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Somalia in danger of losing hard-won gains, Security Council hears

Somalia in danger of losing hard-won gains, Security Council hears

“Whilst many challenges and risks lie ahead, there are also many opportunities, and I urge all international partners to lean in and provide additional support to the people,” said the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia Catriona Laing.

Regarding current security conditions, Ms. Laing, who also heads the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), raised concerns about terrorist attacks as well as violence, including in Laascaanood, the capital of the Sool region, long disputed between “Somaliland” and Puntland.

Clashes there between “Somaliland” forces and local Dhulbahante clan militia continued at varying levels of intensity, causing significant casualties, destruction of infrastructure and displacement of civilians, according to the UN Secretary-General’s latest report on the situation.

To date, there have been 308 civilian casualties, with 36 people killed and 272 injured, she said.

Commending efforts by all parties and the Security Council to bring about a ceasefire, she pledged UNSOM’s support towards a peaceful way forward.

Catriona Laing, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, briefs the Security Council.

Gains made

Reporting several positive political developments, she highlighted the Government’s “significant progress” in advancing key national priorities, including the electoral process, and its leadership in the fight against terrorism.

Efforts have dislodged the terrorist group from parts of the country “but, Al Shabaab remains a significant threat,” Ms. Laing cautioned, pointing to a resurgence of attacks, including the deadly incident at the Pearl Beach Hotel in early June.

“The first three months of 2023 also saw the highest number of improvised explosive device attacks since 2017,” she said.

More support needed

Ongoing stabilization activities related to Al Shabaab will require support, she said, adding that UNSOM has stepped up its response in this regard.

The challenge remains the sustainability of these gains,” she added.

Efforts to stabilize areas recovered from the terrorist group will require ongoing security, basic services, reconciliation, and long-term political and State-building processes, she said.

Outlining a three-phase transition plan, she said an overriding driver is in the security sector, which must be considered alongside plans for the possible drawdown of the UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) and the eventual handover of UNSOM to the UN Country Team.

Going forward, she outlined priorities for the rest of 2023, which include a lead role for UNSOM in galvanizing the international community’s efforts on stabilizing the country, supporting the State-building process, and resolving the conflict in Laascaanood.

Precarious living conditions

Meanwhile, the humanitarian situation remains “precarious”, she said. While the current operation against Al Shabaab has contributed to improving security, she said that from January to March, 430,000 people have been displaced by violence and 580,000 people live in areas controlled by non-State armed actors.

In addition, climate shocks are becoming more severe, and women still need appropriate representation in the political, peace, and security fields, she warned.

“Their representation needs to be codified,” she said, pointing to Somalia’s failure to fulfill its commitment to ensure a 30 per cent quota of women represented in federal elections.

Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, briefs members of the Security Council on the situation in Somalia.

Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the World Food Programme, briefs members of the Security Council on the situation in Somalia.

Food insecurity

Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP) Cindy McCain, said the violence and instability scarring the country has destroyed much of the infrastructure needed to support food production and distribution.

“Somalia was hauled back from the abyss of famine in 2022 because the international community saw the warning signs flashing red and raced to respond,” she said. “But, now we are in danger of losing the precious gains we have made since those dark days last year.”

Recalling a recent country visit, she said violence, fear, and starvation “are a daily reality there”, with mothers she spoke to recounting entire livestock herds wiped out by drought and terrorist groups recruiting children as young as 11.

Growing emergency

Since the start of 2022, conflict has triggered over one million internal displacements, and climate disasters have fuelled a further 2.1 million displacements over the past three years, she said.

The latest food security data show that food insecurity is spiralling across Somalia, with more than 6.6 million people – one third of the population – expected to face crisis or worse levels of hunger, including 40,000 people fighting for survival in famine-like conditions.

Even worse, 1.8 million children are expected to suffer acute malnutrition in 2023, she said.

