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Draft NY state law a ‘golden opportunity’ to ensure fair debt relief

Draft NY state law a ‘golden opportunity’ to ensure fair debt relief

Olivier de Schutter, Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, and Attiya Waris, Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights, have welcomed the proposed New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Prevention Act, which is currently under discussion. 

They urged lawmakers to adopt the draft bill, which compels private creditors to participate in international debt relief efforts on similar terms as public lenders. 

Fair for all 

New York State is home to New York City, the financial capital of the world. 

Some 60 per cent of developing country debt is held by private creditors, and New York law governs 52 per cent of this global debt, according to the experts. 

“If taxpayers contribute to public debt relief, private creditors should be obliged to participate on the same terms,” they said. “Debt relief must be effective and fair for all, and its costs must be shared by private creditors as well.” 

The proposed legislation means distressed low and middle-income countries would be able to protect the economic, social and cultural rights of their citizens instead of paying “unsustainable” debt loads. 

Shift budget priorities 

In 2021, these nations spent an average of 27.5 per cent of their budgets on interest and debt payments, or more than the amount spent on education, health and social protection combined

“This bill is a golden opportunity that will allow countries in debt distress to shift their budgetary priorities and, by providing for better living conditions, reduce the risks for investors in these countries and create better opportunities,” they said. 

The experts stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis, rising food prices and inflation, have led to an increase in unsustainable debt for many countries, with a particular impact on developing nations. 

“Many poor people can barely afford food and minimum dietary needs for health. It is precisely in times of crisis that States must be able to ensure social protection and food security for all people in their country,” they added.  

They underscored that “everyone has an interest in countries being able to invest in social protection, healthcare, housing, education and food security, instead of devoting more and more of their limited budgets to debt repayments.” 

About UN experts 

Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts receive their mandates from the UN Human Rights Council, which is based in Geneva. 

They serve in their individual capacity and are independent of any Government or organization. 

They are not UN staff and do not receive payment for their work. 


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Bangladesh must suspend plans to return Rohingya refugees to Myanmar: Rights expert

Bangladesh must suspend plans to return Rohingya refugees to Myanmar: Rights expert

Tom Andrews, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, insisted that current conditions there were “anything but conducive” for the return of Rohingya refugees.

Death trap

He stressed that the very generals who had launched “genocidal” attacks against the Rohingya, causing hundreds of thousands to flee the country, were now in power and “attacking civilian populations while denying the Rohingya citizenship and other basic rights”.

According to Mr. Andrews’ statement, Bangladesh officials have been planning to send back to Myanmar, potentially very soon, an initial group of 1,140 Rohingya refugees, using a combination of threats and financial rewards.

Confined to ‘designated area’

The returnees would reportedly pass through “transit” centres in Rakhine state before being resettled in a “designated area of 15 newly constructed villages” which they will “not be allowed to leave freely”.

“The return of Rohingya refugees under these conditions would likely violate Bangladesh’s obligations under international law and expose Rohingya to gross human rights violations and, potentially, future atrocity crimes,” Mr. Andrews said.

In March, Bangladesh authorities facilitated two visits by Myanmar junta authorities to the Bangladesh camps, said the UN rights office OHCHR.

According to reports, at least some of the refugees were coerced into participating in so-called ‘verification’ interviews with junta officials. Bangladesh and the military regime’s officials also coordinated a ‘go see’ visit to Rakhine State for some Rohingya refugees.

Bangladeshi officials said the refugees had expressed “general satisfaction” with the arrangements being made for their return, but these assurances were contradicted by reports that those who participated in the trip had unequivocally rejected the repatriation plans, OHCHR said.

“I implore Bangladesh to immediately suspend the repatriation pilot programme,” Mr. Andrews said.

Stand with Rohingya

“I also urge the international community to stand with Rohingya refugees in both word and deed”, he added.

This must include reversing the failure to provide a humane level of support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh who are unable to pursue livelihoods, continue to face hunger and malnutrition, and whose children have very limited educational opportunities”.

Tom Andrews and other independent human rights experts are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, under its Special Procedures.

They are mandated to monitor and report on specific thematic issues or country situations. They are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work.

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Dam disaster: UN ‘committed to reaching all Ukrainians in need’, says top aid official

Dam disaster: UN ‘committed to reaching all Ukrainians in need’, says top aid official

Denise Brown, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, offered reassurance to Dmytro Kuleba that UN agencies and other humanitarian partners have been delivering water, food and cash to those displaced or suffering the impact of the dam breach, and collapse of the crucial hydroelectric plant in the southeast region near the city of Kherson.

