 15 months ago, the agency said, noting that the facility was forced to run on emergency diesel generators once again. 

The plant’s only remaining external 750 kilovolt power line had been cut around 5:30am, local time, and re-connected after more than five hours, according to IAEA experts located at the facility. 

‘We’re playing with fire’ 

Agency chief Rafael Mariano Grossi said the situation demonstrated “the highly vulnerable nuclear safety and security situation” at the plant, which has come under shelling during the conflict. 

“As I’ve said repeatedly, this simply can’t go on. We’re playing with fire. We must act now to avoid the very real danger of a nuclear accident in Europe, with its associated consequences for the public and the environment.” 

The ZNPP was occupied by Russian forces in the early days of the war and is still being operated by Ukrainian personnel.

Most staff live in the nearby town of Enerhodar. On Friday, the IAEA reported that a location close to the town came under artillery fire earlier that day. 

Intense negotiations continue 

Mr. Grossi said he continues to engage in intense negotiations with all parties to secure the protection of the nuclear plant, stressing that “I will not stop until this has been achieved.” 

He explained that the ZNPP does not have any operational back-up power lines since the last one functioning had been damaged in March, which has still not been repaired. 

“For more than two and a half months, this major nuclear power plant has only had one functioning external power line. This is an unprecedented and uniquely risky situation. Defence-in-depth – which is fundamental to nuclear safety – has been severely undermined at the ZNPP,” he said. 

Still awaiting access 

He called for greater efforts to restore the back-up power lines, while also reiterating the need for the IAEA team on site to gain access to the Zaporizhzhya Thermal Power Plant (ZTPP), located nearby. 

The ZTPP has an open switchyard through which back-up power has been provided to the nuclear plant in the past. Access has yet to be granted despite reassurances by the Russian state nuclear company, Rosatom. 

Following the off-site power cut on Monday, all the nuclear plant’s 20 diesel generators started operating. However, 12 were later switched off, leaving eight running, which is sufficient to operate all systems safely.  

The IAEA said its experts at the site were informed that there is enough diesel fuel for 23 days, adding that after the 750 kilovolt line was restored, the diesel generators were gradually turned off. 

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Ceasefire in Sudan could ‘pave the way’ to peace talks

Ceasefire in Sudan could ‘pave the way’ to peace talks

“Lives and infrastructure are being destroyed, and the security situation is impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid,” said Volker Perthes, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sudan, briefing the Security Council on Monday about recent developments.

Five weeks since the eruption of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April, the conflict had shown no signs of slowing down despite repeated declarations of ceasefire by both sides, said Mr. Perthes, who also heads the UN mission in the country, UNITAMS.

If honoured, the pending week-long renewable ceasefire should ease aid deliveries to millions in need and “pave the way for peace talks”, he told the Council.

Civilians paying steep price

However, he raised myriad grave concerns about serious human rights violations, rampant looting, and a flood of weapons throughout the country.

In addition, he said the growing ethnicization of the conflict risks engulfing the country in a prolonged conflict, with implications for the region, calling on both parties to return to dialogue in the interest of Sudan and its people.

Civilians have paid a heavy price for this “senseless violence”, he said, noting the more than 860 reported deaths, including 190 children, another 3,500 injured, and many missing. The violence displaced more than one million people; more than 840,000 fled to safer areas while another 250,000 have crossed the borders.

‘Serious human rights violations’

The fighting throughout the country has resulted in “serious human rights abuses and violations” of international humanitarian law and undermined the protection of civilians.

“These violations must be investigated, and the perpetrators brought to justice,” he said. “The UN family continues to monitor and advocate for an end to all violations.”

In Khartoum, Darfur, and elsewhere, the warring parties continue fighting without regard for the laws and norms of war, he said, pointing to destroyed or damaged homes, shops, places of worship, and water and electricity installations, alongside a collapsing health sector, with more than two-thirds of hospitals closed, many healthcare workers killed, and medical supplies running low.

Appalled by reports of sexual violence against women and girls, he said the UN is following up to verify these cases. He also raised concerns of rampant looting and enforced disappearances, and that children continue to be vulnerable to recruitment and use as soldiers, sexual violence, and abduction.

Criminality is compounded by the release of thousands of prisoners and the increasing spread of small arms, he warned.

Spiralling ethnic violence

In El Geneina in West Darfur, clashes between the parties spiralled into ethnic violence on 24 April. Tribal militias joined the fight and civilians took up arms to defend themselves, he said.

Homes, markets, and hospitals were ransacked and burned, and UN premises looted. Renewed violence reportedly led to at least another 280 deaths and tens of thousands displaced to Chad, he said.

Worrying signs of tribal mobilization are also being reported in South Kordofan as well as the Blue Nile region, he warned.

While blame is circulating that the UN did not foresee the conflict, he said the responsibility for the fighting rests with those currently waging it.

“The fighting parties’ decision to fight out their differences on the ground instead of through dialogue is devastating Sudan,” he said.

Volker Perthes, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sudan and Head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), briefs Security Council members on the situation in the country.

Cost of war

Commending efforts led by Saudi Arabia and the United States, he said the SAF and RSF signed the Declaration of Commitments in Jeddah on 11 May, representing an “important step” that commits to respecting international humanitarian law and allow humanitarian access.

Through a hub in Port Sudan, UNITAMS has supported UN Country Team efforts and humanitarian partners to restore the flow of aid supplies into and within the country, he said.

But, additional funding is urgently needed, he said, noting that the revised humanitarian response plan launched on 17 May, requesting $2.6 billion dollars to reach 18 million people, has ballooned from $15 million before the fighting.

“As the talks advance, a diverse array of civil and political stakeholders must play their role,” he said. “Ultimately, only a credible civilian-led transition can chart lasting peace in Sudan.”

Refugee crisis

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) Assistant High Commissioner for Operations, Raouf Mazou, on Monday, urged increased international support and attention for displaced people from Sudan, including refugees, refugee returnees, and host communities.

Without a concrete and immediate solution, more people are expected to flee from Sudan seeking safety, he cautioned.

Mr. Mazou visited a recent refugee site in Borota, Chad, only a few kilometres from the Sudan border, where 25,000 Sudanese arrived a week ago as the fighting intensified.

Almost 90 per cent of new arrivals are women and children,” he said, noting that many people have been sheltering under trees in makeshift shelters with very limited services and minimal resources

“As the rainy season approaches, we urgently need to relocate new arrivals to the nearest refugee camps,” he said.

Humanitarian needs are growing

UN agencies have been scrambling to provide assistance to those in need, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said on Monday.

The World Food Programme (WFP) has so far reached nearly 450,000 people with food and nutrition support since its distributions resumed on 3 May, and plans are in place to start distributions in Wadi Halfa in Northern State to more than 9,000 people who are fleeing to Egypt.

The UN food agency is also planning to assess the needs of 500,000 men, women and children who are currently trapped in Khartoum, he said, adding that the assessment “should start in the coming days if the security situation allows us to do that”.

Meanwhile, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and its partners are providing access to clean water and sanitation, as well as hygiene in key locations, helping to deliver some 235,000 litres of clean water to health-care facilities in North Darfur and provided clean water to some 40,000 people in East Darfur in the Elneem camp for internally displaced people.

At the same time, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has provided fuel for four maternity hospitals in Khartoum to ensure life-saving health services are available for women and girls who need, Mr. Dujarric said.

Learn more about what the UN is doing to help the Sudanese people here.

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