Highlighting an action plan to address the serious and growing emergency, she said collective efforts must ensure safe aid deliveries, with the Security Council leading to secure unimpeded humanitarian access to all vulnerable communities in Somalia.

Breaking vicious cycles

In addition, food assistance must be matched with investments to rebuild livelihoods, strengthen resilience, and support climate adaptation programmes, she said.

She called on Member States to immediately contribute to the country’s humanitarian response plan, which is seriously underfunded. 

“At WFP, we’re being forced to cut back on our life-saving assistance programmes, just when they’re needed the most,” she said, adding that the agency had, in April, reduced assistance to 3 million from the 4.7 million people it was serving each month.

“Without an immediate cash injection, we will have to cut distribution lists again in July to just 1.8 million per month,” she said, emphasizing that with the required funding, WFP will “reverse these life-threatening cuts” and continue supporting the millions who rely on the agency for survival.

She said these “proven solutions” are the only way to finally break the vicious cycle of hunger and poverty.

“We all have to work together to find political solutions to create stability and peace in Somalia,” she said. “This is what the exhausted people of Somalia want and need, above all.”

For more details on this and other meetings occurring throughout the UN system, visit our dedicated UN Meetings Coverage page.

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One-day event in Brussels to promote women’s empowerment in sports sector


Over the last decade, women’s involvement in the sports sector has grown exponentially, but numbers point out that, in Europe, this sector still experiences no gender balance. The gender gap manifests its seriousness notably in two different directions, among others:

1. The sedentary lifestyle of female children and adolescents

Standing to the WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour

for children and adolescents, adults and older adults of March 2020, “current global estimates of physical inactivity indicate that 27.5% of adults and 81% of adolescents do not meet the existing WHO recommendations on physical activity for health” with “significant differences in the patterns of inactivity across genders”. This happens mostly among girls.

2. The lack of women in leadership positions, in particular in event management

woman in black coat sitting on chair
One-day event in Brussels to promote women's empowerment in sports sector 2

After the pandemic, the demand for women-only events has risen clearly, but sport event management is a sector still dominated by male top-level positions.

To fight against these two specific social issues, the one-day event “Women in European Sport: Participation. Empowerment. Leadership” will take place in Brussels on the 26th of June at the Centre Sportif de la Forêt de Soignes. The event is dedicated to women’s involvement in the sports sector and the opportunities of the field for equal gender participation, within the framework of twoErasmus+ projects co-funded by EU: “WISE – Women’s Involvement in Steady Exercise” and “EWSE – Empowering Women for Sports Events in Europe”.

The goals of WISE and EWSE are to close the gender gap in sports and physical activity participation in young women, prevent dropouts, increase equality in sport leadership and representation of women’s sports as a force for social change. At the same time, the EWSE project is creating a European network of women’s sports events and festivals in Europe to enhance their positive social, economic and cultural impacts on women in sports.

Both projects recognise the importance of promoting gender equality in sports, not only for women’s rights but also for society as a whole. Women in European Sport aims at presenting opportunities in which women can benefit from the results of these two projects, as well as experience different sports activities.

The organiser of the event is EPSI (European Platform for Sport Innovation). It sees the involvement of the other projects’ partners from all across Europe (ASSIST Italy, Alice Milliat Association, Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation, Irish Wheelchair Association, University “Union – Nikola Tesla”, Faculty of Sport, European Culture and Sport Organization, Kinetic Analysis, University of Valencia and SPORTLAB S.S.D.A.R.L.)

During the event, participants will learn more about the projects and their achievements and can engage in various sports activities. Explore the agenda by clicking on this link.

To attend please register on the official registration form.

Event information:

Title: Women in European Sport: Participation. Empowerment. Leadership

Date: June 26th 2023

Time: from 10:45 to 18:30

Location: Centre Sportif de la Forêt de Soignes at Waversesteenweg 2057, 1160 Oudergem, Brussels (Belgium)

For more information on “Women in European Sport” please visit the event on EPSI’s LinkedIn Page.

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