Expanding support

“Plans are now being made, also in partnership with oblast authorities, to reach the wider flood affected areas as soon as possible, once the military deems it safe, given the risks as fast moving water shifts mines and unexploded ordinance to areas previously assures as cleared”, said a press release from her office.

The meeting came off the back of widely reported and critical comments directed towards the UN and other major humanitarian organisations operating in Ukraine, by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday, who said the initial relief effort had been insufficient.

“The UN is committed to reaching all Ukrainians in need, on both sides of the riverbank”, said the UN Ukraine release, referring to the Dnipro River which serves as the frontline between Russian occupiers on the left bank, and Ukrainian Government held territory opposite.

Repeated requests for aid access

The UN has “repeatedly requested access and safety guarantees”, especially from Russian commanders currently in control of the areas which are reportedly suffering the worst impact of the flooding.

“We have not received that access, nor the necessary safety guarantees for humanitarian staff and the people they would help there”, the statement continued.

In a tweet issued on Thursday, UN aid coordination office in Ukraine, OCHA, highlighted that food for 18,000 people had been supplied by the UN and partners; more than 100,000 bottles of water, cash for 5,000 people in need; thousands of hygiene kits, including special supplies for older persons; and mobile health and psychosocial support.

Ukraine.” title=”Stranded people are being evacuated from neighbourhoods due to the massive flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine.” loading=”lazy” width=”1170″ height=”530″/>

Stranded people are being evacuated from neighbourhoods due to the massive flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine.

Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant concerns remain: IAEA

Europe’s largest nuclear plant at Zaporizhzhya, located relatively close to the destroyed dam site and the vast reservoir which is now emptying into the river, relies on water from there for its cooling system.

The UN atomic energy agency, IAEA, said there was still cause for concern that the water level for its reserves could fall to such a level, that it could no longer be pumped to the site to keep reactors cool.

“As the full extent of the dam’s damage remains unknown, it is not possible to predict if and when this might happen. If the current drop rate were to continue, however, the 12.7 metre level could be reached within the next two days”, said IAEA in a statement.

Building reserves

Preparing for such a possibility, the agency said it was “continuously replenishing its water reserves – including the large cooling pond next to the plant as well as its smaller sprinkler cooling ponds and the adjacent channels – by fully utilizing the water of the Kakhovka reservoir while this still remains possible.”

“It is essential that the integrity of both the ZNPP cooling pond and of the ZTPP discharge channel is maintained. This is critical so the plant has sufficient water to provide essential cooling to the site for the months ahead,” Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said.

He plans to travel to the plant next week to assess the situation there following the damage to the dam and to monitor compliance with the five basic principles for protecting the ZNPP that he presented to the United Nations Security Council on 30 May.

He also pledged to strengthen the IAEA’s presence at the site, which is currently Russian occupied, but locally staffed, replacing the current team with a larger group travelling with him across the frontline.

UNICEF is providing humanitarian aid to passengers arriving in Mykolaiv on the first evacuation train from Kherson, Ukraine.

UNICEF is providing humanitarian aid to passengers arriving in Mykolaiv on the first evacuation train from Kherson, Ukraine.

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Argentina, a yoga school in the eye of a media cyclone

Argentina, a yoga school in the eye of a media cyclone

Since last summer, the Buenos Aires Yoga School (BAYS) has been pilloried by Argentinian media outlets which have published over 370 news and articles vilifying the school for allegedly trafficking in people for sexual exploitation.

The reality of a big show staged by a prosecutor on the basis of false testimonies from a former disgruntled member of the BAYS is now emerging from serious investigation recently carried out on the spot by foreign scholars. One of them, Massimo Introvigne, the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), an international network of scholars studying new religious movements, has just published a thirty-page report about the BAYS saga.

Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF), a Brussels-based NGO in the heart of the European Union district, which defends press freedom but is also known to debunk biased and fake news, has also started its investigation from a human rights perspective.

The 12 August 2022 police crackdown

On 12 August 2022, in the evening, about sixty people in their sixties were attending a quiet philosophy class in a coffee shop located on the ground-floor of a ten-floor building in the State of Israel Avenue, in a middle-class district of Buenos Aires when suddenly all hell broke loose.

Fully armed SWAT team police broke the door of the meeting place and by force entered the building which was the seat of the yoga school, 25 private apartments and professional offices of a number of its members. They went up to all the premises and without knocking or ringing the bells, they violently opened all the doors by force, seriously damaging them. Some residents running after them tried to give them the keys so that they could enter without destroying the entryways but their offer was ignored.

The purpose was obvious: the police wanted to film every part of the operation that was ‘useful’ to justify the crackdown ordered by the prosecutor of PROTEX, a state agency dealing with human trafficking, labor and sex exploitation of persons.

corridor of the yoga school apartment
corridor of the yoga school apartment made a mess by police.

For six-seven hours, they searched all the premises, putting everything upside down. When the police left, almost all residents complained that money, jewels and other items such as cameras and printers were missing but were not mentioned in the search records. As the victims of the raid were never interviewed by the media, the various excesses committed by the police were not publicly reported.

Outside, reporters were taking pictures of the handcuffed people dragged one by one out of the building. It can be assumed that the prosecutor’s office had leaked some information to a few journalists about the raid some time before taking place.

A one-sided video with a statement of the prosecutor carefully staged was quickly leaked and uploaded on YouTube.

Similar needlessly violent raids were carried out in about 50 places around the capital city during all the night.

The media in Argentina labelled the yoga school BAYS “la secta del horror” or “the horror cult” that had allegedly been operating an international prostitution ring for 30 years. In fact, in 1993, the stepfather of a female BAYS member lodged a complaint against Juan Percowicz, the founder of the yoga school, and other people managing the school. He was accusing them of operating a prostitution ring to finance the BAYS but what the media failed to check and to say is that all the defendants had been declared not guilty of all the charges in 2000.

In 2021, war was once more waged against the BAYS and its leadership with the same sort of complaint and accusations as 30 years ago although they had already been judged and declared unfounded.

Accused, arrested and detained

All in all, arrest warrants were issued against 19 persons, 12 men and 7 women. They were all imprisoned and submitted to a very harsh jail regime.

Twelve persons spent 85 days in prison from 12 August to 4 November 2022. In two cases, the Court of Appeals revoked the indictment for being unfounded.

Three others were detained during the same period of time but under two different regimes. After about 20 days behind bars, they were placed under home detention. Among them, Juan Percowicz (84) spent 18 days in prison sharing a cell with nine other prisoners, and 67 days in home detention.

Four defendants were released after 28 days of detention.

On 4 November 2022, the Court of Appeal freed all the remaining defendants from jail. In the meantime, their businesses had either been closed by the authorities or cannot function any more because of the negative media publicity. Almost all of them are now jobless.

Two judges of the Appeal Court still believed there was evidence justifying going on with the case against 17 defendants. Another judge wrote in partial dissent that the court should also have considered whether the case should not have been simply dismissed.

About the legislation

The arrested persons were accused of criminal association, human trafficking, sexual exploitation and money laundering on the basis of Law No 26.842 on Prevention and Punishment of Human Trafficking and Assistance to Victims which on 19 December 2012 amended Law No 26.364 dealing until then with this sort of issue.

Argentina does not criminalize prostitution but it criminalizes the behavior of those who economically benefit from the sexual activity of another person.

A new tougher law, adopted in 2012 under international and domestic pressures, has provisions about victims of human trafficking which are questionable and questioned by legal experts with regards to the norms of international conventions. For example, Law 26.842 puts in the category of victims prostitutes working in prostitution rings, although they deny their condition of victims, but are qualified as such, against their will, by PROTEX.

That controversial law along with its implementation was criticized by assistant prosecutor Marisa S. Tarantino in a book she published in 2021 under the title Ni víctimas ni criminales: trabajadores sexuales. Una crítica feminista a las políticas contra la trata de personas y la prostitución”/  Neither victims nor criminals: sex workers. A feminist critique of anti-trafficking and anti-prostitution policies. (Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica de Argentina).

About the case of nine BAYS female members

In the BAYS case, nine female members of the yoga school lodged a complaint against two prosecutors of PROTEX for abusing their power and naming them victims of sexual exploitation by the BAYS, which they strongly deny.

During his investigation in Argentina in March 2023, Massimo Introvigne, the aforementioned founder and managing director of CESNUR, met some of them and wrote in his report “The alleged ‘victims’ or ‘possible victims’ I met or interviewed showed no signs of having been exploited.”

Moreover, it would be ridiculous to consider this group of women as a gang of prostitutes exploited by the BAYS when you see their profile:

  • a 66-year-old social psychologist and professional singer;
  • a 62-year-old visual arts teacher and painter;
  • a 57-year-old actress, member of the 1997 world champion stage magic team;
  • a 57-year-old elementary school teacher and philosophical business coach;
  • a 50-year-old woman who was already considered a “victim” and was subjected to an expert opinion in the previous case, which proved that she was neither a victim nor exploited;
  • a 45-year-old management graduate;
  • a 43-year-old real estate agent;
  • a 41-year-old digital marketing professional;
  • a 35-year-old real estate agent, macromedia designer, and web designer.

    If there are no prostitutes, there is no case and no sexual exploitation. If it was discovered that one or more BAYS members happened to trade sex for money, it would still be necessary to prove that it was based on coercion by BAYS leaders, which the judges recognized there was not in BAYS.

The whole issue looks like a fabricated case targeting the BAYS and the judicial system should easily establish justice but will it?

According to PROTEX records, 98% of the female victims supposedly rescued by them claim not to be victims. Many of them can therefore be considered fabricated cases and there is a reason for this: Special Prosecutor’s office gets a bigger budget and more power as it prosecutes more people.

The complaint of the nine ladies has been turned down by a court of first instance and an appeal court will soon examine it. Let us wait and see.

What is the Impact of Teaching our Children All About Religion?


In a world where not all about religion is known and religious diversity is becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s important to teach children the importance of respecting all of them (and there are some good books for it). By doing so, we can promote understanding and tolerance, and help children develop a sense of empathy and compassion towards those who may have different beliefs than their own. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of teaching children respect for all religions.

Why teaching children about religious diversity is important.

Teaching children all about religion and religious diversity is important because it promotes respect and understanding for all faiths. It helps children develop empathy and compassion towards those who may have different beliefs than their own. It also helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices that can lead to discrimination and intolerance. By teaching children about different religions, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society where everyone feels valued and respected.

How to introduce religious diversity to children.

Introducing religious diversity to children can be done in a variety of ways. One way is to read books that feature characters from different religions or cultures. Another way is to attend cultural events or festivals that celebrate different religions. It’s important to approach the topic in a respectful and age-appropriate manner and to encourage children to ask questions and share their own experiences and beliefs. By creating a safe and open environment for discussion, children can learn to appreciate and respect the diversity of religious beliefs and practices.

All About Religion

I run into a quite simple yet complete book (there are others) that covers the subject quite well, and it is titled “All About Religion“, by the publishing house DK (which by the way would be good that translates it and publishes it in other languages). It answers questions such as Where did the first religion originate and what was its name? What exactly is atheism? Why do some individuals don turbans? This book provides answers to these and many other questions about religion for children who pose difficult questions.

In my view “All About Religion” is an ideal introduction to the world’s major religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Scientology, Jainism, Buddhism and more, and features a foreword by Aled Jones, a well-known radio and television personality. The book traces the history of various religions and faiths throughout the globe and simplifies difficult topics into digestible sections.

From the earliest beliefs to contemporary religious movements and spirituality, All About Religion presents the facts objectively. A child can learn about various religious texts, get familiarised with places of worship, and discover why adherents of some religions consume certain foods and don particular attire. In fact, this small book of 96 pages promotes understanding, tolerance, and respect for persons of all faiths.

I must say that, while aimed at children, this work would do good also to many experts in the fields of Freedom of Religion or Belief, and mass media, who don’t necessarily apply their expertise when it comes to movements that have been vilified by people in governments or media.

The benefits of teaching children about religious diversity.

Teaching children about religious diversity has numerous benefits. It promotes respect and understanding for all faiths, reduces prejudice and discrimination, and encourages empathy and compassion. It also helps children develop critical thinking skills and a broader perspective on the world. By learning about different religions, children can gain a better understanding of their own beliefs and values, as well as those of others. This can lead to greater tolerance and acceptance, and ultimately, a more peaceful and harmonious society.

Addressing potential challenges and misconceptions.

While teaching children about religious diversity is important, it can also present some challenges and misconceptions. Some parents and educators may worry about offending or confusing children with different beliefs, while others may fear that teaching about other religions will undermine their own faith. It’s important to address these concerns and provide clear and accurate information about different religions in a respectful and age-appropriate manner. By doing so, we can help children develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of beliefs and cultures in our world.

Encouraging open-mindedness and empathy in children.

Teaching children about religious diversity can have a profound impact on their development of open-mindedness and empathy. By exposing children to different beliefs and cultures, they can learn to appreciate and respect the differences in others. This can lead to a greater sense of empathy and understanding, which can help to reduce prejudice and discrimination. Additionally, teaching children about religious diversity can help to promote critical thinking skills and encourage them to ask questions and seek out information about different beliefs and cultures. Overall, teaching children about religious diversity is an important step in promoting a more tolerant and inclusive society.

Many EU Member States risk missing waste recycling targets